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new CfgFile API for mmgen.cfg and related files


  $ test/ cfg
The MMGen Project 5 years ago
9 changed files with 598 additions and 74 deletions
  1. 283 0
  2. 1 0
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  8. 2 0
  9. 150 0

+ 283 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution
+# Copyright (C)2013-2020 The MMGen Project <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+""" API for the MMGen runtime configuration file and related files
+# NB: This module is used by override_from_cfg_file(), which is called before override_from_env()
+# during init, so global config vars that are set from the environment (such as g.test_suite)
+# cannot be used here.
+import sys,os,re,hashlib
+from collections import namedtuple
+from mmgen.globalvars import *
+from mmgen.util import *
+def cfg_file(id_str):
+	return CfgFile.get_cls_by_id(id_str)()
+class CfgFile(object):
+	cur_ver = 2
+	ver = None
+	write_ok = False
+	warn_missing = True
+	write_metadata = False
+	fn_base = g.proj_name.lower() + '.cfg'
+	file_not_found_fs = 'WARNING: {} not found at {!r}'
+	def __init__(self):
+		self.fn = os.path.join(self.fn_dir,self.fn_base)
+ = self.get_data()
+	def get_data(self):
+		try:
+			return open(self.fn).read().splitlines()
+		except:
+			if self.warn_missing:
+				msg(self.file_not_found_fs.format(self.desc,self.fn))
+			return ''
+	def copy_data(self):
+		assert self.write_ok, 'writing to file {!r} not allowed!'.format(self.fn)
+		src = cfg_file('sys')
+		if
+			data = + src.make_metadata() if self.write_metadata else
+			try:
+				open(self.fn,'w').write('\n'.join(data)+'\n')
+				os.chmod(self.fn,0o600)
+			except:
+				die(2,'ERROR: unable to write to {!r}'.format(self.fn))
+	def parse_var(self,line,lineno):
+		try:
+			m = re.match(r'(\w+)(\s+(\S+)|(\s+\w+:\S+)+)$',line) # allow multiple colon-separated values
+			return (m[1], dict([i.split(':') for i in m[2].split()]) if m[4] else m[3])
+		except:
+			raise CfgFileParseError('Parse error in file {!r}, line {}'.format(self.fn,lineno))
+	def parse(self):
+		cdata = namedtuple('cfg_var',['name','value','lineno'])
+		def do_parse():
+			for n,line in enumerate(,1):
+				line = strip_comments(line)
+				if line == '':
+					continue
+				yield cdata(*self.parse_var(line,n),n)
+		return do_parse()
+	@classmethod
+	def get_cls_by_id(self,id_str):
+		d = {
+			'usr':    CfgFileUsr,
+			'sys':    CfgFileSampleSys,
+			'sample': CfgFileSampleUsr,
+			'dist':   CfgFileSampleDist,
+		}
+		return d[id_str]
+class CfgFileSample(CfgFile):
+	@classmethod
+	def cls_make_metadata(cls,data):
+		return ['# Version {} {}'.format(cls.cur_ver,cls.compute_chksum(data))]
+	@staticmethod
+	def compute_chksum(data):
+		return'ripemd160','\n'.join(data).encode()).hexdigest()
+	@property
+	def computed_chksum(self):
+		return type(self).compute_chksum(
+	def parse(self,parse_vars=False):
+		"""
+		The config file template contains some 'magic':
+		- lines must either be empty or begin with '# '
+		- each commented chunk must end with a parsable cfg variable line
+		- chunks are delimited by one or more blank lines
+		- lines beginning with '##' are ignored
+		- everything up to first line beginning with '##' is ignored
+		- last line is metadata line of the form '# Version VER_NUM HASH'
+		"""
+		cdata = namedtuple('chunk_data',['name','lines','lineno','parsed'])
+		def process_chunk(chunk,n):
+			last_line = chunk[-1].split()
+			return cdata(
+				last_line[1],
+				chunk,
+				n,
+				self.parse_var(' '.join(last_line[1:]),n) if parse_vars else None,
+			)
+		def get_chunks(lines):
+			hdr = True
+			chunk = []
+			in_chunk = False
+			for n,line in enumerate(lines,1):
+				if line.startswith('##'):
+					hdr = False
+					continue
+				if hdr:
+					continue
+				if line == '':
+					in_chunk = False
+				elif line.startswith('# '):
+					if in_chunk == False:
+						if chunk:
+							yield process_chunk(chunk,last_nonblank)
+						chunk = [line]
+						in_chunk = True
+					else:
+						chunk.append(line)
+					last_nonblank = n
+				else:
+					die(2,'parse error in file {!r}, line {}'.format(self.fn,n))
+			if chunk:
+				yield process_chunk(chunk,last_nonblank)
+		return list(get_chunks(
+class CfgFileUsr(CfgFile):
+	desc = 'user configuration file'
+	warn_missing = False
+	fn_dir = g.data_dir_root
+	write_ok = True
+	def __init__(self):
+		super().__init__()
+		if not
+			self.copy_data()
+class CfgFileSampleDist(CfgFileSample):
+	desc = 'source distribution configuration file'
+	fn_dir = 'data_files'
+class CfgFileSampleSys(CfgFileSample):
+	desc = 'system sample configuration file'
+	test_fn_subdir = 'usr.local.share'
+	@property
+	def fn_dir(self):
+		if os.getenv('MMGEN_TEST_SUITE_CFGTEST'):
+			return os.path.join(g.data_dir_root,self.test_fn_subdir)
+		else:
+			return g.shared_data_path
+	def make_metadata(self):
+		return ['# Version {} {}'.format(self.cur_ver,self.computed_chksum)]
+class CfgFileSampleUsr(CfgFileSample):
+	desc = 'sample configuration file'
+	warn_missing = False
+	fn_base = g.proj_name.lower() + '.cfg.sample'
+	fn_dir = g.data_dir_root
+	write_ok = True
+	chksum = None
+	write_metadata = True
+	details_confirm_prompt = 'View details?'
+	out_of_date_fs = 'File {!r} is out of date - replacing'
+	altered_by_user_fs = 'File {!r} was altered by user - replacing'
+	def __init__(self):
+		super().__init__()
+		src = cfg_file('sys')
+		if not
+			return
+		if
+			if self.parse_metadata():
+				if self.chksum == self.computed_chksum:
+					diff = self.diff(self.parse(),src.parse())
+					if not diff:
+						return
+					self.show_changes(diff)
+				else:
+					msg(self.altered_by_user_fs.format(self.fn))
+			else:
+				msg(self.out_of_date_fs.format(self.fn))
+		self.copy_data()
+	def parse_metadata(self):
+		if
+			m = re.match(r'# Version (\d+) ([a-f0-9]{40})$',[-1])
+			if m:
+				self.ver = m[1]
+				self.chksum = m[2]
+ =[:-1] # remove metadata line
+				return True
+	def diff(self,a_tup,b_tup): # a=user, b=system
+		a = [ for i in a_tup]#[3:] # Debug
+		b = [ for i in b_tup]#[:-2] # Debug
+		removed = set(a) - set(b)
+		added   = set(b) - set(a)
+		if removed or added:
+			return {
+				'removed': [i for i in a_tup if in removed],
+				'added':   [i for i in b_tup if in added],
+			}
+		else:
+			return None
+	def show_changes(self,diff):
+		ymsg('Warning: configuration file options have changed!\n')
+		m1 = '  The following option{} been {}:\n    {}\n'
+		m2 = """
+			The following removed option{} set in {!r}
+			and must be deleted or commented out:
+			{}
+		"""
+		for desc in ('added','removed'):
+			data = diff[desc]
+			if data:
+				opts = fmt_list([ for i in data],fmt='bare')
+				msg(m1.format(suf(data,verb='has'),desc,opts))
+				if desc == 'removed' and data:
+					uc = cfg_file('usr')
+					usr_names = [ for i in uc.parse()]
+					rm_names = [ for i in data]
+					bad = sorted(set(usr_names).intersection(rm_names))
+					if bad:
+						ymsg(fmt(m2,'  ').format(suf(bad,verb='is'),uc.fn,'  '+fmt_list(bad,fmt='bare')))
+		while True:
+			if not keypress_confirm(self.details_confirm_prompt,no_nl=True):
+				return
+			def get_details():
+				for desc,data in diff.items():
+					sep,sep2 = ('\n  ','\n\n  ')
+					if data:
+						yield (
+							'{} section{}:'.format(capfirst(desc),suf(data))
+							+ sep2
+							+ sep2.join(['{}'.format(sep.join(v.lines)) for v in data])
+						)
+			do_pager(
+				+ '\n\n'.join(get_details()) + '\n'
+			)

