13 KB

  MMGEN-SWAPTXDO: Create, sign and send a DEX swap transaction from one MMGen tracking wallet to another
  USAGE:          mmgen-swaptxdo [opts] COIN1 [AMT CHG_ADDR] COIN2 [ADDR] [addr file ...] [seed source ...]
  -h, --help             Print this help message
      --longhelp         Print help message for long (global) options
  -A, --fee-adjust     f Adjust transaction fee by factor 'f' (see below)
  -b, --brain-params l,p Use seed length 'l' and hash preset 'p' for
                         brainwallet input
  -B, --no-blank         Don't blank screen before displaying unspent outputs
  -c, --comment-file   f Source the transaction's comment from file 'f'
  -C, --fee-estimate-confs c Desired number of confirmations for fee estimation
                         (default: 3)
  -d, --outdir         d Specify an alternate directory 'd' for output
  -e, --echo-passphrase  Print passphrase to screen when typing it
  -E, --fee-estimate-mode M Specify the network fee estimate mode.  Choices:
                         'conservative','economical'.  Default: 'conservative'
  -f, --fee            f Transaction fee, as a decimal BTC amount or as
                         satoshis per byte (an integer followed by 's').
                         See FEE SPECIFICATION below.  If omitted, fee will be
                         calculated using network fee estimation.
  -H, --hidden-incog-input-params f,o  Read hidden incognito data from file
                        'f' at offset 'o' (comma-separated)
  -i, --in-fmt         f Input is from wallet format 'f' (see FMT CODES below)
  -I, --inputs         i Specify transaction inputs (comma-separated list of
                         MMGen IDs or coin addresses).  Note that ALL unspent
                         outputs associated with each address will be included.
  -l, --seed-len       l Specify wallet seed length of 'l' bits. This option
                         is required only for brainwallet and incognito inputs
                         with non-standard (< 256-bit) seed lengths.
  -k, --keys-from-file f Provide additional keys for non-MMGen addresses
  -K, --keygen-backend n Use backend 'n' for public key generation.  Options
                         for BTC: 1:libsecp256k1 [default] 2:python-ecdsa
  -l, --trade-limit L    Minimum swap amount, as either percentage or absolute
                         coin amount (see TRADE LIMIT below)
  -L, --autochg-ignore-labels Ignore labels when autoselecting change addresses
  -m, --minconf n        Minimum number of confirmations required to spend
                         outputs (default: 1)
  -M, --mmgen-keys-from-file f Provide keys for MMGen addresses in a key-
                         address file (output of 'mmgen-keygen'). Permits
                         online signing without an MMGen seed source. The
                         key-address file is also used to verify MMGen-to-BTC
                         mappings, so the user should record its checksum.
  -O, --old-incog-fmt    Specify old-format incognito input
  -p, --hash-preset    p Use the scrypt hash parameters defined by preset 'p'
                         for password hashing (default: '3')
  -P, --passwd-file    f Get MMGen wallet passphrase from file 'f'
  -q, --quiet            Suppress warnings; overwrite files without prompting
  -s, --swap-proto       Swap protocol to use (Default: thorchain,
                         Choices: 'thorchain')
  -u, --subseeds       n The number of subseed pairs to scan for (default: 100,
                         maximum: 1000000). Only the default or first supplied
                         wallet is scanned for subseeds.
  -v, --verbose          Produce more verbose output
  -V, --vsize-adj      f Adjust transaction's estimated vsize by factor 'f'
  -x, --proxy P          Fetch the swap quote via SOCKS5 proxy ‘P’ (host:port)
  -y, --yes              Answer 'yes' to prompts, suppress non-essential output
  -z, --show-hash-presets Show information on available hash presets

  This script is similar in operation to ‘mmgen-txcreate’, only with additional
  steps.  Users are advised to first familiarize themselves with the use of that
  script before attempting to perform a swap with this one.

  The tracking wallets of both the send and receive coins must be available when
  the script is invoked.  If the two coin daemons are running on different hosts
  than the script, or with non-standard ports, coin-specific RPC options may be
  required (see EXAMPLES below).

