123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- #
- # mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, a command-line cryptocurrency wallet
- # Copyright (C)2013-2022 The MMGen Project <mmgen@tuta.io>
- # Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 3:
- # https://www.gnu.org/licenses
- # Public project repositories:
- # https://github.com/mmgen/mmgen
- # https://gitlab.com/mmgen/mmgen
- """
- base_proto.bitcoin.twctl: Bitcoin base protocol tracking wallet control class
- """
- from ....globalvars import g
- from ....tw.ctl import TrackingWallet
- from ....util import msg,msg_r,rmsg,vmsg,die,suf,fmt_list,write_mode
- class BitcoinTrackingWallet(TrackingWallet):
- def init_empty(self):
- self.data = { 'coin': self.proto.coin, 'addresses': {} }
- def upgrade_wallet_maybe(self):
- pass
- async def rpc_get_balance(self,addr):
- raise NotImplementedError('not implemented')
- @write_mode
- async def import_address(self,addr,label): # rescan is True by default, so set to False
- return await self.rpc.call('importaddress',addr,label,False)
- @write_mode
- def batch_import_address(self,arg_list): # rescan is True by default, so set to False
- return self.rpc.batch_call('importaddress',[a+(False,) for a in arg_list])
- @write_mode
- async def remove_address(self,addr):
- raise NotImplementedError(f'address removal not implemented for coin {self.proto.coin}')
- @write_mode
- async def set_label(self,coinaddr,lbl):
- args = self.rpc.daemon.set_label_args( self.rpc, coinaddr, lbl )
- try:
- return await self.rpc.call(*args)
- except Exception as e:
- rmsg(e.args[0])
- return False
- @write_mode
- async def rescan_blockchain(self,start,stop):
- start = start or 0
- endless = stop == None
- CR = '\n' if g.test_suite else '\r'
- if not ( start >= 0 and (stop if stop is not None else start) >= start ):
- die(1,f'{start} {stop}: invalid range')
- async def do_scan(chunks,tip):
- res = None
- for a,b in chunks:
- msg_r(f'{CR}Scanning blocks {a}-{b} ')
- res = await self.rpc.call('rescanblockchain',a,b,timeout=7200)
- if res['start_height'] != a or res['stop_height'] != b:
- die(1,f'\nAn error occurred in block range {a}-{b}')
- msg('')
- return b if res else tip
- def gen_chunks(start,stop,tip):
- n = start
- if endless:
- stop = tip
- elif stop > tip:
- die(1,f'{stop}: stop value is higher than chain tip')
- while n <= stop:
- yield ( n, min(n+99,stop) )
- n += 100
- last_block = await do_scan(gen_chunks(start,stop,self.rpc.blockcount),self.rpc.blockcount)
- if endless:
- tip = await self.rpc.call('getblockcount')
- while last_block < tip:
- last_block = await do_scan(gen_chunks(last_block+1,tip),tip)
- tip = await self.rpc.call('getblockcount')
- msg('Done')
- @write_mode
- async def rescan_address(self,addrspec):
- res = await self.resolve_address(addrspec,None)
- if not res:
- return False
- return await self.rescan_addresses([res.coinaddr])
- @write_mode
- async def rescan_addresses(self,coin_addrs):
- import asyncio
- async def do_scan():
- return await self.rpc.call(
- 'scantxoutset',
- 'start',
- [f'addr({a})' for a in coin_addrs],
- timeout = 720 ) # call may take several minutes to complete
- async def do_status():
- m = f'{CR}Scanning UTXO set: '
- msg_r(m)
- while True:
- await asyncio.sleep(2)
- res = await self.rpc.call('scantxoutset','status')
- if res:
- msg_r(m + f'{res["progress"]}% completed ')
- if task1.done():
- msg('')
- return
- CR = '\r'
- if self.rpc.backend.name == 'aiohttp':
- task1 = asyncio.create_task( do_scan() )
- task2 = asyncio.create_task( do_status() )
- res = await task1
- await task2
- else:
- msg_r(f'Scanning UTXO set, this could take several minutes...')
- res = await do_scan()
- msg('done')
- if not res['success']:
- msg('UTXO scanning failed or was interrupted')
- return False
- elif res['unspents']:
- blocks = sorted({ i['height'] for i in res['unspents'] })
- msg('Found {} unspent output{} in {} block{}'.format(
- len(res['unspents']),
- suf(res['unspents']),
- len(blocks),
- suf(blocks) ))
- vmsg(f'Blocks to rescan: {fmt_list(blocks,fmt="bare")}')
- for n,block in enumerate(blocks):
- msg_r(f'{CR}Rescanning block: {block} ({n+1}/{len(blocks)})')
- # httplib seems to require fresh connection here, so specify timeout
- await self.rpc.call('rescanblockchain',block,block,timeout=60)
- msg('\nRescan completed OK')
- return True
- else:
- msg('Imported address has no balance' if len(coin_addrs) == 1 else
- 'Imported addresses have no balances' )
- return True