@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution
+# Copyright (C) 2013-2014 by philemon <mmgen-py@yandex.com>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+tool.py: Routines and data for the mmgen-tool utility
+import sys
+import mmgen.bitcoin as bitcoin
+from mmgen.util import *
+commands = {
+# "keyconv_compare": ['wif [str]'],
+# "keyconv_compare_randloop": ['iterations [int]'],
+# "hextob58_pad": ['hexnum [str]],
+# "b58tohex_pad": ['b58num [str]'],
+# "hextob58_pad_randloop": ['iterations [int]'],
+# "test_wiftohex": ['wif [str]'],
+# "hextosha256": ['hexnum [str]'],
+# "hextowiftopubkey": ['hexnum [str]'],
+# "pubhextoaddr": ['hexnum [str]'],
+# "hextowif_comp": ['hexnum [str]'],
+# "wiftohex_comp": ['wif [str]'],
+# "privhextoaddr_comp": ['hexnum [str]'],
+# "wiftoaddr_comp": ['wif [str]'],
+ "strtob58": ['<string> [str]'],
+ "hextob58": ['<hex number> [str]'],
+ "b58tohex": ['<b58 number> [str]'],
+ "b58randenc": [],
+ "randwif": ['compressed [bool=False]'],
+ "randpair": ['compressed [bool=False]'],
+ "wif2addr": ['<wif> [str]', 'compressed [bool=False]'],
+ "hexdump": ['<infile> [str]', 'cols [int=8]', 'line_nums [bool=True]'],
+ "unhexdump": ['<infile> [str]'],
+ "mn_rand128": ['wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
+ "mn_rand192": ['wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
+ "mn_rand256": ['wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
+ "mn_stats": ['wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
+ "mn_printlist": ['wordlist [str="electrum"]']
+command_help = """
+General operations:
+hexdump - encode binary data in formatted hexadecimal form
+unhexdump - decode formatted hexadecimal data
+Bitcoin operations:
+strtob58 - convert a string to base 58
+hextob58 - convert a hexadecimal number to base 58
+b58tohex - convert a base 58 number to hexadecimal
+b58randenc - generate a random 32-byte number and convert it to base 58
+randwif - generate a random private key in WIF format
+randpair - generate a random private key/address pair
+wif2addr - generate a Bitcoin address from a key in WIF format
+Mnemonic operations (choose "electrum" (default), "tirosh" or "all" wordlists):
+mn_rand128 - generate random 128-bit mnemonic
+mn_rand192 - generate random 192-bit mnemonic
+mn_rand256 - generate random 256-bit mnemonic
+mn_stats - show stats for mnemonic wordlist
+mn_printlist - print mnemonic wordlist
+IMPORTANT NOTE: Though MMGen mnemonics use the Electrum wordlist, they're
+computed using a different algorithm and are NOT Electrum-compatible!
+def tool_usage(prog_name, command):
+ print "USAGE: '%s %s%s'" % (prog_name, command,
+ (" "+" ".join(commands[command]) if commands[command] else ""))
+def process_args(prog_name, command, uargs):
+ cargs = commands[command]
+ cargs_req = [[i.split(" [")[0],i.split(" [")[1][:-1]]
+ for i in cargs if "=" not in i]
+ cargs_nam = dict([[
+ i.split(" [")[0],
+ [i.split(" [")[1].split("=")[0], i.split(" [")[1].split("=")[1][:-1]]
+ ] for i in cargs if "=" in i])
+ uargs_req = [i for i in uargs if "=" not in i]
+ uargs_nam = dict([i.split("=") for i in uargs if "=" in i])
+# print cargs_req; print cargs_nam; print uargs_req; print uargs_nam; sys.exit()
+ n = len(cargs_req)
+ if len(uargs_req) != n:
+ print "ERROR: %s argument%s required" % (n, " is" if n==1 else "s are")
+ tool_usage(prog_name, command)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ for a in uargs_nam.keys():
+ if a not in cargs_nam.keys():
+ print "'%s' invalid named argument" % a
+ sys.exit(1)
+ def test_type(arg_type,arg,name=""):
+ try:
+ t = type(eval(arg))
+ assert(t == eval(arg_type))
+ except:
+ print "'%s': Invalid argument for argument %s ('%s' required)" % \
+ (arg, name, arg_type)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return True
+ ret = []
+ for i in range(len(cargs_req)):
+ arg,arg_type = uargs_req[i], cargs_req[i][1]
+ if arg == "true" or arg == "false": arg = arg.capitalize()
+ if arg_type == "str":
+ ret.append('"%s"' % (arg))
+ elif test_type(arg_type, arg, "#"+str(i+1)):
+ ret.append('%s' % (arg))
+ for k in uargs_nam.keys():
+ arg,arg_type = uargs_nam[k], cargs_nam[k][0]
+ if arg == "true" or arg == "false": arg = arg.capitalize()
+ if arg_type == "str":
+ ret.append('%s="%s"' % (k, arg))
+ elif test_type(arg_type, arg, "'"+k+"'"):
+ ret.append('%s=%s' % (k, arg))
+ return ret
+# Individual commands
+def print_convert_results(indata,enc,dec,no_recode=False):
+ vmsg("Input: [%s]" % indata)
+ vmsg_r("Encoded data: ["); msg_r(enc); vmsg_r("]"); msg("")
+ if not no_recode:
+ vmsg("Recoded data: [%s]" % dec)
+ if indata != dec:
+ msg("WARNING! Recoded number doesn't match input stringwise!")