+ 1 - 0

@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ class RangeError(Exception):              mmcode = 1
 class FileNotFound(Exception):            mmcode = 1
 class FileNotFound(Exception):            mmcode = 1
 class InvalidPasswdFormat(Exception):     mmcode = 1
 class InvalidPasswdFormat(Exception):     mmcode = 1
 class CfgFileParseError(Exception):       mmcode = 1
 class CfgFileParseError(Exception):       mmcode = 1
+class UserOptError(Exception):            mmcode = 1
 # 2: yellow hl, message only
 # 2: yellow hl, message only
 class InvalidTokenAddress(Exception):     mmcode = 2
 class InvalidTokenAddress(Exception):     mmcode = 2

+ 8 - 0

@@ -131,6 +131,14 @@ class g(object):
 		die(2,'$HOME is not set!  Unable to determine home directory')
 		die(2,'$HOME is not set!  Unable to determine home directory')
+	#
+	#   Debian (Ubuntu) sys.prefix is '/usr' rather than '/usr/local, so add 'local'
+	# This must match the configuration in
+	shared_data_path = os.path.join(
+		sys.prefix,
+		*(['local','share'] if platform == 'linux' else ['share']),
+		proj_name.lower()
+	)
 	data_dir_root,data_dir,cfg_file = None,None,None
 	data_dir_root,data_dir,cfg_file = None,None,None
 	daemon_data_dir = '' # set by user or protocol
 	daemon_data_dir = '' # set by user or protocol

