@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Python 2 code from here: https://github.com/ctz/keccak
+# Ported to python3 by the MMGen Project
+# This is the old, pre-SHA3 version of Keccak used by Ethereum, which is not supported
+# by hashlib.sha3
+from math import log
+from operator import xor
+from copy import deepcopy
+from functools import reduce
+# The Keccak-f round constants.
+RoundConstants = [
+ 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000008082, 0x800000000000808A, 0x8000000080008000,
+ 0x000000000000808B, 0x0000000080000001, 0x8000000080008081, 0x8000000000008009,
+ 0x000000000000008A, 0x0000000000000088, 0x0000000080008009, 0x000000008000000A,
+ 0x000000008000808B, 0x800000000000008B, 0x8000000000008089, 0x8000000000008003,
+ 0x8000000000008002, 0x8000000000000080, 0x000000000000800A, 0x800000008000000A,
+ 0x8000000080008081, 0x8000000000008080, 0x0000000080000001, 0x8000000080008008
+RotationConstants = [
+ [ 0, 1, 62, 28, 27, ],
+ [ 36, 44, 6, 55, 20, ],
+ [ 3, 10, 43, 25, 39, ],
+ [ 41, 45, 15, 21, 8, ],
+ [ 18, 2, 61, 56, 14, ]
+Masks = [(1 << i) - 1 for i in range(65)]
+def bits2bytes(x):
+ return (int(x) + 7) // 8
+def rol(value, left, bits):
+ """
+ Circularly rotate 'value' to the left,
+ treating it as a quantity of the given size in bits.
+ """
+ top = value >> (bits - left)
+ bot = (value & Masks[bits - left]) << left
+ return bot | top
+def ror(value, right, bits):
+ """
+ Circularly rotate 'value' to the right,
+ treating it as a quantity of the given size in bits.
+ """
+ top = value >> right
+ bot = (value & Masks[right]) << (bits - right)
+ return bot | top
+def multirate_padding(used_bytes, align_bytes):
+ """
+ The Keccak padding function.
+ """
+ padlen = align_bytes - used_bytes
+ if padlen == 0:
+ padlen = align_bytes
+ # note: padding done in 'internal bit ordering', wherein LSB is leftmost
+ if padlen == 1:
+ return [0x81]
+ else:
+ return [0x01] + ([0x00] * (padlen - 2)) + [0x80]
+def keccak_f(state):
+ """
+ This is Keccak-f permutation. It operates on and
+ mutates the passed-in KeccakState. It returns nothing.
+ """
+ def round(A, RC):
+ W, H = state.W, state.H
+ rangeW, rangeH = state.rangeW, state.rangeH
+ lanew = state.lanew
+ zero = state.zero
+ # theta
+ C = [reduce(xor, A[x]) for x in rangeW]
+ D = [0] * W
+ for x in rangeW:
+ D[x] = C[(x - 1) % W] ^ rol(C[(x + 1) % W], 1, lanew)
+ for y in rangeH:
+ A[x][y] ^= D[x]
+ # rho and pi
+ B = zero()
+ for x in rangeW:
+ for y in rangeH:
+ B[y % W][(2 * x + 3 * y) % H] = rol(A[x][y], RotationConstants[y][x], lanew)
+ # chi
+ for x in rangeW:
+ for y in rangeH:
+ A[x][y] = B[x][y] ^ ((~ B[(x + 1) % W][y]) & B[(x + 2) % W][y])
+ # iota
+ A[0][0] ^= RC
+ l = int(log(state.lanew, 2))
+ nr = 12 + 2 * l
+ for ir in range(nr):
+ round(state.s, RoundConstants[ir])
+class KeccakState(object):
+ """
+ A keccak state container.
+ The state is stored as a 5x5 table of integers.
+ """
+ W = 5
+ H = 5
+ rangeW = range(W)
+ rangeH = range(H)
+ @staticmethod
+ def zero():
+ """
+ Returns an zero state table.
+ """
+ return [[0] * KeccakState.W for x in KeccakState.rangeH]
+ @staticmethod
+ def format(st):
+ """
+ Formats the given state as hex, in natural byte order.
+ """
+ rows = []
+ def fmt(x): return '%016x' % x
+ for y in KeccakState.rangeH:
+ row = []
+ for x in rangeW:
+ row.append(fmt(st[x][y]))
+ rows.append(' '.join(row))
+ return '\n'.join(rows)
+ @staticmethod
+ def lane2bytes(s, w):
+ """
+ Converts the lane s to a sequence of byte values,
+ assuming a lane is w bits.
+ """
+ return [(s >> b) & 0xff for b in range(0, w, 8)]
+ @staticmethod
+ def bytes2lane(bb):
+ """
+ Converts a sequence of byte values to a lane.
