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New test suite for mmgen-tool: 'test/'
Additional tests for the 'test/' suite

philemon 10 years ago
16 changed files with 868 additions and 477 deletions
  1. 3 4
  2. 2 2
  3. 4 3
  4. 1 1
  5. 5 6
  6. 2 2
  7. 2 2
  8. 26 2
  9. 91 0
  10. 122 115
  11. 1 1
  12. 8 0
  13. 4 4
  14. 0 0
  15. 246 335
  16. 351 0

+ 3 - 4

@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ mmgen/
@@ -45,8 +46,6 @@ mmgen/rpc/

+ 2 - 2

@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
 from mmgen.bitcoin import numtowif
 # from mmgen.util import msg,qmsg,qmsg_r,make_chksum_N,get_lines_from_file,get_data_from_file,get_extension
 from mmgen.util import *
-from mmgen.tx import is_mmgen_idx,is_mmgen_seed_id,is_btc_addr,is_wip_key,get_wif2addr_f
+from mmgen.tx import is_mmgen_idx,is_mmgen_seed_id,is_btc_addr,is_wif,get_wif2addr_f
 import mmgen.config as g
 addrmsgs = {
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ def _parse_addrfile_body(lines,has_keys=False,check=False):
 			if d[0] != "wif:":
 				return "Invalid key line in file: '%s'" % l
-			if not is_wip_key(d[1]):
+			if not is_wif(d[1]):
 				return "'%s': invalid Bitcoin key" % d[1]
 			a.wif = unicode(d[1])

+ 4 - 3

@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ def get_random_data_from_user(uchars):
 	return key_data+"".join(fmt_time_data)
-def get_random(length,opts):
+def get_random(length):
 	from Crypto import Random
 	os_rand =
 	if g.use_urandchars:
@@ -430,8 +430,9 @@ def _get_seed_from_brain_passphrase(words,opts):
 salt_len,sha256_len,nonce_len = 32,32,32
 def mmgen_encrypt(data,what="data",hash_preset='',opts={}):
-	salt,iv,nonce = get_random(salt_len,opts),\
-		get_random(g.aesctr_iv_len,opts), get_random(nonce_len,opts)
+	salt,iv,nonce = get_random(salt_len),\
+					get_random(g.aesctr_iv_len), \
+					get_random(nonce_len)
 	hp = hash_preset or get_hash_preset_from_user('3',what)
 	m = "default" if hp == '3' else "user-requested"
 	vmsg("Encrypting %s" % what)

+ 1 - 1

@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ if 'preset' in changed or 'passwd' in changed: # Update key ID, salt
 	from hashlib import sha256
-	salt = sha256(salt + get_random(128,opts)).digest()[:g.salt_len]
+	salt = sha256(salt + get_random(128)).digest()[:g.salt_len]
 	key = make_key(passwd, salt, opts['hash_preset'])
 	new_key_id = make_chksum_8(key)
 	qmsg("Key ID changed: %s -> %s" % (key_id,new_key_id))

+ 5 - 6

@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 # along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-mmgen-tool:  Perform various Bitcoin-related operations.
+mmgen-tool:  Perform various MMGen- and Bitcoin-related operations.
              Part of the MMGen suite
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ from mmgen.Opts import *
 help_data = {
 	'prog_name': g.prog_name,
-	'desc':    "Perform various BTC-related operations",
+	'desc':    "Perform various MMGen- and Bitcoin-related operations",
 	'usage':   "[opts] <command> <command args>",
 	'options': """
 -d, --outdir=       d Specify an alternate directory 'd' for output
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ help_data = {
 	'notes': """
-Type '{} <command> --help for usage information on a particular
+Type '{} usage <command> for usage information on a particular
 opts,cmd_args = parse_opts(sys.argv,help_data)
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ if len(cmd_args) < 1:
 command = cmd_args.pop(0)
-if command not in tool.commands.keys():
+if command not in tool.cmd_data:
 	msg("'%s': No such command" % command)
@@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ if cmd_args and cmd_args[0] == '--help':
 args,kwargs = tool.process_args(g.prog_name, command, cmd_args)
 tool.opts = opts

+ 2 - 2

@@ -73,12 +73,12 @@ def wallet_to_incog_data(infile,opts):
 		seed = decrypt_seed(enc_seed, key, seed_id, key_id)
 		if seed: break
-	iv = get_random(g.aesctr_iv_len,opts)
+	iv = get_random(g.aesctr_iv_len)
 	iv_id = make_iv_chksum(iv)
 	msg("Incog ID: %s" % iv_id)
 	if not 'old_incog_fmt' in opts:
-		salt = get_random(g.salt_len,opts)
+		salt = get_random(g.salt_len)
 		key = make_key(passwd, salt, preset, "incog wallet key")
 		key_id = make_chksum_8(key)
 		from hashlib import sha256

+ 2 - 2

@@ -163,9 +163,9 @@ for i in 'from_mnemonic','from_brain','from_seed','from_incog':
 	# Truncate random data for smaller seed lengths
-	seed = sha256(get_random(128,opts)).digest()[:opts['seed_len']/8]
+	seed = sha256(get_random(128)).digest()[:opts['seed_len']/8]
-salt = sha256(get_random(128,opts)).digest()[:g.salt_len]
+salt = sha256(get_random(128)).digest()[:g.salt_len]
 qmsg(wmsg['choose_wallet_passphrase'] % opts['hash_preset'])

+ 26 - 2

@@ -21,7 +21,9 @@  Mnemonic routines for the MMGen suite
 import sys
-from mmgen.util import msg,msg_r,make_chksum_8
+from binascii import hexlify
+from mmgen.util import msg,msg_r,make_chksum_8,Vmsg
+from mmgen.crypto import get_random
 import mmgen.config as g
 wl_checksums = {
@@ -38,7 +40,8 @@ def hex2mn_pad(hexnum): return len(hexnum) * 3 / 8
 def baseNtohex(base,words,wordlist,pad=0):
 	deconv = \
 		[wordlist.index(words[::-1][i])*(base**i) for i in range(len(words))]
-	return ("{:0%sx}"%pad).format(sum(deconv))
+	ret = ("{:0%sx}" % pad).format(sum(deconv))
+	return "%s%s" % (('0' if len(ret) % 2 else ''), ret)
 def hextobaseN(base,hexnum,wordlist,pad=0):
 	num,ret = int(hexnum,16),[]
@@ -122,3 +125,24 @@ def check_wordlist(wl,label):
 		print "ERROR: List is not sorted!"
+from mmgen.mn_electrum  import electrum_words as el
+from mmgen.mn_tirosh    import tirosh_words   as tl
+wordlists = sorted(wl_checksums)
+def get_wordlist(wordlist):
+	wordlist = wordlist.lower()
+	if wordlist not in wordlists:
+		Msg('"%s": invalid wordlist.  Valid choices: %s' %
+			(wordlist,'"'+'" "'.join(wordlists)+'"'))
+		sys.exit(1)
+	return (el if wordlist == "electrum" else tl).strip().split("\n")
+def do_random_mn(nbytes,wordlist):
+	r = get_random(nbytes)
+	Vmsg("Seed: %s" % hexlify(r))
+	for wlname in (wordlists if wordlist == "all" else [wordlist]):
+		wl = get_wordlist(wlname)
+		mn = get_mnemonic_from_seed(r,wl,wordlist)
+		Vmsg("%s wordlist mnemonic:" % (wlname.capitalize()))
+		print " ".join(mn)

+ 91 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution
+# Copyright (C)2013-2015 Philemon <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+"""  Shared routines for the test suites
+import sys,os
+from binascii import hexlify
+from mmgen.util import msg,write_to_file
+import mmgen.config as g
+_red,_grn,_yel,_cya,_reset = (
+	["\033[%sm" % c for c in "31;1","32;1","33;1","36;1","0"]
+def red(s):    return _red+s+_reset
+def green(s):  return _grn+s+_reset
+def yellow(s): return _yel+s+_reset
+def cyan(s):   return _cya+s+_reset
+def cleandir(d):
+	try:    files = os.listdir(d)
+	except: return
+	msg(green("Cleaning directory '%s'" % d))
+	for f in files:
+		os.unlink(os.path.join(d,f))
+def getrandnum(n): return int(hexlify(os.urandom(n)),16)
+def getrandhex(n): return hexlify(os.urandom(n))
+def getrandstr(num_chars,no_space=False):
+	n,m = 95,32
+	if no_space: n,m = 94,33
+	return "".join([chr(ord(i)%n+m) for i in list(os.urandom(num_chars))])
+def mk_tmpdir(cfg):
+	try: os.mkdir(cfg['tmpdir'],0755)
+	except OSError as e:
+		if e.errno != 17: raise
+	else: msg("Created directory '%s'" % cfg['tmpdir'])
+def get_tmpfile_fn(cfg,fn):
+	return os.path.join(cfg['tmpdir'],fn)
+def write_to_tmpfile(cfg,fn,data):
+	write_to_file(os.path.join(cfg['tmpdir'],fn),data,{},silent=True)
+def read_from_tmpfile(cfg,fn):
+	from mmgen.util import get_data_from_file
+	return get_data_from_file(os.path.join(cfg['tmpdir'],fn),silent=True)
+def read_from_file(fn):
+	from mmgen.util import get_data_from_file
+	return get_data_from_file(fn,silent=True)
+def ok():
+	if g.verbose or g.exact_output:
+		sys.stderr.write(green("OK\n"))
+	else: msg(" OK")
+def ok_or_die(val,chk_func,s,skip_ok=False):
+	try: ret = chk_func(val)
+	except: ret = False
+	if ret:
+	   if not skip_ok: ok()
+	else:
+		msg(red("Returned value '%s' is not a %s" % (val,s)))
+		sys.exit(3)
+def cmp_or_die(s,t,skip_ok=False):
+	if s == t:
+	   if not skip_ok: ok()
+	else:
+		msg(red("Recoded data:\n%s\ndiffers from original data:\n%s\n" %
+					(repr(t),repr(s))))
+		sys.exit(3)