+ 26 - 74

@@ -76,15 +76,6 @@ def opt_postproc_debug():
 	Msg('\n=== end debug ===\n')
 	Msg('\n=== end debug ===\n')
 def opt_postproc_initializations():
 def opt_postproc_initializations():
-	from mmgen.term import set_terminal_vars
-	set_terminal_vars()
-	if g.color: # MMGEN_DISABLE_COLOR sets this to False
-		from mmgen.color import start_mscolor,init_color
-		if g.platform == 'win':
-			start_mscolor()
-		init_color(num_colors=('auto',256)[bool(g.force_256_color)])
 	g.coin = g.coin.upper() # allow user to use lowercase
 	g.coin = g.coin.upper() # allow user to use lowercase
 	g.dcoin = g.coin # the display coin; for ERC20 tokens, g.dcoin is set to the token symbol
 	g.dcoin = g.coin # the display coin; for ERC20 tokens, g.dcoin is set to the token symbol
@@ -95,85 +86,39 @@ def set_data_dir_root():
 	# mainnet and testnet share cfg file, as with Core
 	# mainnet and testnet share cfg file, as with Core
 	g.cfg_file = os.path.join(g.data_dir_root,'{}.cfg'.format(g.proj_name.lower()))
 	g.cfg_file = os.path.join(g.data_dir_root,'{}.cfg'.format(g.proj_name.lower()))
-def get_cfg_template_data():
-	#
-	#   Debian (Ubuntu) sys.prefix is '/usr' rather than '/usr/local, so add 'local'
-	# TODO - test for Windows
-	# This must match the configuration in
-	cfg_template = os.path.join(*([sys.prefix]
-				+ (['share'],['local','share'])[g.platform=='linux']
-				+ [g.proj_name.lower(),os.path.basename(g.cfg_file)]))
-	try:
-		return open(cfg_template).read()
-	except:
-		msg("WARNING: configuration template not found at '{}'".format(cfg_template))
-		return ''
-def get_data_from_cfg_file():
-	check_or_create_dir(g.data_dir_root) # dies on error
-	template_data = get_cfg_template_data()
-	data = {}
-	def copy_template_data(fn):
-		try:
-			open(fn,'wb').write(template_data.encode())
-			os.chmod(fn,0o600)
-		except:
-			die(2,"ERROR: unable to write to datadir '{}'".format(g.data_dir))
-	for k,suf in (('cfg',''),('sample','.sample')):
-		try:
-			data[k] = open(g.cfg_file+suf,'rb').read().decode()
-		except:
-			if template_data:
-				copy_template_data(g.cfg_file+suf)
-				data[k] = template_data
-			else:
-				data[k] = ''
-	if template_data and data['sample'] != template_data:
-		g.cfg_options_changed = True
-		copy_template_data(g.cfg_file+'.sample')
+def init_term_and_color():
+	from mmgen.term import set_terminal_vars
+	set_terminal_vars()
-	return data['cfg']
+	if g.color: # MMGEN_DISABLE_COLOR sets this to False
+		from mmgen.color import start_mscolor,init_color
+		if g.platform == 'win':
+			start_mscolor()
+		init_color(num_colors=('auto',256)[bool(g.force_256_color)])
-def override_globals_from_cfg_file(cfg_data):
-	import re
+def override_globals_from_cfg_file(ucfg):
 	from mmgen.protocol import CoinProtocol
 	from mmgen.protocol import CoinProtocol
-	from mmgen.util import strip_comments
-	for n,l in enumerate(cfg_data.splitlines(),1):
-		l = strip_comments(l)
-		if l == '':
-			continue
-		try:
-			m = re.match(r'(\w+)(\s+(\S+)|(\s+\w+:\S+)+)$',l) # allow multiple colon-separated values
-			name = m[1]
-			val = dict([i.split(':') for i in m[2].split()]) if m[4] else m[3]
-		except:
-			raise CfgFileParseError('Parse error in file {!r}, line {}'.format(g.cfg_file,n))
-		if name in g.cfg_file_opts:
-			ns = name.split('_')
+	for d in ucfg.parse():
+		val = d.value
+		if in g.cfg_file_opts:
+			ns ='_')
 			if ns[0] in CoinProtocol.coins:
 			if ns[0] in CoinProtocol.coins:
 				nse,tn = (ns[2:],True) if len(ns) > 2 and ns[1] == 'testnet' else (ns[1:],False)
 				nse,tn = (ns[2:],True) if len(ns) > 2 and ns[1] == 'testnet' else (ns[1:],False)
 				cls = CoinProtocol(ns[0],tn)
 				cls = CoinProtocol(ns[0],tn)
 				attr = '_'.join(nse)
 				attr = '_'.join(nse)
 				cls = g
 				cls = g
-				attr = name
+				attr =
 			refval = getattr(cls,attr)
 			refval = getattr(cls,attr)
-			if type(refval) is dict and type(val) is str: # catch single colon-separated value
+			if type(refval) is dict and type(val) is str: # hack - catch single colon-separated value
 					val = dict([val.split(':')])
 					val = dict([val.split(':')])
-					raise CfgFileParseError('Parse error in file {!r}, line {}'.format(g.cfg_file,n))
-			val_conv = set_for_type(val,refval,attr,src=g.cfg_file)
+					raise CfgFileParseError('Parse error in file {!r}, line {}'.format(ucfg.fn,d.lineno))
+			val_conv = set_for_type(val,refval,attr,src=ucfg.fn)
-			die(2,'{!r}: unrecognized option in {!r}'.format(name,g.cfg_file))
+			die(2,'{!r}: unrecognized option in {!r}, line {}'.format(,ucfg.fn,d.lineno))
 def override_globals_from_env():
 def override_globals_from_env():
 	for name in g.env_opts:
 	for name in g.env_opts:
@@ -263,8 +208,15 @@ def init(opts_data,add_opts=[],opt_filter=None,parse_only=False):
 	# cfg file is in g.data_dir_root, wallet and other data are in g.data_dir
 	# cfg file is in g.data_dir_root, wallet and other data are in g.data_dir
 	# We must set g.data_dir_root and g.cfg_file from cmdline before processing cfg file
 	# We must set g.data_dir_root and g.cfg_file from cmdline before processing cfg file
+	check_or_create_dir(g.data_dir_root)
+	init_term_and_color()
 	if not opt.skip_cfg_file:
 	if not opt.skip_cfg_file:
-		override_globals_from_cfg_file(get_data_from_cfg_file())
+		from mmgen.cfg import cfg_file
+		cfg_file('sample') # check for changes in system template file
+		override_globals_from_cfg_file(cfg_file('usr'))
 	# Set globals from opts, setting type from original global value
 	# Set globals from opts, setting type from original global value

