123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- #
- # mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution
- # Copyright (C)2013-2021 The MMGen Project <mmgen@tuta.io>
- #
- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- """
- baseconv.py: base conversion class for the MMGen suite
- """
- from hashlib import sha256
- from .exception import *
- from .util import die
- def is_b58_str(s): return set(list(s)) <= set(baseconv.digits['b58'])
- def is_b32_str(s): return set(list(s)) <= set(baseconv.digits['b32'])
- class baseconv(object):
- desc = {
- 'b58': ('base58', 'base58-encoded data'),
- 'b32': ('MMGen base32', 'MMGen base32-encoded data created using simple base conversion'),
- 'b16': ('hexadecimal string','base16 (hexadecimal) string data'),
- 'b10': ('base10 string', 'base10 (decimal) string data'),
- 'b8': ('base8 string', 'base8 (octal) string data'),
- 'b6d': ('base6d (die roll)', 'base6 data using the digits from one to six'),
- 'tirosh':('Tirosh mnemonic', 'base1626 mnemonic using truncated Tirosh wordlist'), # not used by wallet
- 'mmgen': ('MMGen native mnemonic',
- 'MMGen native mnemonic seed phrase created using old Electrum wordlist and simple base conversion'),
- 'xmrseed': ('Monero mnemonic', 'Monero new-style mnemonic seed phrase'),
- }
- # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base32#RFC_4648_Base32_alphabet
- # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648
- digits = {
- 'b58': tuple('123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz'),
- 'b32': tuple('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567'), # RFC 4648 alphabet
- 'b16': tuple('0123456789abcdef'),
- 'b10': tuple('0123456789'),
- 'b8': tuple('01234567'),
- 'b6d': tuple('123456'),
- }
- mn_base = 1626 # tirosh list is 1633 words long!
- wl_chksums = {
- 'mmgen': '5ca31424',
- 'xmrseed':'3c381ebb',
- 'tirosh': '48f05e1f', # tirosh truncated to mn_base (1626)
- # 'tirosh1633': '1a5faeff'
- }
- seedlen_map = {
- 'b58': { 16:22, 24:33, 32:44 },
- 'b6d': { 16:50, 24:75, 32:100 },
- 'mmgen': { 16:12, 24:18, 32:24 },
- 'xmrseed': { 32:25 },
- }
- seedlen_map_rev = {
- 'b58': { 22:16, 33:24, 44:32 },
- 'b6d': { 50:16, 75:24, 100:32 },
- 'mmgen': { 12:16, 18:24, 24:32 },
- 'xmrseed': { 25:32 },
- }
- @classmethod
- def init_mn(cls,mn_id):
- if mn_id in cls.digits:
- return
- if mn_id == 'mmgen':
- from .mn_electrum import words
- cls.digits[mn_id] = words
- elif mn_id == 'xmrseed':
- from .mn_monero import words
- cls.digits[mn_id] = words
- elif mn_id == 'tirosh':
- from .mn_tirosh import words
- cls.digits[mn_id] = words[:cls.mn_base]
- else:
- raise ValueError('{}: unrecognized mnemonic ID'.format(mn_id))
- @classmethod
- def get_wordlist(cls,wl_id):
- cls.init_mn(wl_id)
- return cls.digits[wl_id]
- @classmethod
- def get_wordlist_chksum(cls,wl_id):
- cls.init_mn(wl_id)
- return sha256(' '.join(cls.digits[wl_id]).encode()).hexdigest()[:8]
- @classmethod
- def check_wordlists(cls):
- for k,v in list(cls.wl_chksums.items()):
- res = cls.get_wordlist_chksum(k)
- assert res == v,'{}: checksum mismatch for {} (should be {})'.format(res,k,v)
- return True
- @classmethod
- def check_wordlist(cls,wl_id):
- cls.init_mn(wl_id)
- wl = cls.digits[wl_id]
- from .util import qmsg,compare_chksums
- ret = 'Wordlist: {}\nLength: {} words'.format(wl_id,len(wl))
- new_chksum = cls.get_wordlist_chksum(wl_id)
- a,b = 'generated','saved'
- compare_chksums(new_chksum,a,cls.wl_chksums[wl_id],b,die_on_fail=True)
- if tuple(sorted(wl)) == wl:
- return ret + '\nList is sorted'
- else:
- die(3,'ERROR: List is not sorted!')
- @classmethod
- def get_pad(cls,pad,seed_pad_func):
- """
- 'pad' argument to baseconv conversion methods must be either None, 'seed' or an integer.
- If None, output of minimum (but never zero) length will be produced.
- If 'seed', output length will be mapped from input length using data in seedlen_map.
- If an integer, the string, hex string or byte output will be padded to this length.
