123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- #
- # mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution
- # Copyright (C)2013-2019 The MMGen Project <mmgen@tuta.io>
- #
- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- """
- common.py: Shared routines and data for the test.py test suite
- """
- import os,subprocess
- from mmgen.common import *
- log_file = 'test.py.log'
- rt_pw = 'abc-α'
- ref_wallet_brainpass = 'abc'
- ref_wallet_hash_preset = '1'
- ref_wallet_incog_offset = 123
- dfl_seed_id = '98831F3A'
- dfl_addr_idx_list = '1010,500-501,31-33,1,33,500,1011'
- dfl_wpasswd = 'reference password'
- pwfile = 'passwd_file'
- hincog_fn = 'rand_data'
- hincog_bytes = 1024*1024
- hincog_offset = 98765
- hincog_seedlen = 256
- incog_id_fn = 'incog_id'
- non_mmgen_fn = 'coinkey'
- ref_dir = os.path.join('test','ref')
- dfl_words_file = os.path.join(ref_dir,'98831F3A.mmwords')
- from mmgen.obj import MMGenTXLabel
- ref_tx_label_jp = '必要なのは、信用ではなく暗号化された証明に基づく電子取引システムであり、これにより希望する二者が信用できる第三者機関を介さずに直接取引できるよう' # 72 chars ('W'ide)
- ref_tx_label_zh = '所以,我們非常需要這樣一種電子支付系統,它基於密碼學原理而不基於信用,使得任何達成一致的雙方,能夠直接進行支付,從而不需要協力廠商仲介的參與。。' # 72 chars ('F'ull + 'W'ide)
- ref_tx_label_lat_cyr_gr = ''.join(map(chr,
- list(range(65,91)) +
- list(range(1040,1072)) + # cyrillic
- list(range(913,939)) + # greek
- list(range(97,123))))[:MMGenTXLabel.max_len] # 72 chars
- utf8_label = ref_tx_label_zh[:40]
- utf8_label_pat = utf8_label
- ref_bw_hash_preset = '1'
- ref_bw_file = 'wallet.mmbrain'
- ref_bw_file_spc = 'wallet-spaced.mmbrain'
- ref_enc_fn = 'sample-text.mmenc'
- tool_enc_passwd = "Scrypt it, don't hash it!"
- chksum_pat = r'\b[A-F0-9]{4} [A-F0-9]{4} [A-F0-9]{4} [A-F0-9]{4}\b'
- def ok_msg():
- if opt.profile: return
- os.write(2,green('\nOK\n').encode() if opt.exact_output or opt.verbose else b' OK\n')
- def skip(name,reason=None):
- msg('Skipping {}{}'.format(name,' ({})'.format(reason) if reason else ''))
- return 'skip'
- def confirm_continue():
- if keypress_confirm(blue('Continue? (Y/n): '),default_yes=True,complete_prompt=True):
- if opt.verbose or opt.exact_output: sys.stderr.write('\n')
- else:
- raise KeyboardInterrupt('Exiting at user request')
- def omsg(s):
- os.write(2,s.encode() + b'\n')
- def omsg_r(s):
- os.write(2,s.encode())
- def imsg(s):
- if opt.exact_output or opt.verbose: omsg(s)
- def imsg_r(s):
- if opt.exact_output or opt.verbose: omsg_r(s)
- def iqmsg(s):
- if not opt.quiet: omsg(s)
- def iqmsg_r(s):
- if not opt.quiet: omsg_r(s)
- devnull_fh = open('/dev/null','w')
- def silence():
- if not (opt.verbose or opt.exact_output):
- g.stderr_fileno = g.stdout_fileno = devnull_fh.fileno()
- def end_silence():
- if not (opt.verbose or opt.exact_output):
- g.stderr_fileno = 2
- g.stdout_fileno = 1
- def randbool():
- return os.urandom(1).hex()[0] in '02468ace'
- def disable_debug():
- global save_debug
- save_debug = {}
- for k in g.env_opts:
- if k[:11] == 'MMGEN_DEBUG':
- save_debug[k] = os.getenv(k)
- os.environ[k] = ''
- def restore_debug():
- for k in save_debug:
- os.environ[k] = save_debug[k] or ''
- def get_file_with_ext(tdir,ext,delete=True,no_dot=False,return_list=False,delete_all=False):
- dot = ('.','')[bool(no_dot)]
- flist = [os.path.join(tdir,f) for f in os.listdir(tdir) if f == ext or f[-len(dot+ext):] == dot+ext]
- if not flist: return False
- if return_list: return flist
- if len(flist) > 1 or delete_all:
- if delete or delete_all:
- if not opt.quiet:
- msg("Multiple *.{} files in '{}' - deleting".format(ext,tdir))
- for f in flist:
- os.unlink(f)
- return False
- else:
- return flist[0]
- labels = [
- "Automotive",
- "Travel expenses",
- "Healthcare",
- ref_tx_label_jp[:40],
- ref_tx_label_zh[:40],
- "Alice's allowance",
- "Bob's bequest",
- "House purchase",
- "Real estate fund",
- "Job 1",
- "XYZ Corp.",
- "Eddie's endowment",
- "Emergency fund",
- "Real estate fund",
- "Ian's inheritance",
- "",
- "Rainy day",
- "Fred's funds",
- "Job 2",
- "Carl's capital",
- ]
- def get_label(do_shuffle=False):
- from random import shuffle
- global label_iter
- try:
- return next(label_iter)
- except:
- if do_shuffle: shuffle(labels)
- label_iter = iter(labels)
- return next(label_iter)