+ 1 - 0

@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ setup(
+			'mmgen.cfg',

+ 20 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+from mmgen.util import msg
+from mmgen.common import *
+cmd_args = opts.init({'text': { 'desc': '', 'usage':'', 'options':'' }})
+from mmgen.cfg import cfg_file
+cu = cfg_file('usr')
+cS = cfg_file('sys')
+cs = cfg_file('sample')
+msg('usr cfg: {}'.format(cu.fn))
+msg('sys cfg: {}'.format(cS.fn))
+msg('sample cfg: {}'.format(cs.fn))
+if cmd_args == ['parse_test']:
+	ps = cs.parse(parse_vars=True)
+	msg('parsed chunks: {}'.format(len(ps)))
+	pu = cu.parse()
+	msg('usr cfg: {}'.format(' '.join(['{}={}'.format(,i.value) for i in pu])))

+ 107 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+# Configuration file for the MMGen suite
+# Everything following a '#' is ignored.
+## User options ##
+# Uncomment to suppress the GPL license prompt:
+# no_license true
+# Uncomment to enable quieter output:
+# quiet true
+# Uncomment to disable color output:
+# color false
+# Uncomment to force 256-color output when 'color' is true:
+# force_256_color true
+# Uncomment to use regtest mode (this also sets testnet to true):
+# regtest true
+# Uncomment to use testnet instead of mainnet:
+# testnet true
+# Set the RPC host (the host the coin daemon is running on):
+# rpc_host localhost
+# Set the RPC host's port number:
+# rpc_port 8332
+# Uncomment to override 'rpcuser' from coin daemon config file:
+# rpc_user myusername
+# Uncomment to override 'rpcpassword' from coin daemon config file:
+# rpc_password mypassword
+# Uncomment to set the coin daemon datadir:
+# daemon_data_dir /path/to/datadir
+# Set the default hash preset:
+# hash_preset 3
+# Set the default number of subseeds:
+# subseeds 100
+# Set the default number of entropy characters to get from user.
+# Must be between 10 and 80.
+# A value of 0 disables user entropy, but this is not recommended:
+# usr_randchars 30
+# Set the maximum transaction fee for BTC:
+# btc_max_tx_fee 0.003
+# Set the transaction fee adjustment factor. Auto-calculated fees are
+# multiplied by this value:
+# tx_fee_adj 1.0
+# Set the maximum transaction file size:
+# max_tx_file_size 100000
+# Set the maximum input size - applies both to files and standard input:
+# max_input_size 1048576
+# Set the mnemonic entry mode for each supported wordlist.  Setting this option
+# also turns off all information output for the configured wordlists:
+# mnemonic_entry_modes mmgen:minimal bip39:fixed xmrseed:short
+## Altcoin options ##
+# Set the maximum transaction fee for BCH:
+# bch_max_tx_fee 0.1
+# Set the maximum transaction fee for LTC:
+# ltc_max_tx_fee 0.3
+# Set the maximum transaction fee for ETH:
+# eth_max_tx_fee 0.005
+# Set the Ethereum mainnet name:
+# eth_mainnet_chain_name foundation
+# Set the Ethereum testnet name:
+# eth_testnet_chain_name kovan
+# Set the Monero wallet RPC host:
+# monero_wallet_rpc_host localhost
+# Set the Monero wallet RPC username:
+# monero_wallet_rpc_user monero
+# Set the Monero wallet RPC password to something secure:
+# monero_wallet_rpc_password passw0rd
+## The following options are probably of interest only to developers ##
+# Uncomment to display lots of debugging information:
+# debug true
+# Set the timeout for RPC connections:
+# http_timeout 60

