123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- #
- # mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution
- # Copyright (C) 2013-2014 by philemon <mmgen-py@yandex.com>
- #
- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- """
- tx.py: Bitcoin transaction routines
- """
- from binascii import unhexlify
- from mmgen.util import *
- import sys, os
- from decimal import Decimal
- import mmgen.config as g
- txmsg = {
- 'not_enough_btc': "Not enough BTC in the inputs for this transaction (%s BTC)",
- 'throwaway_change': """
- ERROR: This transaction produces change (%s BTC); however, no change
- address was specified.
- """.strip(),
- 'mixed_inputs': """
- NOTE: This transaction uses a mixture of both mmgen and non-mmgen inputs,
- which makes the signing process more complicated. When signing the
- transaction, keys for the non-mmgen inputs must be supplied in a separate
- file using the '-k' option to mmgen-txsign.
- Selected mmgen inputs: %s"""
- }
- # Deleted text:
- # Alternatively, you may import the mmgen keys into the wallet.dat of your
- # offline bitcoind, first generating the required keys with mmgen-keygen and
- # then running mmgen-txsign with the '-f' option to force the use of
- # wallet.dat as the key source.
- def connect_to_bitcoind():
- host,port,user,passwd = "localhost",8332,"rpcuser","rpcpassword"
- cfg = get_bitcoind_cfg_options((user,passwd))
- import mmgen.rpc.connection
- f = mmgen.rpc.connection.BitcoinConnection
- try:
- c = f(cfg[user],cfg[passwd],host,port)
- except:
- msg("Unable to establish RPC connection with bitcoind")
- sys.exit(2)
- return c
- def trim_exponent(n):
- '''Remove exponent and trailing zeros.
- '''
- d = Decimal(n)
- return d.quantize(Decimal(1)) if d == d.to_integral() else d.normalize()
- def is_btc_amt(amt):
- from decimal import Decimal
- try:
- ret = Decimal(amt)
- except:
- msg("%s: Invalid amount" % amt)
- return False
- if g.debug:
- print "Decimal(amt): %s\nAs tuple: %s" % (amt,repr(ret.as_tuple()))
- if ret.as_tuple()[-1] < -8:
- msg("%s: Too many decimal places in amount" % amt)
- return False
- if ret == 0:
- msg("Requested zero BTC amount")
- return False
- return trim_exponent(ret)
- def check_btc_amt(amt):
- ret = is_btc_amt(amt)
- if ret:
- return ret
- else:
- sys.exit(3)
- def get_bitcoind_cfg_options(cfg_keys):
- if "HOME" in os.environ:
- data_dir = ".bitcoin"
- cfg_file = "%s/%s/%s" % (os.environ["HOME"], data_dir, "bitcoin.conf")
- elif "HOMEPATH" in os.environ:
- # Windows:
- data_dir = r"Application Data\Bitcoin"
- cfg_file = "%s\%s\%s" % (os.environ["HOMEPATH"],data_dir,"bitcoin.conf")
- else:
- msg("Neither $HOME nor %HOMEPATH% are set")
- msg("Don't know where to look for 'bitcoin.conf'")
- sys.exit(3)
- try:
- f = open(cfg_file)
- except:
- msg("Unable to open file '%s' for reading" % cfg_file)
- sys.exit(2)
- cfg = {}
- for line in f.readlines():
- s = line.translate(None,"\n\t ").split("=")
- for k in cfg_keys:
- if s[0] == k: cfg[k] = s[1]
- f.close()
- for k in cfg_keys:
- if not k in cfg:
- msg("Configuration option '%s' must be set in %s" % (k,cfg_file))
- sys.exit(2)
- return cfg
- def print_tx_to_file(tx,sel_unspent,send_amt,b2m_map,opts):
- tx_id = make_chksum_6(unhexlify(tx)).upper()
- outfile = "tx_%s[%s].raw" % (tx_id,send_amt)
- if 'outdir' in opts:
- outfile = "%s/%s" % (opts['outdir'], outfile)
- metadata = "%s %s %s" % (tx_id, send_amt, make_timestamp())
- data = "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n" % (
- metadata, tx,
- repr([i.__dict__ for i in sel_unspent]),
- repr(b2m_map)
- )
- write_to_file(outfile,data,confirm=False)
- msg("Transaction data saved to file '%s'" % outfile)
- def print_signed_tx_to_file(tx,sig_tx,metadata,opts):
- tx_id = make_chksum_6(unhexlify(tx)).upper()
- outfile = "tx_{}[{}].sig".format(*metadata[:2])
- if 'outdir' in opts:
- outfile = "%s/%s" % (opts['outdir'], outfile)
- data = "%s\n%s\n" % (" ".join(metadata),sig_tx)
- write_to_file(outfile,data,confirm=False)
- msg("Signed transaction saved to file '%s'" % outfile)
- def print_sent_tx_to_file(tx,metadata,opts):
- outfile = "tx_{}[{}].out".format(*metadata[:2])
- if 'outdir' in opts:
- outfile = "%s/%s" % (opts['outdir'], outfile)
- write_to_file(outfile,tx+"\n",confirm=False)
- msg("Transaction ID saved to file '%s'" % outfile)
- def format_unspent_outputs_for_printing(out,sort_info,total):
- pfs = " %-4s %-67s %-34s %-12s %-13s %-10s %s"
- pout = [pfs % ("Num","TX id,Vout","Address","MMgen ID",
- "Amount (BTC)","Age (days)", "Comment")]
- for n,i in enumerate(out):
- addr = "=" if i.skip == "addr" and "grouped" in sort_info else i.address
- tx = " " * 63 + "=" \
- if i.skip == "txid" and "grouped" in sort_info else str(i.txid)
- s = pfs % (str(n+1)+")", tx+","+str(i.vout),addr,i.mmid,i.amt,i.days,i.label)
- pout.append(s.rstrip())
- return \
- "Unspent outputs ({} UTC)\nSort order: {}\n\n{}\n\nTotal BTC: {}\n".format(
- make_timestr(), " ".join(sort_info), "\n".join(pout), total
- )
- def sort_and_view(unspent):
- def s_amt(i): return i.amount
- def s_txid(i): return "%s %03s" % (i.txid,i.vout)
- def s_addr(i): return i.address
- def s_age(i): return i.confirmations
- def s_mmgen(i): return i.account
- sort,group,show_mmaddr,reverse = "",False,False,False
- total = trim_exponent(sum([i.amount for i in unspent]))
- hdr_fmt = "UNSPENT OUTPUTS (sort order: %s) Total BTC: %s"
- options_msg = """
- Sort options: [t]xid, [a]mount, a[d]dress, [A]ge, [r]everse, [M]mgen addr
- Display options: [g]roup, show [m]mgen addr, r[e]draw screen
- """.strip()
- prompt = \
- "('q' = quit sorting, 'p' = print to file, 'v' = pager view, 'w' = wide view): "
- from copy import deepcopy
- print_to_file_msg = ""
- msg("")
- from mmgen.term import get_terminal_size
- max_acct_len = max([len(i.account) for i in unspent])
- while True:
- cols = get_terminal_size()[0]
- if cols < g.min_screen_width:
- msg("mmgen-txcreate requires a screen at least %s characters wide" %
- g.min_screen_width)
- sys.exit(2)
- addr_w = min(34+((1+max_acct_len) if show_mmaddr else 0),cols-46)
- tx_w = max(11,min(64, cols-addr_w-32))
- fs = " %-4s %-" + str(tx_w) + "s %-2s %-" + str(addr_w) + "s %-13s %-s"
- table_hdr = fs % ("Num","TX id Vout","","Address",
- "Amount (BTC)","Age(d)")
- unsp = deepcopy(unspent)
- for i in unsp: i.skip = ""
- if group and (sort == "address" or sort == "txid"):
- for n in range(len(unsp)-1):
- a,b = unsp[n],unsp[n+1]
- if sort == "address" and a.address == b.address: b.skip = "addr"
- elif sort == "txid" and a.txid == b.txid: b.skip = "txid"
- for i in unsp:
- amt = str(trim_exponent(i.amount))
- lfill = 3 - len(amt.split(".")[0]) if "." in amt else 3 - len(amt)
- i.amt = " "*lfill + amt
- i.days = int(i.confirmations * g.mins_per_block / (60*24))
- i.mmid,i.label = parse_mmgen_label(i.account)
- if i.skip == "addr":
- i.addr = "|" + "." * 33
- else:
- if show_mmaddr and i.mmid:
- acct_w = min(max_acct_len, max(24,int(addr_w-10)))
- btaddr_w = addr_w - acct_w - 1
- dots = ".." if btaddr_w < len(i.address) else ""
- i.addr = "%s%s %s" % (
- i.address[:btaddr_w-len(dots)],
- dots,
- i.account[:acct_w])
- else:
- i.addr = i.address
- dots = "..." if tx_w < 64 else ""
- i.tx = " " * (tx_w-4) + "|..." if i.skip == "txid" \
- else i.txid[:tx_w-len(dots)]+dots
- sort_info = ["reverse"] if reverse else []
- sort_info.append(sort if sort else "unsorted")
- if group and (sort == "address" or sort == "txid"):
- sort_info.append("grouped")
- out = [hdr_fmt % (" ".join(sort_info), total), table_hdr]
