ct_swap.py 5.9 KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/env python3
  2. #
  3. # MMGen Wallet, a terminal-based cryptocurrency wallet
  4. # Copyright (C)2013-2025 The MMGen Project <mmgen@tuta.io>
  5. # Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 3:
  6. # https://www.gnu.org/licenses
  7. # Public project repositories:
  8. # https://github.com/mmgen/mmgen-wallet
  9. # https://gitlab.com/mmgen/mmgen-wallet
  10. """
  11. test.cmdtest_d.ct_swap: asset swap tests for the cmdtest.py test suite
  12. """
  13. from mmgen.protocol import init_proto
  14. from .ct_regtest import (
  15. CmdTestRegtest,
  16. rt_data,
  17. dfl_wcls,
  18. rt_pw,
  19. cfg)
  20. sample1 = '=:ETH.ETH:0x86d526d6624AbC0178cF7296cD538Ecc080A95F1:0/1/0'
  21. sample2 = '00010203040506'
  22. class CmdTestSwap(CmdTestRegtest):
  23. bdb_wallet = True
  24. networks = ('btc',)
  25. tmpdir_nums = [37]
  26. passthru_opts = ('rpc_backend',)
  27. cmd_group_in = (
  28. ('setup', 'regtest (Bob and Alice) mode setup'),
  29. ('subgroup.init_bob', []),
  30. ('subgroup.fund_bob', ['init_bob']),
  31. ('subgroup.data', ['fund_bob']),
  32. ('subgroup.swap', ['fund_bob']),
  33. ('stop', 'stopping regtest daemon'),
  34. )
  35. cmd_subgroups = {
  36. 'init_bob': (
  37. 'creating Bob’s MMGen wallet and tracking wallet',
  38. ('walletgen_bob', 'wallet generation (Bob)'),
  39. ('addrgen_bob', 'address generation (Bob)'),
  40. ('addrimport_bob', 'importing Bob’s addresses'),
  41. ),
  42. 'fund_bob': (
  43. 'funding Bob’s wallet',
  44. ('fund_bob1', 'funding Bob’s wallet (bech32)'),
  45. ('fund_bob2', 'funding Bob’s wallet (native Segwit)'),
  46. ('bob_bal', 'displaying Bob’s balance'),
  47. ),
  48. 'data': (
  49. 'OP_RETURN data operations',
  50. ('data_tx1_create', 'Creating a transaction with OP_RETURN data (hex-encoded ascii)'),
  51. ('data_tx1_sign', 'Signing the transaction'),
  52. ('data_tx1_send', 'Sending the transaction'),
  53. ('data_tx1_chk', 'Checking the sent transaction'),
  54. ('generate3', 'Generate 3 blocks'),
  55. ('data_tx2_do', 'Creating and sending a transaction with OP_RETURN data (binary)'),
  56. ('data_tx2_chk', 'Checking the sent transaction'),
  57. ('generate3', 'Generate 3 blocks'),
  58. ('bob_listaddrs', 'Display Bob’s addresses'),
  59. ),
  60. 'swap': (
  61. 'Swap operations',
  62. ('bob_swaptxcreate1', 'Create a swap transaction'),
  63. ),
  64. }
  65. def __init__(self, trunner, cfgs, spawn):
  66. super().__init__(trunner, cfgs, spawn)
  67. globals_dict = globals()
  68. for k in rt_data:
  69. globals_dict[k] = rt_data[k]['btc']
  70. self.protos = [init_proto(cfg, k, network='regtest', need_amt=True) for k in ('btc', 'ltc', 'bch')]
  71. @property
  72. def sid(self):
  73. return self._user_sid('bob')
  74. def _addrgen_bob(self, proto_idx, mmtypes, subseed_idx=None):
  75. return self.addrgen('bob', subseed_idx=subseed_idx, mmtypes=mmtypes, proto=self.protos[proto_idx])
  76. def _addrimport_bob(self, proto_idx):
  77. return self.addrimport('bob', mmtypes=['S', 'B'], proto=self.protos[proto_idx])
  78. def _fund_bob(self, proto_idx, addrtype_code, amt):
  79. return self.fund_wallet('bob', addrtype_code, amt, proto=self.protos[proto_idx])
  80. def _bob_bal(self, proto_idx, bal, skip_check=False):
