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  1. #!/usr/bin/env python3
  2. #
  3. # MMGen Wallet, a terminal-based cryptocurrency wallet
  4. # Copyright (C)2013-2025 The MMGen Project <>
  5. """
  6. test.misc.tool_api_test: test the MMGen suite tool API
  7. """
  8. import sys
  9. from mmgen.key import PrivKey
  10. from mmgen.addr import CoinAddr
  11. keys = [
  12. '118089d66b4a5853765e94923abdd5de4616c6e5118089d66b4a5853765e9492',
  13. 'deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef',
  14. ]
  15. def check_equal(a, b):
  16. assert a == b, f'{a} != {b}'
  17. def msg(*args, **kwargs):
  18. print(*args, **kwargs, file=sys.stdout)
  19. def init_coin(t, coinsym, network, addrtype):
  20. t.init_coin(coinsym, network)
  21. t.addrtype = addrtype
  22. check_equal(type(t.addrtype).__name__, 'MMGenAddrType')
  23. msg(f'\n{t.coin} {} {} ({t.addrtype})')
  24. def test_randpair(t):
  25. wif, addr = t.randpair()
  26. wif_chk = PrivKey(proto=t.proto, wif=wif).wif
  27. check_equal(wif, wif_chk)
  28. msg('\n === randwif ===')
  29. msg(' wif:', wif)
  30. msg(' addr:', CoinAddr(proto=t.proto, addr=addr))
  31. def test_wif2addr(t, wif_chk, addr_chk, key_idx):
  32. key_bytes = bytes.fromhex(keys[key_idx])
  33. wif = PrivKey(
  34. proto = t.proto,
  35. s = key_bytes,
  36. compressed = t.addrtype.compressed,
  37. pubkey_type = t.addrtype.pubkey_type).wif
  38. addr = t.wif2addr(wif)
  39. msg('\n === wif2addr ===')
  40. msg(' wif:', PrivKey(proto=t.proto, wif=wif).wif)
  41. msg(' addr:', CoinAddr(proto=t.proto, addr=addr))
  42. addr_ph = t.privhex2addr(key_bytes.hex())
  43. check_equal(addr, addr_ph)
  44. check_equal(wif, wif_chk)
  45. check_equal(addr, addr_chk)
  46. def test_triplet(tool, coin, network, addrtype, key_idx, wif_chk, addr_chk):
  47. init_coin(tool, coin, network, addrtype)
  48. test_randpair(tool)
  49. test_wif2addr(tool, wif_chk, addr_chk, key_idx)
  50. def run_test():
  51. from mmgen.tool.api import tool_api
  52. tool = tool_api(cfg)
  53. tool.coins
  54. tool.print_addrtypes()
  55. tool.usr_randchars # getter
  56. tool.usr_randchars = 0 # setter
  57. check_equal(tool.usr_randchars, 0)
  58. check_equal(f'{tool.coin} {tool.proto.cls_name} {tool.addrtype}', 'BTC mainnet L')
  59. # test vectors from
  60. test_triplet(tool, 'btc', 'mainnet', 'L', 0,
  61. '5HwzecKMWD82ppJK3qMKpC7ohXXAwcyAN5VgdJ9PLFaAzpBG4sX',
  62. '1C5VPtgq9xQ6AcTgMAR3J6GDrs72HC4pS1')
  63. test_triplet(tool, 'btc', 'mainnet', 'C', 0,
  64. 'KwojSzt1VvW343mQfWQi3J537siAt5ktL2qbuCg1ZyKR8BLQ6UJm',
  65. '1Kz9fVSUMshzPejpzW9D95kScgA3rY6QxF')
  66. test_triplet(tool, 'btc', 'mainnet', 'segwit', 0,
  67. 'KwojSzt1VvW343mQfWQi3J537siAt5ktL2qbuCg1ZyKR8BLQ6UJm',
  68. '3AhjTiWHhVJAi1s5CfKMcLzYps12x3gZhg')
  69. test_triplet(tool, 'btc', 'mainnet', 'B', 0,
  70. 'KwojSzt1VvW343mQfWQi3J537siAt5ktL2qbuCg1ZyKR8BLQ6UJm',
  71. 'bc1q6pqnfwwakuuejpm9w52ds342f9d5u36v0qnz7c')
  72. if not 'no_altcoin' in sys.argv:
  73. test_triplet(tool, 'ltc', 'regtest', 'bech32', 1,
  74. 'cV3ZRqf8PhyfiFwtJfkvGu2qmBsazE1wXoA2A16S3nixb3BTvvVx',
  75. 'rltc1qvmqas4maw7lg9clqu6kqu9zq9cluvllnz4kj9y')
  76. test_triplet(tool, 'xmr', 'mainnet', 'M', 1,
  77. 'e8164dda6d42bd1e261a3406b2038dcbddadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbe0f',
  78. '41i7saPWA53EoHenmJVRt34dubPxsXwoWMnw8AdMyx4mTD1svf7qYzcVjxxRfteLNdYrAxWUMmiPegFW9EfoNgXx7vDMExv')
  79. test_triplet(tool, 'etc', 'mainnet', 'E', 1,
  80. 'deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef',
  81. 'c96aaa54e2d44c299564da76e1cd3184a2386b8d')
  82. test_triplet(tool, 'zec', 'mainnet', 'Z', 1,
  83. 'SKxuS56e99jpCeD9mMQ5o63zoGPakNdM9HCvt4Vt2cypvRjCdvGJ',
  84. 'zchFELwBxqsAubsLQ8yZgPCDDGukjXJssgCbiTPwFNmFwn9haLnDatzfhLdZzJT4PcU4o2yr92B52UFirUzEdF6ZYM2gBkM')
  85. from mmgen.cfg import Config
  86. cfg = Config(process_opts=True)
  87. run_test()