+ """
+ r = 0
+ for b in reversed(bb):
+ r = r << 8 | b
+ return r
+ def __init__(self, bitrate, b):
+ self.bitrate = bitrate
+ self.b = b
+ # only byte-aligned
+ assert self.bitrate % 8 == 0
+ self.bitrate_bytes = bits2bytes(self.bitrate)
+ assert self.b % 25 == 0
+ self.lanew = self.b // 25
+ self.s = KeccakState.zero()
+ def __str__(self):
+ return KeccakState.format(self.s)
+ def absorb(self, bb):
+ """
+ Mixes in the given bitrate-length string to the state.
+ """
+ assert len(bb) == self.bitrate_bytes
+ bb += [0] * bits2bytes(self.b - self.bitrate)
+ i = 0
+ for y in self.rangeH:
+ for x in self.rangeW:
+ self.s[x][y] ^= KeccakState.bytes2lane(bb[i:i + 8])
+ i += 8
+ def squeeze(self):
+ """
+ Returns the bitrate-length prefix of the state to be output.
+ """
+ return self.get_bytes()[:self.bitrate_bytes]
+ def get_bytes(self):
+ """
+ Convert whole state to a byte string.
+ """
+ out = [0] * bits2bytes(self.b)
+ i = 0
+ for y in self.rangeH:
+ for x in self.rangeW:
+ v = KeccakState.lane2bytes(self.s[x][y], self.lanew)
+ out[i:i+8] = v
+ i += 8
+ return out
+ def set_bytes(self, bb):
+ """
+ Set whole state from byte string, which is assumed
+ to be the correct length.
+ """
+ i = 0
+ for y in self.rangeH:
+ for x in self.rangeW:
+ self.s[x][y] = KeccakState.bytes2lane(bb[i:i+8])
+ i += 8
+class KeccakSponge(object):
+ def __init__(self, bitrate, width, padfn, permfn):
+ self.state = KeccakState(bitrate, width)
+ self.padfn = padfn
+ self.permfn = permfn
+ self.buffer = []
+ def copy(self):
+ return deepcopy(self)
+ def absorb_block(self, bb):
+ assert len(bb) == self.state.bitrate_bytes
+ self.state.absorb(bb)
+ self.permfn(self.state)
+ def absorb(self, s):
+ self.buffer += bytes(s)
+ while len(self.buffer) >= self.state.bitrate_bytes:
+ self.absorb_block(self.buffer[:self.state.bitrate_bytes])
+ self.buffer = self.buffer[self.state.bitrate_bytes:]
+ def absorb_final(self):
+ padded = self.buffer + self.padfn(len(self.buffer), self.state.bitrate_bytes)
+ self.absorb_block(padded)
+ self.buffer = []
+ def squeeze_once(self):
+ rc = self.state.squeeze()
+ self.permfn(self.state)
+ return rc
+ def squeeze(self, l):
+ Z = self.squeeze_once()
+ while len(Z) < l:
+ Z += self.squeeze_once()
+ return Z[:l]
+class KeccakHash(object):
+ """
+ The Keccak hash function, with a hashlib-compatible interface.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, bitrate_bits, capacity_bits, output_bits):
+ # our in-absorption sponge. this is never given padding
+ assert bitrate_bits + capacity_bits in (25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600)
+ self.sponge = KeccakSponge(bitrate_bits, bitrate_bits + capacity_bits,
+ multirate_padding,
+ keccak_f)
+ # hashlib interface members
+ assert output_bits % 8 == 0
+ self.digest_size = bits2bytes(output_bits)
+ self.block_size = bits2bytes(bitrate_bits)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ inf = (self.sponge.state.bitrate,
+ self.sponge.state.b - self.sponge.state.bitrate,
+ self.digest_size * 8)
+ return '<KeccakHash with r=%d, c=%d, image=%d>' % inf
+ def copy(self):
+ return deepcopy(self)
+ def update(self, s):
+ self.sponge.absorb(s)
+ def digest(self):
+ finalised = self.sponge.copy()
+ finalised.absorb_final()
+ digest = finalised.squeeze(self.digest_size)
+ return bytes(digest)
+ def hexdigest(self):
+ return self.digest().hex()
+ @staticmethod
+ def preset(bitrate_bits, capacity_bits, output_bits):
+ """
+ Returns a factory function for the given bitrate, sponge capacity and output length.
+ The function accepts an optional initial input, ala hashlib.
+ """
+ def create(initial_input = None):
+ h = KeccakHash(bitrate_bits, capacity_bits, output_bits)
+ if initial_input is not None:
+ h.update(initial_input)
+ return h
+ return create
+# SHA3 parameter presets
+keccak_224 = KeccakHash.preset(1152, 448, 224)
+keccak_256 = KeccakHash.preset(1088, 512, 256)
+keccak_384 = KeccakHash.preset(832, 768, 384)
+keccak_512 = KeccakHash.preset(576, 1024, 512)