@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution
+# Copyright (C)2013-2020 The MMGen Project <mmgen@tuta.io>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+cfg.py: API for the MMGen runtime configuration file and related files
+# NB: This module is used by override_from_cfg_file(), which is called before override_from_env()
+# during init, so global config vars that are set from the environment (such as g.test_suite)
+# cannot be used here.
+import sys,os,re,hashlib
+from collections import namedtuple
+from mmgen.globalvars import *
+from mmgen.util import *
+def cfg_file(id_str):
+ return CfgFile.get_cls_by_id(id_str)()
+class CfgFile(object):
+ cur_ver = 2
+ ver = None
+ write_ok = False
+ warn_missing = True
+ write_metadata = False
+ fn_base = g.proj_name.lower() + '.cfg'
+ file_not_found_fs = 'WARNING: {} not found at {!r}'
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.fn = os.path.join(self.fn_dir,self.fn_base)
+ self.data = self.get_data()
+ def get_data(self):
+ try:
+ return open(self.fn).read().splitlines()
+ except:
+ if self.warn_missing:
+ msg(self.file_not_found_fs.format(self.desc,self.fn))
+ return ''
+ def copy_data(self):
+ assert self.write_ok, 'writing to file {!r} not allowed!'.format(self.fn)
+ src = cfg_file('sys')
+ if src.data:
+ data = src.data + src.make_metadata() if self.write_metadata else src.data
+ try:
+ open(self.fn,'w').write('\n'.join(data)+'\n')
+ os.chmod(self.fn,0o600)
+ except:
+ die(2,'ERROR: unable to write to {!r}'.format(self.fn))
+ def parse_var(self,line,lineno):
+ try:
+ m = re.match(r'(\w+)(\s+(\S+)|(\s+\w+:\S+)+)$',line) # allow multiple colon-separated values
+ return (m[1], dict([i.split(':') for i in m[2].split()]) if m[4] else m[3])
+ except:
+ raise CfgFileParseError('Parse error in file {!r}, line {}'.format(self.fn,lineno))
+ def parse(self):
+ cdata = namedtuple('cfg_var',['name','value','lineno'])
+ def do_parse():
+ for n,line in enumerate(self.data,1):
+ line = strip_comments(line)
+ if line == '':
+ continue
+ yield cdata(*self.parse_var(line,n),n)
+ return do_parse()
+ @classmethod
+ def get_cls_by_id(self,id_str):
+ d = {
+ 'usr': CfgFileUsr,
+ 'sys': CfgFileSampleSys,
+ 'sample': CfgFileSampleUsr,
+ 'dist': CfgFileSampleDist,
+ }
+ return d[id_str]
+class CfgFileSample(CfgFile):
+ @classmethod
+ def cls_make_metadata(cls,data):
+ return ['# Version {} {}'.format(cls.cur_ver,cls.compute_chksum(data))]
+ @staticmethod
+ def compute_chksum(data):
+ return hashlib.new('ripemd160','\n'.join(data).encode()).hexdigest()
+ @property
+ def computed_chksum(self):
+ return type(self).compute_chksum(self.data)
+ def parse(self,parse_vars=False):
+ """
+ The config file template contains some 'magic':
+ - lines must either be empty or begin with '# '
+ - each commented chunk must end with a parsable cfg variable line
+ - chunks are delimited by one or more blank lines
+ - lines beginning with '##' are ignored
+ - everything up to first line beginning with '##' is ignored
+ - last line is metadata line of the form '# Version VER_NUM HASH'
+ """
+ cdata = namedtuple('chunk_data',['name','lines','lineno','parsed'])
+ def process_chunk(chunk,n):
+ last_line = chunk[-1].split()
+ return cdata(
+ last_line[1],
+ chunk,
+ n,
+ self.parse_var(' '.join(last_line[1:]),n) if parse_vars else None,
+ )
+ def get_chunks(lines):
+ hdr = True
+ chunk = []
+ in_chunk = False
+ for n,line in enumerate(lines,1):
+ if line.startswith('##'):
+ hdr = False
+ continue
+ if hdr:
+ continue
+ if line == '':
+ in_chunk = False
