5.6 KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/env python3
  2. #
  3. # mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution
  4. # Copyright (C)2013-2019 The MMGen Project <>
  5. #
  6. # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  7. # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  8. # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  9. # (at your option) any later version.
  10. #
  11. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  12. # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  14. # GNU General Public License for more details.
  15. #
  16. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  17. # along with this program. If not, see <>.
  18. import sys,os,subprocess
  19. from shutil import copy2
  20. ver = sys.version_info[:2]
  21. min_ver = (3,5)
  22. if ver[0] < min_ver[0] or ver[1] < min_ver[1]:
  23. m = '{}.{}: wrong Python version. MMGen requires Python {M}.{m} or greater\n'
  24. sys.stderr.write(m.format(*ver,M=min_ver[0],m=min_ver[1]))
  25. sys.exit(1)
  26. _gvi = subprocess.check_output(['gcc','--version']).decode().splitlines()[0]
  27. have_mingw64 = 'x86_64' in _gvi and 'MinGW' in _gvi
  28. have_arm = subprocess.check_output(['uname','-m']).strip() == 'aarch64'
  29. have_msys2 = not have_mingw64 and os.getenv('MSYSTEM') == 'MINGW64'
  30. # Zipfile module under Windows (MinGW) can't handle UTF-8 filenames.
  31. # Move it so that distutils will use the 'zip' utility instead.
  32. def divert_zipfile_module():
  33. msg1 = 'Unable to divert zipfile module. UTF-8 filenames may be broken in the Python archive.'
  34. def return_warn(m):
  35. sys.stderr.write('WARNING: {}\n'.format(m))
  36. return False
  37. dirname = os.path.dirname(sys.modules['os'].__file__)
  38. if not dirname: return return_warn(msg1)
  39. stem = os.path.join(dirname,'zipfile')
  40. a,b = stem+'.py',stem+''
  41. try: os.stat(a)
  42. except: return
  43. try:
  44. sys.stderr.write('moving {} -> {}\n'.format(a,b))
  45. os.rename(a,b)
  46. except:
  47. return return_warn(msg1)
  48. else:
  49. try:
  50. os.unlink(stem+'.pyc')
  51. os.unlink(stem+'.pyo')
  52. except:
  53. pass
  54. if have_mingw64:
  55. # import zipfile
  56. # sys.exit()
  57. divert_zipfile_module()
  58. from distutils.core import setup,Extension
  59. from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext
  60. from distutils.command.install_data import install_data
  61. # install extension module in repository after building
  62. class my_build_ext(build_ext):
  63. def build_extension(self,ext):
  64. build_ext.build_extension(self,ext)
  65. ext_src = self.get_ext_fullpath(
  66. ext_dest = os.path.join('mmgen','')
  67. try: os.unlink(ext_dest)
  68. except: pass
  69. os.chmod(ext_src,0o755)
  70. print('copying {} to {}'.format(ext_src,ext_dest))
  71. copy2(ext_src,ext_dest)
  72. class my_install_data(install_data):
  73. def run(self):
  74. for f in 'mmgen.cfg','','mn_wordlist.c':
  75. os.chmod(os.path.join('data_files',f),0o644)
  77. module1 = Extension(
  78. name = 'mmgen.secp256k1',
  79. sources = ['extmod/secp256k1mod.c'],
  80. libraries = ['secp256k1'],
  81. library_dirs = ['/usr/local/lib',r'c:\msys\local\lib'],
  82. # mingw32 needs this, Linux can use it, but it breaks mingw64
  83. extra_link_args = (['-lgmp'],[])[have_mingw64],
  84. include_dirs = ['/usr/local/include',r'c:\msys\local\include'],
  85. )
  86. from mmgen.globalvars import g
  87. setup(
  88. name = 'mmgen',
  89. description = 'A complete Bitcoin offline/online wallet solution for the command line',
  90. version = g.version,
  91. author =,
  92. author_email =,
  93. url = g.proj_url,
  94. license = 'GNU GPL v3',
  95. platforms = 'Linux, MS Windows, Raspberry Pi/Raspbian, Orange Pi/Armbian',
  96. keywords = g.keywords,
  97. cmdclass = { 'build_ext': my_build_ext, 'install_data': my_install_data },
  98. ext_modules = [] if have_msys2 else [module1],
  99. data_files = [('share/mmgen', [
  100. 'data_files/mmgen.cfg', # source files must have 0644 mode
  101. 'data_files/mn_wordlist.c',
  102. 'data_files/'
  103. ]),],
  104. py_modules = [
  105. 'mmgen.__init__',
  106. 'mmgen.addr',
  107. 'mmgen.altcoin',
  108. 'mmgen.bech32',
  109. 'mmgen.color',
  110. 'mmgen.common',
  111. 'mmgen.crypto',
  112. 'mmgen.ed25519',
  113. 'mmgen.ed25519ll_djbec',
  114. 'mmgen.exception',
  115. 'mmgen.filename',
  116. 'mmgen.globalvars',
  117. 'mmgen.keccak',
  118. 'mmgen.license',
  119. 'mmgen.mn_electrum',
  120. 'mmgen.mn_tirosh',
  121. 'mmgen.obj',
  122. 'mmgen.opts',
  123. 'mmgen.protocol',
  124. 'mmgen.regtest',
  125. 'mmgen.rpc',
  126. 'mmgen.seed',
  127. 'mmgen.sha2',
  128. 'mmgen.term',
  129. 'mmgen.tool',
  130. '',
  131. 'mmgen.tx',
  132. 'mmgen.util',
  133. 'mmgen.altcoins.__init__',
  134. 'mmgen.altcoins.eth.__init__',
  135. 'mmgen.altcoins.eth.contract',
  136. 'mmgen.altcoins.eth.obj',
  137. 'mmgen.altcoins.eth.tx',
  138. '',
  139. 'mmgen.altcoins.eth.pyethereum.__init__',
  140. 'mmgen.altcoins.eth.pyethereum.transactions',
  141. 'mmgen.altcoins.eth.pyethereum.utils',
  142. 'mmgen.main',
  143. 'mmgen.main_addrgen',
  144. 'mmgen.main_addrimport',
  145. 'mmgen.main_autosign',
  146. 'mmgen.main_passgen',
  147. 'mmgen.main_regtest',
  148. 'mmgen.main_split',
  149. 'mmgen.main_tool',
  150. 'mmgen.main_txbump',
  151. 'mmgen.main_txcreate',
  152. 'mmgen.main_txdo',
  153. 'mmgen.main_txsend',
  154. 'mmgen.main_txsign',
  155. 'mmgen.main_wallet',
  156. 'mmgen.txsign',
  157. 'mmgen.share.__init__',
  158. 'mmgen.share.Opts',
  159. ],
  160. scripts = [
  161. 'cmds/mmgen-addrgen',
  162. 'cmds/mmgen-keygen',
  163. 'cmds/mmgen-passgen',
  164. 'cmds/mmgen-addrimport',
  165. 'cmds/mmgen-passchg',
  166. 'cmds/mmgen-regtest',
  167. 'cmds/mmgen-walletchk',
  168. 'cmds/mmgen-walletconv',
  169. 'cmds/mmgen-walletgen',
  170. 'cmds/mmgen-split',
  171. 'cmds/mmgen-txcreate',
  172. 'cmds/mmgen-txbump',
  173. 'cmds/mmgen-txsign',
  174. 'cmds/mmgen-txsend',
  175. 'cmds/mmgen-txdo',
  176. 'cmds/mmgen-tool',
  177. 'cmds/mmgen-autosign'
  178. ]
  179. )