123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- #
- # MMGen Wallet, a terminal-based cryptocurrency wallet
- # Copyright (C)2013-2025 The MMGen Project <mmgen@tuta.io>
- # Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 3:
- # https://www.gnu.org/licenses
- # Public project repositories:
- # https://github.com/mmgen/mmgen-wallet
- # https://gitlab.com/mmgen/mmgen-wallet
- """
- tx.new: new transaction class
- """
- from collections import namedtuple
- from .base import Base
- from ..cfg import gc
- from ..color import pink, yellow
- from ..obj import get_obj, MMGenList
- from ..util import msg, fmt, die, suf, remove_dups, get_extension
- from ..addr import (
- is_mmgen_id,
- MMGenAddrType,
- MMGenID,
- CoinAddr,
- is_mmgen_addrtype,
- is_coin_addr,
- is_addrlist_id
- )
- def mmaddr2coinaddr(cfg, mmaddr, ad_w, ad_f, proto):
- def wmsg(k):
- messages = {
- 'addr_in_addrfile_only': f"""
- Warning: output address {mmaddr} is not in the tracking wallet, which
- means its balance will not be tracked. You're strongly advised to import
- the address into your tracking wallet before broadcasting this transaction.
- """,
- 'addr_not_found': f"""
- No data for {gc.proj_name} address {mmaddr} could be found in either the
- tracking wallet or the supplied address file. Please import this address
- into your tracking wallet, or supply an address file on the command line.
- """,
- 'addr_not_found_no_addrfile': f"""
- No data for {gc.proj_name} address {mmaddr} could be found in the tracking
- wallet. Please import this address into your tracking wallet or supply an
- address file for it on the command line.
- """
- }
- return '\n' + fmt(messages[k], indent=' ')
- # assume mmaddr has already been checked
- coin_addr = ad_w.mmaddr2coinaddr(mmaddr)
- if not coin_addr:
- if ad_f:
- coin_addr = ad_f.mmaddr2coinaddr(mmaddr)
- if coin_addr:
- msg(wmsg('addr_in_addrfile_only'))
- from ..ui import keypress_confirm
- if not (cfg.yes or keypress_confirm(cfg, 'Continue anyway?')):
- import sys
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- die(2, wmsg('addr_not_found'))
- else:
- die(2, wmsg('addr_not_found_no_addrfile'))
- return CoinAddr(proto, coin_addr)
- class New(Base):
- fee_is_approximate = False
- msg_wallet_low_coin = 'Wallet has insufficient funds for this transaction ({} {} needed)'
- msg_no_change_output = """
- ERROR: No change address specified. If you wish to create a transaction with
- only one output, specify a single output address with no {} amount
- """
- msg_insufficient_funds = 'Selected outputs insufficient to fund this transaction ({} {} needed)'
- chg_autoselected = False
- _funds_available = namedtuple('funds_available', ['is_positive', 'amt'])
- def __init__(self, *args, target=None, **kwargs):
- self.is_swap = target == 'swaptx'
- super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- def warn_insufficient_funds(self, amt, coin):
- msg(self.msg_insufficient_funds.format(amt.hl(), coin))
- def update_output_amt(self, idx, amt):
- o = self.outputs[idx]._asdict()
- o['amt'] = amt
- self.outputs[idx] = self.Output(self.proto, **o)
- def add_mmaddrs_to_outputs(self, ad_f, ad_w):
- a = [e.addr for e in self.outputs]
- d = ad_w.make_reverse_dict(a)
- if ad_f:
- d.update(ad_f.make_reverse_dict(a))
- for e in self.outputs:
- if e.addr and e.addr in d:
- e.mmid, f = d[e.addr]
- if f:
- e.comment = f
- def check_dup_addrs(self, io_desc):
- assert io_desc in ('inputs', 'outputs')
- addrs = [e.addr for e in getattr(self, io_desc) if e.addr]
- if len(addrs) != len(set(addrs)):
- die(2, f'{addrs}: duplicate address in transaction {io_desc}')
- # given tx size and absolute fee or fee spec, return absolute fee
- # relative fee is N+<first letter of unit name>
- def feespec2abs(self, fee_arg, tx_size):
- if type(fee_arg) is self.proto.coin_amt:
- return fee_arg
- if fee := get_obj(self.proto.coin_amt, num=fee_arg, silent=True):
- return fee
- import re