+ 122 - 115

@@ -29,63 +29,64 @@ from mmgen.crypto import *
 from mmgen.util import *
 from mmgen.tx import *
-def Msg(s):    sys.stdout.write(s + "\n")
-def Msg_r(s):  sys.stdout.write(s)
-def Vmsg(s):
-	if g.verbose: sys.stdout.write(s + "\n")
-def Vmsg_r(s):
-	if g.verbose: sys.stdout.write(s)
 opts = {}
-commands = {
-	"help":         [],
-	"strtob58":     ['<string> [str]'],
-	"b58tostr":     ['<b58 number> [str]'],
-	"hextob58":     ['<hex number> [str]'],
-	"b58tohex":     ['<b58 number> [str]'],
-	"b58randenc":   [],
-	"randhex":      ['nbytes [int=32]'],
-	"randwif":      ['compressed [bool=False]'],
-	"randpair":     ['compressed [bool=False]'],
-	"wif2hex":      ['<wif> [str]', 'compressed [bool=False]'],
-	"wif2addr":     ['<wif> [str]', 'compressed [bool=False]'],
-	"hex2wif":      ['<private key in hex format> [str]', 'compressed [bool=False]'],
-	"hexdump":      ['<infile> [str]', 'cols [int=8]', 'line_nums [bool=True]'],
-	"unhexdump":    ['<infile> [str]'],
-	"hex2mn":       ['<hexadecimal string> [str]','wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
-	"mn2hex":       ['<mnemonic> [str]', 'wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
-	"b32tohex":     ['<b32 num> [str]'],
-	"hextob32":     ['<hex num> [str]'],
-	"mn_rand128":   ['wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
-	"mn_rand192":   ['wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
-	"mn_rand256":   ['wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
-	"mn_stats":     ['wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
-	"mn_printlist": ['wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
-	"id8":          ['<infile> [str]'],
-	"id6":          ['<infile> [str]'],
-	"str2id6":      ['<string (spaces are ignored)> [str]'],
-	"listaddresses":['minconf [int=1]','showempty [bool=False]','pager [bool=False]'],
-	"getbalance":   ['minconf [int=1]'],
-	"txview":       ['<MMGen tx file> [str]','pager [bool=False]','terse [bool=False]'],
-	"addrfile_chksum": ['<MMGen addr file> [str]'],
-	"keyaddrfile_chksum": ['<MMGen addr file> [str]'],
-	"find_incog_data": ['<file or device name> [str]','<Incog ID> [str]','keep_searching [bool=False]'],
-	"hexreverse":   ['<hexadecimal string> [str]'],
-	"sha256x2":     ['<str, hexstr or filename> [str]',
-					'hex_input [bool=False]','file_input [bool=False]'],
-	"hexlify":      ['<string> [str]'],
-	"hexaddr2addr": ['<btc address in hex format> [str]'],
-	"addr2hexaddr": ['<btc address> [str]'],
-	"pubkey2addr":  ['<public key in hex format> [str]'],
-	"pubkey2hexaddr": ['<public key in hex format> [str]'],
-	"privhex2addr": ['<private key in hex format> [str]','compressed [bool=False]'],
-	"encrypt":      ['<infile> [str]','outfile [str=""]','hash_preset [str=""]'],
-	"decrypt":      ['<infile> [str]','outfile [str=""]','hash_preset [str=""]'],
-	"rand2file":    ['<outfile> [str]','<nbytes> [str]','threads [int=4]'],
-	"bytespec":     ['<bytespec> [str]'],
-command_help = """
+from collections import OrderedDict
+cmd_data = OrderedDict([
+	("help",         []),
+	("usage",        ['<tool command> [str]']),
+	("strtob58",     ['<string> [str]']),
+	("b58tostr",     ['<b58 number> [str]']),
+	("hextob58",     ['<hex number> [str]']),
+	("b58tohex",     ['<b58 number> [str]']),
+	("b58randenc",   []),
+	("b32tohex",     ['<b32 num> [str]']),
+	("hextob32",     ['<hex num> [str]']),
+	("randhex",      ['nbytes [int=32]']),
+	("id8",          ['<infile> [str]']),
+	("id6",          ['<infile> [str]']),
+	("sha256x2",     ['<str, hexstr or filename> [str]',
+							'hex_input [bool=False]','file_input [bool=False]']),
+	("str2id6",      ['<string (spaces are ignored)> [str]']),
+	("hexdump",      ['<infile> [str]', 'cols [int=8]', 'line_nums [bool=True]']),
+	("unhexdump",    ['<infile> [str]']),
+	("hexreverse",   ['<hexadecimal string> [str]']),
+	("hexlify",      ['<string> [str]']),
+	("rand2file",    ['<outfile> [str]','<nbytes> [str]','threads [int=4]','silent [bool=False']),
+	("randwif",    ['compressed [bool=False]']),
+	("randpair",   ['compressed [bool=False]']),
+	("hex2wif",    ['<private key in hex format> [str]', 'compressed [bool=False]']),
+	("wif2hex",    ['<wif> [str]', 'compressed [bool=False]']),
+	("wif2addr",   ['<wif> [str]', 'compressed [bool=False]']),
+	("hexaddr2addr", ['<btc address in hex format> [str]']),
+	("addr2hexaddr", ['<btc address> [str]']),
+	("pubkey2addr",  ['<public key in hex format> [str]']),
+	("pubkey2hexaddr", ['<public key in hex format> [str]']),
+	("privhex2addr", ['<private key in hex format> [str]','compressed [bool=False]']),
+	("hex2mn",       ['<hexadecimal string> [str]','wordlist [str="electrum"]']),
+	("mn2hex",       ['<mnemonic> [str]', 'wordlist [str="electrum"]']),
+	("mn_rand128",   ['wordlist [str="electrum"]']),
+	("mn_rand192",   ['wordlist [str="electrum"]']),
+	("mn_rand256",   ['wordlist [str="electrum"]']),
+	("mn_stats",     ['wordlist [str="electrum"]']),
+	("mn_printlist", ['wordlist [str="electrum"]']),
+	("listaddresses",['minconf [int=1]','showempty [bool=False]','pager [bool=False]']),
+	("getbalance",   ['minconf [int=1]']),
+	("txview",       ['<MMGen tx file> [str]','pager [bool=False]','terse [bool=False]']),
+	("addrfile_chksum", ['<MMGen addr file> [str]']),
+	("keyaddrfile_chksum", ['<MMGen addr file> [str]']),
+	("find_incog_data", ['<file or device name> [str]','<Incog ID> [str]','keep_searching [bool=False]']),
+	("encrypt",      ['<infile> [str]','outfile [str=""]','hash_preset [str=""]']),
+	("decrypt",      ['<infile> [str]','outfile [str=""]','hash_preset [str=""]']),
+	("bytespec",     ['<bytespec> [str]']),
+cmd_help = """
   Bitcoin address/key operations (compressed public keys supported):
   addr2hexaddr - convert Bitcoin address from base58 to hex format
   hex2wif      - convert a private key from hex to WIF format
@@ -153,24 +154,33 @@ command_help = """
 def tool_usage(prog_name, command):
 	print "USAGE: '%s %s%s'" % (prog_name, command,
-		(" "+" ".join(commands[command]) if commands[command] else ""))
+		(" "+" ".join(cmd_data[command]) if cmd_data[command] else ""))
 def process_args(prog_name, command, cmd_args):
 	c_args = [[i.split(" [")[0],i.split(" [")[1][:-1]]
-		for i in commands[command] if "=" not in i]
+		for i in cmd_data[command] if "=" not in i]
 	c_kwargs = dict([[
 			i.split(" [")[0],
 			[i.split(" [")[1].split("=")[0], i.split(" [")[1].split("=")[1][:-1]]
-		] for i in commands[command] if "=" in i])
+		] for i in cmd_data[command] if "=" in i])
 	u_args = cmd_args[:len(c_args)]
-	u_kwargs = dict([i.split("=") for i in cmd_args[len(c_args):]])
+	u_kwargs = cmd_args[len(c_args):]
-#	print c_args; print c_kwargs; print u_args; print u_kwargs; sys.exit()
+	if len(u_args) < len(c_args):
+		msg("%s args required" % len(c_args))
+		tool_usage(prog_name, command)
+		sys.exit(1)
-	if len(u_args) != len(c_args):
