ts_regtest.py 35 KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/env python3
  2. #
  3. # mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution
  4. # Copyright (C)2013-2021 The MMGen Project <mmgen@tuta.io>
  5. #
  6. # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  7. # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  8. # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  9. # (at your option) any later version.
  10. #
  11. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  12. # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  14. # GNU General Public License for more details.
  15. #
  16. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  17. # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
  18. """
  19. ts_regtest.py: Regtest tests for the test.py test suite
  20. """
  21. import os,json
  22. from decimal import Decimal
  23. from mmgen.globalvars import g
  24. from mmgen.opts import opt
  25. from mmgen.util import die,gmsg,write_data_to_file
  26. from mmgen.protocol import init_proto
  27. from mmgen.addr import AddrList
  28. from mmgen.wallet import MMGenWallet
  29. from ..include.common import *
  30. from .common import *
  31. pat_date = r'\b\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\b'
  32. pat_date_time = r'\b\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\s+\d\d:\d\d\b'
  33. dfl_wcls = MMGenWallet
  34. rt_pw = 'abc-α'
  35. rt_data = {
  36. 'tx_fee': {'btc':'0.0001','bch':'0.001','ltc':'0.01'},
  37. 'rtFundAmt': {'btc':'500','bch':'500','ltc':'5500'},
  38. 'rtFee': {
  39. 'btc': ('20s','10s','60s','31s','10s','20s'),
  40. 'bch': ('20s','10s','60s','0.0001','10s','20s'),
  41. 'ltc': ('1000s','500s','1500s','0.05','400s','1000s')
  42. },
  43. 'rtBals': {
  44. 'btc': ('499.9999488','399.9998282','399.9998147','399.9996877',
  45. '52.99980410','946.99933647','999.99914057','52.9999',
  46. '946.99933647'),
  47. 'bch': ('499.9999484','399.9999194','399.9998972','399.9997692',
  48. '46.78890380','953.20966920','999.99857300','46.789',
  49. '953.2096692'),
  50. 'ltc': ('5499.99744','5399.994425','5399.993885','5399.987535',
  51. '52.98520500','10946.93753500','10999.92274000','52.99',
  52. '10946.937535'),
  53. },
  54. 'rtBals_gb': {
  55. 'btc': {
  56. '0conf0': {
  57. 'mmgen': ('283.22339537','0','283.22339537'),
  58. 'nonmm': ('16.77647763','0','116.77629233'),
  59. 'total': ('299.999873','0','399.9996877'),
  60. },
  61. '0conf1': {
  62. 'mmgen': ('283.22339537','283.22339537','0'),
  63. 'nonmm': ('16.77647763','16.77647763','99.9998147'),
  64. 'total': ('299.999873','299.999873','99.9998147'),
  65. },
  66. '1conf1': {
  67. 'mmgen': ('0','0','283.22339537'),
  68. 'nonmm': ('0','0','116.77629233'),
  69. 'total': ('0','0','399.9996877'),
  70. },
  71. '1conf2': {
  72. 'mmgen': ('0','283.22339537','0'),
  73. 'nonmm': ('0','16.77647763','99.9998147'),
  74. 'total': ('0','299.999873','99.9998147'),
  75. },
  76. },
  77. 'bch': {
  78. '0conf0': {
  79. 'mmgen': ('283.22339437','0','283.22339437'),
  80. 'nonmm': ('16.77647763','0','116.77637483'),
  81. 'total': ('299.999872','0','399.9997692'),
  82. },
  83. '0conf1': {
  84. 'mmgen': ('283.22339437','283.22339437','0'),
  85. 'nonmm': ('16.77647763','16.77647763','99.9998972'),
  86. 'total': ('299.999872','299.999872','99.9998972'),
  87. },
  88. '1conf1': {
  89. 'mmgen': ('0','0','283.22339437'),
  90. 'nonmm': ('0','0','116.77637483'),
  91. 'total': ('0','0','399.9997692'),
  92. },
  93. '1conf2': {
  94. 'mmgen': ('0','283.22339437','0'),
  95. 'nonmm': ('0','16.77647763','99.9998972'),
  96. 'total': ('0','299.999872','99.9998972'),
  97. },
  98. },
  99. 'ltc': {
  100. '0conf0': {
  101. 'mmgen': ('283.21717237','0','283.21717237'),
  102. 'nonmm': ('16.77647763','0','5116.77036263'),
  103. 'total': ('299.99365','0','5399.987535'),
  104. },
  105. '0conf1': {
  106. 'mmgen': ('283.21717237','283.21717237','0'),
  107. 'nonmm': ('16.77647763','16.77647763','5099.993885'),
  108. 'total': ('299.99365','299.99365','5099.993885'),
  109. },
  110. '1conf1': {
  111. 'mmgen': ('0','0','283.21717237'),
  112. 'nonmm': ('0','0','5116.77036263'),
  113. 'total': ('0','0','5399.987535'),
  114. },
  115. '1conf2': {
  116. 'mmgen': ('0','283.21717237','0'),
  117. 'nonmm': ('0','16.77647763','5099.993885'),
  118. 'total': ('0','299.99365','5099.993885'),
  119. },
  120. }
  121. },
  122. 'rtBobOp3': {'btc':'S:2','bch':'L:3','ltc':'S:2'},
  123. 'rtAmts': {
  124. 'btc': ('500','500'),
  125. 'bch': ('500','560'),
  126. 'ltc': ('5500','5500')
  127. }
  128. }
  129. from .ts_base import *
  130. from .ts_shared import *
