@@ -23,10 +23,8 @@ protocol.py: Coin protocol functions, classes and methods
import sys,os,hashlib
from collections import namedtuple
-from .util import msg,ymsg,Msg,ydie
from .devtools import *
from .globalvars import g
-import mmgen.bech32 as bech32
from .amt import BTCAmt,LTCAmt,BCHAmt,XMRAmt,ETHAmt
parsed_wif = namedtuple('parsed_wif',['sec','pubkey_type','compressed'])
@@ -193,6 +191,7 @@ class CoinProtocol(MMGenObject):
if 0 < int.from_bytes(sec,'big') < self.secp256k1_ge:
return sec
else: # chance of this is less than 1 in 2^127
+ from .util import ydie
pk = int.from_bytes(sec,'big')
if pk == 0: # chance of this is 1 in 2^256
ydie(3,'Private key is zero!')
@@ -200,6 +199,7 @@ class CoinProtocol(MMGenObject):
ydie(3,'Private key == secp256k1_ge!')
if not g.test_suite:
+ from .util import ymsg
ymsg(f'Warning: private key is greater than secp256k1 group order!:\n {hexpriv}')
return (pk % self.secp256k1_ge).to_bytes(self.privkey_len,'big')
@@ -274,9 +274,11 @@ class CoinProtocol(MMGenObject):
def parse_addr(self,addr):
if 'B' in self.mmtypes and addr[:len(self.bech32_hrp)] == self.bech32_hrp:
+ import mmgen.bech32 as bech32
ret = bech32.decode(self.bech32_hrp,addr)
if ret[0] != self.witness_vernum:
+ from .util import msg
msg(f'{ret[0]}: Invalid witness version number')
return False
@@ -303,6 +305,7 @@ class CoinProtocol(MMGenObject):
def pubhash2bech32addr(self,pubhash):
d = list(pubhash)
+ import mmgen.bech32 as bech32
return bech32.bech32_encode(self.bech32_hrp,[self.witness_vernum]+bech32.convertbits(d,8,5))
class BitcoinTestnet(Bitcoin):
@@ -415,6 +418,7 @@ class CoinProtocol(MMGenObject):
if is_hex_str_lc(addr) and len(addr) == self.addr_len * 2:
return parsed_addr( bytes.fromhex(addr), 'ethereum' )
if g.debug:
+ from .util import Msg
Msg(f'Invalid address: {addr}')
return False
@@ -509,7 +513,7 @@ class CoinProtocol(MMGenObject):
def parse_addr(self,addr):
- from .baseconv import baseconv,is_b58_str
+ from .baseconv import baseconv
def b58dec(addr_str):
bc = baseconv('b58')
@@ -576,20 +580,21 @@ def init_genonly_altcoins(usr_coin=None,testnet=False):
If usr_coin is None, initializes all coins for current network with trust level >-1.
Returns trust_level of usr_coin, or 0 (untrusted) if usr_coin is None.
- from .altcoin import CoinInfo as ci
data = { 'mainnet': (), 'testnet': () }
networks = ['mainnet'] + (['testnet'] if testnet else [])
network = 'testnet' if testnet else 'mainnet'
if usr_coin == None:
+ from .altcoin import CoinInfo
for network in networks:
- data[network] = ci.get_supported_coins(network)
+ data[network] = CoinInfo.get_supported_coins(network)
trust_level = 0
if usr_coin.lower() in CoinProtocol.core_coins: # core coin, so return immediately
return CoinProtocol.coins[usr_coin.lower()].trust_level
+ from .altcoin import CoinInfo
for network in networks:
- data[network] = (ci.get_entry(usr_coin,network),)
+ data[network] = (CoinInfo.get_entry(usr_coin,network),)
cinfo = data[network][0]
if not cinfo: