@@ -28,9 +28,6 @@ from .color import *
from .globalvars import g
from .opts import opt
-CUR_HIDE = '\033[?25l'
-CUR_SHOW = '\033[?25h'
if g.platform == 'win':
def msg_r(s):
@@ -38,83 +35,122 @@ if g.platform == 'win':
+ def msg(s):
+ msg_r(s + '\n')
def Msg_r(s):
- def msg(s): msg_r(s + '\n')
- def Msg(s): Msg_r(s + '\n')
+ def Msg(s):
+ Msg_r(s + '\n')
+ def msg(s):
+ g.stderr.write(s + '\n')
def msg_r(s):
+ def Msg(s):
+ g.stdout.write(s + '\n')
def Msg_r(s):
- def msg(s): g.stderr.write(s + '\n')
- def Msg(s): g.stdout.write(s + '\n')
-def msgred(s): msg(red(s))
-def rmsg(s): msg(red(s))
-def rmsg_r(s): msg_r(red(s))
-def ymsg(s): msg(yellow(s))
-def ymsg_r(s): msg_r(yellow(s))
-def gmsg(s): msg(green(s))
-def gmsg_r(s): msg_r(green(s))
-def bmsg(s): msg(blue(s))
-def bmsg_r(s): msg_r(blue(s))
-def qmsg(s,alt=None):
- if opt.quiet:
- if alt != None: msg(alt)
- else: msg(s)
-def qmsg_r(s,alt=None):
- if opt.quiet:
- if alt != None: msg_r(alt)
- else: msg_r(s)
+def rmsg(s):
+ msg(red(s))
+def ymsg(s):
+ msg(yellow(s))
+def gmsg(s):
+ msg(green(s))
+def gmsg_r(s):
+ msg_r(green(s))
+def bmsg(s):
+ msg(blue(s))
+def qmsg(s):
+ if not opt.quiet:
+ msg(s)
+def qmsg_r(s):
+ if not opt.quiet:
+ msg_r(s)
def vmsg(s,force=False):
- if opt.verbose or force: msg(s)
+ if opt.verbose or force:
+ msg(s)
def vmsg_r(s,force=False):
- if opt.verbose or force: msg_r(s)
+ if opt.verbose or force:
+ msg_r(s)
def Vmsg(s,force=False):
- if opt.verbose or force: Msg(s)
+ if opt.verbose or force:
+ Msg(s)
def Vmsg_r(s,force=False):
- if opt.verbose or force: Msg_r(s)
+ if opt.verbose or force:
+ Msg_r(s)
def dmsg(s):
- if opt.debug: msg(s)
+ if opt.debug:
+ msg(s)
def mmsg(*args):
- for d in args: Msg(repr(d))
+ for d in args:
+ Msg(repr(d))
def mdie(*args):
- mmsg(*args); sys.exit(0)
+ mmsg(*args)
+ sys.exit(0)
+def die(ev=0,s=''):
+ assert isinstance(ev,int)
+ if s:
+ msg(s)
+ sys.exit(ev)
def die_wait(delay,ev=0,s=''):
assert isinstance(delay,int)
assert isinstance(ev,int)
- if s: msg(s)
+ if s:
+ msg(s)
def die_pause(ev=0,s=''):
assert isinstance(ev,int)
- if s: msg(s)
+ if s:
+ msg(s)
input('Press ENTER to exit')
-def die(ev=0,s=''):
- assert isinstance(ev,int)
- if s: msg(s)
- sys.exit(ev)
def Die(ev=0,s=''):
assert isinstance(ev,int)
- if s: Msg(s)
+ if s:
+ Msg(s)
-def rdie(ev=0,s=''): die(ev,red(s))
-def ydie(ev=0,s=''): die(ev,yellow(s))
+def rdie(ev=0,s=''):
+ die(ev,red(s))
+def ydie(ev=0,s=''):
+ die(ev,yellow(s))
def pp_fmt(d):
import pprint
return pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4,compact=False).pformat(d)
def pp_msg(d):
@@ -291,8 +327,10 @@ def remove_extension(fn,ext):
return a if b[1:] == ext else fn
def make_chksum_N(s,nchars,sep=False):
- if isinstance(s,str): s = s.encode()
- if nchars%4 or not (4 <= nchars <= 64): return False
+ if isinstance(s,str):
+ s = s.encode()
+ if nchars%4 or not (4 <= nchars <= 64):
+ return False
s = sha256(sha256(s).digest()).hexdigest().upper()
sep = ('',' ')[bool(sep)]
return sep.join([s[i*4:i*4+4] for i in range(nchars//4)])
@@ -303,17 +341,25 @@ def make_chksum_8(s,sep=False):
return '{} {}'.format(s[:4],s[4:]) if sep else s
def make_chksum_6(s):
from .obj import HexStr
- if isinstance(s,str): s = s.encode()
+ if isinstance(s,str):
+ s = s.encode()
return HexStr(sha256(s).hexdigest()[:6])
-def is_chksum_6(s): return len(s) == 6 and is_hex_str_lc(s)
-def make_iv_chksum(s): return sha256(s).hexdigest()[:8].upper()
+def is_chksum_6(s):
+ return len(s) == 6 and is_hex_str_lc(s)
+def make_iv_chksum(s):
+ return sha256(s).hexdigest()[:8].upper()
-def splitN(s,n,sep=None): # always return an n-element list
+def splitN(s,n,sep=None): # always return an n-element list
ret = s.split(sep,n-1)
return ret + ['' for i in range(n-len(ret))]
-def split2(s,sep=None): return splitN(s,2,sep) # always return a 2-element list
-def split3(s,sep=None): return splitN(s,3,sep) # always return a 3-element list
+def split2(s,sep=None):
+ return splitN(s,2,sep) # always return a 2-element list
+def split3(s,sep=None):
+ return splitN(s,3,sep) # always return a 3-element list
def split_into_cols(col_wid,s):
return ' '.join([s[col_wid*i:col_wid*(i+1)] for i in range(len(s)//col_wid+1)]).rstrip()
@@ -412,10 +458,11 @@ def decode_pretty_hexdump(data):
return False
def strip_comment(line):
- return re.sub(r'\s+$','',re.sub(r'#.*','',line))
+ return re.sub('#.*','',line).rstrip()
def strip_comments(lines):
- return [m for m in [strip_comment(l) for l in lines] if m != '']
+ pat = re.compile('#.*')
+ return [m for m in [pat.sub('',l).rstrip() for l in lines] if m != '']
def compare_chksums(chk1,desc1,chk2,desc2,hdr='',die_on_fail=False,verbose=False):