  81. return self.user_bal('bob', bal, proto=self.protos[proto_idx], skip_check=skip_check)
  82. def addrgen_bob(self):
  83. return self._addrgen_bob(0, ['S', 'B'])
  84. def addrimport_bob(self):
  85. return self._addrimport_bob(0)
  86. def fund_bob1(self):
  87. return self._fund_bob(0, 'B', '500')
  88. def fund_bob2(self):
  89. return self._fund_bob(0, 'S', '500')
  90. def bob_bal(self):
  91. return self._bob_bal(0, '1000')
  92. def data_tx1_create(self):
  93. return self._data_tx_create('1', 'B:2', 'B:3', 'data', sample1)
  94. def _data_tx_create(self, src, dest, chg, pfx, sample):
  95. t = self.spawn(
  96. 'mmgen-txcreate',
  97. ['-d', self.tmpdir, '-B', '--bob', f'{self.sid}:{dest},1', f'{self.sid}:{chg}', f'{pfx}:{sample}'])
  98. return self.txcreate_ui_common(t, menu=[], inputs='1', interactive_fee='3s')
  99. def data_tx1_sign(self):
  100. return self._data_tx_sign()
  101. def _data_tx_sign(self):
  102. fn = self.get_file_with_ext('rawtx')
  103. t = self.spawn('mmgen-txsign', ['-d', self.tmpdir, '--bob', fn])
  104. t.view_tx('v')
  105. t.passphrase(dfl_wcls.desc, rt_pw)
  106. t.do_comment(None)
  107. t.expect('(Y/n): ', 'y')
  108. t.written_to_file('Signed transaction')
  109. return t
  110. def data_tx1_send(self):
  111. return self._data_tx_send()
  112. def _data_tx_send(self):
  113. fn = self.get_file_with_ext('sigtx')
  114. t = self.spawn('mmgen-txsend', ['-q', '-d', self.tmpdir, '--bob', fn])
  115. t.expect('view: ', 'n')
  116. t.expect('(y/N): ', '\n')
  117. t.expect('to confirm: ', 'YES\n')
  118. t.written_to_file('Sent transaction')
  119. return t
  120. def data_tx1_chk(self):
  121. return self._data_tx_chk(sample1.encode().hex())
  122. def data_tx2_do(self):
  123. return self._data_tx_do('2', 'B:4', 'B:5', 'hexdata', sample2, 'v')
  124. def data_tx2_chk(self):
  125. return self._data_tx_chk(sample2)
  126. def _data_tx_do(self, src, dest, chg, pfx, sample, view):
  127. t = self.user_txdo(
  128. user = 'bob',
  129. fee = '30s',
  130. outputs_cl = [f'{self.sid}:{dest},1', f'{self.sid}:{chg}', f'{pfx}:{sample}'],
  131. outputs_list = src,
  132. add_comment = 'Transaction with OP_RETURN data',
  133. return_early = True)
  134. t.view_tx(view)
  135. if view == 'v':
  136. t.expect(sample)
  137. t.expect('amount:')
  138. t.passphrase(dfl_wcls.desc, rt_pw)
  139. t.written_to_file('Signed transaction')
  140. self._do_confirm_send(t)
  141. t.expect('Transaction sent')
  142. return t
  143. def _data_tx_chk(self, sample):
  144. mp = self._get_mempool(do_msg=True)
  145. assert len(mp) == 1
  146. self.write_to_tmpfile('data_tx1_id', mp[0]+'\n')
  147. tx_hex = self._do_cli(['getrawtransaction', mp[0]])
  148. tx = self._do_cli(['decoderawtransaction', tx_hex], decode_json=True)
  149. v0 = tx['vout'][0]
  150. assert v0['scriptPubKey']['hex'] == f'6a{(len(sample) // 2):02x}{sample}'
  151. assert v0['scriptPubKey']['type'] == 'nulldata'
  152. assert v0['value'] == "0.00000000"
  153. return 'ok'
  154. def generate3(self):
  155. return self.generate(3)
  156. def bob_listaddrs(self):
  157. t = self.spawn('mmgen-tool', ['--bob', 'listaddresses'])
  158. return t
  159. def bob_swaptxcreate1(self):
  160. t = self.spawn(
  161. 'mmgen-swaptxcreate',
  162. ['-d', self.tmpdir, '-B', '--bob', 'BTC', '1.234', f'{self.sid}:S:3', 'LTC'])
  163. return t