@@ -45,23 +45,55 @@ cmd_data = OrderedDict([
['keyaddrgen', (1,'key-address file generation', [[["mmdat"],1]])],
['txsign_keyaddr',(1,'transaction signing with key-address file', [[["akeys.mmenc","raw"],1]])],
- ['walletgen2',(2,'wallet generation (2), 128-bit seed (WIP)', [])],
+ ['walletgen2',(2,'wallet generation (2)', [])],
+# ['walletgen2',(2,'wallet generation (2), 128-bit seed (WIP)', [])],
['addrgen2', (2,'address generation (2)', [[["mmdat"],2]])],
['txcreate2', (2,'transaction creation (2)', [[["addrs"],2]])],
['txsign2', (2,'transaction signing, two transactions',[[["mmdat","raw"],1],[["mmdat","raw"],2]])],
- ['export_mnemonic2', (2,'seed export to mmwords format (2), 128-bit seed (WIP)',[[["mmdat"],2]])],
+ ['export_mnemonic2', (2,'seed export to mmwords format (2)',[[["mmdat"],2]])],
+# ['export_mnemonic2', (2,'seed export to mmwords format (2), 128-bit seed (WIP)',[[["mmdat"],2]])],
['walletgen3',(3,'wallet generation (3)', [])],
['addrgen3', (3,'address generation (3)', [[["mmdat"],3]])],
['txcreate3', (3,'tx creation with inputs and outputs from two wallets', [[["addrs"],1],[["addrs"],3]])],
['txsign3', (3,'tx signing with inputs and outputs from two wallets',[[["mmdat"],1],[["mmdat","raw"],3]])],
- ['walletgen4',(4,'wallet generation (4) (brainwallet, 192-bit seed (WIP))', [])],
+ ['walletgen4',(4,'wallet generation (4) (brainwallet)', [])],
+# ['walletgen4',(4,'wallet generation (4) (brainwallet, 192-bit seed (WIP))', [])],
['addrgen4', (4,'address generation (4)', [[["mmdat"],4]])],
['txcreate4', (4,'tx creation with inputs and outputs from four seed sources, plus non-MMGen inputs and outputs', [[["addrs"],1],[["addrs"],2],[["addrs"],3],[["addrs"],4]])],
['txsign4', (4,'tx signing with inputs and outputs from incog file, mnemonic file, wallet and brainwallet, plus non-MMGen inputs and outputs', [[["mmincog"],1],[["mmwords"],2],[["mmdat"],3],[["mmbrain","raw"],4]])],
+tool_cmd_data = OrderedDict([
+ ['strtob58', (10, '', [])],
+ ['b58tostr', (10, '', [[["strtob58.in","strtob58.out"],10]])],
+ ['hextob58', (10, '', [])],
+ ['b58tohex', (10, '', [[["hextob58.in","hextob58.out"],10]])],
+# "b58randenc": [],
+# "randhex": ['nbytes [int=32]'],
+# "randwif": ['compressed [bool=False]'],
+# "randpair": ['compressed [bool=False]'],
+# "wif2hex": ['<wif> [str]', 'compressed [bool=False]'],
+# "wif2addr": ['<wif> [str]', 'compressed [bool=False]'],
+# "hex2wif": ['<private key in hex format> [str]', 'compressed [bool=False]'],
+# "hexdump": ['<infile> [str]', 'cols [int=8]', 'line_nums [bool=True]'],
+# "unhexdump": ['<infile> [str]'],
+# "hex2mn": ['<hexadecimal string> [str]','wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
+# "mn2hex": ['<mnemonic> [str]', 'wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
+# "b32tohex": ['<b32 num> [str]'],
+# "hextob32": ['<hex num> [str]'],
+# "mn_rand128": ['wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
+# "mn_rand192": ['wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
+# "mn_rand256": ['wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
+# "mn_stats": ['wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
+# "mn_printlist": ['wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
+# "id8": ['<infile> [str]'],
+# "id6": ['<infile> [str]'],
+# "str2id6": ['<string (spaces are ignored)> [str]'],
utils = {
'check_deps': 'check dependencies for specified command',
'clean': 'clean specified tmp dir(s) 1, 2, 3 or 4 (no arg = all dirs)',
@@ -69,6 +101,16 @@ utils = {
addrs_per_wallet = 8
cfgs = {
+ '10': {
+ 'name': "test the tool utility",
+ 'enc_passwd': "Ten Satoshis",
+ 'tmpdir': "test/tmp10",
+ 'dep_generators': {
+ 'strtob58.out': "strtob58",
+ 'strtob58.in': "strtob58",
+ },
+ },
'6': {
'name': "reference wallet check",
'bw_passwd': "abc",
@@ -156,6 +198,7 @@ cfgs = {
from binascii import hexlify
def getrand(n): return int(hexlify(os.urandom(n)),16)
+def getrandhex(n): return hexlify(os.urandom(n))
# total of two outputs must be < 10 BTC
for k in cfgs.keys():
@@ -342,12 +385,17 @@ def verify_checksum_or_exit(checksum,chk):
vmsg(green("Checksums match: %s") % (cyan(chk)))
+def get_rand_printable_chars(num_chars,no_punc=False):
+ return [chr(ord(i)%94+33) for i in list(os.urandom(num_chars))]
class MMGenExpect(object):
def __init__(self,name,mmgen_cmd,cmd_args=[],env=env):
if not 'system' in opts:
mmgen_cmd = os.path.join(os.curdir,mmgen_cmd)
desc = cmd_data[name][1]
+ if not desc: desc = name
if verbose or exact_output:
green("Testing %s\nExecuting " % desc) +
@@ -365,7 +413,7 @@ class MMGenExpect(object):