+ 2 - 0

@@ -338,6 +338,7 @@ cfgs = { # addr_idx_lists (except 31,32,33,34) must contain exactly 8 addresses
 	'32': {},
 	'32': {},
 	'33': {},
 	'33': {},
 	'34': {},
 	'34': {},
+	'40': {},
 def fixup_cfgs():
 def fixup_cfgs():
@@ -462,6 +463,7 @@ def set_restore_term_at_exit():
 class CmdGroupMgr(object):
 class CmdGroupMgr(object):
 	cmd_groups_dfl = {
 	cmd_groups_dfl = {
+		'cfg':              ('TestSuiteCfg',{'full_data':True}),
 		'helpscreens':      ('TestSuiteHelp',{'modname':'misc','full_data':True}),
 		'helpscreens':      ('TestSuiteHelp',{'modname':'misc','full_data':True}),
 		'main':             ('TestSuiteMain',{'full_data':True}),
 		'main':             ('TestSuiteMain',{'full_data':True}),
 		'conv':             ('TestSuiteWalletConv',{'is3seed':True,'modname':'wallet'}),
 		'conv':             ('TestSuiteWalletConv',{'is3seed':True,'modname':'wallet'}),

+ 150 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution
+# Copyright (C)2013-2020 The MMGen Project <>
+# Project source code repository:
+# Licensed according to the terms of GPL Version 3.  See LICENSE for details.
+""" CfgFile tests for the MMGen test suite
+import shutil
+from test.common import *
+from test.test_py_d.ts_base import *
+from mmgen.cfg import *
+class TestSuiteCfg(TestSuiteBase):
+	'CfgFile API'
+	networks = ('btc',)
+	tmpdir_nums = [40]
+	base_passthru_opts = ()
+	cmd_group = (
+		('nosysfile',          (40,'init with missing system cfg sample file', [])),
+		('sysfile',            (40,'init with system cfg sample file in place', [])),
+		('no_metadata_sample', (40,'init with unversioned cfg sample file', [])),
+		('altered_sample',     (40,'init with user-modified cfg sample file', [])),
+		('old_sample',         (40,'init with old v2 cfg sample file', [])),
+		('old_sample_bad_var', (40,'init with old v2 cfg sample file and bad variable in mmgen.cfg', [])),
+	)
+	def __init__(self,trunner,cfgs,spawn):
+		os.environ['MMGEN_TEST_SUITE_CFGTEST'] = '1'
+		TestSuiteBase.__init__(self,trunner,cfgs,spawn)
+	def spawn_test(self,args=[]):
+		return self.spawn('test/misc/',['--data-dir={}'.format(self.path('data_dir'))]+args,cmd_dir='.')
+	def path(self,id_str):
+		return {
+			'ref':         'test/ref/mmgen.cfg',
+			'data_dir':    '{}/data_dir'.format(self.tmpdir),
+			'shared_data': '{}/data_dir/{}'.format(self.tmpdir,CfgFileSampleSys.test_fn_subdir),
+			'usr':         '{}/data_dir/mmgen.cfg'.format(self.tmpdir),
+			'sys':         '{}/data_dir/{}/mmgen.cfg'.format(self.tmpdir,CfgFileSampleSys.test_fn_subdir),
+			'sample':      '{}/data_dir/mmgen.cfg.sample'.format(self.tmpdir),
+		}[id_str]
+	def nosysfile(self):
+		t = self.spawn_test()
+		errstr = CfgFile.file_not_found_fs.format(CfgFileSampleSys.desc,self.path('shared_data')+'/mmgen.cfg')