- for n,i in enumerate(unsp):
- out.append(fs % (str(n+1)+")",i.tx,i.vout,i.addr,i.amt,i.days))
- msg("\n".join(out) +"\n\n" + print_to_file_msg + options_msg)
- print_to_file_msg = ""
- immed_chars = "atdAMrgmeqpvw"
- skip_prompt = False
- while True:
- reply = get_char(prompt, immed_chars=immed_chars)
- if reply == 'a': unspent.sort(key=s_amt); sort = "amount"
- elif reply == 't': unspent.sort(key=s_txid); sort = "txid"
- elif reply == 'd': unspent.sort(key=s_addr); sort = "address"
- elif reply == 'A': unspent.sort(key=s_age); sort = "age"
- elif reply == 'M':
- unspent.sort(key=s_mmgen); sort = "mmgen"
- show_mmaddr = True
- elif reply == 'r':
- unspent.reverse()
- reverse = False if reverse else True
- elif reply == 'g': group = False if group else True
- elif reply == 'm': show_mmaddr = False if show_mmaddr else True
- elif reply == 'e': pass
- elif reply == 'q': pass
- elif reply == 'p':
- data = format_unspent_outputs_for_printing(unsp,sort_info,total)
- outfile = "listunspent[%s].out" % ",".join(sort_info)
- write_to_file(outfile, data)
- print_to_file_msg = "Data written to '%s'\n\n" % outfile
- elif reply == 'v':
- do_pager("\n".join(out))
- continue
- elif reply == 'w':
- data = format_unspent_outputs_for_printing(unsp,sort_info,total)
- do_pager(data)
- continue
- else:
- msg("\nInvalid input")
- continue
- break
- msg("\n")
- if reply == 'q': break
- return tuple(unspent)
- def parse_mmgen_label(s,check_label_len=False):
- if not s: return "",""
- try: w1,w2 = s.split(None,1)
- except: w1,w2 = s,""
- if not is_mmgen_addr(w1): return "",w1
- if check_label_len: check_addr_label(w2)
- return w1,w2
- def view_tx_data(c,inputs_data,tx_hex,b2m_map,metadata=[],pager=False):
- td = c.decoderawtransaction(tx_hex)
- out = "TRANSACTION DATA\n\n"
- if metadata:
- out += "Header: [Tx ID: {}] [Amount: {} BTC] [Time: {}]\n\n".format(*metadata)
- out += "Inputs:\n\n"
- total_in = 0
- for n,i in enumerate(td['vin']):
- for j in inputs_data:
- if j['txid'] == i['txid'] and j['vout'] == i['vout']:
- days = int(j['confirmations'] * g.mins_per_block / (60*24))
- total_in += j['amount']
- addr = j['address']
- if j['account']:
- tmp = j['account'].split(None,1)
- mmid,label = tmp if len(tmp) == 2 else (tmp[0],"")
- label = label or ""
- else:
- mmid,label = "",""
- mmid_str = ((34-len(addr))*" " + " (%s)" % mmid) if mmid else ""
- for d in (
- (n+1, "tx,vout:", "%s,%s" % (i['txid'], i['vout'])),
- ("", "address:", addr + mmid_str),
- ("", "label:", label),
- ("", "amount:", "%s BTC" % trim_exponent(j['amount'])),
- ("", "confirmations:", "%s (around %s days)" % (j['confirmations'], days))
- ):
- if d[2]: out += ("%3s %-8s %s\n" % d)
- out += "\n"
- break
- total_out = 0
- out += "Outputs:\n\n"
- for n,i in enumerate(td['vout']):
- addr = i['scriptPubKey']['addresses'][0]
- mmid,label = b2m_map[addr] if addr in b2m_map else ("","")
- mmid_str = ((34-len(addr))*" " + " (%s)" % mmid) if mmid else ""
- total_out += i['value']
- for d in (
- (n+1, "address:", addr + mmid_str),
- ("", "label:", label),
- ("", "amount:", trim_exponent(i['value']))
- ):
- if d[2]: out += ("%3s %-8s %s\n" % d)
- out += "\n"
- out += "Total input: %s BTC\n" % trim_exponent(total_in)
- out += "Total output: %s BTC\n" % trim_exponent(total_out)
- out += "TX fee: %s BTC\n" % trim_exponent(total_in-total_out)
- if pager: do_pager(out)
- else: msg("\n"+out)
- def parse_tx_data(tx_data,infile):
- if len(tx_data) != 4:
- msg("'%s': not a transaction file" % infile)
- sys.exit(2)
- err_fmt = "Transaction %s is invalid"
- if len(tx_data[0].split()) != 3:
- msg(err_fmt % "metadata")
- sys.exit(2)
- try: unhexlify(tx_data[1])
- except:
- msg(err_fmt % "hex data")
- sys.exit(2)
- else:
- if not tx_data:
- msg("Transaction is empty!")