- units = {u[0]:u for u in self.proto.coin_amt.units}
- pat = re.compile(r'([1-9][0-9]*)({})'.format('|'.join(units)))
- if pat.match(fee_arg):
- amt, unit = pat.match(fee_arg).groups()
- return self.fee_rel2abs(tx_size, units, int(amt), unit)
- return False
- def get_usr_fee_interactive(self, fee=None, desc='Starting'):
- abs_fee = None
- from ..ui import line_input
- while True:
- if fee:
- abs_fee = self.convert_and_check_fee(fee, desc)
- if abs_fee:
- if self.is_bump and not self.check_bumped_fee_ok(abs_fee):
- pass
- else:
- prompt = '{a} TX fee{b}: {c}{d} {e} ({f} {g})\n'.format(
- a = desc,
- b = (f' (after {self.cfg.fee_adjust:.2f}X adjustment)'
- if self.cfg.fee_adjust != 1 and desc.startswith('Network-estimated')
- else ''),
- c = ('', '≈')[self.fee_is_approximate],
- d = abs_fee.hl(),
- e = self.coin,
- f = pink(self.fee_abs2rel(abs_fee)),
- g = self.rel_fee_disp)
- from ..ui import keypress_confirm
- if self.cfg.yes or keypress_confirm(self.cfg, prompt+'OK?', default_yes=True):
- if self.cfg.yes:
- msg(prompt)
- return abs_fee
- fee = line_input(self.cfg, self.usr_fee_prompt)
- desc = 'User-selected'
- # we don't know fee yet, so perform preliminary check with fee == 0
- async def precheck_sufficient_funds(self, inputs_sum, sel_unspent, outputs_sum):
- if self.twuo.total < outputs_sum:
- msg(self.msg_wallet_low_coin.format(outputs_sum-inputs_sum, self.dcoin))
- return False
- if inputs_sum < outputs_sum:
- self.warn_insufficient_funds(outputs_sum - inputs_sum, self.dcoin)
- return False
- return True
- def add_output(self, coinaddr, amt, is_chg=False, data=None):
- self.outputs.append(self.Output(self.proto, addr=coinaddr, amt=amt, is_chg=is_chg, data=data))
- def process_data_output_arg(self, arg):
- return None
- def parse_cmdline_arg(self, proto, arg_in, ad_f, ad_w):
- _pa = namedtuple('txcreate_cmdline_output', ['arg', 'mmid', 'addr', 'amt', 'data'])
- if data := self.process_data_output_arg(arg_in):
- return _pa(arg_in, None, None, None, data)
- arg, amt = arg_in.split(',', 1) if ',' in arg_in else (arg_in, None)
- if mmid := get_obj(MMGenID, proto=proto, id_str=arg, silent=True):
- coin_addr = mmaddr2coinaddr(self.cfg, arg, ad_w, ad_f, proto)
- elif is_coin_addr(proto, arg):
- coin_addr = CoinAddr(proto, arg)
- elif is_mmgen_addrtype(proto, arg) or is_addrlist_id(proto, arg):
- if proto.base_proto_coin != 'BTC':
- die(2, f'Change addresses not supported for {proto.name} protocol')
- self.chg_autoselected = True
- coin_addr = None
- else:
- die(2, f'{arg_in}: invalid command-line argument')
- return _pa(arg, mmid, coin_addr, amt, None)
- async def get_autochg_addr(self, proto, arg, exclude, desc):
- from ..tw.addresses import TwAddresses
- al = await TwAddresses(self.cfg, proto, get_data=True)
- if obj := get_obj(MMGenAddrType, proto=proto, id_str=arg, silent=True):
- res = al.get_change_address_by_addrtype(obj, exclude=exclude, desc=desc)
- req_desc = f'of address type {arg!r}'
- else:
- res = al.get_change_address(arg, exclude=exclude, desc=desc)
- req_desc = f'from address list {arg!r}'
- if res:
- return res
- die(2, 'Tracking wallet contains no {t}addresses {d}'.format(
- t = '' if res is None else 'unused ',
- d = req_desc))
- async def process_cmdline_args(self, cmd_args, ad_f, ad_w):
- parsed_args = [self.parse_cmdline_arg(self.proto, arg, ad_f, ad_w) for arg in cmd_args]
- chg_args = [a for a in parsed_args if not ((a.amt and a.addr) or a.data)]
- if len(chg_args) > 1:
- desc = 'requested' if self.chg_autoselected else 'listed'
- die(2, f'ERROR: More than one change address {desc} on command line')
- for a in parsed_args:
- if a.data:
- self.add_output(None, self.proto.coin_amt('0'), data=a.data)
- else:
- exclude = [a.mmid for a in parsed_args if a.mmid]
- self.add_output(
- coinaddr = a.addr or (
- await self.get_autochg_addr(self.proto, a.arg, exclude=exclude, desc='change address')
- ).addr,
- amt = self.proto.coin_amt(a.amt or '0'),
- is_chg = not a.amt)
- if self.chg_idx is None:
- die(2,
- fmt(self.msg_no_change_output.format(self.dcoin)).strip()
- if len(self.outputs) == 1 else
- 'ERROR: No change output specified')
- if self.has_segwit_outputs() and not self.rpc.info('segwit_is_active'):
- die(2,
- f'{gc.proj_name} Segwit address requested on the command line, '
- 'but Segwit is not active on this chain')
- if not self.nondata_outputs:
- die(2, 'At least one spending output must be specified on the command line')
- self.add_mmaddrs_to_outputs(ad_f, ad_w)
- self.check_dup_addrs('outputs')
- if self.chg_output is not None:
- if self.chg_autoselected:
- self.confirm_autoselected_addr(self.chg_output.mmid, 'change address')
- elif len(self.nondata_outputs) > 1:
- await self.warn_addr_used(self.proto, self.chg_output, 'change address')
- def get_addrfiles_from_cmdline(self, cmd_args):
- from ..addrfile import AddrFile
- addrfile_args = remove_dups(
- tuple(a for a in cmd_args if get_extension(a) == AddrFile.ext),
- desc = 'command line',
- edesc = 'argument',
- )
- cmd_args = tuple(a for a in cmd_args if a not in addrfile_args)
- if not self.is_swap:
- cmd_args = remove_dups(cmd_args, desc='command line', edesc='argument')
- return cmd_args, addrfile_args
- def get_addrdata_from_files(self, proto, addrfiles):
- from ..addrdata import AddrData
- from ..addrlist import AddrList
- from ..fileutil import check_infile
- ad_f = AddrData(proto)
- for addrfile in addrfiles:
- check_infile(addrfile)
- try:
- ad_f.add(AddrList(self.cfg, proto, addrfile))
- except Exception as e:
- msg(f'{type(e).__name__}: {e}')
- return ad_f
- def confirm_autoselected_addr(self, mmid, desc):
- from ..ui import keypress_confirm
- if not keypress_confirm(
- self.cfg,
- 'Using {a} as {b}. OK?'.format(
- a = mmid.hl(),
- b = 'single output address' if len(self.nondata_outputs) == 1 else desc),
- default_yes = True):
- die(1, 'Exiting at user request')
- async def warn_addr_used(self, proto, chg, desc):
- from ..tw.addresses import TwAddresses
- if (await TwAddresses(self.cfg, proto, get_data=True)).is_used(chg.addr):
- from ..ui import keypress_confirm
- if not keypress_confirm(
- self.cfg,
- '{a} {b} {c}\n{d}'.format(
- a = yellow(f'Requested {desc}'),
- b = chg.mmid.hl() if chg.mmid else chg.addr.hl(chg.addr.view_pref),
- c = yellow('is already used!'),
- d = yellow('Address reuse harms your privacy and security. Continue anyway? (y/N): ')
- ),
- complete_prompt = True,
- default_yes = False):
- die(1, 'Exiting at user request')
- # inputs methods
- def get_unspent_nums_from_user(self, unspent):
- prompt = 'Enter a range or space-separated list of outputs to spend: '
- from ..ui import line_input
- while True:
- reply = line_input(self.cfg, prompt).strip()
- if reply:
- from ..addrlist import AddrIdxList
- selected = get_obj(AddrIdxList, fmt_str=','.join(reply.split()))
- if selected:
- if selected[-1] <= len(unspent):
- return selected
- msg(f'Unspent output number must be <= {len(unspent)}')
- def get_unspent_nums_from_inputs_opt(self, unspent):
- def do_add_msg(idx):
- uo = unspent[idx]
- mm_disp = f' ({uo.twmmid})' if uo.twmmid.type == 'mmgen' else ''
- msg('Adding input: {} {}{}'.format(idx + 1, uo.addr, mm_disp))
- def get_uo_nums():
- for addr in self.cfg.inputs.split(','):
- if is_mmgen_id(self.proto, addr):
- attr = 'twmmid'
- elif is_coin_addr(self.proto, addr):
- attr = 'addr'
- else:
- die(1, f'{addr!r}: not an MMGen ID or {self.coin} address')
- found = False
- for idx, e in enumerate(unspent):
- if getattr(e, attr) == addr:
- do_add_msg(idx)
- yield idx + 1
- found = True
- if not found:
- die(1, f'{addr!r}: address not found in tracking wallet')
- return set(get_uo_nums()) # silently discard duplicates
- def copy_inputs_from_tw(self, tw_unspent_data):
- def gen_inputs():
- for d in tw_unspent_data:
- i = self.Input(
- self.proto,
- **{attr:getattr(d, attr) for attr in d.__dict__ if attr in self.Input.tw_copy_attrs})
- if d.twmmid.type == 'mmgen':