- """
- if pad == None:
- return 0
- elif type(pad) == int:
- return pad
- elif pad == 'seed':
- return seed_pad_func()
- else:
- m = "{!r}: illegal value for 'pad' (must be None,'seed' or int)"
- raise BaseConversionPadError(m.format(pad))
- @staticmethod
- def monero_mn_checksum(words):
- from binascii import crc32
- wstr = ''.join(word[:3] for word in words)
- return words[crc32(wstr.encode()) % len(words)]
- @classmethod
- def tohex(cls,words_arg,wl_id,pad=None):
- "convert string or list data of base 'wl_id' to hex string"
- return cls.tobytes(words_arg,wl_id,pad//2 if type(pad)==int else pad).hex()
- @classmethod
- def tobytes(cls,words_arg,wl_id,pad=None):
- "convert string or list data of base 'wl_id' to byte string"
- if wl_id not in cls.digits:
- cls.init_mn(wl_id)
- words = words_arg if isinstance(words_arg,(list,tuple)) else tuple(words_arg.strip())
- desc = cls.desc[wl_id][0]
- if len(words) == 0:
- raise BaseConversionError('empty {} data'.format(desc))
- def get_seed_pad():
- assert wl_id in cls.seedlen_map_rev,'seed padding not supported for base {!r}'.format(wl_id)
- d = cls.seedlen_map_rev[wl_id]
- if not len(words) in d:
- m = '{}: invalid length for seed-padded {} data in base conversion'
- raise BaseConversionError(m.format(len(words),desc))
- return d[len(words)]
- pad_val = max(cls.get_pad(pad,get_seed_pad),1)
- wl = cls.digits[wl_id]
- base = len(wl)
- if not set(words) <= set(wl):
- m = ('{w!r}:','seed data')[pad=='seed'] + ' not in {d} format'
- raise BaseConversionError(m.format(w=words_arg,d=desc))
- if wl_id == 'xmrseed':
- if len(words) not in cls.seedlen_map_rev['xmrseed']:
- die(2,'{}: invalid length for Monero mnemonic'.format(len(words)))
- z = cls.monero_mn_checksum(words[:-1])
- assert z == words[-1],'invalid Monero mnemonic checksum'
- words = tuple(words[:-1])
- ret = b''
- for i in range(len(words)//3):
- w1,w2,w3 = [wl.index(w) for w in words[3*i:3*i+3]]
- x = w1 + base*((w2-w1)%base) + base*base*((w3-w2)%base)
- ret += x.to_bytes(4,'big')[::-1]
- return ret
- ret = sum([wl.index(words[::-1][i])*(base**i) for i in range(len(words))])
- bl = ret.bit_length()
- return ret.to_bytes(max(pad_val,bl//8+bool(bl%8)),'big')
- @classmethod
- def fromhex(cls,hexstr,wl_id,pad=None,tostr=False):
- "convert hex string to list or string data of base 'wl_id'"
- from .util import is_hex_str
- if not is_hex_str(hexstr):
- m = ('{h!r}:','seed data')[pad=='seed'] + ' not a hexadecimal string'
- raise HexadecimalStringError(m.format(h=hexstr))
- return cls.frombytes(bytes.fromhex(hexstr),wl_id,pad,tostr)
- @classmethod
- def frombytes(cls,bytestr,wl_id,pad=None,tostr=False):
- "convert byte string to list or string data of base 'wl_id'"
- if wl_id not in cls.digits:
- cls.init_mn(wl_id)
- if not bytestr:
- raise BaseConversionError('empty data not allowed in base conversion')
- def get_seed_pad():
- assert wl_id in cls.seedlen_map,'seed padding not supported for base {!r}'.format(wl_id)
- d = cls.seedlen_map[wl_id]
- if not len(bytestr) in d:
- m = '{}: invalid byte length for seed data in seed-padded base conversion'
- raise SeedLengthError(m.format(len(bytestr)))
- return d[len(bytestr)]
- pad = max(cls.get_pad(pad,get_seed_pad),1)
- wl = cls.digits[wl_id]
- base = len(wl)
- if wl_id == 'xmrseed':
- if len(bytestr) not in cls.seedlen_map['xmrseed']:
- die(2,'{}: invalid seed byte length for Monero mnemonic'.format(len(bytestr)))
- def num2base_monero(num):
- w1 = num % base
- w2 = (num//base + w1) % base
- w3 = (num//base//base + w2) % base
- return [wl[w1], wl[w2], wl[w3]]
- o = []
- for i in range(len(bytestr)//4):
- o += num2base_monero(int.from_bytes(bytestr[i*4:i*4+4][::-1],'big'))
- o.append(cls.monero_mn_checksum(o))
- else:
- num = int.from_bytes(bytestr,'big')
- ret = []
- while num:
- ret.append(num % base)
- num //= base
- o = [wl[n] for n in [0] * (pad-len(ret)) + ret[::-1]]
- return (' ' if wl_id in ('mmgen','xmrseed') else '').join(o) if tostr else o