mmgen.cfg 2.3 KB

  1. # Configuration file for the MMGen suite
  2. # Everything following a '#' is ignored
  3. ################
  4. # User options #
  5. ################
  6. # Uncomment to suppress the GPL license prompt:
  7. # no_license true
  8. # Uncomment to enable quieter output:
  9. # quiet true
  10. # Uncomment to disable color output:
  11. # color false
  12. # Uncomment to force 256-color output when 'color' is true:
  13. # force_256_color true
  14. # Uncomment to use regtest mode (this also sets testnet to true):
  15. # regtest true
  16. # Uncomment to use testnet instead of mainnet:
  17. # testnet true
  18. # Set the RPC host (the host the coin daemon is running on):
  19. # rpc_host localhost
  20. # Set the RPC host's port number
  21. # rpc_port 8332
  22. # Uncomment to override 'rpcuser' from coin daemon config file
  23. # rpc_user myusername
  24. # Uncomment to override 'rpcpassword' from coin daemon config file
  25. # rpc_password mypassword
  26. # Uncomment to set the coin daemon datadir
  27. # daemon_data_dir /path/to/datadir
  28. # Set the default hash preset:
  29. # hash_preset 3
  30. # Set the default number of subseeds:
  31. # subseeds 100
  32. # Set the default number of entropy characters to get from user.
  33. # Must be between 10 and 80.
  34. # A value of 0 disables user entropy, but this is not recommended:
  35. # usr_randchars 30
  36. # Set the maximum transaction fee for BTC:
  37. # btc_max_tx_fee 0.003
  38. # Set the maximum transaction fee for BCH:
  39. # bch_max_tx_fee 0.1
  40. # Set the maximum transaction fee for LTC:
  41. # ltc_max_tx_fee 0.3
  42. # Set the maximum transaction fee for ETH:
  43. # eth_max_tx_fee 0.005
  44. # Set the transaction fee adjustment factor. Auto-calculated fees are
  45. # multiplied by this value:
  46. # tx_fee_adj 1.0
  47. # Set the maximum transaction file size:
  48. # max_tx_file_size 100000
  49. # Set the maximum input size - applies both to files and standard input:
  50. # max_input_size 1048576
  51. # Set the Ethereum mainnet name
  52. # eth_mainnet_chain_name foundation
  53. # Set the Ethereum testnet name
  54. # eth_testnet_chain_name kovan
  55. # Uncomment to suppress non-ASCII character password warning for MSWin / MSYS2
  56. # mswin_pw_warning false
  57. #####################################################################
  58. # The following options are probably of interest only to developers #
  59. #####################################################################
  60. # Uncomment to display lots of debugging information:
  61. # debug true
  62. # Set the timeout for RPC connections:
  63. # http_timeout 60