  The swap protocol’s quote server on the Internet must be reachable either
  directly or via the SOCKS5 proxy specified with the --proxy option. To improve
  privacy, it’s recommended to proxy requests to the quote server via Tor or
  some other anonymity network.

  The resulting transaction file is saved, signed, sent, and optionally bumped,
  exactly the same way as one created with ‘mmgen-txcreate’.  Autosign with
  automount is likewise supported via the --autosign option.

  The command line must contain at minimum a send coin (COIN1) and receive coin
  (COIN2) symbol.  Currently supported coins are BTC, LTC and BCH.  All other
  arguments are optional.  If AMT is specified, the specified value of send coin
  will be swapped and the rest returned to a change address in the originating
  tracking wallet.  Otherwise, the entire value of the interactively selected
  inputs will be swapped.

  By default, the change and destination addresses are chosen automatically by
  finding the lowest-indexed unused addresses of the preferred address types in
  the send and receive tracking wallets.  Types ‘B’, ‘S’ and ‘C’ (see ADDRESS
  TYPES below) are searched in that order for unused addresses.

  If the wallet contains eligible unused addresses with multiple Seed IDs, the
  user will be presented with a list of the lowest-indexed addresses of
  preferred type for each Seed ID and prompted to choose from among them.

  Change and destination addresses may also be specified manually with the
  CHG_ADDR and ADDR arguments.  These may be given as full MMGen IDs or in the
  ‘mmgen-txcreate’ help screen for details).

  While discouraged, sending change or swapping to non-wallet addresses is also
  supported, in which case the signing script (‘mmgen-txsign’ or ‘mmgen-
  autosign’, as applicable) must be invoked with the --allow-non-wallet-swap

  Rather than specifying a transaction fee on the command line, it’s advisable
  to start with the fee suggested by the swap protocol quote server (the script
  does this automatically) and then adjust the fee interactively if desired.

  When choosing a fee, bear in mind that the longer the transaction remains
  unconfirmed, the greater the risk that the vault address will expire, leading
  to loss of funds.  It’s therefore advisable to learn how to create, sign and
  send replacement transactions with ‘mmgen-txbump’ before performing a swap
  with this script.  When bumping a stuck swap transaction, the safest option
  is to create a replacement transaction with one output that returns funds back
  to the originating tracking wallet, thus aborting the swap, rather than one
  that merely increases the fee (see EXAMPLES below).

  Before broadcasting the transaction, it’s advisable to double-check the vault
  address on a block explorer such as or

  The MMGen Node Tools suite contains two useful tools to help with fine-tuning
  transaction fees, ‘mmnode-feeview’ and ‘mmnode-blocks-info’, in addition to
  ‘mmnode-ticker’, which can be used to calculate the current cross-rate between
  the asset pair of a swap, as well as the total receive value in terms of the
  send value.

                                  TRADE LIMIT

  A target value for the swap may be set, known as the “trade limit”.  If
  this target cannot be met, the network will refund the user’s coins, minus
  transaction fees (note that the refund goes to the address associated with the
  transaction’s first input, leading to coin reuse).  Since under certain
  circumstances large amounts of slippage can occur, resulting in significant
  losses, setting a trade limit is highly recommended.

  The target may be given as either an absolute coin amount or percentage value.
  In the latter case, it’s interpreted as the percentage below the “expected
  amount out” returned by the swap quote server.  Zero or negative percentage
  values are also accepted, but are likely to result in your coins being

  The trade limit is rounded to four digits of precision in order to reduce
  transaction size.


    Code Type           Description
    ---- ----           -----------
    ‘L’  legacy       - Legacy uncompressed address
    ‘C’  compressed   - Compressed P2PKH address
    ‘S’  segwit       - Segwit P2SH-P2WPKH address
    ‘B’  bech32       - Native Segwit (Bech32) address
    ‘E’  ethereum     - Ethereum address
    ‘Z’  zcash_z      - Zcash z-address
    ‘M’  monero       - Monero address

                                 FEE SPECIFICATION

  Transaction fees, both on the command line and at the interactive prompt, may
  be specified as either absolute BTC amounts, using a plain decimal number, or
  as satoshis per byte, using an integer followed by 's', for satoshi.

