6.3 KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/env python3
  2. #
  3. # mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution
  4. # Copyright (C)2013-2021 The MMGen Project <>
  5. #
  6. # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  7. # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  8. # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  9. # (at your option) any later version.
  10. #
  11. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  12. # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  14. # GNU General Public License for more details.
  15. #
  16. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  17. # along with this program. If not, see <>.
  18. """
  19. mmgen-addrimport: Import addresses into a MMGen coin daemon tracking wallet
  20. """
  21. import time
  22. from .common import *
  23. from .addr import AddrList,KeyAddrList
  24. from .obj import TwLabel
  25. ai_msgs = lambda k: {
  26. 'rescan': """
  27. WARNING: You've chosen the '--rescan' option. Rescanning the blockchain is
  28. necessary only if an address you're importing is already in the blockchain,
  29. has a balance and is not in your tracking wallet. Note that the rescanning
  30. process is very slow (>30 min. for each imported address on a low-powered
  31. computer).
  32. """.strip() if opt.rescan else """
  33. WARNING: If any of the addresses you're importing is already in the blockchain,
  34. has a balance and is not in your tracking wallet, you must exit the program now
  35. and rerun it using the '--rescan' option.
  36. """.strip(),
  37. 'bad_args': """
  38. You must specify an {pnm} address file, a single address with the '--address'
  39. option, or a list of non-{pnm} addresses with the '--addrlist' option
  40. """.strip().format(pnm=g.proj_name)
  41. }[k]
  42. # In batch mode, daemon just rescans each address separately anyway, so make
  43. # --batch and --rescan incompatible.
  44. opts_data = {
  45. 'text': {
  46. 'desc': """Import addresses into an {} tracking wallet""".format(g.proj_name),
  47. 'usage':'[opts] [mmgen address file]',
  48. 'options': """
  49. -h, --help Print this help message
  50. --, --longhelp Print help message for long options (common options)
  51. -a, --address=a Import the single coin address 'a'
  52. -b, --batch Import all addresses in one RPC call
  53. -l, --addrlist Address source is a flat list of non-MMGen coin addresses
  54. -k, --keyaddr-file Address source is a key-address file
  55. -q, --quiet Suppress warnings
  56. -r, --rescan Rescan the blockchain. Required if address to import is
  57. in the blockchain and has a balance. Rescanning is slow.
  58. -t, --token-addr=A Import addresses for ERC20 token with address 'A'
  59. """,
  60. 'notes': """\n
  61. This command can also be used to update the comment fields of addresses
  62. already in the tracking wallet.
  63. The --batch and --rescan options cannot be used together.
  64. """
  65. }
  66. }
  67. def parse_cmd_args(rpc,cmd_args):
  68. def import_mmgen_list(infile):
  69. al = (AddrList,KeyAddrList)[bool(opt.keyaddr_file)](proto,infile)
  70. if al.al_id.mmtype in ('S','B'):
  71. if not'segwit_is_active'):
  72. rdie(2,'Segwit is not active on this chain. Cannot import Segwit addresses')
  73. return al
  74. if len(cmd_args) == 1:
  75. infile = cmd_args[0]
  76. check_infile(infile)
  77. if opt.addrlist:
  78. al = AddrList(
  79. proto = proto,
  80. addrlist = get_lines_from_file(infile,'non-{pnm} addresses'.format(pnm=g.proj_name),
  81. trim_comments = True) )
  82. else:
  83. al = import_mmgen_list(infile)
  84. elif len(cmd_args) == 0 and opt.address:
  85. al = AddrList(proto=proto,addrlist=[opt.address])
  86. infile = 'command line'
  87. else:
  88. die(1,ai_msgs('bad_args'))
  89. return al,infile
  90. def check_opts(tw):
  91. batch = bool(opt.batch)
  92. rescan = bool(opt.rescan)
  93. if rescan and not 'rescan' in tw.caps:
  94. msg("'--rescan' ignored: not supported by {}".format(type(tw).__name__))
  95. rescan = False
  96. if rescan and not opt.quiet:
  97. confirm_or_raise(ai_msgs('rescan'),'continue',expect='YES')
  98. if batch and not 'batch' in tw.caps:
  99. msg("'--batch' ignored: not supported by {}".format(type(tw).__name__))
  100. batch = False
  101. return batch,rescan
  102. async def import_addr(tw,addr,label,rescan,msg_fmt,msg_args):
  103. try:
  104. task = asyncio.ensure_future(tw.import_address(addr,label,rescan)) # Python 3.7+: create_task()
  105. if rescan:
  106. start = time.time()
  107. while True:
  108. if task.done():
  109. break
  110. msg_r(('\r{} '+msg_fmt).format(secs_to_hms(int(time.time()-start)),*msg_args))
  111. await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
  112. await task
  113. msg('\nOK')
  114. else:
  115. await task
  116. qmsg(msg_fmt.format(*msg_args) + ' - OK')
  117. except Exception as e:
  118. die(2,'\nImport of address {!r} failed: {!r}'.format(addr,e.args[0]))
  119. def make_args_list(tw,al,batch,rescan):
  120. fs = '{:%s} {:34} {:%s}' % (
  121. len(str(al.num_addrs)) * 2 + 2,
  122. 1 if opt.addrlist or opt.address else len(str(max(al.idxs()))) + 13 )
  123. for num,e in enumerate(,1):
  124. if e.idx:
  125. label = '{}:{}'.format(al.al_id,e.idx) + (' ' + e.label if e.label else '')
  126. add_msg = label
  127. else:
  128. label = '{}:{}'.format(proto.base_coin.lower(),e.addr)
  129. add_msg = 'non-'+g.proj_name
  130. if batch:
  131. yield (e.addr,TwLabel(proto,label),False)
  132. else:
  133. msg_args = ( f'{num}/{al.num_addrs}:', e.addr, '('+add_msg+')' )
  134. yield (tw,e.addr,TwLabel(proto,label),rescan,fs,msg_args)
  135. async def main():
  136. from .tw import TrackingWallet
  137. if opt.token_addr:
  138. proto.tokensym = 'foo' # hack to trigger 'Token' in altcoin_subclass()
  139. tw = await TrackingWallet(
  140. proto = proto,
  141. token_addr = opt.token_addr,
  142. mode = 'i' )
  143. if opt.token or opt.token_addr:
  144. msg(f'Importing for token {tw.token.hl()} ({tw.token.hlc(proto.tokensym)})')
  145. from .rpc import rpc_init
  146. tw.rpc = await rpc_init(proto)
  147. al,infile = parse_cmd_args(tw.rpc,cmd_args)
  148. qmsg(
  149. f'OK. {al.num_addrs} addresses'
  150. + (f' from Seed ID {al.al_id.sid}' if hasattr(al.al_id,'sid') else '') )
  151. msg(
  152. f'Importing {len(} address{suf(,"es")} from {infile}'
  153. + (' (batch mode)' if opt.batch else '') )
  154. batch,rescan = check_opts(tw)
  155. args_list = make_args_list(tw,al,batch,rescan)
  156. if batch:
  157. ret = await tw.batch_import_address(list(args_list))
  158. msg(f'OK: {len(ret)} addresses imported')
  159. elif rescan:
  160. for arg_list in args_list:
  161. await import_addr(*arg_list)
  162. else:
  163. tasks = [import_addr(*arg_list) for arg_list in args_list]
  164. await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
  165. msg('OK')
  166. del tw
  167. cmd_args = opts.init(opts_data)
  168. from .protocol import init_proto_from_opts
  169. proto = init_proto_from_opts()
  170. import asyncio
  171. run_session(main())