  131. class TestSuiteRegtest(TestSuiteBase,TestSuiteShared):
  132. 'transacting and tracking wallet operations via regtest mode'
  133. networks = ('btc','ltc','bch')
  134. passthru_opts = ('coin',)
  135. extra_spawn_args = ['--regtest=1']
  136. tmpdir_nums = [17]
  137. color = True
  138. cmd_group = (
  139. ('setup', 'regtest (Bob and Alice) mode setup'),
  140. ('daemon_version', 'mmgen-tool daemon_version'),
  141. ('halving_calculator_bob', 'halving calculator (Bob)'),
  142. ('walletgen_bob', 'wallet generation (Bob)'),
  143. ('walletgen_alice', 'wallet generation (Alice)'),
  144. ('addrgen_bob', 'address generation (Bob)'),
  145. ('addrgen_alice', 'address generation (Alice)'),
  146. ('addrimport_bob', "importing Bob's addresses"),
  147. ('addrimport_alice', "importing Alice's addresses"),
  148. ('fund_bob', "funding Bob's wallet"),
  149. ('fund_alice', "funding Alice's wallet"),
  150. ('bob_bal1', "Bob's balance"),
  151. ('bob_add_label', "adding an 80-screen-width label (lat+cyr+gr)"),
  152. ('bob_twview1', "viewing Bob's tracking wallet"),
  153. ('bob_split1', "splitting Bob's funds"),
  154. ('generate', 'mining a block'),
  155. ('bob_bal2', "Bob's balance"),
  156. ('bob_rbf_1output_create', 'creating RBF tx with one output'),
  157. ('bob_rbf_1output_bump', 'bumping RBF tx with one output'),
  158. ('bob_bal2a', "Bob's balance (age_fmt=confs)"),
  159. ('bob_bal2b', "Bob's balance (showempty=1)"),
  160. ('bob_bal2c', "Bob's balance (showempty=1 minconf=2 age_fmt=days)"),
  161. ('bob_bal2d', "Bob's balance (minconf=2)"),
  162. ('bob_bal2e', "Bob's balance (showempty=1 sort=age)"),
  163. ('bob_bal2f', "Bob's balance (showempty=1 sort=age,reverse)"),
  164. ('bob_send_maybe_rbf', 'sending funds to Alice (RBF, if supported)'),
  165. ('get_mempool1', 'mempool (before RBF bump)'),
  166. ('bob_rbf_status1', 'getting status of transaction'),
  167. ('bob_rbf_bump', 'bumping RBF transaction'),
  168. ('get_mempool2', 'mempool (after RBF bump)'),
  169. ('bob_rbf_status2', 'getting status of transaction after replacement'),
  170. ('bob_rbf_status3', 'getting status of replacement transaction (mempool)'),
  171. ('generate', 'mining a block'),
  172. ('bob_rbf_status4', 'getting status of transaction after confirmed (1) replacement'),
  173. ('bob_rbf_status5', 'getting status of replacement transaction (confirmed)'),
  174. ('generate', 'mining a block'),
  175. ('bob_rbf_status6', 'getting status of transaction after confirmed (2) replacement'),
  176. ('bob_bal3', "Bob's balance"),
  177. ('bob_pre_import', 'sending to non-imported address'),
  178. ('generate', 'mining a block'),
  179. ('bob_import_addr', 'importing non-MMGen address with --rescan'),
  180. ('bob_bal4', "Bob's balance (after import with rescan)"),
  181. ('bob_import_list', 'importing flat address list'),
  182. ('bob_import_list_rescan', 'importing flat address list with --rescan'),
  183. ('bob_split2', "splitting Bob's funds"),
  184. ('bob_0conf0_getbalance', "Bob's balance (unconfirmed, minconf=0)"),
  185. ('bob_0conf1_getbalance', "Bob's balance (unconfirmed, minconf=1)"),
  186. ('generate', 'mining a block'),
  187. ('bob_1conf1_getbalance', "Bob's balance (confirmed, minconf=1)"),
  188. ('bob_1conf2_getbalance', "Bob's balance (confirmed, minconf=2)"),
  189. ('bob_bal5', "Bob's balance"),
  190. ('bob_send_non_mmgen', 'sending funds to Alice (from non-MMGen addrs)'),
  191. ('generate', 'mining a block'),
  192. ('alice_bal_rpcfail', 'RPC failure code'),
  193. ('alice_send_estimatefee', 'tx creation with no fee on command line'),
  194. ('generate', 'mining a block'),
  195. ('bob_bal6', "Bob's balance"),
  196. ('bob_subwallet_addrgen1', "generating Bob's addrs from subwallet 29L"),
  197. ('bob_subwallet_addrgen2', "generating Bob's addrs from subwallet 127S"),
  198. ('bob_subwallet_addrimport1', "importing Bob's addrs from subwallet 29L"),
  199. ('bob_subwallet_addrimport2', "importing Bob's addrs from subwallet 127S"),
  200. ('bob_subwallet_fund', "funding Bob's subwallet addrs"),
  201. ('generate', 'mining a block'),
  202. ('bob_twview2', "viewing Bob's tracking wallet"),
  203. ('bob_twview3', "viewing Bob's tracking wallet"),
  204. ('bob_subwallet_txcreate', 'creating a transaction with subwallet inputs'),
  205. ('bob_subwallet_txsign', 'signing a transaction with subwallet inputs'),
  206. ('bob_subwallet_txdo', "sending from Bob's subwallet addrs"),
  207. ('generate', 'mining a block'),
  208. ('bob_twview4', "viewing Bob's tracking wallet"),
  209. ('bob_alice_bal', "Bob and Alice's balances"),
  210. ('alice_bal2', "Alice's balance"),
  211. ('alice_add_label1', 'adding a label'),
  212. ('alice_chk_label1', 'the label'),