+	if len(u_kwargs) > len(c_kwargs):
+		msg("Too many arguments")
 		tool_usage(prog_name, command)
+	u_kwargs = dict([a.split("=") for a in u_kwargs])
+#	print c_args; print c_kwargs; print u_args; print u_kwargs; sys.exit()
 	if set(u_kwargs) > set(c_kwargs):
 		print "Invalid named argument"
@@ -203,67 +213,84 @@ def process_args(prog_name, command, cmd_args):
 	return args,kwargs
-# Individual commands
+# Individual cmd_data
 def help():
 	Msg("Available commands:")
-	for k in commands.keys():
-		Msg("%-16s %s" % (k," ".join(commands[k])))
+	for k in cmd_data.keys():
+		Msg("%-16s %s" % (k," ".join(cmd_data[k])))
+def are_equal(a,b,dtype=""):
+	if dtype == "str": return a.lstrip("\0") == b.lstrip("\0")
+	if dtype == "hex": return a.lstrip("0") == b.lstrip("0")
+	if dtype == "b58": return a.lstrip("1") == b.lstrip("1")
+	else:              return a == b
-def print_convert_results(indata,enc,dec,no_recode=False):
-	Vmsg("Input:         [%s]" % indata)
-	Vmsg_r("Encoded data:  ["); Msg_r(enc); Vmsg_r("]"); Msg("")
-	if not no_recode:
-		Vmsg("Recoded data:  [%s]" % dec)
-		if indata != dec:
-			Msg("WARNING! Recoded number doesn't match input stringwise!")
+def print_convert_results(indata,enc,dec,dtype):
+	error = False if are_equal(indata,dec,dtype) else True
+	if error or g.verbose:
+		Msg("Input:         %s" % repr(indata))
+		Msg("Encoded data:  %s" % repr(enc))
+		Msg("Recoded data:  %s" % repr(dec))
+	else: Msg(enc)
+	if error:
+		Msg("Error! Recoded data doesn't match input!")
+		sys.exit(3)
+def usage(cmd):
+	tool_usage(g.prog_name, cmd)
 def hexdump(infile, cols=8, line_nums=True):
-	print pretty_hexdump(get_data_from_file(infile,dash=True),
+	print pretty_hexdump(get_data_from_file(infile,dash=True,silent=True),
 			cols=cols, line_nums=line_nums)
 def unhexdump(infile):
-	sys.stdout.write(decode_pretty_hexdump(get_data_from_file(infile,dash=True)))
+	sys.stdout.write(decode_pretty_hexdump(
+				get_data_from_file(infile,dash=True,silent=True)))
 def strtob58(s):
 	enc = bitcoin.b58encode(s)
 	dec = bitcoin.b58decode(enc)
-	print_convert_results(s,enc,dec)
+	print_convert_results(s,enc,dec,"str")
 def hextob58(s,f_enc=bitcoin.b58encode, f_dec=bitcoin.b58decode):
 	enc = f_enc(ba.unhexlify(s))
 	dec = ba.hexlify(f_dec(enc))
-	print_convert_results(s,enc,dec)
+	print_convert_results(s,enc,dec,"hex")
 def b58tohex(s,f_enc=bitcoin.b58decode, f_dec=bitcoin.b58encode):
 	tmp = f_enc(s)
 	if tmp == False: sys.exit(1)
 	enc = ba.hexlify(tmp)
 	dec = f_dec(ba.unhexlify(enc))
-	print_convert_results(s,enc,dec)
+	print_convert_results(s,enc,dec,"b58")
 def b58tostr(s,f_enc=bitcoin.b58decode, f_dec=bitcoin.b58encode):
 	enc = f_enc(s)
 	if enc == False: sys.exit(1)
 	dec = f_dec(enc)
-	print_convert_results(s,enc,dec)
+	print_convert_results(s,enc,dec,"b58")
 def b58randenc():
-	r = get_random(32,opts)
+	r = get_random(32)
 	enc = bitcoin.b58encode(r)
 	dec = bitcoin.b58decode(enc)
-	print_convert_results(ba.hexlify(r),enc,ba.hexlify(dec))
+	print_convert_results(r,enc,dec,"str")
 def randhex(nbytes='32'):
-	print ba.hexlify(get_random(int(nbytes),opts))
+	print ba.hexlify(get_random(int(nbytes)))
 def randwif(compressed=False):
-	r_hex = ba.hexlify(get_random(32,opts))
+	r_hex = ba.hexlify(get_random(32))
 	enc = bitcoin.hextowif(r_hex,compressed)
-	print_convert_results(r_hex,enc,"",no_recode=True)
+	dec = bitcoin.wiftohex(enc,compressed)
+	print_convert_results(r_hex,enc,dec,"hex")
 def randpair(compressed=False):
-	r_hex = ba.hexlify(get_random(32,opts))
+	r_hex = ba.hexlify(get_random(32))
 	wif = bitcoin.hextowif(r_hex,compressed)
 	addr = bitcoin.privnum2addr(int(r_hex,16),compressed)
 	Vmsg("Key (hex):  %s" % r_hex)
@@ -279,27 +306,6 @@ def wif2addr(wif,compressed=False):
 	Vmsg_r("Addr: "); Msg(addr)
 from mmgen.mnemonic import *
-from mmgen.mn_electrum  import electrum_words as el
-from mmgen.mn_tirosh    import tirosh_words   as tl
-wordlists = sorted(wl_checksums.keys())
-def get_wordlist(wordlist):
-	wordlist = wordlist.lower()
-	if wordlist not in wordlists:
-		Msg('"%s": invalid wordlist.  Valid choices: %s' %
-			(wordlist,'"'+'" "'.join(wordlists)+'"'))
-		sys.exit(1)
-	return (el if wordlist == "electrum" else tl).strip().split("\n")
-def do_random_mn(nbytes,wordlist):
-	r = get_random(nbytes,opts)
-	Vmsg("Seed: %s" % ba.hexlify(r))
-	for wlname in (wordlists if wordlist == "all" else [wordlist]):
-		wl = get_wordlist(wlname)
-		mn = get_mnemonic_from_seed(r,wl,wordlist)
-		Vmsg("%s wordlist mnemonic:" % (wlname.capitalize()))
-		print " ".join(mn)
 def mn_rand128(wordlist="electrum"): do_random_mn(16,wordlist)
 def mn_rand192(wordlist="electrum"): do_random_mn(24,wordlist)
@@ -333,8 +339,8 @@ def mn_printlist(wordlist="electrum"):
 	wl = get_wordlist(wordlist)
 	print "\n".join(wl)
-def id8(infile): print make_chksum_8(get_data_from_file(infile,dash=True))
-def id6(infile): print make_chksum_6(get_data_from_file(infile,dash=True))
+def id8(infile): print make_chksum_8(get_data_from_file(infile,dash=True,silent=True))
+def id6(infile): print make_chksum_6(get_data_from_file(infile,dash=True,silent=True))
 def str2id6(s):  print make_chksum_6("".join(s.split()))
 # List MMGen addresses and their balances:
@@ -462,9 +468,9 @@ def hex2wif(hexpriv,compressed=False):
 	print bitcoin.hextowif(hexpriv,compressed)
-def encrypt(infile,outfile="",hash_preset=''):
+def encrypt(infile,outfile="",hash_preset=""):
 	data = get_data_from_file(infile,"data for encryption")
-	enc_d = mmgen_encrypt(data,"user data","",opts)
+	enc_d = mmgen_encrypt(data,"user data",hash_preset,opts)
 	if outfile == '-':
 		write_to_stdout(enc_d,"encrypted data",confirm=True)
@@ -473,10 +479,10 @@ def encrypt(infile,outfile="",hash_preset=''):
 		write_to_file(outfile, enc_d, opts,"encrypted data",True,True)
-def decrypt(infile,outfile="",hash_preset=''):
+def decrypt(infile,outfile="",hash_preset=""):
 	enc_d = get_data_from_file(infile,"encrypted data")
 	while True:
-		dec_d = mmgen_decrypt(enc_d,"user data")
+		dec_d = mmgen_decrypt(enc_d,"user data",hash_preset)
 		if dec_d: break
 		msg("Trying again...")
 	if outfile == '-':
@@ -539,7 +545,7 @@ def parse_nbytes(nbytes):
-def rand2file(outfile, nbytes, threads=4):
+def rand2file(outfile, nbytes, threads=4, silent=False):
 	nbytes = parse_nbytes(nbytes)
 	from Crypto import Random
 	rh =
@@ -553,7 +559,7 @@ def rand2file(outfile, nbytes, threads=4):
 	from Crypto.Cipher import AES
 	from Crypto.Util import Counter
-	key = get_random(32,opts)
+	key = get_random(32)
 	def encrypt_worker(wid):
 		while True:
@@ -590,8 +596,9 @@ def rand2file(outfile, nbytes, threads=4):
 		if not (bsize*i) % roll:
 			msg_r("\rRead: %s bytes" % (bsize*i))
-	msg("\rRead: %s bytes" % nbytes)
-	qmsg("\r%s bytes written to file '%s'" % (nbytes,outfile))
+	if not silent:
+		msg("\rRead: %s bytes" % nbytes)
+		qmsg("\r%s bytes written to file '%s'" % (nbytes,outfile))