+		for i in (1,2,3,4,5):
+			t.expect(errstr)
+		for k in ('usr','sys','sample'):
+			t.expect('{} cfg: {}'.format(k,self.path(k)))
+			assert not os.path.exists(self.path(k)), self.path(k)
+		return t
+	def copy_sys_sample(self):
+		os.makedirs(self.path('shared_data'),exist_ok=True)
+		shutil.copy2(self.path('ref'),self.path('sys'))
+	def sysfile(self):
+		self.copy_sys_sample()
+		t = self.spawn_test()
+		u = read_from_file(self.path('usr'))
+		S = read_from_file(self.path('sys'))
+		assert u[-1] == '\n', u
+		assert u == S, 'u != S'
+		self.check_replaced_sample()
+		return t
+	def check_replaced_sample(self):
+		S = read_from_file(self.path('sys'))
+		s = read_from_file(self.path('sample'))
+		assert s[-1] == '\n', s
+		assert S.splitlines() == s.splitlines()[:-1], 'sys != sample[:-1]'
+	def bad_sample(self,s,e):
+		write_to_file(self.path('sample'),s)
+		t = self.spawn_test()
+		t.expect(e)
+		self.check_replaced_sample()
+		return t
+	def no_metadata_sample(self):
+		self.copy_sys_sample()
+		s = read_from_file(self.path('sys'))
+		e = CfgFileSampleUsr.out_of_date_fs.format(self.path('sample'))
+		return self.bad_sample(s,e)
+	def altered_sample(self):
+		s = '\n'.join(read_from_file(self.path('sample')).splitlines()[1:]) + '\n'
+		e = CfgFileSampleUsr.altered_by_user_fs.format(self.path('sample'))
+		return self.bad_sample(s,e)
+	def old_sample_common(self,old_set=False,args=[]):
+		s = read_from_file(self.path('sys'))
+		d = s.replace('monero_','zcash_').splitlines()
+		a1 = ['','# Uncomment to make foo true:','# foo true']
+		a2 = ['','# Uncomment to make bar false:','# bar false']
+		d = d + a1 + a2
+		chk = CfgFileSample.cls_make_metadata(d)
+		write_to_file(self.path('sample'),'\n'.join(d+chk) + '\n')
+		t = self.spawn_test(args=args)
+		t.expect('options have changed')
+		for s in ('have been added','monero_','have been removed','zcash_','foo','bar'):
+			t.expect(s)
+		if old_set:
+			for s in ('must be deleted','bar','foo'):
+				t.expect(s)
+		cp = CfgFileSampleUsr.details_confirm_prompt + ' (y/N): '
+		t.expect(cp,'y')
+		for s in ('CHANGES','Removed','# zcash_','# foo','# bar','Added','# monero_'):
+			t.expect(s)
+		t.expect(cp,'n')
+		if old_set:
+			t.expect('unrecognized option')
+			t.req_exit_val = 2
+		if args == ['parse_test']:
+			t.expect('parsed chunks: 29')
+			t.expect('usr cfg: testnet=true rpc_password=passwOrd')
+		if not old_set:
+			self.check_replaced_sample()
+		return t
+	def old_sample(self):
+		d = ['testnet true','rpc_password passwOrd']
+		write_to_file(self.path('usr'),'\n'.join(d) + '\n')
+		return self.old_sample_common(args=['parse_test'])
+	def old_sample_bad_var(self):
+		d = ['foo true','bar false']
+		write_to_file(self.path('usr'),'\n'.join(d) + '\n')
+		return self.old_sample_common(old_set=True)