- i.mmid = d.twmmid # twmmid -> mmid
- yield i
- self.inputs = type(self.inputs)(self, list(gen_inputs()))
- async def get_funds_available(self, fee, outputs_sum):
- in_sum = self.sum_inputs()
- out_sum = outputs_sum + fee
- return self._funds_available(
- in_sum >= out_sum,
- # CoinAmt must be non-negative, so cannot use abs():
- in_sum - out_sum if in_sum >= out_sum else out_sum - in_sum)
- async def get_inputs(self, outputs_sum):
- sel_nums = (
- self.get_unspent_nums_from_inputs_opt if self.cfg.inputs else
- self.get_unspent_nums_from_user
- )(self.twuo.data)
- msg(f'Selected output{suf(sel_nums)}: {{}}'.format(' '.join(str(n) for n in sel_nums)))
- sel_unspent = MMGenList(self.twuo.data[i-1] for i in sel_nums)
- if not await self.precheck_sufficient_funds(
- sum(s.amt for s in sel_unspent),
- sel_unspent,
- outputs_sum):
- return False
- self.copy_inputs_from_tw(sel_unspent) # makes self.inputs
- return True
- async def get_fee(self, fee, outputs_sum):
- if fee:
- self.usr_fee = self.get_usr_fee_interactive(fee, 'User-selected')
- else:
- fee_per_kb, fe_type = await self.get_rel_fee_from_network()
- self.usr_fee = self.get_usr_fee_interactive(
- None if fee_per_kb is None else self.fee_est2abs(fee_per_kb, fe_type),
- self.network_estimated_fee_label)
- funds = await self.get_funds_available(self.usr_fee, outputs_sum)
- if funds.is_positive:
- p = self.final_inputs_ok_msg(funds.amt)
- from ..ui import keypress_confirm
- if self.cfg.yes or keypress_confirm(self.cfg, p+'. OK?', default_yes=True):
- if self.cfg.yes:
- msg(p)
- return funds.amt
- else:
- self.warn_insufficient_funds(funds.amt, self.coin)
- async def create(self, cmd_args, locktime=None, do_info=False, caller='txcreate'):
- assert isinstance(locktime, (int, type(None))), 'locktime must be of type int'
- from ..tw.unspent import TwUnspentOutputs
- if self.cfg.comment_file:
- self.add_comment(self.cfg.comment_file)
- if not do_info:
- cmd_args, addrfile_args = self.get_addrfiles_from_cmdline(cmd_args)
- if self.is_swap:
- # updates self.proto!
- self.proto, cmd_args = await self.process_swap_cmdline_args(cmd_args, addrfile_args)
- from ..rpc import rpc_init
- self.rpc = await rpc_init(self.cfg, self.proto)
- from ..addrdata import TwAddrData
- await self.process_cmdline_args(
- cmd_args,
- self.get_addrdata_from_files(self.proto, addrfile_args),
- await TwAddrData(self.cfg, self.proto, twctl=self.twctl))
- if not self.is_bump:
- self.twuo = await TwUnspentOutputs(
- self.cfg,
- self.proto,
- minconf = self.cfg.minconf,
- addrs = await self.get_input_addrs_from_inputs_opt())
- await self.twuo.get_data()
- from ..ui import do_license_msg
- do_license_msg(self.cfg)
- if not (self.is_bump or self.cfg.inputs):
- await self.twuo.view_filter_and_sort()
- if not self.is_bump:
- self.twuo.display_total()
- if do_info:
- del self.twuo.twctl
- import sys
- sys.exit(0)
- outputs_sum = self.sum_outputs()
- msg('Total amount to spend: {}'.format(
- f'{outputs_sum.hl()} {self.dcoin}' if outputs_sum else 'Unknown'
- ))
- while True:
- if not await self.get_inputs(outputs_sum):
- continue
- fee_hint = None
- if self.is_swap:
- fee_hint = self.update_vault_output(self.vault_output.amt or self.sum_inputs())
- if funds_left := await self.get_fee(fee_hint or self.cfg.fee, outputs_sum):
- break
- self.check_non_mmgen_inputs(caller)
- self.update_change_output(funds_left)
- self.check_chg_addr_is_wallet_addr()
- if not self.cfg.yes:
- self.add_comment() # edits an existing comment
- await self.create_serialized(locktime=locktime) # creates self.txid too
- self.add_timestamp()
- self.add_blockcount()
- self.chain = self.proto.chain_name
- self.check_fee()
- self.cfg._util.qmsg('Transaction successfully created')
- if self.is_bump:
- return
- from . import UnsignedTX
- new = UnsignedTX(cfg=self.cfg, data=self.__dict__, automount=self.cfg.autosign)
- if not self.cfg.yes:
- new.info.view_with_prompt('View transaction details?')
- del new.twuo.twctl
- return new