  213. ('alice_add_label2', 'adding a label'),
  214. ('alice_chk_label2', 'the label'),
  215. ('alice_edit_label1', 'editing a label (zh)'),
  216. ('alice_edit_label2', 'editing a label (lat+cyr+gr)'),
  217. ('alice_chk_label3', 'the label'),
  218. ('alice_remove_label1', 'removing a label'),
  219. ('alice_chk_label4', 'the label'),
  220. ('alice_add_label_coinaddr', 'adding a label using the coin address'),
  221. ('alice_chk_label_coinaddr', 'the label'),
  222. ('alice_add_label_badaddr1', 'adding a label with invalid address'),
  223. ('alice_add_label_badaddr2', 'adding a label with invalid address for this chain'),
  224. ('alice_add_label_badaddr3', 'adding a label with wrong MMGen address'),
  225. ('alice_add_label_badaddr4', 'adding a label with wrong coin address'),
  226. ('alice_listaddresses1', 'listaddresses'),
  227. ('alice_listaddresses_days', 'listaddresses (age_fmt=days)'),
  228. ('alice_listaddresses_date', 'listaddresses (age_fmt=date)'),
  229. ('alice_listaddresses_date_time', 'listaddresses (age_fmt=date_time)'),
  230. ('alice_twview1', 'twview'),
  231. ('alice_twview_days', 'twview (age_fmt=days)'),
  232. ('alice_twview_date', 'twview (age_fmt=date)'),
  233. ('alice_twview_date_time', 'twview (age_fmt=date_time)'),
  234. ('alice_txcreate_info', 'txcreate -i'),
  235. ('stop', 'stopping regtest daemon'),
  236. )
  237. usr_subsids = { 'bob': {}, 'alice': {} }
  238. def __init__(self,trunner,cfgs,spawn):
  239. TestSuiteBase.__init__(self,trunner,cfgs,spawn)
  240. if self.proto.testnet:
  241. die(2,'--testnet and --regtest options incompatible with regtest test suite')
  242. self.proto = init_proto(self.proto.coin,network='regtest')
  243. coin = self.proto.coin.lower()
  244. for k in rt_data:
  245. globals()[k] = rt_data[k][coin] if coin in rt_data[k] else None
  246. os.environ['MMGEN_BOGUS_SEND'] = ''
  247. def __del__(self):
  248. os.environ['MMGEN_BOGUS_SEND'] = '1'
  249. def _add_comments_to_addr_file(self,addrfile,outfile,use_labels=False):
  250. silence()
  251. gmsg(f'Adding comments to address file {addrfile!r}')
  252. a = AddrList(self.proto,addrfile)
  253. for n,idx in enumerate(a.idxs(),1):
  254. if use_labels:
  255. a.set_comment(idx,get_label())
  256. else:
  257. if n % 2: a.set_comment(idx,f'Test address {n}')
  258. a.format(add_comments=True)
  259. write_data_to_file(outfile,a.fmt_data,quiet=True,ignore_opt_outdir=True)
  260. end_silence()
  261. def setup(self):
  262. try: shutil.rmtree(joinpath(self.tr.data_dir,'regtest'))
  263. except: pass
  264. t = self.spawn('mmgen-regtest',['-n','setup'])
  265. for s in ('Starting','Creating','Creating','Creating','Mined','Setup complete'):
  266. t.expect(s)
  267. return t
  268. def daemon_version(self):
  269. t = self.spawn('mmgen-tool', ['--bob','daemon_version'])
  270. t.expect('version')
  271. return t
  272. def halving_calculator_bob(self):
  273. t = self.spawn('halving-calculator.py',['--bob'],cmd_dir='examples')
  274. t.expect('time until halving')
  275. t.read()
  276. return t
  277. def walletgen(self,user):
  278. t = self.spawn('mmgen-walletgen',['-q','-r0','-p1','--'+user])
  279. t.passphrase_new('new '+dfl_wcls.desc,rt_pw)
  280. t.label()
  281. t.expect('move it to the data directory? (Y/n): ','y')
  282. t.written_to_file(capfirst(dfl_wcls.desc))
  283. return t
  284. def walletgen_bob(self): return self.walletgen('bob')
  285. def walletgen_alice(self): return self.walletgen('alice')
  286. def _user_dir(self,user,coin=None):
  287. return joinpath(self.tr.data_dir,'regtest',coin or self.proto.coin.lower(),user)
  288. def _user_sid(self,user):
  289. return os.path.basename(get_file_with_ext(self._user_dir(user),'mmdat'))[:8]
  290. def _get_user_subsid(self,user,subseed_idx):
  291. if subseed_idx in self.usr_subsids[user]:
  292. return self.usr_subsids[user][subseed_idx]
  293. icls = MMGenWallet
  294. fn = get_file_with_ext(self._user_dir(user),icls.ext)
  295. t = self.spawn('mmgen-tool',['get_subseed',subseed_idx,'wallet='+fn],no_msg=True,no_exec_wrapper=True)
  296. t.passphrase(icls.desc,rt_pw)
  297. sid = t.read().strip()[:8]
  298. self.usr_subsids[user][subseed_idx] = sid
  299. return sid
  300. def addrgen(self,user,wf=None,addr_range='1-5',subseed_idx=None,mmtypes=[]):
  301. from mmgen.addr import MMGenAddrType
  302. for mmtype in mmtypes or self.proto.mmtypes:
  303. t = self.spawn('mmgen-addrgen',
  304. ['--quiet','--'+user,'--type='+mmtype,f'--outdir={self._user_dir(user)}'] +
  305. ([wf] if wf else []) +
  306. (['--subwallet='+subseed_idx] if subseed_idx else []) +
  307. [addr_range],
  308. extra_desc='({})'.format( MMGenAddrType.mmtypes[mmtype].name ))
