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MMGen Wallet’s regtest mode, also known as Bob and Alice mode, uses the regression test feature of the Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Bitcoin Cash daemons to create a virtual network of two users who transact on a private blockchain.

All of MMGen Wallet’s functionality for these coins is available in regtest mode, making it an ideal way to learn to use MMGen Wallet without risking real assets.

To send a transaction or perform any other operation as Bob or Alice, just add the --bob or --alice option to the applicable MMGen Wallet command.

This tutorial provides a quick, hands-on introduction.

  1. Initialize regtest mode and start the regtest daemon:

    $ mmgen-regtest setup
    $ mmgen-regtest start
  2. Generate Bob’s wallet:

    $ mmgen-walletgen --bob
    Make this wallet your default and move it to the data directory? (Y/n): y
  3. Generate three type C (compressed) addresses with Bob’s wallet:

    $ mmgen-addrgen --bob --type=compressed 1-3
    Addresses written to file '1163DDF1-C[1-3].addrs'
    # 1163DDF1 is Bob’s Seed ID; since it’s generated randomly, yours will be different
  4. Import the addresses into Bob’s tracking wallet:

    $ mmgen-addrimport --bob 1163DDF1-C[1-3].addrs
    Type uppercase 'YES' to confirm: YES

    Since your Bob has a different Seed ID, your address filename will of course be different than this one.

  5. List the addresses in Bob’s tracking wallet. You’ll see the addresses you just imported:

    $ mmgen-tool --bob listaddresses
    MMGenID        ADDRESS                             COMMENT BALANCE
    1163DDF1:C:1   mw42oJ94yRA6ZUNSzmMpjZDR74JNyvqzzZ     -      0
    1163DDF1:C:2   n1oszhfAyRrHi7qJupyzaWXTcpMQGsGJEf     -      0
    1163DDF1:C:3   mhYYHM7renPpNi8SUj5yeEZ54eAUJ5HyQ1     -      0

    Note that regtest mode uses testnet-format addresses, which differ from the familiar mainnet addresses beginning with ’1’.

  6. Fund one of the addresses (let’s choose the first one) with some BTC:

    $ mmgen-regtest send mw42oJ94yRA6ZUNSzmMpjZDR74JNyvqzzZ 500

    Don’t forget to substitute your C:1 address for the one above!

  7. Make sure the funds reached their destination:

    $ mmgen-tool --bob listaddresses
    MMGenID        ADDRESS                             COMMENT BALANCE
    1163DDF1:C:1   mw42oJ94yRA6ZUNSzmMpjZDR74JNyvqzzZ     -    500
    1163DDF1:C:2   n1oszhfAyRrHi7qJupyzaWXTcpMQGsGJEf     -      0
    1163DDF1:C:3   mhYYHM7renPpNi8SUj5yeEZ54eAUJ5HyQ1     -      0
    TOTAL: 500 BTC
  8. You can view Bob’s total balance this way too:

    $ mmgen-tool --bob getbalance
  9. Generate Alice’s wallet:

    $ mmgen-walletgen --alice
    Make this wallet your default and move it to the data directory? (Y/n): y
  10. Generate three type S (segwit) addresses with Alice’s wallet:

    $ mmgen-addrgen --alice --type=segwit 1-3
    Addresses written to file '9304C211-S[1-3].addrs'
  11. Repeat steps 4-7 for Alice by substituting --bob for --alice. Don’t forget to change the address filename and send address to suit. The result of step 7 will look something like this:

    MMGenID        ADDRESS                             COMMENT BALANCE
    9304C211:S:1   2N3HhxasbRvrJyHg72JNVCCPi9EUGrEbFnu    -    500
    9304C211:S:2   2N8w8qTupvd9L9wLFbrn6UhdfF1gadDAmFD    -      0
    9304C211:S:3   2NF4y3y4CEjQCcssjX2BDLHT88XHn8z53JS    -      0
    TOTAL: 500 BTC
  12. Split Alice’s funds, sending 200 BTC to address S:2 and the change to S:3. Specify a fee of 20 satoshis/byte and make the output quieter:

    $ mmgen-txdo --alice --fee=20s --quiet 9304C211:S:2,300 9304C211:S:3
    Type uppercase 'YES' to confirm: YES
    Transaction sent: 78ca853816b55527b42ca8784c887a5f482c752522f914d2f17d6afcd8a3b076

    Don’t forget to use your Alice’s Seed ID here, instead of 9304C211.