+def hexdump(infile, cols=8, line_nums=True):
+ data = get_data_from_file(infile)
+ o = pretty_hexdump(data, 2, cols, line_nums)
+ print o
+def unhexdump(infile):
+ data = get_data_from_file(infile)
+ o = decode_pretty_hexdump(data)
+ sys.stdout.write(o)
+def strtob58(s):
+ enc = bitcoin.b58encode(s)
+ dec = bitcoin.b58decode(enc)
+ print_convert_results(s,enc,dec)
+def hextob58(s,f_enc=bitcoin.b58encode, f_dec=bitcoin.b58decode):
+ enc = f_enc(unhexlify(s))
+ dec = hexlify(f_dec(enc))
+ print_convert_results(s,enc,dec)
+def b58tohex(s,f_enc=bitcoin.b58decode, f_dec=bitcoin.b58encode):
+ tmp = f_enc(s)
+ if tmp == False: sys.exit(1)
+ enc = hexlify(tmp)
+ dec = f_dec(unhexlify(enc))
+ print_convert_results(s,enc,dec)
+def get_random(length):
+ from Crypto import Random
+ return Random.new().read(length)
+def b58randenc():
+ r = get_random(32)
+ enc = bitcoin.b58encode(r)
+ dec = bitcoin.b58decode(enc)
+ print_convert_results(hexlify(r),enc,hexlify(dec))
+def randwif(compressed=False):
+ r_hex = hexlify(get_random(32))
+ enc = bitcoin.hextowif(r_hex,compressed)
+ print_convert_results(r_hex,enc,"",no_recode=True)
+def randpair(compressed=False):
+ r_hex = hexlify(get_random(32))
+ wif = bitcoin.hextowif(r_hex,compressed)
+ addr = bitcoin.privnum2addr(int(r_hex,16),compressed)
+ vmsg("Key (hex): %s" % r_hex)
+ vmsg_r("Key (WIF): "); msg(wif)
+ vmsg_r("Addr: "); msg(addr)
+def wif2addr(s_in,compressed=False):
+ s_enc = bitcoin.wiftohex(s_in,compressed)
+ if s_enc == False:
+ msg("Invalid address")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ addr = bitcoin.privnum2addr(int(s_enc,16),compressed)
+ vmsg_r("Addr: "); msg(addr)
+from mmgen.mnemonic import *
+from mmgen.mn_electrum import electrum_words as el
+from mmgen.mn_tirosh import tirosh_words as tl
+wordlists = sorted(wl_checksums.keys())
+def get_wordlist(wordlist):
+ wordlist = wordlist.lower()
+ if wordlist not in wordlists:
+ msg('"%s": invalid wordlist. Valid choices: %s' %
+ (wordlist,'"'+'" "'.join(wordlists)+'"'))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return el if wordlist == "electrum" else tl
+def do_random_mn(nbytes,wordlist):
+ r = get_random(nbytes)
+ wlists = wordlists if wordlist == "all" else [wordlist]
+ for wl in wlists:
+ l = get_wordlist(wl)
+ if wl == wlists[0]: vmsg("Seed: %s" % hexlify(r))
+ mn = get_mnemonic_from_seed(r,l.strip().split("\n"),
+ wordlist,print_info=False)
+ vmsg("%s wordlist mnemonic:" % (wl.capitalize()))
+ print " ".join(mn)
+def mn_rand128(wordlist="electrum"): do_random_mn(16,wordlist)
+def mn_rand192(wordlist="electrum"): do_random_mn(24,wordlist)
+def mn_rand256(wordlist="electrum"): do_random_mn(32,wordlist)
+def mn_stats(wordlist="electrum"):
+ l = get_wordlist(wordlist)
+ check_wordlist(l,wordlist)
+def mn_printlist(wordlist="electrum"):
+ l = get_wordlist(wordlist)
+ print "%s" % l.strip()