  309. t.passphrase(dfl_wcls.desc,rt_pw)
  310. t.written_to_file('Addresses')
  311. ok_msg()
  312. t.skip_ok = True
  313. return t
  314. def addrgen_bob(self): return self.addrgen('bob')
  315. def addrgen_alice(self): return self.addrgen('alice')
  316. def addrimport(self,user,sid=None,addr_range='1-5',num_addrs=5,mmtypes=[]):
  317. id_strs = { 'legacy':'', 'compressed':'-C', 'segwit':'-S', 'bech32':'-B' }
  318. if not sid: sid = self._user_sid(user)
  319. from mmgen.addr import MMGenAddrType
  320. for mmtype in mmtypes or self.proto.mmtypes:
  321. desc = MMGenAddrType.mmtypes[mmtype].name
  322. addrfile = joinpath(self._user_dir(user),
  323. '{}{}{}[{}]{x}.regtest.addrs'.format(
  324. sid,self.altcoin_pfx,id_strs[desc],addr_range,
  325. x='-α' if g.debug_utf8 else ''))
  326. if mmtype == self.proto.mmtypes[0] and user == 'bob':
  327. self._add_comments_to_addr_file(addrfile,addrfile,use_labels=True)
  328. t = self.spawn(
  329. 'mmgen-addrimport',
  330. ['--quiet', '--'+user, '--batch', addrfile],
  331. extra_desc=f'({desc})' )
  332. if g.debug:
  333. t.expect("Type uppercase 'YES' to confirm: ",'YES\n')
  334. t.expect('Importing')
  335. t.expect(f'{num_addrs} addresses imported')
  336. ok_msg()
  337. t.skip_ok = True
  338. return t
  339. def addrimport_bob(self): return self.addrimport('bob')
  340. def addrimport_alice(self): return self.addrimport('alice')
  341. def fund_wallet(self,user,mmtype,amt,sid=None,addr_range='1-5'):
  342. if not sid: sid = self._user_sid(user)
  343. addr = self.get_addr_from_addrlist(user,sid,mmtype,0,addr_range=addr_range)
  344. t = self.spawn('mmgen-regtest', ['send',str(addr),str(amt)])
  345. t.expect(f'Sending {amt} miner {self.proto.coin}')
  346. t.expect('Mined 1 block')
  347. return t
  348. def fund_bob(self):
  349. return self.fund_wallet('bob','C',rtFundAmt)
  350. def fund_alice(self):
  351. return self.fund_wallet('alice',('L','S')[self.proto.cap('segwit')],rtFundAmt)
  352. def user_twview(self,user,chk,sort='age'):
  353. t = self.spawn('mmgen-tool',['--'+user,'twview','sort='+sort])
  354. if chk:
  355. t.expect(r'{}\b.*\D{}\b'.format(*chk),regex=True)
  356. t.read()
  357. return t
  358. def bob_twview1(self): return self.user_twview('bob', chk = ('1',rtAmts[0]) )
  359. def user_bal(self,user,bal,args=['showempty=1'],skip_check=False,exit_val=0):
  360. t = self.spawn('mmgen-tool',['--'+user,'listaddresses'] + args)
  361. if skip_check:
  362. t.read()
  363. else:
  364. cmp_or_die(f'{bal} {self.proto.coin}',strip_ansi_escapes(t.expect_getend('TOTAL: ')))
  365. t.req_exit_val = exit_val
  366. return t
  367. def alice_bal1(self):
  368. return self.user_bal('alice',rtFundAmt)
  369. def alice_bal2(self):
  370. return self.user_bal('alice',rtBals[8])
  371. def bob_bal1(self):
  372. return self.user_bal('bob',rtFundAmt)
  373. def bob_bal2(self):
  374. return self.user_bal('bob',rtBals[0])
  375. def bob_bal2a(self):
  376. return self.user_bal('bob',rtBals[0],args=['showempty=1','age_fmt=confs'])
  377. def bob_bal2b(self):
  378. return self.user_bal('bob',rtBals[0],args=['showempty=1'])
  379. def bob_bal2c(self):
  380. return self.user_bal('bob',rtBals[0],args=['showempty=1','minconf=2','age_fmt=days'],skip_check=True)
  381. def bob_bal2d(self):
  382. return self.user_bal('bob',rtBals[0],args=['minconf=2'],skip_check=True)
  383. def bob_bal2e(self):
  384. return self.user_bal('bob',rtBals[0],args=['showempty=1','sort=age'])
  385. def bob_bal2f(self):
  386. return self.user_bal('bob',rtBals[0],args=['showempty=1','sort=age,reverse'])
  387. def bob_bal3(self):
  388. return self.user_bal('bob',rtBals[1])
  389. def bob_bal4(self):
  390. return self.user_bal('bob',rtBals[2])
  391. def bob_bal5(self):
  392. return self.user_bal('bob',rtBals[3])
  393. def bob_bal6(self):
  394. return self.user_bal('bob',rtBals[7])
  395. def bob_subwallet_addrgen1(self):
  396. return self.addrgen('bob',subseed_idx='29L',mmtypes=['C']) # 29L: 2FA7BBA8
  397. def bob_subwallet_addrgen2(self):
  398. return self.addrgen('bob',subseed_idx='127S',mmtypes=['C']) # 127S: '09E8E286'
  399. def subwallet_addrimport(self,user,subseed_idx):
  400. sid = self._get_user_subsid(user,subseed_idx)
  401. return self.addrimport(user,sid=sid,mmtypes=['C'])
  402. def bob_subwallet_addrimport1(self): return self.subwallet_addrimport('bob','29L')
  403. def bob_subwallet_addrimport2(self): return self.subwallet_addrimport('bob','127S')
  404. def bob_subwallet_fund(self):
  405. sid1 = self._get_user_subsid('bob','29L')
  406. sid2 = self._get_user_subsid('bob','127S')
  407. chg_addr = self._user_sid('bob') + (':B:1',':L:1')[self.proto.coin=='BCH']