+ 1 - 1

@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ def is_b58_str(s):
 	from mmgen.bitcoin import b58a
 	return set(list(s)) <= set(b58a)
-def is_wip_key(s):
+def is_wif(s):
 	if s == "": return False
 	compressed = not s[0] == '5'
 	from mmgen.bitcoin import wiftohex

+ 8 - 0

@@ -41,6 +41,14 @@ def vmsg(s):
 def vmsg_r(s):
 	if g.verbose: sys.stderr.write(s)
+def Msg(s):    sys.stdout.write(s + "\n")
+def Msg_r(s):  sys.stdout.write(s)
+def Vmsg(s):
+	if g.verbose: sys.stdout.write(s + "\n")
+def Vmsg_r(s):
+	if g.verbose: sys.stdout.write(s)
 def msgrepr(*args):
 	for d in args:

+ 4 - 4

@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ setup(
+			'mmgen.test',
@@ -46,10 +47,9 @@ setup(
-			'mmgen.tests.__init__',
-			'mmgen.tests.bitcoin',
-			'mmgen.tests.mnemonic',
-			'mmgen.tests.test',
+			'test.__init__',
+			'test.test',
+			'test.tooltest',

+ 0 - 0

+ 246 - 335

@@ -8,109 +8,14 @@ pn = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
-from mmgen.util import msgrepr, msgrepr_exit
+import mmgen.config as g
+from mmgen.util import msgrepr,msgrepr_exit,Msg
+from mmgen.test import *
 hincog_fn = "rand_data"
 non_mmgen_fn = "btckey"
-from collections import OrderedDict
-cmd_data = OrderedDict([
-#     test               description                  depends
-	['refwalletgen',    (6,'reference wallet seed ID',    [[[],6]])],
-	['refaddrgen',      (6,'reference wallet address checksum', [[["mmdat"],6]])],
-	['refkeyaddrgen',   (6,'reference wallet key-address checksum', [[["mmdat"],6]])],
-	['walletgen',       (1,'wallet generation',        [[[],1]])],
-	['walletchk',       (1,'wallet check',             [[["mmdat"],1]])],
-	['passchg',         (5,'password, label and hash preset change',[[["mmdat"],1]])],
-	['walletchk_newpass',(5,'wallet check with new pw, label and hash preset',[[["mmdat"],5]])],
-	['addrgen',         (1,'address generation',       [[["mmdat"],1]])],
-	['addrimport',      (1,'address import',           [[["addrs"],1]])],
-	['txcreate',        (1,'transaction creation',     [[["addrs"],1]])],
-	['txsign',          (1,'transaction signing',      [[["mmdat","raw"],1]])],
-	['txsend',          (1,'transaction sending',      [[["sig"],1]])],
-	['export_seed',     (1,'seed export to mmseed format',   [[["mmdat"],1]])],
-	['export_mnemonic', (1,'seed export to mmwords format',  [[["mmdat"],1]])],
-	['export_incog',    (1,'seed export to mmincog format',  [[["mmdat"],1]])],
-	['export_incog_hex',(1,'seed export to mmincog hex format', [[["mmdat"],1]])],
-	['export_incog_hidden',(1,'seed export to hidden mmincog format', [[["mmdat"],1]])],
-	['addrgen_seed',    (1,'address generation from mmseed file', [[["mmseed","addrs"],1]])],
-	['addrgen_mnemonic',(1,'address generation from mmwords file',[[["mmwords","addrs"],1]])],
-	['addrgen_incog',   (1,'address generation from mmincog file',[[["mmincog","addrs"],1]])],
-	['addrgen_incog_hex',(1,'address generation from mmincog hex file',[[["mmincox","addrs"],1]])],
-	['addrgen_incog_hidden',(1,'address generation from hidden mmincog file', [[[hincog_fn,"addrs"],1]])],
-	['keyaddrgen',    (1,'key-address file generation', [[["mmdat"],1]])],
-	['txsign_keyaddr',(1,'transaction signing with key-address file', [[["akeys.mmenc","raw"],1]])],
-	['walletgen2',(2,'wallet generation (2)',     [])],
-#	['walletgen2',(2,'wallet generation (2), 128-bit seed (WIP)',     [])],
-	['addrgen2',  (2,'address generation (2)',    [[["mmdat"],2]])],
-	['txcreate2', (2,'transaction creation (2)',  [[["addrs"],2]])],
-	['txsign2',   (2,'transaction signing, two transactions',[[["mmdat","raw"],1],[["mmdat","raw"],2]])],
-	['export_mnemonic2', (2,'seed export to mmwords format (2)',[[["mmdat"],2]])],
-#	['export_mnemonic2', (2,'seed export to mmwords format (2), 128-bit seed (WIP)',[[["mmdat"],2]])],
-	['walletgen3',(3,'wallet generation (3)',         [])],
-	['addrgen3',  (3,'address generation (3)',        [[["mmdat"],3]])],
-	['txcreate3', (3,'tx creation with inputs and outputs from two wallets', [[["addrs"],1],[["addrs"],3]])],
-	['txsign3',   (3,'tx signing with inputs and outputs from two wallets',[[["mmdat"],1],[["mmdat","raw"],3]])],
-	['walletgen4',(4,'wallet generation (4) (brainwallet)', [])],
-#	['walletgen4',(4,'wallet generation (4) (brainwallet, 192-bit seed (WIP))', [])],
-	['addrgen4',  (4,'address generation (4)',              [[["mmdat"],4]])],
-	['txcreate4', (4,'tx creation with inputs and outputs from four seed sources, plus non-MMGen inputs and outputs', [[["addrs"],1],[["addrs"],2],[["addrs"],3],[["addrs"],4]])],
-	['txsign4',   (4,'tx signing with inputs and outputs from incog file, mnemonic file, wallet and brainwallet, plus non-MMGen inputs and outputs', [[["mmincog"],1],[["mmwords"],2],[["mmdat"],3],[["mmbrain","raw"],4]])],
-tool_cmd_data = OrderedDict([
-	['strtob58',   (10, '',   [])],
-	['b58tostr',   (10, '',   [[["","strtob58.out"],10]])],
-	['hextob58',   (10, '',   [])],
-	['b58tohex',   (10, '',   [[["","hextob58.out"],10]])],
-# 	"b58randenc":   [],
-# 	"randhex":      ['nbytes [int=32]'],
-# 	"randwif":      ['compressed [bool=False]'],
-# 	"randpair":     ['compressed [bool=False]'],
-# 	"wif2hex":      ['<wif> [str]', 'compressed [bool=False]'],
-# 	"wif2addr":     ['<wif> [str]', 'compressed [bool=False]'],
-# 	"hex2wif":      ['<private key in hex format> [str]', 'compressed [bool=False]'],
-# 	"hexdump":      ['<infile> [str]', 'cols [int=8]', 'line_nums [bool=True]'],
-# 	"unhexdump":    ['<infile> [str]'],
-# 	"hex2mn":       ['<hexadecimal string> [str]','wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
-# 	"mn2hex":       ['<mnemonic> [str]', 'wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
-# 	"b32tohex":     ['<b32 num> [str]'],
-# 	"hextob32":     ['<hex num> [str]'],
-# 	"mn_rand128":   ['wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
-# 	"mn_rand192":   ['wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
-# 	"mn_rand256":   ['wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
-# 	"mn_stats":     ['wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
-# 	"mn_printlist": ['wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
-# 	"id8":          ['<infile> [str]'],
-# 	"id6":          ['<infile> [str]'],
-# 	"str2id6":      ['<string (spaces are ignored)> [str]'],
-utils = {
-	'check_deps': 'check dependencies for specified command',
-	'clean':      'clean specified tmp dir(s) 1, 2, 3 or 4 (no arg = all dirs)',
-addrs_per_wallet = 8
 cfgs = {
-	'10': {
-		'name':          "test the tool utility",
-		'enc_passwd':    "Ten Satoshis",
-		'tmpdir':        "test/tmp10",
-		'dep_generators':  {
-			'strtob58.out': "strtob58",
-			'':  "strtob58",
-		},
-	},
 	'6': {
 		'name':            "reference wallet check",
 		'bw_passwd':       "abc",
@@ -194,17 +99,94 @@ cfgs = {
 			'mmdat':       "passchg",
+	'9': {
+		'tmpdir':        "test/tmp9",
+		'tool_enc_passwd': "Scrypt it, don't hash it!",
+		'tool_enc_reftext':
+	"The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks\n",
+		'tool_enc_infn':      "",
+		'tool_enc_ref_infn':  "",
+		'dep_generators': {
+			'':            "tool_encrypt",
+			'':      "tool_encrypt",
+			'':        "tool_encrypt_ref",
+			'':  "tool_encrypt_ref",
+		},
+	},
+from collections import OrderedDict
+cmd_data = OrderedDict([
+#     test               description                  depends
+	['refwalletgen',    (6,'reference wallet seed ID',    [[[],6]])],
+	['refaddrgen',      (6,'reference wallet address checksum', [[["mmdat"],6]])],
+	['refkeyaddrgen',   (6,'reference wallet key-address checksum', [[["mmdat"],6]])],
+	['walletgen',       (1,'wallet generation',        [[[],1]])],
+	['walletchk',       (1,'wallet check',             [[["mmdat"],1]])],
+	['passchg',         (5,'password, label and hash preset change',[[["mmdat"],1]])],
+	['walletchk_newpass',(5,'wallet check with new pw, label and hash preset',[[["mmdat"],5]])],
+	['addrgen',         (1,'address generation',       [[["mmdat"],1]])],
+	['addrimport',      (1,'address import',           [[["addrs"],1]])],
+	['txcreate',        (1,'transaction creation',     [[["addrs"],1]])],
+	['txsign',          (1,'transaction signing',      [[["mmdat","raw"],1]])],
+	['txsend',          (1,'transaction sending',      [[["sig"],1]])],
+	['export_seed',     (1,'seed export to mmseed format',   [[["mmdat"],1]])],
+	['export_mnemonic', (1,'seed export to mmwords format',  [[["mmdat"],1]])],
+	['export_incog',    (1,'seed export to mmincog format',  [[["mmdat"],1]])],
+	['export_incog_hex',(1,'seed export to mmincog hex format', [[["mmdat"],1]])],
