@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ class SeedBase(MMGenObject):
class SubSeedList(MMGenObject):
have_short = True
+ nonce_start = 0
def __init__(self,parent_seed):
self.member_type = SubSeed
@@ -75,11 +76,6 @@ class SubSeedList(MMGenObject):
def __len__(self):
return len(self.data['long'])
- def get_params_by_ss_idx(self,ss_idx):
- sid = self.data[ss_idx.type].key(ss_idx.idx-1)
- idx,nonce = self.data[ss_idx.type][sid]
- return (sid,idx,nonce)
def get_subseed_by_ss_idx(self,ss_idx_in,print_msg=False):
ss_idx = SubSeedIdx(ss_idx_in)
if print_msg:
@@ -92,21 +88,27 @@ class SubSeedList(MMGenObject):
if ss_idx.idx > len(self):
- sid,idx,nonce = self.get_params_by_ss_idx(ss_idx)
+ sid = self.data[ss_idx.type].key(ss_idx.idx-1)
+ idx,nonce = self.data[ss_idx.type][sid]
+ if idx != ss_idx.idx:
+ m = "{} != {}: self.data[{t!r}].key(i) does not match self.data[{t!r}][i]!"
+ die(3,m.format(idx,ss_idx.idx,t=ss_idx.type))
if print_msg:
msg('\b\b\b => {}'.format(SeedID.hlc(sid)))
- assert idx == ss_idx.idx, "{} != {}: subseed list idx does not match subseed idx!".format(idx,ss_idx.idx)
- return self.member_type(self,idx,nonce,length=ss_idx.type)
- def get_existing_subseed_by_seed_id(self,sid):
- for k in ('long','short') if self.have_short else ('long',):
- if sid in self.data[k]:
- idx,nonce = self.data[k][sid]
- return self.member_type(self,idx,nonce,length=k)
+ seed = self.member_type(self,idx,nonce,length=ss_idx.type)
+ assert seed.sid == sid,'{} != {}: Seed ID mismatch!'.format(seed.sid,sid)
+ return seed
def get_subseed_by_seed_id(self,sid,last_idx=None,print_msg=False):
+ def get_existing_subseed_by_seed_id(sid):
+ for k in ('long','short') if self.have_short else ('long',):
+ if sid in self.data[k]:
+ idx,nonce = self.data[k][sid]
+ return self.member_type(self,idx,nonce,length=k)
def do_msg(subseed):
if print_msg:
qmsg('{} {} ({}:{})'.format(
@@ -119,7 +121,7 @@ class SubSeedList(MMGenObject):
if last_idx == None:
last_idx = g.subseeds
- subseed = self.get_existing_subseed_by_seed_id(sid)
+ subseed = get_existing_subseed_by_seed_id(sid)
if subseed:
return subseed
@@ -129,11 +131,20 @@ class SubSeedList(MMGenObject):
- subseed = self.get_existing_subseed_by_seed_id(sid)
+ subseed = get_existing_subseed_by_seed_id(sid)
if subseed:
return subseed
+ def _collision_debug_msg(self,sid,idx,nonce,nonce_desc='nonce'):
+ slen = 'short' if sid in self.data['short'] else 'long'
+ m1 = 'add_subseed(idx={},{}):'.format(idx,slen)
+ if sid == self.parent_seed.sid:
+ m2 = 'collision with parent Seed ID {},'.format(sid)
+ else:
+ m2 = 'collision with ID {} (idx={},{}),'.format(sid,self.data[slen][sid][0],slen)
+ msg('{:30} {:46} incrementing {} to {}'.format(m1,m2,nonce_desc,nonce+1))
def _generate(self,last_idx=None,last_sid=None):
if last_idx == None:
@@ -148,19 +159,13 @@ class SubSeedList(MMGenObject):
last_sid = SeedID(sid=last_sid)
def add_subseed(idx,length):
- for nonce in range(self.member_type.max_nonce): # use nonce to handle Seed ID collisions
+ for nonce in range(self.nonce_start,self.member_type.max_nonce): # use nonce to handle SeedID collisions
sid = make_chksum_8(self.member_type.make_subseed_bin(self,idx,nonce,length))
if not (sid in self.data['long'] or sid in self.data['short'] or sid == self.parent_seed.sid):
self.data[length][sid] = (idx,nonce)
return last_sid == sid
elif g.debug_subseed: # should get ≈450 collisions for first 1,000,000 subseeds
- k = ('long','short')[sid in self.data['short']]
- m1 = 'add_subseed(idx={},{}):'.format(idx,length)
- if sid == self.parent_seed.sid:
- m2 = 'collision with parent Seed ID {},'.format(sid)
- else:
- m2 = 'collision with ID {} (idx={},{}),'.format(sid,self.data[k][sid][0],k)
- msg('{:30} {:46} incrementing nonce to {}'.format(m1,m2,nonce+1))
+ self._collision_debug_msg(sid,idx,nonce)
else: # must exit here, as this could leave self.data in inconsistent state
raise SubSeedNonceRangeExceeded('add_subseed(): nonce range exceeded')
@@ -213,13 +218,13 @@ class SubSeed(SeedBase):
self.idx = idx
self.nonce = nonce
self.ss_idx = SubSeedIdx(str(idx) + { 'long': 'L', 'short': 'S' }[length])
- SeedBase.__init__(self,seed_bin=SubSeed.make_subseed_bin(parent_list,idx,nonce,length))
+ SeedBase.__init__(self,seed_bin=type(self).make_subseed_bin(parent_list,idx,nonce,length))
def make_subseed_bin(parent_list,idx:int,nonce:int,length:str):
seed = parent_list.parent_seed
short = { 'short': True, 'long': False }[length]
- # field maximums: idx: 4294967295, nonce: 65535, short (bool): 255
+ # field maximums: idx: 4294967295 (1000000), nonce: 65535 (1000), short: 255 (1)
scramble_key = idx.to_bytes(4,'big',signed=False) + \
nonce.to_bytes(2,'big',signed=False) + \
@@ -438,11 +443,11 @@ an empty passphrase, just hit ENTER twice.
while True:
ret = my_raw_input(p)
if ret:
- if ret in g.hash_presets.keys():
+ if ret in g.hash_presets:
self.ssdata.hash_preset = ret
return ret
- msg('Invalid input. Valid choices are {}'.format(', '.join(sorted(g.hash_presets.keys()))))
+ msg('Invalid input. Valid choices are {}'.format(', '.join(g.hash_presets)))
self.ssdata.hash_preset = hp
return hp