  408. outputs_cl = [sid1+':C:2,0.29',sid2+':C:3,0.127',chg_addr]
  409. inputs = ('3','1')[self.proto.coin=='BCH']
  410. return self.user_txdo('bob',rtFee[1],outputs_cl,inputs,extra_args=['--subseeds=127'])
  411. def bob_twview2(self):
  412. sid1 = self._get_user_subsid('bob','29L')
  413. return self.user_twview('bob',chk=(sid1+':C:2','0.29'),sort='twmmid')
  414. def bob_twview3(self):
  415. sid2 = self._get_user_subsid('bob','127S')
  416. return self.user_twview('bob',chk=(sid2+':C:3','0.127'),sort='amt')
  417. def bob_subwallet_txcreate(self):
  418. sid1 = self._get_user_subsid('bob','29L')
  419. sid2 = self._get_user_subsid('bob','127S')
  420. outputs_cl = [sid1+':C:5,0.0159',sid2+':C:5']
  421. t = self.spawn('mmgen-txcreate',['-d',self.tmpdir,'-B','--bob'] + outputs_cl)
  422. return self.txcreate_ui_common(t,
  423. menu = ['a'],
  424. inputs = ('1,2','2,3')[self.proto.coin=='BCH'],
  425. interactive_fee = '0.00001')
  426. def bob_subwallet_txsign(self):
  427. fn = get_file_with_ext(self.tmpdir,'rawtx')
  428. t = self.spawn('mmgen-txsign',['-d',self.tmpdir,'--bob','--subseeds=127',fn])
  429. t.view_tx('t')
  430. t.passphrase(dfl_wcls.desc,rt_pw)
  431. t.do_comment(None)
  432. t.expect('(Y/n): ','y')
  433. t.written_to_file('Signed transaction')
  434. return t
  435. def bob_subwallet_txdo(self):
  436. outputs_cl = [self._user_sid('bob')+':L:5']
  437. inputs = ('1,2','2,3')[self.proto.coin=='BCH']
  438. return self.user_txdo('bob',rtFee[5],outputs_cl,inputs,menu=['a'],extra_args=['--subseeds=127']) # sort: amt
  439. def bob_twview4(self):
  440. sid = self._user_sid('bob')
  441. amt = ('0.4169328','0.41364')[self.proto.coin=='LTC']
  442. return self.user_twview('bob',chk=(sid+':L:5',amt),sort='twmmid')
  443. def bob_getbalance(self,bals,confs=1):
  444. for i in (0,1,2):
  445. assert Decimal(bals['mmgen'][i]) + Decimal(bals['nonmm'][i]) == Decimal(bals['total'][i])
  446. t = self.spawn('mmgen-tool',['--bob','getbalance',f'minconf={confs}'])
  447. t.expect('Wallet')
  448. for k in ('mmgen','nonmm','total'):
  449. ret = strip_ansi_escapes(t.expect_getend(r'\S+: ',regex=True))
  450. cmp_or_die(
  451. ' '.join(bals[k]),
  452. re.sub(rf'\s+{self.proto.coin}\s*',' ',ret).strip(),
  453. desc=k,
  454. )
  455. t.read()
  456. return t
  457. def bob_0conf0_getbalance(self): return self.bob_getbalance(rtBals_gb['0conf0'],confs=0)
  458. def bob_0conf1_getbalance(self): return self.bob_getbalance(rtBals_gb['0conf1'],confs=1)
  459. def bob_1conf1_getbalance(self): return self.bob_getbalance(rtBals_gb['1conf1'],confs=1)
  460. def bob_1conf2_getbalance(self): return self.bob_getbalance(rtBals_gb['1conf2'],confs=2)
  461. def bob_alice_bal(self):
  462. t = self.spawn('mmgen-regtest',['balances'])
  463. ret = t.expect_getend("Bob's balance:").strip()
  464. cmp_or_die(rtBals[4],ret)
  465. ret = t.expect_getend("Alice's balance:").strip()
  466. cmp_or_die(rtBals[5],ret)
  467. ret = t.expect_getend("Total balance:").strip()
  468. cmp_or_die(rtBals[6],ret)
  469. return t
  470. def user_txsend_status(self,user,tx_file,exp1='',exp2='',extra_args=[]):
  471. t = self.spawn('mmgen-txsend',['-d',self.tmpdir,'--'+user,'--status'] + extra_args + [tx_file])
  472. if exp1: t.expect(exp1,regex=True)
  473. if exp2: t.expect(exp2,regex=True)
  474. return t
  475. def user_txdo( self, user, fee, outputs_cl, outputs_list,
  476. extra_args = [],
  477. wf = None,
  478. do_label = False,
  479. bad_locktime = False,
  480. full_tx_view = False,
  481. menu = ['M'] ):
  482. t = self.spawn('mmgen-txdo',
  483. ['-d',self.tmpdir,'-B','--'+user] +
  484. (['--tx-fee='+fee] if fee else []) +
  485. extra_args + ([],[wf])[bool(wf)] + outputs_cl)
  486. self.txcreate_ui_common(t,
  487. caller = 'txdo',
  488. menu = menu,
  489. inputs = outputs_list,
  490. file_desc = 'Signed transaction',
  491. interactive_fee = (tx_fee,'')[bool(fee)],
  492. add_comment = tx_label_jp,
  493. view = 't',save=True)
  494. t.passphrase(dfl_wcls.desc,rt_pw)
  495. t.written_to_file('Signed transaction')
  496. self._do_confirm_send(t)
  497. s,exit_val = (('Transaction sent',0),("can't be included",1))[bad_locktime]
  498. t.expect(s)
  499. t.req_exit_val = exit_val
  500. return t
  501. def bob_split1(self):
  502. sid = self._user_sid('bob')
  503. outputs_cl = [sid+':C:1,100', sid+':L:2,200',sid+':'+rtBobOp3]
  504. return self.user_txdo('bob',rtFee[0],outputs_cl,'1',do_label=True,full_tx_view=True)
  505. def get_addr_from_addrlist(self,user,sid,mmtype,idx,addr_range='1-5'):
  506. id_str = { 'L':'', 'S':'-S', 'C':'-C', 'B':'-B' }[mmtype]
  507. ext = '{}{}{}[{}]{x}.regtest.addrs'.format(
  508. sid,self.altcoin_pfx,id_str,addr_range,x='-α' if g.debug_utf8 else '')