+	['export_incog_hidden',(1,'seed export to hidden mmincog format', [[["mmdat"],1]])],
+	['addrgen_seed',    (1,'address generation from mmseed file', [[["mmseed","addrs"],1]])],
+	['addrgen_mnemonic',(1,'address generation from mmwords file',[[["mmwords","addrs"],1]])],
+	['addrgen_incog',   (1,'address generation from mmincog file',[[["mmincog","addrs"],1]])],
+	['addrgen_incog_hex',(1,'address generation from mmincog hex file',[[["mmincox","addrs"],1]])],
+	['addrgen_incog_hidden',(1,'address generation from hidden mmincog file', [[[hincog_fn,"addrs"],1]])],
+	['keyaddrgen',    (1,'key-address file generation', [[["mmdat"],1]])],
+	['txsign_keyaddr',(1,'transaction signing with key-address file', [[["akeys.mmenc","raw"],1]])],
+	['walletgen2',(2,'wallet generation (2)',     [])],
+#	['walletgen2',(2,'wallet generation (2), 128-bit seed (WIP)',     [])],
+	['addrgen2',  (2,'address generation (2)',    [[["mmdat"],2]])],
+	['txcreate2', (2,'transaction creation (2)',  [[["addrs"],2]])],
+	['txsign2',   (2,'transaction signing, two transactions',[[["mmdat","raw"],1],[["mmdat","raw"],2]])],
+	['export_mnemonic2', (2,'seed export to mmwords format (2)',[[["mmdat"],2]])],
+#	['export_mnemonic2', (2,'seed export to mmwords format (2), 128-bit seed (WIP)',[[["mmdat"],2]])],
+	['walletgen3',(3,'wallet generation (3)',                  [])],
+	['addrgen3',  (3,'address generation (3)',                 [[["mmdat"],3]])],
+	['txcreate3', (3,'tx creation with inputs and outputs from two wallets', [[["addrs"],1],[["addrs"],3]])],
+	['txsign3',   (3,'tx signing with inputs and outputs from two wallets',[[["mmdat"],1],[["mmdat","raw"],3]])],
+	['walletgen4',(4,'wallet generation (4) (brainwallet)',    [])],
+#	['walletgen4',(4,'wallet generation (4) (brainwallet, 192-bit seed (WIP))', [])],
+	['addrgen4',  (4,'address generation (4)',                 [[["mmdat"],4]])],
+	['txcreate4', (4,'tx creation with inputs and outputs from four seed sources, plus non-MMGen inputs and outputs', [[["addrs"],1],[["addrs"],2],[["addrs"],3],[["addrs"],4]])],
+	['txsign4',   (4,'tx signing with inputs and outputs from incog file, mnemonic file, wallet and brainwallet, plus non-MMGen inputs and outputs', [[["mmincog"],1],[["mmwords"],2],[["mmdat"],3],[["mmbrain","raw"],4]])],
+	['tool_encrypt',     (9,"'mmgen-tool encrypt' (random data)",     [])],
+	['tool_decrypt',     (9,"'mmgen-tool decrypt' (random data)",
+		[[[cfgs['9']['tool_enc_infn'],
+		   cfgs['9']['tool_enc_infn']+".mmenc"],9]])],
+	['tool_encrypt_ref', (9,"'mmgen-tool encrypt' (reference text)",  [])],
+	['tool_decrypt_ref', (9,"'mmgen-tool decrypt' (reference text)",
+		[[[cfgs['9']['tool_enc_ref_infn'],
+		   cfgs['9']['tool_enc_ref_infn']+".mmenc"],9]])],
+utils = {
+	'check_deps': 'check dependencies for specified command',
+	'clean':      'clean specified tmp dir(s) 1,2,3,4,5 or 6 (no arg = all dirs)',
-from binascii import hexlify
-def getrand(n): return int(hexlify(os.urandom(n)),16)
-def getrandhex(n): return hexlify(os.urandom(n))
+addrs_per_wallet = 8
 # total of two outputs must be < 10 BTC
 for k in cfgs.keys():
 	cfgs[k]['amts'] = [0,0]
 	for idx,mod in (0,6),(1,4):
-		cfgs[k]['amts'][idx] = "%s.%s" % ((getrand(2) % mod), str(getrand(4))[:5])
+		cfgs[k]['amts'][idx] = "%s.%s" % ((getrandnum(2) % mod), str(getrandnum(4))[:5])
 meta_cmds = OrderedDict([
 	['ref',    (6,("refwalletgen","refaddrgen","refkeyaddrgen"))],
@@ -217,11 +199,12 @@ meta_cmds = OrderedDict([
 	['2', (2,[k for k in cmd_data if cmd_data[k][0] == 2])],
 	['3', (3,[k for k in cmd_data if cmd_data[k][0] == 3])],
 	['4', (4,[k for k in cmd_data if cmd_data[k][0] == 4])],
+	['tool',   (9,("tool_encrypt","tool_decrypt","tool_encrypt_ref","tool_decrypt_ref"))],
 from mmgen.Opts import *
 help_data = {
-	'prog_name': "",
+	'prog_name': g.prog_name,
 	'desc': "Test suite for the MMGen suite",
 	'usage':"[options] [command or metacommand]",
 	'options': """
@@ -253,69 +236,60 @@ else:
 for k in 'debug','verbose','exact_output','pause','quiet':
-	globals()[k] = True if k in opts else False
+	g.__dict__[k] = True if k in opts else False
-if debug: verbose = True
+if g.debug: g.verbose = True
-if exact_output:
+if g.exact_output:
 	def msg(s): pass
 	vmsg = vmsg_r = msg_r = msg
 	def msg(s): sys.stderr.write(s+"\n")
 	def vmsg(s):
-		if verbose: sys.stderr.write(s+"\n")
+		if g.verbose: sys.stderr.write(s+"\n")
 	def msg_r(s): sys.stderr.write(s)
 	def vmsg_r(s):
-		if verbose: sys.stderr.write(s)
+		if g.verbose: sys.stderr.write(s)
 stderr_save = sys.stderr
 def silence():
-	if not (verbose or exact_output):
+	if not (g.verbose or g.exact_output):
 		sys.stderr = open("/dev/null","a")
 def end_silence():
-	if not (verbose or exact_output):
+	if not (g.verbose or g.exact_output):
 		sys.stderr = stderr_save
 def errmsg(s): stderr_save.write(s+"\n")
 def errmsg_r(s): stderr_save.write(s)
-def Msg(s): sys.stdout.write(s+"\n")
 if "list_cmds" in opts:
+	fs = "  {:<{w}} - {}"
 	Msg("Available commands:")
 	w = max([len(i) for i in cmd_data])
 	for cmd in cmd_data:
-		Msg("  {:<{w}} - {}".format(cmd,cmd_data[cmd][1],w=w))
+		Msg(fs.format(cmd,cmd_data[cmd][1],w=w))
 	Msg("\nAvailable metacommands:")
 	w = max([len(i) for i in meta_cmds])
 	for cmd in meta_cmds:
-		Msg("  {:<{w}} - {}".format(cmd," + ".join(meta_cmds[cmd][1]),w=w))
+		Msg(fs.format(cmd," + ".join(meta_cmds[cmd][1]),w=w))
 	Msg("\nAvailable utilities:")
 	w = max([len(i) for i in utils])
 	for cmd in sorted(utils):
-		Msg("  {:<{w}} - {}".format(cmd,utils[cmd],w=w))
+		Msg(fs.format(cmd,utils[cmd],w=w))
 import pexpect,time,re
 import mmgen.config as g
 from mmgen.util import get_data_from_file,write_to_file,get_lines_from_file
-redc,grnc,yelc,cyac,reset = (
-	["\033[%sm" % c for c in "31;1","32;1","33;1","36;1","0"]
-def red(s):    return redc+s+reset
-def green(s):  return grnc+s+reset
-def yellow(s): return yelc+s+reset
-def cyan(s):   return cyac+s+reset
 def my_send(p,t,delay=send_delay,s=False):
 	if delay: time.sleep(delay)
 	ret = p.send(t) # returns num bytes written
 	if delay: time.sleep(delay)
-	if verbose:
-		ls = "" if debug or not s else " "
+	if g.verbose:
+		ls = "" if g.debug or not s else " "
 		es = "" if s else "  "
 		msg("%sSEND %s%s" % (ls,es,yellow("'%s'"%t.replace('\n',r'\n'))))
 	return ret
@@ -323,7 +297,7 @@ def my_send(p,t,delay=send_delay,s=False):
 def my_expect(p,s,t='',delay=send_delay,regex=False,nonl=False):
 	quo = "'" if type(s) == str else ""
-	if verbose: msg_r("EXPECT %s" % yellow(quo+str(s)+quo))
+	if g.verbose: msg_r("EXPECT %s" % yellow(quo+str(s)+quo))
 	else:       msg_r("+")
@@ -335,7 +309,7 @@ def my_expect(p,s,t='',delay=send_delay,regex=False,nonl=False):
 		errmsg(red("\nERROR.  Expect %s%s%s timed out.  Exiting" % (quo,s,quo)))
-	if debug or (verbose and type(s) != str): msg_r(" ==> %s " % ret)
+	if g.debug or (g.verbose and type(s) != str): msg_r(" ==> %s " % ret)
 	if ret == -1:
 		errmsg("Error.  Expect returned %s" % ret)
@@ -346,14 +320,6 @@ def my_expect(p,s,t='',delay=send_delay,regex=False,nonl=False):
 		else: ret = my_send(p,t,delay,s)
 		return ret
-def cleandir(d):
-	try:    files = os.listdir(d)
-	except: return
-	msg(green("Cleaning directory '%s'" % d))
-	for f in files:
-		os.unlink(os.path.join(d,f))
 def get_file_with_ext(ext,mydir,delete=True):
 	flist = [os.path.join(mydir,f) for f in os.listdir(mydir)
@@ -363,7 +329,7 @@ def get_file_with_ext(ext,mydir,delete=True):
 	if len(flist) > 1:
 		if delete:
-			if not quiet:
+			if not g.quiet:
 				msg("Multiple *.%s files in '%s' - deleting" % (ext,mydir))
 			for f in flist: os.unlink(f)
 		return False
@@ -375,7 +341,7 @@ def get_addrfile_checksum(display=False):
 	from mmgen.addr import AddrInfo
 	chk = AddrInfo(addrfile).checksum
-	if verbose and display: msg("Checksum: %s" % cyan(chk))
+	if g.verbose and display: msg("Checksum: %s" % cyan(chk))
 	return chk
@@ -385,9 +351,6 @@ def verify_checksum_or_exit(checksum,chk):
 	vmsg(green("Checksums match: %s") % (cyan(chk)))
-def get_rand_printable_chars(num_chars,no_punc=False):
-	return [chr(ord(i)%94+33) for i in list(os.urandom(num_chars))]
 class MMGenExpect(object):
@@ -395,8 +358,7 @@ class MMGenExpect(object):
 		if not 'system' in opts:
 			mmgen_cmd = os.path.join(os.curdir,mmgen_cmd)
 		desc = cmd_data[name][1]
-		if not desc: desc = name
-		if verbose or exact_output:
+		if g.verbose or g.exact_output:
 				green("Testing %s\nExecuting " % desc) +
 				cyan("'%s %s'\n" % (mmgen_cmd," ".join(cmd_args)))
@@ -406,27 +368,27 @@ class MMGenExpect(object):
 #		msgrepr(mmgen_cmd,cmd_args); msg("")
 		if env: self.p = pexpect.spawn(mmgen_cmd,cmd_args,env=env)