def usr_rand(self,num_chars):
- rand_chars = [chr(ord(i)%94+33) for i in list(os.urandom(num_chars))]
+ rand_chars = get_rand_printable_chars(num_chars)
my_expect(self.p,'symbols left: ','x')
vmsg_r("SEND ")
@@ -429,7 +477,10 @@ class MMGenExpect(object):
def readline(self):
return self.p.readline()
- def read(self,n):
+ def readlines(self):
+ return [l.rstrip()+"\n" for l in self.p.readlines()]
+ def read(self,n=None):
return self.p.read(n)
@@ -513,7 +564,7 @@ def do_cmd(ts,cmd):
global cfg
cfg = cfgs[str(cmd_data[cmd][0])]
- MMGenTestSuite.__dict__[cmd](*([ts,cmd] + al))
+ ts.__class__.__dict__[cmd](*([ts,cmd] + al))
hincog_bytes = 1024*1024
@@ -591,7 +642,6 @@ def ok():
else: msg(" OK")
class MMGenTestSuite(object):
def __init__(self):
@@ -1004,10 +1054,85 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
t.written_to_file("Signed transaction")
-# main()
-ts = MMGenTestSuite()
-start_time = int(time.time())
+def write_to_tmpfile(fn,data):
+ write_to_file(os.path.join(cfg['tmpdir'],fn),data,{},silent=True)
+def read_from_tmpfile(fn):
+ from mmgen.util import get_data_from_file
+ return get_data_from_file(os.path.join(cfg['tmpdir'],fn),silent=True)
+def read_from_file(fn):
+ from mmgen.util import get_data_from_file
+ return get_data_from_file(fn,silent=True)
+class MMGenToolTestSuite(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ global cmd_data,tool_cmd_data
+ cmd_data = tool_cmd_data
+ pass
+ def clean(self,name):
+ cleandir(cfgs['10']['tmpdir'])
+ def cmd(self,name,tool_args):
+ mk_tmpdir(cfg)
+ t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-tool", ["-d",cfg['tmpdir']] + tool_args)
+ return t.read()
+ def cmd_to_tmpfile(self,name,tool_args,tmpfile):
+ ret = self.cmd(name,tool_args)
+ if ret:
+ write_to_tmpfile(tmpfile,ret)
+ ok()
+ def strtob58(self,name):
+ s = "".join(get_rand_printable_chars(15))
+ write_to_tmpfile('strtob58.in',s)
+ self.cmd_to_tmpfile(name,["strtob58",s],'strtob58.out')
+ def b58tostr(self,name,f1,f2):
+ idata = read_from_file(f1)
+ odata = read_from_file(f2)[:-2]
+ res = self.cmd(name,["b58tostr",odata])[:-2]
+ if res == idata: ok()
+ else: errmsg(red("Error"))
+ def hextob58(self,name):
+ hexnum = getrandhex(32)
+ write_to_tmpfile('hextob58.in',hexnum)
+ self.cmd_to_tmpfile(name,["hextob58",hexnum],'hextob58.out')
+ def b58tohex(self,name,f1,f2):
+ idata = read_from_file(f1)
+ odata = read_from_file(f2)[:-2]
+ res = self.cmd(name,["b58tohex",odata])[:-2]
+ if res == idata: ok()
+ else: errmsg(red("Error"))
+# "b58randenc": [],
+# "randhex": ['nbytes [int=32]'],
+# "randwif": ['compressed [bool=False]'],
+# "randpair": ['compressed [bool=False]'],
+# "wif2hex": ['<wif> [str]', 'compressed [bool=False]'],
+# "wif2addr": ['<wif> [str]', 'compressed [bool=False]'],
+# "hex2wif": ['<private key in hex format> [str]', 'compressed [bool=False]'],
+# "hexdump": ['<infile> [str]', 'cols [int=8]', 'line_nums [bool=True]'],
+# "unhexdump": ['<infile> [str]'],
+# "hex2mn": ['<hexadecimal string> [str]','wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
+# "mn2hex": ['<mnemonic> [str]', 'wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
+# "b32tohex": ['<b32 num> [str]'],
+# "hextob32": ['<hex num> [str]'],
+# "mn_rand128": ['wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
+# "mn_rand192": ['wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
+# "mn_rand256": ['wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
+# "mn_stats": ['wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
+# "mn_printlist": ['wordlist [str="electrum"]'],
+# "id8": ['<infile> [str]'],
+# "id6": ['<infile> [str]'],
+# "str2id6": ['<string (spaces are ignored)> [str]'],
+# main()
if pause:
import termios,atexit
fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
@@ -1016,20 +1141,24 @@ if pause:
termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old)
+start_time = int(time.time())
- if cmd_args:
+ if cmd_args and cmd_args[0] != "tool":
arg1 = cmd_args[0]
if arg1 in utils:
elif arg1 in meta_cmds:
+ ts = MMGenTestSuite()
if len(cmd_args) == 1:
for cmd in meta_cmds[arg1][1]:
msg("Only one meta command may be specified")
- elif arg1 in cmd_data:
+ elif arg1 in cmd_data.keys() + tool_cmd_data.keys():
+ ts = MMGenTestSuite() if arg1 in cmd_data else MMGenToolTestSuite()
if len(cmd_args) == 1:
@@ -1039,6 +1168,14 @@ try:
errmsg("%s: unrecognized command" % arg1)
+ if cmd_args: # tool
+ if len(cmd_args) != 1:
+ msg("Only one command may be specified")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ ts = MMGenToolTestSuite()
+ else:
+ ts = MMGenTestSuite()
for cmd in cmd_data: