@@ -206,6 +206,18 @@ class Seed(SeedBase):
def subseed_by_seed_id(self,sid,last_idx=None,print_msg=False):
return self.subseeds.get_subseed_by_seed_id(sid,last_idx=last_idx,print_msg=print_msg)
+ def splitlist(self,count,id_str=None):
+ return SeedSplitList(self,count,id_str)
+ @staticmethod
+ def join_splits(seed_list): # seed_list must be a generator
+ seed1 = next(seed_list)
+ length = seed1.length
+ ret = int(seed1.data.hex(),16)
+ for ss in seed_list:
+ assert ss.length == length,'Seed length mismatch! {} != {}'.format(ss.length,length)
+ ret ^= int(ss.data.hex(),16)
+ return Seed(seed_bin=ret.to_bytes(length // 8,'big'))
class SubSeed(SeedBase):
@@ -231,6 +243,109 @@ class SubSeed(SeedBase):
byte_len = 16 if short else seed.length // 8
return scramble_seed(seed.data,scramble_key,g.scramble_hash_rounds)[:byte_len]
+class SeedSplitList(SubSeedList):
+ have_short = False
+ split_type = 'N-of-N'
+ id_str = 'default'
+ count = MMGenImmutableAttr('count',int,typeconv=False)
+ def __init__(self,parent_seed,count,id_str=None):
+ self.member_type = SeedSplit
+ self.parent_seed = parent_seed
+ self.id_str = MMGenSeedSplitIDString(id_str if id_str is not None else type(self).id_str)
+ assert issubclass(type(count),int) and count > 1,(
+ "{!r}: illegal value for 'count' (not a positive integer greater than one)".format(count))
+ assert count <= g.max_seed_splits,(
+ "{!r}: illegal value for 'count' (> {})".format(count,g.max_seed_splits))
+ self.count = count
+ while True:
+ self.data = { 'long': IndexedDict(), 'short': IndexedDict() }
+ self._generate(count-1)
+ self.last_seed = SeedSplitLast(self)
+ sid = self.last_seed.sid
+ if sid in self.data['long'] or sid == parent_seed.sid:
+ # collision: throw out entire split list and redo with new start nonce
+ if g.debug_subseed:
+ self._collision_debug_msg(sid,count,self.nonce_start,nonce_desc='nonce_start')
+ self.nonce_start += 1
+ else:
+ self.data['long'][sid] = (self.count,self.nonce_start)
+ break
+ if g.debug_subseed:
+ A = parent_seed.data
+ B = self.join().data
+ assert A == B,'Data mismatch!\noriginal seed: {!r}\nrejoined seed: {!r}'.format(A,B)
+ def get_split_by_idx(self,idx,print_msg=False):
+ if idx == self.count:
+ return self.last_seed # TODO: msg?
+ else:
+ ss_idx = SubSeedIdx(str(idx) + 'L')
+ return self.get_subseed_by_ss_idx(ss_idx,print_msg=print_msg)
+ def get_split_by_seed_id(self,sid,last_idx=None,print_msg=False):
+ if sid == self.data['long'].key(self.count-1):
+ return self.last_seed # TODO: msg?
+ else:
+ return self.get_subseed_by_seed_id(sid,last_idx=last_idx,print_msg=print_msg)
+ def join(self):
+ return Seed.join_splits(self.get_split_by_idx(i+1) for i in range(len(self)))
+ def format(self):
+ fs1 = ' {}\n'
+ fs2 = '{i:>5}: {}\n'
+ hdr = ' {} {} ({} bits)\n'.format('Seed:',self.parent_seed.sid.hl(),self.parent_seed.length)
+ assert self.split_type == 'N-of-N'
+ hdr += ' {} {c}-of-{c} (XOR)\n'.format('Split Type:',c=self.count)
+ hdr += ' {} {}\n\n'.format('ID String:',self.id_str.hl())
+ hdr += fs1.format('Splits')
+ hdr += fs1.format('------')
+ sl = self.data['long'].keys
+ body = (fs2.format(sl[n],i=n+1) for n in range(len(self)))
+ return hdr + ''.join(body)
+class SeedSplit(SubSeed):
+ @staticmethod
+ def make_subseed_bin(parent_list,idx:int,nonce:int,length:str):
+ seed = parent_list.parent_seed
+ assert parent_list.have_short == False
+ assert length == 'long'
+ # field maximums: id_str: none (256 chars), count: 65535 (1024), idx: 65535 (1024), nonce: 65535 (1000)
+ scramble_key = '{}:{}:'.format(parent_list.split_type,parent_list.id_str).encode() + \
+ parent_list.count.to_bytes(2,'big',signed=False) + \
+ idx.to_bytes(2,'big',signed=False) + \
+ nonce.to_bytes(2,'big',signed=False)
+ byte_len = seed.length // 8
+ return scramble_seed(seed.data,scramble_key,g.scramble_hash_rounds)[:byte_len]
+class SeedSplitLast(SubSeed):
+ def __init__(self,parent_list):
+ self.idx = parent_list.count
+ self.nonce = 0
+ self.ss_idx = SubSeedIdx(str(self.idx) + 'L')
+ SeedBase.__init__(self,seed_bin=self.make_subseed_bin(parent_list))
+ @staticmethod
+ def make_subseed_bin(parent_list):
+ seed_list = (parent_list.get_subseed_by_ss_idx(str(i+1)+'L') for i in range(len(parent_list)))
+ seed = parent_list.parent_seed
+ ret = int(seed.data.hex(),16)
+ for ss in seed_list:
+ ret ^= int(ss.data.hex(),16)
+ return ret.to_bytes(seed.length // 8,'big')
class SeedSource(MMGenObject):
desc = g.proj_name + ' seed source'