 		else:   self.p = pexpect.spawn(mmgen_cmd,cmd_args)
-		if exact_output: self.p.logfile = sys.stdout
+		if g.exact_output: self.p.logfile = sys.stdout
 	def license(self):
 		p = "'w' for conditions and warranty info, or 'c' to continue: "
 	def usr_rand(self,num_chars):
-		rand_chars = get_rand_printable_chars(num_chars)
+		rand_chars = list(getrandstr(num_chars,no_space=True))
 		my_expect(self.p,'symbols left: ','x')
 			vmsg_r("SEND ")
 			while self.p.expect('left: ',0.1) == 0:
 				ch = rand_chars.pop(0)
-				msg_r(yellow(ch)+" " if verbose else "+")
+				msg_r(yellow(ch)+" " if g.verbose else "+")
 		my_expect(self.p,"ENTER to continue: ",'\n')
 	def passphrase_new(self,what,passphrase):
-		my_expect(self.p,("Enter passphrase for new %s: " % what), passphrase+"\n")
+		my_expect(self.p,("Enter passphrase for %s: " % what), passphrase+"\n")
 		my_expect(self.p,"Repeat passphrase: ", passphrase+"\n")
 	def passphrase(self,what,passphrase,pwtype=""):
@@ -483,7 +445,6 @@ class MMGenExpect(object):
 	def read(self,n=None):
 from import TransactionInfo
 from decimal import Decimal
 from mmgen.bitcoin import verify_addr
@@ -491,13 +452,13 @@ from mmgen.bitcoin import verify_addr
 def add_fake_unspent_entry(out,address,comment):
 		account = unicode(comment),
-		vout = int(getrand(4) % 8),
+		vout = int(getrandnum(4) % 8),
 		txid = unicode(hexlify(os.urandom(32))),
-		amount = Decimal("%s.%s" % (10+(getrand(4) % 40), getrand(4) % 100000000)),
+		amount = Decimal("%s.%s" % (10+(getrandnum(4) % 40), getrandnum(4) % 100000000)),
 		address = address,
 		spendable = False,
 		scriptPubKey = ("76a914"+verify_addr(address,return_hex=True)+"88ac"),
-		confirmations = getrand(4) % 500
+		confirmations = getrandnum(4) % 500
 def create_fake_unspent_data(adata,unspent_data_file,tx_data,non_mmgen_input=''):
@@ -511,7 +472,7 @@ def create_fake_unspent_data(adata,unspent_data_file,tx_data,non_mmgen_input='')
 	if non_mmgen_input:
 		from mmgen.bitcoin import privnum2addr,hextowif
-		privnum = getrand(32)
+		privnum = getrandnum(32)
 		btcaddr = privnum2addr(privnum,compressed=True)
 		of = os.path.join(cfgs[non_mmgen_input]['tmpdir'],non_mmgen_fn)
 		write_to_file(of, hextowif("{:064x}".format(privnum),
@@ -538,34 +499,24 @@ def make_brainwallet_file(fn):
 	wl = tirosh_words.split("\n")
 	nwords,ws_list,max_spaces = 10,"    \n",5
 	def rand_ws_seq():
-		nchars = getrand(1) % max_spaces + 1
-		return "".join([ws_list[getrand(1)%len(ws_list)] for i in range(nchars)])
-	rand_pairs = [wl[getrand(4) % len(wl)] + rand_ws_seq() for i in range(nwords)]
+		nchars = getrandnum(1) % max_spaces + 1
+		return "".join([ws_list[getrandnum(1)%len(ws_list)] for i in range(nchars)])
+	rand_pairs = [wl[getrandnum(4) % len(wl)] + rand_ws_seq() for i in range(nwords)]
 	d = "".join(rand_pairs).rstrip() + "\n"
-	if verbose: msg_r("Brainwallet password:\n%s" % cyan(d))
+	if g.verbose: msg_r("Brainwallet password:\n%s" % cyan(d))
 	write_to_file(fn,d,{},"brainwallet password")
 def do_between():
-	if pause:
+	if g.pause:
 		from mmgen.util import keypress_confirm
 		if keypress_confirm(green("Continue?"),default_yes=True):
-			if verbose or exact_output: sys.stderr.write("\n")
+			if g.verbose or g.exact_output: sys.stderr.write("\n")
 			errmsg("Exiting at user request")
-	elif verbose or exact_output:
+	elif g.verbose or g.exact_output:
-def do_cmd(ts,cmd):
-	d = [(str(num),ext) for exts,num in cmd_data[cmd][2] for ext in exts]
-	al = [get_file_with_ext(ext,cfgs[num]['tmpdir']) for num,ext in d]
-	global cfg
-	cfg = cfgs[str(cmd_data[cmd][0])]
-	ts.__class__.__dict__[cmd](*([ts,cmd] + al))
 hincog_bytes   = 1024*1024
 hincog_offset  = 98765
@@ -573,115 +524,129 @@ hincog_seedlen = 256
 rebuild_list = OrderedDict()
-def get_num_ext_for_cmd(cmd):
-	num = str(cmd_data[cmd][0])
-	dgl = cfgs[num]['dep_generators']
-#	msgrepr(num,cmd,dgl)
-	if cmd in dgl.values():
-		ext = [k for k in dgl if dgl[k] == cmd][0]
-		return (num,ext)
-	else:
-		return ('','')
-def check_needs_rerun(cmd,build=False,root=True,force_delete=False):
+def check_needs_rerun(ts,cmd,build=False,root=True,force_delete=False,dpy=False):
-	rerun = True if root else False
+	rerun = True if root else False  # force_delete is not passed to recursive call
-	num,ext = get_num_ext_for_cmd(cmd) # does cmd produce a needed dependency?
-	if num and (force_delete or not root):
-		fn = get_file_with_ext(ext,cfgs[num]['tmpdir'],delete=build)
-		if not fn: rerun = True
-		if fn and force_delete:
-			os.unlink(fn); fn = ""
-	else: fn = ""
+	fns = []
+	if force_delete or not root:
+		ret = ts.get_num_exts_for_cmd(cmd,dpy) #does cmd produce a needed dependency?
+		if ret:
+			for ext in ret[1]:
+				fn = get_file_with_ext(ext,cfgs[ret[0]]['tmpdir'],delete=build)
+				if fn:
+					if force_delete: os.unlink(fn)
+					else: fns.append(fn)
+				else: rerun = True
-	fdeps = [(str(n),e) for exts,n in cmd_data[cmd][2] for e in exts]
-	cdeps = [cfgs[str(n)]['dep_generators'][e] for n,e in fdeps]
+	fdeps = ts.generate_file_deps(cmd)
+	cdeps = ts.generate_cmd_deps(fdeps)
-	if fn:
+	for fn in fns:
 		my_age = os.stat(fn).st_mtime
 		for num,ext in fdeps:
 			f = get_file_with_ext(ext,cfgs[num]['tmpdir'],delete=build)
 			if f and os.stat(f).st_mtime > my_age: rerun = True
 	for cdep in cdeps:
-		if check_needs_rerun(cdep,build=build,root=False): rerun = True
+		if check_needs_rerun(ts,cdep,build=build,root=False,dpy=cmd): rerun = True
 	if build:
 		if rerun:
-			if fn and not root:
-				os.unlink(fn)
-			do_cmd(ts,cmd)
+			for fn in fns:
+				if not root: os.unlink(fn)
+			ts.do_cmd(cmd)
 			if not root: do_between()
 		# If prog produces multiple files:
 		if cmd not in rebuild_list or rerun == True:
-			rebuild_list[cmd] = (rerun,fn)
+			rebuild_list[cmd] = (rerun,fns[0] if fns else "") # FIX
 	return rerun
-def mk_tmpdir(cfg):
-	try: os.mkdir(cfg['tmpdir'],0755)
-	except OSError as e:
-		if e.errno != 17: raise
-	else: msg("Created directory '%s'" % cfg['tmpdir'])
 def refcheck(what,chk,refchk):
 	vmsg("Comparing %s '%s' to stored reference" % (what,chk))
 	if chk == refchk:
-		if not verbose: errmsg("")
+		if not g.verbose: errmsg("")
 Fatal error - %s '%s' does not match reference value '%s'.  Aborting test
 """.strip() % (what,chk,refchk)))
-def ok():
-	if verbose or exact_output:
-		sys.stderr.write(green("OK\n"))
-	else: msg(" OK")
+def check_deps(ts,name,cmds):
+	if len(cmds) != 1:
+		msg("Usage: %s check_deps <command>" % g.prog_name)
+		sys.exit(1)
+	cmd = cmds[0]
+	if cmd not in cmd_data:
+		msg("'%s': unrecognized command" % cmd)
+		sys.exit(1)
+	if not g.quiet:
+		msg("Checking dependencies for '%s'" % (cmd))
+	check_needs_rerun(ts,cmd,build=False)
+	w = max(len(i) for i in rebuild_list) + 1
+	for cmd in rebuild_list:
+		c = rebuild_list[cmd]
+		m = "Rebuild" if (c[0] and c[1]) else "Build" if c[0] else "OK"
+		msg("cmd {:<{w}} {}".format(cmd+":", m, w=w))
+#			msgrepr(cmd,c)
+def clean(dirs=[]):
+	ts = MMGenTestSuite()
+	dirlist = ts.list_tmp_dirs()
+	if not dirs: dirs = dirlist.keys()
+	for d in dirs:
+		if d in sorted(dirlist):
+			cleandir(dirlist[d])
+		else:
+			msg("%s: invalid directory number" % d)
+			sys.exit(1)
 class MMGenTestSuite(object):
 	def __init__(self):
-	def check_deps(self,name,cmds):
-		if len(cmds) != 1:
-			msg("Usage: %s check_deps <command>" % g.prog_name)
-			sys.exit(1)
+	def list_tmp_dirs(self):
+		d = {}
+		for k in cfgs: d[k] = cfgs[k]['tmpdir']
+		return d
-		cmd = cmds[0]
+	def get_num_exts_for_cmd(self,cmd,dpy=False): # dpy ignored here
+		num = str(cmd_data[cmd][0])
+		dgl = cfgs[num]['dep_generators']
+#	msgrepr(num,cmd,dgl)
+		if cmd in dgl.values():
+			ext = [k for k in dgl if dgl[k] == cmd][0]
+			return (num,[ext])
+		else:
+			return None
-		if cmd not in cmd_data:
-			msg("'%s': unrecognized command" % cmd)
-			sys.exit(1)
+	def do_cmd(self,cmd):
-		if not quiet:
-			msg("Checking dependencies for '%s'" % (cmd))
+		d = [(str(num),ext) for exts,num in cmd_data[cmd][2] for ext in exts]
+		al = [get_file_with_ext(ext,cfgs[num]['tmpdir']) for num,ext in d]
-		check_needs_rerun(cmd,build=False)
+		global cfg
+		cfg = cfgs[str(cmd_data[cmd][0])]
-		w = max(len(i) for i in rebuild_list) + 1
-		for cmd in rebuild_list:
-			c = rebuild_list[cmd]
-			m = "Rebuild" if (c[0] and c[1]) else "Build" if c[0] else "OK"
-			msg("cmd {:<{w}} {}".format(cmd+":", m, w=w))
-#			msgrepr(cmd,c)
+		self.__class__.__dict__[cmd](*([self,cmd] + al))
+	def generate_file_deps(self,cmd):
+		return [(str(n),e) for exts,n in cmd_data[cmd][2] for e in exts]
-	def clean(self,name,dirs=[]):
-		dirlist = dirs if dirs else sorted(cfgs.keys())