  509. addrfile = get_file_with_ext(self._user_dir(user),ext,no_dot=True)
  510. silence()
  511. addr = AddrList(self.proto,addrfile).data[idx].addr
  512. end_silence()
  513. return addr
  514. def _create_tx_outputs(self,user,data):
  515. sid = self._user_sid(user)
  516. return [self.get_addr_from_addrlist(user,sid,mmtype,idx-1)+amt_str for mmtype,idx,amt_str in data]
  517. def bob_rbf_1output_create(self):
  518. if self.proto.coin != 'BTC': # non-coin-dependent test, so run just once for BTC
  519. return 'skip'
  520. out_addr = self._create_tx_outputs('alice',(('B',5,''),))
  521. t = self.spawn('mmgen-txcreate',['-d',self.tr.trash_dir,'-B','--bob','--rbf'] + out_addr)
  522. return self.txcreate_ui_common(t,menu=[],inputs='3',interactive_fee='3s') # out amt: 199.99999343
  523. def bob_rbf_1output_bump(self):
  524. if self.proto.coin != 'BTC':
  525. return 'skip'
  526. ext = '9343,3]{x}.regtest.rawtx'.format(x='-α' if g.debug_utf8 else '')
  527. txfile = get_file_with_ext(self.tr.trash_dir,ext,delete=False,no_dot=True)
  528. return self.user_txbump('bob',
  529. self.tr.trash_dir,
  530. txfile,
  531. '8s',
  532. has_label = False,
  533. signed_tx = False,
  534. one_output = True )
  535. def bob_send_maybe_rbf(self):
  536. outputs_cl = self._create_tx_outputs('alice',(('L',1,',60'),('C',1,',40'))) # alice_sid:L:1, alice_sid:C:1
  537. outputs_cl += [self._user_sid('bob')+':'+rtBobOp3]
  538. return self.user_txdo('bob',rtFee[1],outputs_cl,'3',
  539. extra_args=([],['--rbf'])[self.proto.cap('rbf')])
  540. def bob_send_non_mmgen(self):
  541. outputs_cl = self._create_tx_outputs('alice',(
  542. (('L','S')[self.proto.cap('segwit')],2,',10'),
  543. (('L','S')[self.proto.cap('segwit')],3,'')
  544. )) # alice_sid:S:2, alice_sid:S:3
  545. keyfile = joinpath(self.tmpdir,'non-mmgen.keys')
  546. return self.user_txdo('bob',rtFee[3],outputs_cl,'1,4-10',
  547. extra_args=['--keys-from-file='+keyfile,'--vsize-adj=1.02'])
  548. def alice_send_estimatefee(self):
  549. outputs_cl = self._create_tx_outputs('bob',(('L',1,''),)) # bob_sid:L:1
  550. return self.user_txdo('alice',None,outputs_cl,'1') # fee=None
  551. def user_txbump(self,user,outdir,txfile,fee,add_args=[],has_label=True,signed_tx=True,one_output=False):
  552. if not self.proto.cap('rbf'):
  553. return 'skip'
  554. t = self.spawn('mmgen-txbump',
  555. ['-d',outdir,'--'+user,'--tx-fee='+fee,'--output-to-reduce=c'] + add_args + [txfile])
  556. if not one_output:
  557. t.expect('OK? (Y/n): ','y') # output OK?
  558. t.expect('OK? (Y/n): ','y') # fee OK?
  559. t.do_comment(False,has_label=has_label)
  560. if signed_tx:
  561. t.passphrase(dfl_wcls.desc,rt_pw)
  562. t.written_to_file('Signed transaction')
  563. self.txsend_ui_common(t,caller='txdo',bogus_send=False,file_desc='Signed transaction')
  564. else:
  565. t.expect('Save fee-bumped transaction? (y/N): ','y')
  566. t.written_to_file('Fee-bumped transaction')
  567. t.read()
  568. return t
  569. def bob_rbf_bump(self):
  570. ext = ',{}]{x}.regtest.sigtx'.format(rtFee[1][:-1],x='-α' if g.debug_utf8 else '')
  571. txfile = self.get_file_with_ext(ext,delete=False,no_dot=True)
  572. return self.user_txbump('bob',self.tmpdir,txfile,rtFee[2],add_args=['--send'])
  573. def generate(self,coin=None,num_blocks=1):
  574. int(num_blocks)
  575. t = self.spawn('mmgen-regtest',['generate',str(num_blocks)])
  576. t.expect(f'Mined {num_blocks} block')
  577. return t
  578. def _get_mempool(self):
  579. if not g.debug_utf8:
  580. disable_debug()
  581. ret = self.spawn('mmgen-regtest',['mempool']).read()
  582. if not g.debug_utf8:
  583. restore_debug()
  584. m = re.search(r'(\[\s*"[a-f0-9]{64}"\s*])',ret) # allow for extra output by handler at end
  585. return json.loads(m.group(1))
  586. def get_mempool1(self):
  587. mp = self._get_mempool()
  588. if len(mp) != 1:
  589. rdie(2,'Mempool has more or less than one TX!')
  590. self.write_to_tmpfile('rbf_txid',mp[0]+'\n')
  591. return 'ok'
  592. def bob_rbf_status(self,fee,exp1,exp2=''):
  593. if not self.proto.cap('rbf'):
  594. return 'skip'
  595. ext = ',{}]{x}.regtest.sigtx'.format(fee[:-1],x='-α' if g.debug_utf8 else '')
  596. txfile = self.get_file_with_ext(ext,delete=False,no_dot=True)
  597. return self.user_txsend_status('bob',txfile,exp1,exp2)
  598. def bob_rbf_status1(self):
  599. if not self.proto.cap('rbf'):
  600. return 'skip'
  601. return self.bob_rbf_status(rtFee[1],'in mempool, replaceable')
  602. def get_mempool2(self):
  603. if not self.proto.cap('rbf'):
  604. return 'skip'
  605. mp = self._get_mempool()
  606. if len(mp) != 1:
  607. rdie(2,'Mempool has more or less than one TX!')
  608. chk = self.read_from_tmpfile('rbf_txid')
  609. if chk.strip() == mp[0]:
  610. rdie(2,'TX in mempool has not changed! RBF bump failed')
  611. self.write_to_tmpfile('rbf_txid2',mp[0]+'\n')
  612. return 'ok'
  613. def bob_rbf_status2(self):
  614. if not self.proto.cap('rbf'):
  615. return 'skip'
  616. new_txid = self.read_from_tmpfile('rbf_txid2').strip()
  617. return self.bob_rbf_status(rtFee[1],
  618. 'Transaction has been replaced',f'{new_txid} in mempool')
  619. def bob_rbf_status3(self):
  620. if not self.proto.cap('rbf'):
  621. return 'skip'
  622. return self.bob_rbf_status(rtFee[2],'status: in mempool, replaceable')
  623. def bob_rbf_status4(self):
  624. if not self.proto.cap('rbf'):
  625. return 'skip'
  626. new_txid = self.read_from_tmpfile('rbf_txid2').strip()
  627. return self.bob_rbf_status(rtFee[1],
  628. 'Replacement transaction has 1 confirmation',
  629. f'Replacing transactions:\s+{new_txid}' )
  630. def bob_rbf_status5(self):
  631. if not self.proto.cap('rbf'):
  632. return 'skip'
  633. return self.bob_rbf_status(rtFee[2],'Transaction has 1 confirmation')
  634. def bob_rbf_status6(self):
  635. if not self.proto.cap('rbf'):
  636. return 'skip'
  637. new_txid = self.read_from_tmpfile('rbf_txid2').strip()
  638. return self.bob_rbf_status(rtFee[1],
  639. 'Replacement transaction has 2 confirmations',
  640. f'Replacing transactions:\s+{new_txid}' )
  641. def _gen_pairs(self,n):
  642. from mmgen.tool import tool_api
  643. t = tool_api()
  644. t.init_coin(self.proto.coin,self.proto.network)
  645. def gen_addr(Type):
  646. t.addrtype = Type
  647. wif = t.hex2wif(getrandhex(32))
  648. return ( wif, t.wif2addr(wif) )
  649. return [gen_addr('legacy')] + [gen_addr('compressed') for i in range(n-1)]
  650. def bob_pre_import(self):
  651. pairs = self._gen_pairs(5)
  652. self.write_to_tmpfile('non-mmgen.keys','\n'.join([a[0] for a in pairs])+'\n')
  653. self.write_to_tmpfile('non-mmgen.addrs','\n'.join([a[1] for a in pairs])+'\n')
  654. return self.user_txdo('bob',rtFee[4],[pairs[0][1]],'3')
  655. def user_import(self,user,args):
  656. t = self.spawn('mmgen-addrimport',['--'+user]+args)
  657. if g.debug:
  658. t.expect("Type uppercase 'YES' to confirm: ",'YES\n')
  659. t.expect('Importing')
  660. t.expect('OK')
  661. t.read()
  662. return t
  663. def bob_import_addr(self):
  664. addr = self.read_from_tmpfile('non-mmgen.addrs').split()[0]
  665. return self.user_import('bob',['--quiet','--address='+addr])
  666. def bob_import_list(self):
  667. addrfile = joinpath(self.tmpdir,'non-mmgen.addrs')
  668. return self.user_import('bob',['--quiet','--addrlist',addrfile])
  669. def bob_import_list_rescan(self):
  670. addrfile = joinpath(self.tmpdir,'non-mmgen.addrs')
  671. return self.user_import('bob',['--quiet','--rescan','--addrlist',addrfile])
  672. def bob_split2(self):
  673. addrs = self.read_from_tmpfile('non-mmgen.addrs').split()
  674. amts = (1.12345678,2.87654321,3.33443344,4.00990099,5.43214321)
  675. outputs1 = list(map('{},{}'.format,addrs,amts))
  676. sid = self._user_sid('bob')
  677. l1,l2 = (
  678. (':S',':B') if 'B' in self.proto.mmtypes else
  679. (':S',':S') if self.proto.cap('segwit') else
  680. (':L',':L') )
  681. outputs2 = [sid+':C:2,6.333', sid+':L:3,6.667',sid+l1+':4,0.123',sid+l2+':5']
  682. return self.user_txdo('bob',rtFee[5],outputs1+outputs2,'1-2')
  683. def user_add_label(self,user,addr,label):
  684. t = self.spawn('mmgen-tool',['--'+user,'add_label',addr,label])
  685. t.expect('Added label.*in tracking wallet',regex=True)
  686. return t
  687. def user_remove_label(self,user,addr):
  688. t = self.spawn('mmgen-tool',['--'+user,'remove_label',addr])
  689. t.expect('Removed label.*in tracking wallet',regex=True)
  690. return t
  691. def bob_add_label(self):
  692. sid = self._user_sid('bob')
  693. return self.user_add_label('bob',sid+':C:1',tw_label_lat_cyr_gr)
  694. def alice_add_label1(self):
  695. sid = self._user_sid('alice')
  696. return self.user_add_label('alice',sid+':C:1','Original Label - 月へ')
  697. def alice_add_label2(self):
  698. sid = self._user_sid('alice')
  699. return self.user_add_label('alice',sid+':C:1','Replacement Label')
  700. def _user_chk_label(self,user,addr,label):
  701. t = self.spawn('mmgen-tool',['--'+user,'listaddresses','all_labels=1'])
  702. ret = strip_ansi_escapes(t.expect_getend(addr)).strip().split(None,1)[1]
  703. cmp_or_die(ret[:len(label)],label)
  704. return t
  705. def alice_add_label_coinaddr(self):
  706. mmid = self._user_sid('alice') + (':S:1',':L:1')[self.proto.coin=='BCH']
  707. t = self.spawn('mmgen-tool',['--alice','listaddress',mmid],no_msg=True)
  708. addr = [i for i in strip_ansi_escapes(t.read()).splitlines() if i.startswith(mmid)][0].split()[1]
  709. return self.user_add_label('alice',addr,'Label added using coin address of MMGen address')
  710. def alice_chk_label_coinaddr(self):
  711. mmid = self._user_sid('alice') + (':S:1',':L:1')[self.proto.coin=='BCH']
  712. return self._user_chk_label('alice',mmid,'Label added using coin address of MMGen address')