                                   SIGNING NOTES

  Transactions may contain both MMGen or non-MMGen input addresses.

  To sign non-MMGen inputs, a bitcoind wallet dump or flat key list is used
  as the key source (--keys-from-file option).

  To sign MMGen inputs, key data is generated from a seed as with the
  mmgen-addrgen and mmgen-keygen commands.  Alternatively, a key-address file
  may be used (--mmgen-keys-from-file option).

  Multiple wallets or other seed files can be listed on the command line in
  any order.  If the seeds required to sign the transaction’s inputs are not
  found in these files (or in the default wallet), the user will be prompted
  for seed data interactively.

  To prevent an attacker from crafting transactions with bogus MMGen-to-Bitcoin
  address mappings, all outputs to MMGen addresses are verified with a seed
  source.  Therefore, seed files or a key-address file for all MMGen outputs
  must also be supplied on the command line if the data can’t be found in the
  default wallet.

  Seed source files must have the canonical extensions listed in the 'FileExt'
  column below:


    Format             FileExt   Valid codes
    ------             -------   -----------
    BIP39Mnemonic      .bip39    bip39
    Brainwallet        .mmbrain  mmbrain,brainwallet,brain,bw
    DieRollWallet      .b6d      b6d,die,dieroll
    IncogWallet        .mmincog  mmincog,incog,icg,i
    IncogWalletHex     .mmincox  mmincox,incox,incog_hex,ix,xi
    IncogWalletHidden  None      incog_hidden,hincog,ih,hi
    MMGenHexSeedFile   .mmhex    seedhex,hexseed,mmhex
    MMGenMnemonic      .mmwords  mmwords,words,mnemonic,mn,m
    MMGenSeedFile      .mmseed   mmseed,seed,s
    MMGenWallet        .mmdat    wallet,w
    PlainHexSeedFile   .hex      hex,rawhex,plainhex


    Create a BTC-to-LTC swap transaction, prompting the user for transaction
    inputs.  The full value of the inputs, minus miner fees, will be swapped
    and sent to an unused address in the user’s LTC tracking wallet:

      $ mmgen-swaptxdo BTC LTC

    Same as above, but swap 0.123 BTC, minus miner fees, and send the change to
    an unused address in the BTC tracking wallet:

      $ mmgen-swaptxdo BTC 0.123 LTC

    Same as above, but specify that the change address be a Segwit P2SH (‘S’)

      $ mmgen-swaptxdo BTC 0.123 S LTC

    Same as above, but additionally specify that the destination LTC address be
    a compressed P2PKH (‘C’) address:

      $ mmgen-swaptxdo BTC 0.123 S LTC C

    Same as above, but specify the BTC change address explicitly and the
    destination LTC address by Seed ID and address type:

      $ mmgen-swaptxdo BTC 0.123 BEADCAFE:S:6 LTC BEADCAFE:C

    Abort the above swap by creating a replacement transaction that returns the
    funds to the originating tracking wallet (omit the transaction filename if
    using --autosign):

      $ mmgen-txbump BEADCAFE:S:6 [raw transaction file]

    Swap 0.123 BTC to a non-wallet address (not recommended):

      $ mmgen-swaptxdo BTC 0.123 LTC ltc1qaq8t3pakcftpk095tnqfv5cmmczysls0xx9388

    Create an LTC-to-BCH swap transaction, with the Litecoin daemon running on
    host ‘orion’ and Bitcoin Cash Node daemon on host ‘gemini’ with non-standard
    RPC port 8332.  Communicate with the swap quote server via Tor.

      $ mmgen-swaptxdo --ltc-rpc-host=orion --bch-rpc-host=gemini --bch-rpc-port=8332 --proxy=localhost:9050 LTC BCH

    After sending, check the status of the above swap’s LTC deposit transaction
    (omit the transaction filename if using --autosign):

      $ mmgen-txsend --ltc-rpc-host=orion --status [transaction file]

    Check whether the funds have arrived in the BCH destination wallet:

      $ mmgen-tool --coin=bch --bch-rpc-host=gemini twview minconf=0

  MMGEN v15.1.dev18              March 2025                  MMGEN-SWAPTXDO(1)