-		for k in dirlist:
-			if k in cfgs:
-				cleandir(cfgs[k]['tmpdir'])
-			else:
-				msg("%s: invalid directory index" % k)
-				sys.exit(1)
+	def generate_cmd_deps(self,fdeps):
+		return [cfgs[str(n)]['dep_generators'][ext] for n,ext in fdeps]
 	def walletgen(self,name,brain=False):
-		mk_tmpdir(cfg)
 		args = ["-d",cfg['tmpdir'],"-p1","-r10"]
 #        if 'seed_len' in cfg: args += ["-l",cfg['seed_len']]
@@ -703,22 +668,20 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
 			t.expect("Generating encryption key from OS random data plus %s" % s)
 			if brain: break
-		t.passphrase_new("MMGen wallet",cfg['wpasswd'])
+		t.passphrase_new("new MMGen wallet",cfg['wpasswd'])
 	def refwalletgen(self,name):
-		mk_tmpdir(cfg)
 		args = ["-q","-d",cfg['tmpdir'],"-p1","-r10","-b"+cfg['bw_hashparams']]
 		t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-walletgen", args)
 		t.expect("passphrase: ",cfg['bw_passwd']+"\n")
-		t.passphrase_new("MMGen wallet",cfg['wpasswd'])
+		t.passphrase_new("new MMGen wallet",cfg['wpasswd'])
 		key_id = t.written_to_file("Wallet").split("-")[0].split("/")[-1]
 		refcheck("key id",key_id,cfg['key_id'])
 	def passchg(self,name,walletfile):
-		mk_tmpdir(cfg)
 		t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-passchg",
 			["-d",cfg['tmpdir'],"-p","2","-L","New Label","-r","16",walletfile])
@@ -778,7 +741,7 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
 	def txcreate_common(self,name,sources=['1'],non_mmgen_input=''):
-		if verbose or exact_output:
+		if g.verbose or g.exact_output:
 			sys.stderr.write(green("Generating fake transaction info\n"))
 		from mmgen.addr import AddrInfo,AddrInfoList
@@ -805,7 +768,7 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
 		# make the command line
 		from mmgen.bitcoin import privnum2addr
-		btcaddr = privnum2addr(getrand(32),compressed=True)
+		btcaddr = privnum2addr(getrandnum(32),compressed=True)
 		cmd_args = ["-d",cfg['tmpdir']]
 		for num in tx_data.keys():
@@ -823,7 +786,7 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
 		env["MMGEN_BOGUS_WALLET_DATA"] = unspent_data_file
-		if verbose or exact_output: sys.stderr.write("\n")
+		if g.verbose or g.exact_output: sys.stderr.write("\n")
 		t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-txcreate",cmd_args,env)
@@ -908,7 +871,7 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
 	def export_incog_hidden(self,name,walletfile):
 		rf,rd = os.path.join(cfg['tmpdir'],hincog_fn),os.urandom(hincog_bytes)
 		vmsg(green("Writing %s bytes of data to file '%s'" % (hincog_bytes,rf)))
-		write_to_file(rf,rd,{},verbose=verbose)
+		write_to_file(rf,rd,{},verbose=g.verbose)
 		t = self.export_incog(name,walletfile,args=["-G","%s,%s"%(rf,hincog_offset)])
@@ -960,7 +923,7 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
 		t.expect("Encrypt key list? (y/N): ","y")
 		t.hash_preset("new key list",'1')
-		t.passphrase_new("key list",cfg['kapasswd'])
+		t.passphrase_new("new key list",cfg['kapasswd'])
@@ -1054,86 +1017,41 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
 		t.written_to_file("Signed transaction")
+	def tool_encrypt(self,name,infile=""):
+		if infile:
+			infn = infile
+		else:
+			d = os.urandom(1033)
+			tmp_fn = cfg['tool_enc_infn']
+			write_to_tmpfile(cfg,tmp_fn,d)
+			infn = get_tmpfile_fn(cfg,tmp_fn)
+		t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-tool",["-d",cfg['tmpdir'],"encrypt",infn])
+		t.hash_preset("user data",'1')
+		t.passphrase_new("user data",cfg['tool_enc_passwd'])
+		t.written_to_file("Encrypted data")
+		ok()
-def write_to_tmpfile(fn,data):
-	write_to_file(os.path.join(cfg['tmpdir'],fn),data,{},silent=True)
-def read_from_tmpfile(fn):
-	from mmgen.util import get_data_from_file
-	return get_data_from_file(os.path.join(cfg['tmpdir'],fn),silent=True)
-def read_from_file(fn):
-	from mmgen.util import get_data_from_file
-	return get_data_from_file(fn,silent=True)
-class MMGenToolTestSuite(object):
-	def __init__(self):
-		global cmd_data,tool_cmd_data
-		cmd_data = tool_cmd_data
-		pass
-	def clean(self,name):
-		cleandir(cfgs['10']['tmpdir'])
-	def cmd(self,name,tool_args):
-		mk_tmpdir(cfg)
-		t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-tool", ["-d",cfg['tmpdir']] + tool_args)
-		return
-	def cmd_to_tmpfile(self,name,tool_args,tmpfile):
-		ret = self.cmd(name,tool_args)
-		if ret:
-			write_to_tmpfile(tmpfile,ret)
-			ok()
-	def strtob58(self,name):
-		s = "".join(get_rand_printable_chars(15))
-		write_to_tmpfile('',s)
-		self.cmd_to_tmpfile(name,["strtob58",s],'strtob58.out')
-	def b58tostr(self,name,f1,f2):
-		idata = read_from_file(f1)
-		odata = read_from_file(f2)[:-2]
-		res = self.cmd(name,["b58tostr",odata])[:-2]
-		if res == idata: ok()
-		else: errmsg(red("Error"))
-	def hextob58(self,name):
-		hexnum = getrandhex(32)
-		write_to_tmpfile('',hexnum)
-		self.cmd_to_tmpfile(name,["hextob58",hexnum],'hextob58.out')
-	def b58tohex(self,name,f1,f2):
-		idata = read_from_file(f1)
-		odata = read_from_file(f2)[:-2]
-		res = self.cmd(name,["b58tohex",odata])[:-2]
-		if res == idata: ok()
-		else: errmsg(red("Error"))
-# 	"b58randenc":   [],
-# 	"randhex":      ['nbytes [int=32]'],
-# 	"randwif":      ['compressed [bool=False]'],
-# 	"randpair":     ['compressed [bool=False]'],
-# 	"wif2hex":      ['<wif> [str]', 'compressed [bool=False]'],
-# 	"wif2addr":     ['<wif> [str]', 'compressed [bool=False]'],
-# 	"hex2wif":      ['<private key in hex format> [str]', 'compressed [bool=False]'],
-# 	"hexdump":      ['<infile> [str]', 'cols [int=8]', 'line_nums [bool=True]'],
-# 	"unhexdump":    ['<infile> [str]'],
-# 	"hex2mn":       ['<hexadecimal string> [str]','wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
-# 	"mn2hex":       ['<mnemonic> [str]', 'wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
-# 	"b32tohex":     ['<b32 num> [str]'],
-# 	"hextob32":     ['<hex num> [str]'],
-# 	"mn_rand128":   ['wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
-# 	"mn_rand192":   ['wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
-# 	"mn_rand256":   ['wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
-# 	"mn_stats":     ['wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
-# 	"mn_printlist": ['wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
-# 	"id8":          ['<infile> [str]'],
-# 	"id6":          ['<infile> [str]'],
-# 	"str2id6":      ['<string (spaces are ignored)> [str]'],
+	def tool_encrypt_ref(self,name):
+		infn = get_tmpfile_fn(cfg,cfg['tool_enc_ref_infn'])
+		write_to_file(infn,cfg['tool_enc_reftext'],{},silent=True)
+		self.tool_encrypt(name,infn)
+	# Two deps produced by one prog is broken - TODO
+	def tool_decrypt(self,name,f1,f2):
+		of = name + ".out"
+		t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-tool",
+			["-d",cfg['tmpdir'],"decrypt",f2,"outfile="+of,"hash_preset=1"])
+		t.passphrase("user data",cfg['tool_enc_passwd'])
+		t.written_to_file("Decrypted data")
+		d1 = read_from_file(f1)
+		d2 = read_from_file(get_tmpfile_fn(cfg,of))
+		cmp_or_die(d1,d2)
+	def tool_decrypt_ref(self,name,f1,f2):
+		self.tool_decrypt(name,f1,f2)
 # main()
-if pause:
+if g.pause:
 	import termios,atexit
 	fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
 	old = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
@@ -1142,25 +1060,26 @@ if pause:
 start_time = int(time.time())
+ts = MMGenTestSuite()
+for cfg in sorted(cfgs): mk_tmpdir(cfgs[cfg])
-	if cmd_args and cmd_args[0] != "tool":
+	if cmd_args:
 		arg1 = cmd_args[0]
 		if arg1 in utils:
-			MMGenTestSuite.__dict__[arg1](ts,arg1,cmd_args[1:])
+			globals()[arg1](cmd_args[1:])
 		elif arg1 in meta_cmds:
-			ts = MMGenTestSuite()
 			if len(cmd_args) == 1:
 				for cmd in meta_cmds[arg1][1]:
-					check_needs_rerun(cmd,build=True,force_delete=True)
+					check_needs_rerun(ts,cmd,build=True,force_delete=True)
 				msg("Only one meta command may be specified")
-		elif arg1 in cmd_data.keys() + tool_cmd_data.keys():
-			ts = MMGenTestSuite() if arg1 in cmd_data else MMGenToolTestSuite()
+		elif arg1 in cmd_data.keys():
 			if len(cmd_args) == 1:
-				check_needs_rerun(arg1,build=True)
+				check_needs_rerun(ts,arg1,build=True)
 				msg("Only one command may be specified")
@@ -1168,17 +1087,9 @@ try:
 			errmsg("%s: unrecognized command" % arg1)
-		if cmd_args: # tool
-			if len(cmd_args) != 1:
-				msg("Only one command may be specified")
-				sys.exit(1)
-			ts = MMGenToolTestSuite()
-		else:
-			ts = MMGenTestSuite()
-		ts.clean("clean")
+		clean()
 		for cmd in cmd_data:
-			do_cmd(ts,cmd)
+			ts.do_cmd(cmd)
 			if cmd is not cmd_data.keys()[-1]: do_between()
 	sys.stderr = stderr_save