  713. def alice_add_label_badaddr(self,addr,reply):
  714. t = self.spawn('mmgen-tool',['--alice','add_label',addr,'(none)'])
  715. t.expect(reply,regex=True)
  716. return t
  717. def alice_add_label_badaddr1(self):
  718. return self.alice_add_label_badaddr( rt_pw,'Invalid coin address for this chain: ')
  719. def alice_add_label_badaddr2(self):
  720. addr = init_proto(self.proto.coin,network='mainnet').pubhash2addr('00'*20,False) # mainnet zero address
  721. return self.alice_add_label_badaddr( addr, f'Invalid coin address for this chain: {addr}' )
  722. def alice_add_label_badaddr3(self):
  723. addr = self._user_sid('alice') + ':C:123'
  724. return self.alice_add_label_badaddr( addr, f'MMGen address {addr!r} not found in tracking wallet' )
  725. def alice_add_label_badaddr4(self):
  726. addr = self.proto.pubhash2addr('00'*20,False) # regtest (testnet) zero address
  727. return self.alice_add_label_badaddr( addr, f'Address {addr!r} not found in tracking wallet' )
  728. def alice_bal_rpcfail(self):
  729. addr = self._user_sid('alice') + ':C:2'
  730. os.environ['MMGEN_RPC_FAIL_ON_COMMAND'] = 'listunspent'
  731. t = self.spawn('mmgen-tool',['--alice','getbalance'])
  732. os.environ['MMGEN_RPC_FAIL_ON_COMMAND'] = ''
  733. t.expect('Method not found')
  734. t.read()
  735. t.req_exit_val = 3
  736. return t
  737. def alice_remove_label1(self):
  738. sid = self._user_sid('alice')
  739. mmid = sid + (':S:3',':L:3')[self.proto.coin=='BCH']
  740. return self.user_remove_label('alice',mmid)
  741. def alice_chk_label1(self):
  742. sid = self._user_sid('alice')
  743. return self._user_chk_label('alice',sid+':C:1','Original Label - 月へ')
  744. def alice_chk_label2(self):
  745. sid = self._user_sid('alice')
  746. return self._user_chk_label('alice',sid+':C:1','Replacement Label')
  747. def alice_edit_label1(self): return self.user_edit_label('alice','4',tw_label_lat_cyr_gr)
  748. def alice_edit_label2(self): return self.user_edit_label('alice','3',tw_label_zh)
  749. def alice_chk_label3(self):
  750. sid = self._user_sid('alice')
  751. mmid = sid + (':S:3',':L:3')[self.proto.coin=='BCH']
  752. return self._user_chk_label('alice',mmid,tw_label_lat_cyr_gr)
  753. def alice_chk_label4(self):
  754. sid = self._user_sid('alice')
  755. mmid = sid + (':S:3',':L:3')[self.proto.coin=='BCH']
  756. return self._user_chk_label('alice',mmid,'-')
  757. def user_edit_label(self,user,output,label):
  758. t = self.spawn('mmgen-txcreate',['-B','--'+user,'-i'])
  759. t.expect(r'add \[l\]abel:.','M',regex=True)
  760. t.expect(r'add \[l\]abel:.','l',regex=True)
  761. t.expect(r"Enter unspent.*return to main menu\):.",output+'\n',regex=True)
  762. t.expect(r"Enter label text.*return to main menu\):.",label+'\n',regex=True)
  763. t.expect(r'\[q\]uit view, .*?:.','q',regex=True)
  764. return t
  765. def alice_listaddresses(self,args,expect):
  766. t = self.spawn('mmgen-tool',['--alice','listaddresses','showempty=1'] + args)
  767. expect_str = r'\D{}\D.*\b{}'.format(*expect)
  768. t.expect(expect_str,regex=True)
  769. t.read()
  770. return t
  771. def alice_listaddresses1(self):
  772. return self.alice_listaddresses(
  773. args = [],
  774. expect = (rtAmts[1],r'\d+') )
  775. def alice_listaddresses_days(self):
  776. return self.alice_listaddresses(
  777. args = ['age_fmt=days'],
  778. expect = (rtAmts[1],r'\d+') )
  779. def alice_listaddresses_date(self):
  780. return self.alice_listaddresses(
  781. args = ['age_fmt=date'],
  782. expect = (rtAmts[1],pat_date) )
  783. def alice_listaddresses_date_time(self):
  784. return self.alice_listaddresses(
  785. args = ['age_fmt=date_time'],
  786. expect = (rtAmts[1],pat_date_time) )
  787. def alice_twview(self,args,expect):
  788. t = self.spawn('mmgen-tool',['--alice','twview'] + args)
  789. expect_str = r'\D{}\D.*\b{}'.format(*expect)
  790. t.expect(expect_str,regex=True)
  791. t.read()
  792. return t
  793. def alice_twview1(self):
  794. return self.alice_twview(
  795. args = [],
  796. expect = (rtAmts[0],r'\d+') )
  797. def alice_twview_days(self):
  798. return self.alice_twview(
  799. args = ['age_fmt=days'],
  800. expect = (rtAmts[0],r'\d+') )
  801. def alice_twview_date(self):
  802. return self.alice_twview(
  803. args = ['age_fmt=date'],
  804. expect = (rtAmts[0],pat_date) )
  805. def alice_twview_date_time(self):
  806. return self.alice_twview(
  807. args = ['age_fmt=date_time'],
  808. expect = (rtAmts[0],pat_date_time) )
  809. def alice_txcreate_info(self,args=[]):
  810. t = self.spawn('mmgen-txcreate',['--alice','-Bi'])
  811. for d,s in (
  812. ( '\d+', 'D'),
  813. ( '\d+', 'D'),
  814. ( '\d+', 'D'),
  815. ( pat_date, 'w'),
  816. ( '\d+\s+\d+\s+'+pat_date_time,'q'),
  817. ):
  818. t.expect(
  819. r'\D{}\D.*\b{}\b'.format( rtAmts[0], d ),
  820. s,
  821. regex=True )
  822. t.read()
  823. return t
  824. def stop(self):
  825. if opt.no_daemon_stop:
  826. self.spawn('',msg_only=True)
  827. msg_r('(leaving daemon running by user request)')
  828. return 'ok'
  829. else:
  830. return self.spawn('mmgen-regtest',['stop'])