+ elif line.startswith('# '):
+ if in_chunk == False:
+ if chunk:
+ yield process_chunk(chunk,last_nonblank)
+ chunk = [line]
+ in_chunk = True
+ else:
+ chunk.append(line)
+ last_nonblank = n
+ else:
+ die(2,'parse error in file {!r}, line {}'.format(self.fn,n))
+ if chunk:
+ yield process_chunk(chunk,last_nonblank)
+ return list(get_chunks(self.data))
+class CfgFileUsr(CfgFile):
+ desc = 'user configuration file'
+ warn_missing = False
+ fn_dir = g.data_dir_root
+ write_ok = True
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ if not self.data:
+ self.copy_data()
+class CfgFileSampleDist(CfgFileSample):
+ desc = 'source distribution configuration file'
+ fn_dir = 'data_files'
+class CfgFileSampleSys(CfgFileSample):
+ desc = 'system sample configuration file'
+ test_fn_subdir = 'usr.local.share'
+ @property
+ def fn_dir(self):
+ if os.getenv('MMGEN_TEST_SUITE_CFGTEST'):
+ return os.path.join(g.data_dir_root,self.test_fn_subdir)
+ else:
+ return g.shared_data_path
+ def make_metadata(self):
+ return ['# Version {} {}'.format(self.cur_ver,self.computed_chksum)]
+class CfgFileSampleUsr(CfgFileSample):
+ desc = 'sample configuration file'
+ warn_missing = False
+ fn_base = g.proj_name.lower() + '.cfg.sample'
+ fn_dir = g.data_dir_root
+ write_ok = True
+ chksum = None
+ write_metadata = True
+ details_confirm_prompt = 'View details?'
+ out_of_date_fs = 'File {!r} is out of date - replacing'
+ altered_by_user_fs = 'File {!r} was altered by user - replacing'
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ src = cfg_file('sys')
+ if not src.data:
+ return
+ if self.data:
+ if self.parse_metadata():
+ if self.chksum == self.computed_chksum:
+ diff = self.diff(self.parse(),src.parse())
+ if not diff:
+ return
+ self.show_changes(diff)
+ else:
+ msg(self.altered_by_user_fs.format(self.fn))
+ else:
+ msg(self.out_of_date_fs.format(self.fn))
+ self.copy_data()
+ def parse_metadata(self):
+ if self.data:
+ m = re.match(r'# Version (\d+) ([a-f0-9]{40})$',self.data[-1])
+ if m:
+ self.ver = m[1]
+ self.chksum = m[2]
+ self.data = self.data[:-1] # remove metadata line
+ return True
+ def diff(self,a_tup,b_tup): # a=user, b=system
+ a = [i.name for i in a_tup]#[3:] # Debug
+ b = [i.name for i in b_tup]#[:-2] # Debug
+ removed = set(a) - set(b)
+ added = set(b) - set(a)
+ if removed or added:
+ return {
+ 'removed': [i for i in a_tup if i.name in removed],
+ 'added': [i for i in b_tup if i.name in added],
+ }
+ else:
+ return None
+ def show_changes(self,diff):
+ ymsg('Warning: configuration file options have changed!\n')
+ m1 = ' The following option{} been {}:\n {}\n'
+ m2 = """
+ The following removed option{} set in {!r}
+ and must be deleted or commented out:
+ {}
+ """
+ for desc in ('added','removed'):
+ data = diff[desc]
+ if data:
+ opts = fmt_list([i.name for i in data],fmt='bare')
+ msg(m1.format(suf(data,verb='has'),desc,opts))
+ if desc == 'removed' and data:
+ uc = cfg_file('usr')
+ usr_names = [i.name for i in uc.parse()]
+ rm_names = [i.name for i in data]
+ bad = sorted(set(usr_names).intersection(rm_names))
+ if bad:
+ ymsg(fmt(m2,' ').format(suf(bad,verb='is'),uc.fn,' '+fmt_list(bad,fmt='bare')))
+ while True:
+ if not keypress_confirm(self.details_confirm_prompt,no_nl=True):
+ return
+ def get_details():
+ for desc,data in diff.items():
+ sep,sep2 = ('\n ','\n\n ')
+ if data:
+ yield (
+ '{} section{}:'.format(capfirst(desc),suf(data))
+ + sep2
+ + sep2.join(['{}'.format(sep.join(v.lines)) for v in data])
+ )
+ do_pager(
+ + '\n\n'.join(get_details()) + '\n'
+ )