+ 351 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+# Chdir to repo root.
+# Since script is not in repo root, fix sys.path so that modules are
+# imported from repo, not system.
+import sys,os
+pn = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
+import mmgen.config as g
+from mmgen.util import msg,msg_r,vmsg,vmsg_r,Msg,msgrepr, msgrepr_exit
+from collections import OrderedDict
+cmd_data = OrderedDict([
+	('util', {
+			'desc': "base conversion, hashing and file utilities",
+			'cmd_data': OrderedDict([
+				('strtob58',     ()),
+				('b58tostr',     ("strtob58","io")),
+				('hextob58',     ()),
+				('b58tohex',     ("hextob58","io")),
+				('b58randenc',   ()),
+				('hextob32',     ()),
+				('b32tohex',     ("hextob32","io")),
+				('randhex',      ()),
+				('id8',          ()),
+				('id6',          ()),
+				('str2id6',      ()),
+				("sha256x2",     ()),
+				("hexreverse",   ()),
+				("hexlify",      ()),
+				('hexdump',      ()),
+				('unhexdump',    ("hexdump","io")),
+				('rand2file',    ()),
+			])
+		}
+	),
+	('bitcoin', {
+			'desc': "Bitcoin address/key commands",
+			'cmd_data': OrderedDict([
+				('randwif',      ()),
+				('randpair',     ()),
+				('wif2addr',     ("randpair","o2")),
+				('wif2hex',      ("randpair","o2")),
+				('privhex2addr', ("wif2hex","o2")), # wif from randpair o2
+				('hex2wif',      ("wif2hex","io2")),
+				('addr2hexaddr', ("randpair","o2")),
+				('hexaddr2addr', ("addr2hexaddr","io2")),
+# ("pubkey2addr",  ['<public key in hex format> [str]']),
+# ("pubkey2hexaddr", ['<public key in hex format> [str]']),
+			])
+		}
+	),
+	('mnemonic', {
+			'desc': "mnemonic commands",
+			'cmd_data': OrderedDict([
+				('hex2mn',       ()),
+				('mn2hex',       ("hex2mn","io3")),
+				('mn_rand128',   ()),
+				('mn_rand192',   ()),
+				('mn_rand256',   ()),
+				('mn_stats',     ()),
+				('mn_printlist', ()),
+			])
+		}
+	)
+cfg = {
+	'name':          "the tool utility",
+	'enc_passwd':    "Ten Satoshis",
+	'tmpdir':        "test/tmp10",
+	'tmpdir_num':    10,
+from mmgen.Opts import *
+help_data = {
+	'prog_name': g.prog_name,
+	'desc': "Test suite for the 'mmgen-tool' utility",
+	'usage':"[options] [command]",
+	'options': """
+-h, --help         Print this help message
+-d, --debug        Produce debugging output
+-l, --list-cmds    List and describe the tests and commands in the test suite
+-s, --system       Test scripts and modules installed on system rather than those in the repo root
+-v, --verbose      Produce more verbose output
+	'notes': """
+If no command is given, the whole suite of tests is run.
+opts,cmd_args = parse_opts(sys.argv,help_data)
+if 'system' in opts: sys.path.pop(0)
+env = os.environ
+for k in 'debug','verbose','quiet','exact_output':
+	g.__dict__[k] = True if k in opts else False
+if g.debug: g.verbose = True
+if "list_cmds" in opts:
+	fs = "  {:<{w}} - {}"
+	Msg("Available commands:")
+	w = max([len(i) for i in cmd_data])
+	for cmd in cmd_data:
+		Msg(fs.format(cmd,cmd_data[cmd]['desc'],w=w))
+	Msg("\nAvailable utilities:")
+	Msg(fs.format("clean","Clean the tmp directory",w=w))
+	sys.exit()
+import binascii
+import mmgen.config as g
+from mmgen.test import *
+from mmgen.util import get_data_from_file,write_to_file,get_lines_from_file
+from mmgen.tx import is_wif,is_btc_addr,is_b58_str
+from mmgen.mnemonic import get_seed_from_mnemonic
+class MMGenToolTestSuite(object):
+	def __init__(self):
+		pass
+	def gen_deps_for_cmd(self,cmd,cdata):
+		fns = []
+		if cdata:
+			name,code = cdata
+			io,count = code,1
+			if code[-1] in "0123456789":
+				io,count = code[:-1],int(code[-1])
+			for c in range(count):
+				fns += ["%s%s%s" % (
+					name,
+					(c+1 if count > 1 else ""),
+					('.in' if ch=='i' else '.out')
+				) for ch in io]
+		return fns
+	def get_num_exts_for_cmd(self,cmd,dpy): # dpy required here
+		num = str(tool_cfgs['tmpdir_num'])
+		# return only first file - a hack
+		exts = gen_deps_for_cmd(dpy)
+		return num,exts
+	def do_cmds(self,cmd_group):
+		cdata = cmd_data[cmd_group]['cmd_data']
+		for cmd in cdata: self.do_cmd(cmd,cdata[cmd])
+	def do_cmd(self,cmd,cdata):
+		fns = self.gen_deps_for_cmd(cmd,cdata)
+		file_list = [os.path.join(cfg['tmpdir'],fn) for fn in fns]
+		self.__class__.__dict__[cmd](*([self,cmd] + file_list))
+	def run_cmd(self,name,tool_args,kwargs="",extra_msg="",silent=False):
+		mmgen_tool = "mmgen-tool"
+		if not 'system' in opts:
+			mmgen_tool = os.path.join(os.curdir,mmgen_tool)
+		sys_cmd = [mmgen_tool, "-d",cfg['tmpdir'], name] + tool_args + kwargs.split()
+		if extra_msg: extra_msg = "(%s)" % extra_msg
+		full_name = " ".join([name]+kwargs.split()+extra_msg.split())
+		if not silent:
+			if g.verbose:
+				sys.stderr.write(green("Testing %s\nExecuting " % full_name))
+				sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % cyan(repr(sys_cmd)))
+			else:
+				msg_r("Testing %-31s%s" % (full_name+":",""))
+		import subprocess
+		return subprocess.check_output(sys_cmd)
+	def run_cmd_chk(self,name,f1,f2,kwargs="",extra_msg=""):
+		idata = read_from_file(f1)[:-1]
+		odata = read_from_file(f2)[:-1]
+		ret = self.run_cmd(name,[odata],kwargs=kwargs,extra_msg=extra_msg)[:-1]
+		vmsg("In:   " + repr(odata))
+		vmsg("Out:  " + repr(ret))
+		if ret == idata: ok()
+		else:
+			msg(red(
+	"Error: values don't match:\nIn:  %s\nOut: %s" % (repr(idata),repr(ret))))
+			sys.exit(3)
+		return ret
+	def run_cmd_nochk(self,name,f1,kwargs=""):
+		odata = read_from_file(f1)[:-1]
+		ret = self.run_cmd(name,[odata],kwargs=kwargs)[:-1]
+		vmsg("In:   " + repr(odata))
+		vmsg("Out:  " + repr(ret))
+		return ret
+	def run_cmd_out(self,name,carg=None,Return=False,kwargs="",fn_idx="",extra_msg=""):
+		if carg: write_to_tmpfile(cfg,"" % (name,fn_idx),carg+"\n")
+		ret = self.run_cmd(name,[carg] if carg else [],kwargs=kwargs,extra_msg=extra_msg)
+		if carg: vmsg("In:   " + repr(carg))
+		vmsg("Out:  " + repr(ret[:-1]))
+		if ret:
+			write_to_tmpfile(cfg,"%s%s.out" % (name,fn_idx),ret)
+			if Return: return ret
+			else:   ok()
+		else:
+			msg(red("Error for command '%s'" % name))
+			sys.exit(3)
+	def run_cmd_randfileinput(self,name):
+		s = os.urandom(128)
+		fn = name+".in"
+		write_to_tmpfile(cfg,fn,s)
+		ret = self.run_cmd(name,[get_tmpfile_fn(cfg,fn)])
+		fn = name+".out"
+		write_to_tmpfile(cfg,fn,ret)
+		ok()
+		vmsg("Returned: %s" % ret)
+	def str2id6(self,name):
+		s = getrandstr(120,no_space=True)
+		s2 = " %s %s %s %s %s " % (s[:3],s[3:9],s[9:29],s[29:50],s[50:120])
+		ret1 = self.run_cmd(name,[s],extra_msg="unspaced input"); ok()
+		ret2 = self.run_cmd(name,[s2],extra_msg="spaced input")
+		cmp_or_die(ret1,ret2)
+		vmsg("Returned: %s" % ret1)
+	def mn_rand128(self,name):
+		self.run_cmd_out(name)
+	def mn_rand192(self,name):
+		self.run_cmd_out(name)
+	def mn_rand256(self,name):
+		self.run_cmd_out(name)
+	def mn_stats(self,name):
+		self.run_cmd_out(name)
+	def mn_printlist(self,name):
+		self.run_cmd(name,[])
+		ok()
+	def id6(self,name):     self.run_cmd_randfileinput(name)
+	def id8(self,name):     self.run_cmd_randfileinput(name)
+	def hexdump(self,name): self.run_cmd_randfileinput(name)
+	def unhexdump(self,name,fn1,fn2):
+		ret = self.run_cmd(name,[fn2])
+		orig = read_from_file(fn1)
+		cmp_or_die(orig,ret)
+	def rand2file(self,name):
+		of = name + ".out"
+		dlen = 1024
+		self.run_cmd(name,[of,str(1024),"threads=4","silent=1"])
+		d = read_from_tmpfile(cfg,of)
+		cmp_or_die(dlen,len(d))
+	def strtob58(self,name):       self.run_cmd_out(name,getrandstr(16))
+	def sha256x2(self,name):       self.run_cmd_out(name,getrandstr(16))
+	def hexreverse(self,name):     self.run_cmd_out(name,getrandhex(24))
+	def hexlify(self,name):        self.run_cmd_out(name,getrandstr(24))
+	def b58tostr(self,name,f1,f2): self.run_cmd_chk(name,f1,f2)
+	def hextob58(self,name):       self.run_cmd_out(name,getrandhex(32))
+	def b58tohex(self,name,f1,f2): self.run_cmd_chk(name,f1,f2)
+	def hextob32(self,name):       self.run_cmd_out(name,getrandhex(24))
+	def b32tohex(self,name,f1,f2): self.run_cmd_chk(name,f1,f2)
+	def b58randenc(self,name):
+		ret = self.run_cmd_out(name,Return=True)
+		ok_or_die(ret[:-1],is_b58_str,"base 58 string")
+	def randhex(self,name):
+		ret = self.run_cmd_out(name,Return=True)
+		ok_or_die(ret[:-1],binascii.unhexlify,"hex string")
+	def randwif(self,name):
+		for n,k in enumerate(["","compressed=1"]):
+			ret = self.run_cmd_out(name,kwargs=k,Return=True,fn_idx=n+1)
+			ok_or_die(ret[:-1],is_wif,"WIF key")
+	def randpair(self,name):
+		for n,k in enumerate(["","compressed=1"]):
+			wif,addr = self.run_cmd_out(name,kwargs=k,Return=True,fn_idx=n+1).split()
+			ok_or_die(wif,is_wif,"WIF key",skip_ok=True)
+			ok_or_die(addr,is_btc_addr,"Bitcoin address")
+	def hex2wif(self,name,f1,f2,f3,f4):
+		for n,fi,fo,k in (1,f1,f2,""),(2,f3,f4,"compressed=1"):
+			ret = self.run_cmd_chk(name,fi,fo,kwargs=k)
+	def wif2hex(self,name,f1,f2):
+		for n,f,k in (1,f1,""),(2,f2,"compressed=1"):
+			wif = read_from_file(f).split()[0]
+			self.run_cmd_out(name,wif,kwargs=k,fn_idx=n)
+	def wif2addr(self,name,f1,f2):
+		for n,f,k in (1,f1,""),(2,f2,"compressed=1"):
+			wif = read_from_file(f).split()[0]
+			self.run_cmd_out(name,wif,kwargs=k,fn_idx=n)
+	def addr2hexaddr(self,name,f1,f2):
+		for n,f,m in (1,f1,""),(2,f2,"from compressed"):
+			addr = read_from_file(f).split()[-1]
+			self.run_cmd_out(name,addr,fn_idx=n,extra_msg=m)
+	def hexaddr2addr(self,name,f1,f2,f3,f4):
+		for n,fi,fo,m in (1,f1,f2,""),(2,f3,f4,"from compressed"):
+			self.run_cmd_chk(name,fi,fo,extra_msg=m)
+	def privhex2addr(self,name,f1,f2):
+		key1 = read_from_file(f1)
+		key2 = read_from_file(f2)
+		for n,args in enumerate([[key1],[key2,"compressed=1"]]):
+			ret = self.run_cmd(name,args).rstrip()
+			iaddr = read_from_tmpfile(cfg,"randpair%s.out" % (n+1)).split()[-1]
+			cmp_or_die(iaddr,ret)
+	def hex2mn(self,name):
+		for n,size,m in(1,16,"128-bit"),(2,24,"192-bit"),(3,32,"256-bit"):
+			hexnum = getrandhex(size)
+			self.run_cmd_out(name,hexnum,fn_idx=n,extra_msg=m)
+	def mn2hex(self,name,f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6):
+		for f_i,f_o,m in (f1,f2,"128-bit"),(f3,f4,"192-bit"),(f5,f6,"256-bit"):
+			self.run_cmd_chk(name,f_i,f_o,extra_msg=m)
+# main()
+import time
+start_time = int(time.time())
+ts = MMGenToolTestSuite()
+if cmd_args:
+	if len(cmd_args) != 1:
+		msg("Only one command may be specified")
+		sys.exit(1)
+	cmd = cmd_args[0]
+	if cmd in cmd_data:
+		msg("Running tests for %s:" % cmd_data[cmd]['desc'])
+		ts.do_cmds(cmd)
+	elif cmd == "clean":
+		cleandir(cfg['tmpdir'])
+		sys.exit(0)
+	else:
+		msg("'%s': unrecognized command" % cmd)
+		sys.exit(1)
+	cleandir(cfg['tmpdir'])
+	for cmd in cmd_data:
+		msg("Running tests for %s:" % cmd_data[cmd]['desc'])
+		ts.do_cmds(cmd)
+		if cmd is not cmd_data.keys()[-1]: msg("")
+t = int(time.time()) - start_time
+	"All requested tests finished OK, elapsed time: %02i:%02i" % (t/60,t%60)))