    Note that for simplicity’s sake this tutorial uses the mmgen-txdo command to create, sign and send transactions in one operation. In normal, cold wallet mode, you’d create the transaction with mmgen-txcreate, sign it offline with mmgen-txsign and send it with mmgen-txsend. Use of these commands is explained in detail in the Getting Started guide.

  13. View the transaction in the mempool:

    $ mmgen-regtest mempool
  14. Mine a block:

    $ mmgen-regtest generate
  15. Check the mempool again:

    $ mmgen-regtest mempool
  16. List Alice’s addresses. Note that Alice has lost a bit to transaction fees:

    $ mmgen-tool --alice listaddresses
    MMGenID        ADDRESS                             COMMENT BALANCE
    9304C211:S:1   2N3HhxasbRvrJyHg72JNVCCPi9EUGrEbFnu    -      0
    9304C211:S:2   2N8w8qTupvd9L9wLFbrn6UhdfF1gadDAmFD    -    300
    9304C211:S:3   2NF4y3y4CEjQCcssjX2BDLHT88XHn8z53JS    -    199.999967
    TOTAL: 499.999967 BTC
  17. Have Alice send 10 BTC to Bob’s C:2 address and the change back to her S:1 address. This time Alice specifies an absolute fee in BTC.

    $ mmgen-txdo --alice --fee=0.0001 --quiet 9304C211:S:1 n1oszhfAyRrHi7qJupyzaWXTcpMQGsGJEf,10
    Enter a range or space-separated list of outputs to spend: 1

    Note that Alice is reusing address S:1 here, and address reuse is generally a bad idea. You’d be better off generating and importing some new addresses for Alice by repeating steps 3 and 4 with a different address range. I’ll leave that to you as an exercise.

  18. Mine a block:

    $ mmgen-regtest generate
  19. List Alice’s addresses, omitting the empty ones:

    $ mmgen-tool --alice listaddresses
    MMGenID        ADDRESS                             COMMENT BALANCE
    9304C211:S:1   2N3HhxasbRvrJyHg72JNVCCPi9EUGrEbFnu    -    189.999867
    9304C211:S:2   2N8w8qTupvd9L9wLFbrn6UhdfF1gadDAmFD    -    300
    TOTAL: 489.999867 BTC
  20. List Bob’s addresses:

    $ mmgen-tool --bob listaddresses
    MMGenID        ADDRESS                             COMMENT BALANCE
    1163DDF1:C:1   mw42oJ94yRA6ZUNSzmMpjZDR74JNyvqzzZ     -    500
    1163DDF1:C:2   n1oszhfAyRrHi7qJupyzaWXTcpMQGsGJEf     -     10
    TOTAL: 510 BTC
  21. Add a label to Bob’s tracking wallet:

    $ mmgen-tool --bob add_label 1163DDF1:C:2 'From Alice'
  22. List Bob’s addresses:

    $ mmgen-tool --bob listaddresses
    MMGenID        ADDRESS                             COMMENT    BALANCE
    1163DDF1:C:1   mw42oJ94yRA6ZUNSzmMpjZDR74JNyvqzzZ      -      500
    1163DDF1:C:2   n1oszhfAyRrHi7qJupyzaWXTcpMQGsGJEf  From Alice  10
    TOTAL: 510 BTC
  23. When you’re finished, stop the regtest daemon:

    $ mmgen-regtest stop