- sys.exit(2)
- try:
- inputs_data = eval(tx_data[2])
- except:
- msg(err_fmt % "inputs data")
- sys.exit(2)
- else:
- if not inputs_data:
- msg("Transaction has no inputs!")
- sys.exit(2)
- try:
- map_data = eval(tx_data[3])
- except:
- msg(err_fmt % "mmgen to btc address map data")
- sys.exit(2)
- return tx_data[0].split(),tx_data[1],inputs_data,map_data
- def select_outputs(unspent,prompt):
- while True:
- reply = my_raw_input(prompt,allowed_chars="0123456789 -").strip()
- if not reply: continue
- from mmgen.util import parse_address_list
- selected = parse_address_list(reply,sep=None)
- if not selected: continue
- if selected[-1] > len(unspent):
- msg("Inputs must be less than %s" % len(unspent))
- continue
- return selected
- def is_mmgen_seed(s):
- import re
- return len(s) == 8 and re.match(r"^[0123456789ABCDEF]*$",s)
- def is_mmgen_num(s):
- import re
- return len(s) <= g.mmgen_idx_max_digits \
- and re.match(r"^[123456789]+[0123456789]*$",s)
- def is_mmgen_addr(s):
- import re
- return len(s) > 9 and s[8] == ':' \
- and re.match(r"^[0123456789ABCDEF]*$",s[:8]) \
- and len(s[9:]) <= g.mmgen_idx_max_digits \
- and re.match(r"^[123456789]+[0123456789]*$",s[9:])
- def is_btc_addr(s):
- from mmgen.bitcoin import verify_addr
- return verify_addr(s)
- def btc_addr_to_mmgen_addr(btc_addr,b2m_map):
- if btc_addr in b2m_map:
- return b2m_map[btc_addr]
- return "",""
- def mmgen_addr_to_walletd(c,mmaddr,acct_data):
- # We don't want to create a new object, so we'll use append()
- if not acct_data:
- for i in c.listaccounts():
- acct_data.append(i)
- for a in acct_data:
- if not a: continue
- try:
- w1,w2 = a.split(None,1)
- except:
- w1,w2 = a,""
- if w1 == mmaddr:
- acct = a
- break
- else:
- return "",""
- alist = c.getaddressesbyaccount(acct)
- if len(alist) != 1:
- msg("""
- ERROR: More than one address found for account: "%s".
- The tracking "wallet.dat" file appears to have been altered by a non-%s
- program. Please restore "wallet.dat" from a backup or create a new wallet
- and re-import your addresses.
- """.strip() % (acct,g.proj_name_cap))
- sys.exit(3)
- return alist[0],w2
- def mmgen_addr_to_addr_data(m,addr_data):
- no_data_msg = """
- No data found for MMgen address '%s'. Please import this address into
- your tracking wallet, or supply an address file for it on the command line.
- """.strip() % m
- warn_msg = """
- Warning: no data for address '%s' exists in the wallet, so it was
- taken from the user-supplied address file. You're strongly advised to
- import this address into your tracking wallet before proceeding with
- this transaction. The address will not be tracked until you do so.
- """.strip() % m
- fail_msg = """
- No data found for MMgen address '%s' in either wallet or supplied
- address file. Please import this address into your tracking wallet, or
- supply an address file for it on the command line.
- """.strip() % m
- ID,num = m.split(":")
- from binascii import unhexlify
- try: unhexlify(ID)
- except: pass
- else:
- try: num = int(num)
- except: pass
- else:
- if not addr_data:
- msg(no_data_msg)
- sys.exit(2)
- for i in addr_data:
- if ID == i[0]:
- for j in i[1]:
- if j[0] == num:
- msg(warn_msg)
- if not user_confirm("Continue anyway?"):
- sys.exit(1)
- return j[1],(j[2] if len(j) == 3 else "")
- msg(fail_msg)
- sys.exit(2)
- msg("Invalid format: %s" % m)
- sys.exit(3)
- def check_mmgen_to_btc_addr_mappings(inputs_data,b2m_map,infiles,seeds,opts):
- in_maplist = [(i['account'].split()[0],i['address'])
- for i in inputs_data if i['account']
- and is_mmgen_addr(i['account'].split()[0])]
- out_maplist = [(i[1][0],i[0]) for i in b2m_map.items()]
- for maplist,label in (in_maplist,"inputs"), (out_maplist,"outputs"):
- if not maplist: continue
- qmsg("Checking MMGen -> BTC address mappings for %s" % label)
- mmaddrs = [i[0] for i in maplist]
- from copy import deepcopy
- pairs = get_keys_for_mmgen_addrs(mmaddrs,
- deepcopy(infiles),seeds,opts,gen_pairs=True)
- for a,b in zip(sorted(pairs),sorted(maplist)):
- if a != b:
- msg("""
- MMGen -> BTC address mappings differ!
- In transaction: %s
- Generated from seed: %s
- """.strip() % (" ".join(a)," ".join(b)))
- sys.exit(3)
- qmsg("Address mappings OK")
- def check_addr_label(label):
- if len(label) > g.max_addr_label_len:
- msg("'%s': overlong label (length must be <=%s)" %
- (label,g.max_addr_label_len))
- sys.exit(3)
- for ch in label:
- if ch not in g.addr_label_symbols:
- msg("""
- "%s": illegal character in label "%s".
- Only ASCII printable characters are permitted.
- """.strip() % (ch,label))
- sys.exit(3)
- def parse_addrs_file(f):
- lines = get_lines_from_file(f,"address data",remove_comments=True)
- try:
- seed_id,obrace = lines[0].split()
- except:
- msg("Invalid first line: '%s'" % lines[0])
- sys.exit(3)
- cbrace = lines[-1]
- if obrace != '{':
- msg("'%s': invalid first line" % lines[0])
- elif cbrace != '}':
- msg("'%s': invalid last line" % cbrace)
- elif not is_mmgen_seed(seed_id):
- msg("'%s': invalid Seed ID" % seed_id)
- else:
- ret = []
- for i in lines[1:-1]:
- d = i.split(None,2)
- if not is_mmgen_num(d[0]):
- msg("'%s': invalid address num. in line: %s" % (d[0],d))
- sys.exit(3)
- if not is_btc_addr(d[1]):
- msg("'%s': invalid Bitcoin address" % d[1])
- sys.exit(3)
- if len(d) == 3:
- check_addr_label(d[2])
- ret.append(tuple(d))
- return seed_id,ret
- sys.exit(3)
- def sign_transaction(c,tx_hex,sig_data,keys=None):
- if keys:
- qmsg("%s keys total" % len(keys))
- if g.debug: print "Keys:\n %s" % "\n ".join(keys)
- msg_r("Signing transaction...")
- from mmgen.rpc import exceptions
- try:
- sig_tx = c.signrawtransaction(tx_hex,sig_data,keys)
- except exceptions.InvalidAddressOrKey:
- msg("failed\nInvalid address or key")
- sys.exit(3)
- return sig_tx
- def get_keys_for_mmgen_addrs(mmgen_addrs,infiles,seeds,opts,gen_pairs=False):
- seed_ids = list(set([i[:8] for i in mmgen_addrs]))
- seed_ids_save = seed_ids[0:] # deep copy
- ret = []
- seeds_keys = [i for i in seed_ids if i in seeds]
- while seed_ids:
- if seeds_keys:
- seed = seeds[seeds_keys.pop(0)]
- else:
- infile = False
- if infiles:
- infile = infiles.pop(0)
- seed = get_seed_retry(infile,opts)
- elif "from_brain" in opts or "from_mnemonic" in opts \
- or "from_seed" in opts or "from_incog" in opts:
- msg("Need data for seed ID %s" % seed_ids[0])
- seed = get_seed_retry("",opts)
- else:
- b,p,v = ("A seed","","is") if len(seed_ids) == 1 \
- else ("Seed","s","are")
- msg("ERROR: %s source%s %s required for the following seed ID%s: %s"%
- (b,p,v,p," ".join(seed_ids)))
- sys.exit(2)
- seed_id = make_chksum_8(seed)
- if seed_id in seed_ids:
- seed_ids.remove(seed_id)
- addr_ids = [int(i[9:]) for i in mmgen_addrs if i[:8] == seed_id]
- seeds[seed_id] = seed
- from mmgen.addr import generate_keys,generate_addrs
- if gen_pairs:
- o = {"gen_what":"addresses"}
- ret += [("%s:%s" % (seed_id,i['num']),i['addr'])
- for i in generate_addrs(seed, addr_ids, o)]
- else:
- ret += [i['wif'] for i in generate_keys(seed, addr_ids)]
- else:
- if seed_id in seed_ids_save:
- msg_r("Ignoring duplicate seed source")
- if infile: msg(" '%s'" % infile)
- else: msg(" for ID %s" % seed_id)
- else:
- msg("Seed source produced an invalid seed ID (%s)" % seed_id)
- if "from_incog" in opts or infile.split(".")[-1] == g.incog_ext:
- msg(
- """Incorrect hash preset, password or incognito wallet data
- Trying again...""")
- infiles.insert(0,infile) # ugly!
- elif infile:
- msg("Invalid input file '%s'" % infile)
- sys.exit(2)
- return ret
- def sign_tx_with_bitcoind_wallet(c,tx_hex,sig_data,keys,opts):
- try:
- sig_tx = sign_transaction(c,tx_hex,sig_data,keys)
- except:
- from mmgen.rpc import exceptions
- msg("Using keys in wallet.dat as per user request")
- prompt = "Enter passphrase for bitcoind wallet: "
- while True:
- passwd = get_bitcoind_passphrase(prompt,opts)
- try:
- c.walletpassphrase(passwd, 9999)
- except exceptions.WalletPassphraseIncorrect:
- msg("Passphrase incorrect")
- else:
- msg("Passphrase OK"); break
- sig_tx = sign_transaction(c,tx_hex,sig_data,keys)
- msg("Locking wallet")
- try:
- c.walletlock()
- except:
- msg("Failed to lock wallet")
- return sig_tx
- def preverify_keys(addrs_orig, keys_orig):
- addrs,keys,wrong_keys = set(addrs_orig[0:]),set(keys_orig[0:]),[]
- if len(keys) < len(addrs):
- msg("ERROR: not enough keys (%s) for number of non-%s addresses (%s)" %
- (len(keys),g.proj_name_cap,len(addrs)))
- sys.exit(2)
- import mmgen.bitcoin as b
- qmsg_r('Checking that user-supplied key list contains valid keys...')
- invalid_keys = []
- for n,k in enumerate(keys,1):
- c = False if k[0] == '5' else True
- if b.wiftohex(k,compressed=c) == False:
- invalid_keys.append(k)
- if invalid_keys:
- s = "" if len(invalid_keys) == 1 else "s"
- msg("\n%s/%s invalid key%s in keylist!\n" % (len(invalid_keys),len(keys),s))
- sys.exit(2)
- else: qmsg("OK")
- msg('Pre-verifying keys in user-supplied key list (Ctrl-C to skip)')
- try:
- for n,k in enumerate(keys,1):
- msg_r("\rkey %s of %s" % (n,len(keys)))
- c = False if k[0] == '5' else True
- hexkey = b.wiftohex(k,compressed=c)
- addr = b.privnum2addr(int(hexkey,16),compressed=c)
- if addr in addrs:
- addrs.remove(addr)
- if not addrs: break
- else:
- wrong_keys.append(k)
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- msg("\nSkipping")
- else:
- msg("")
- if wrong_keys:
- s = "" if len(wrong_keys) == 1 else "s"
- msg("%s extra key%s found" % (len(wrong_keys),s))
- if addrs:
- s = "" if len(addrs) == 1 else "es"
- msg("No keys found for the following non-%s address%s:" %
- (g.proj_name_cap,s))
- print " %s" % "\n ".join(addrs)
- sys.exit(2)
- def missing_keys_errormsg(other_addrs):
- msg("""
- A key file must be supplied (or use the "-w" option) for the following
- non-mmgen address%s:
- """.strip() % ("" if len(other_addrs) == 1 else "es"))
- print " %s" % "\n ".join([i['address'] for i in other_addrs])