123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- #
- # mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution
- # Copyright (C)2013-2019 The MMGen Project <mmgen@tuta.io>
- #
- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- """
- common.py: Common imports for all MMGen scripts
- """
- import sys,os
- from mmgen.exception import *
- from mmgen.globalvars import *
- import mmgen.opts as opts
- from mmgen.opts import opt
- from mmgen.util import *
- def help_notes(k):
- from mmgen.obj import SubSeedIdxRange,SeedShareIdx,SeedShareCount,MasterShareIdx
- from mmgen.seed import SeedSource
- from mmgen.tx import MMGenTX
- def fee_spec_letters(use_quotes=False):
- cu = g.proto.coin_amt.units
- sep,conj = ((',',' or '),("','","' or '"))[use_quotes]
- return sep.join(u[0] for u in cu[:-1]) + ('',conj)[len(cu)>1] + cu[-1][0]
- def fee_spec_names():
- cu = g.proto.coin_amt.units
- return ', '.join(cu[:-1]) + ('',' and ')[len(cu)>1] + cu[-1] + ('',',\nrespectively')[len(cu)>1]
- return {
- 'rel_fee_desc': MMGenTX().rel_fee_desc,
- 'fee_spec_letters': fee_spec_letters(),
- 'seedsplit': """
- This command generates shares one at a time. Shares may be output to any
- MMGen wallet format, with one limitation: only one share in a given split may
- be in hidden incognito format, and it must be the master share in the case of
- a master-share split.
- If the command's optional first argument is omitted, the default wallet is
- used for the split.
- The last argument is a seed split specifier consisting of an optional split
- ID, a share index, and a share count, all separated by colons. The split ID
- must be a valid UTF-8 string. If omitted, the ID 'default' is used. The
- share index (the index of the share being generated) must be in the range
- {sia}-{sib} and the share count (the total number of shares in the split)
- in the range {sca}-{scb}.
- Master Shares
- Each seed has a total of {msb} master shares, which can be used as the first
- shares in multiple splits if desired. To generate a master share, use the
- --master-share (-M) option with an index in the range {msa}-{msb} and omit
- the last argument.
- When creating and joining a split using a master share, ensure that the same
- master share index is used in all split and join commands.
- Create a 3-way default split of your default wallet, outputting all shares
- to default wallet format. Rejoin the split:
- $ mmgen-seedsplit 1:3 # Step A
- $ mmgen-seedsplit 2:3 # Step B
- $ mmgen-seedsplit 3:3 # Step C
- $ mmgen-seedjoin <output_of_step_A> <output_of_step_B> <output_of_step_C>
- Create a 2-way split of your default wallet with ID string 'alice',
- outputting shares to MMGen native mnemonic format. Rejoin the split:
- $ mmgen-seedsplit -o words alice:1:2 # Step D
- $ mmgen-seedsplit -o words alice:2:2 # Step E
- $ mmgen-seedjoin <output_of_step_D> <output_of_step_E>
- Create a 2-way split of your default wallet with ID string 'bob' using
- master share #7, outputting share #1 (the master share) to default wallet
- format and share #2 to BIP39 format. Rejoin the split:
- $ mmgen-seedsplit -M7 # Step X
- $ mmgen-seedsplit -M7 -o bip39 bob:2:2 # Step Y
- $ mmgen-seedjoin -M7 --id-str=bob <output_of_step_X> <output_of_step_Y>
- Create a 2-way split of your default wallet with ID string 'alice' using
- master share #7. Rejoin the split using master share #7 generated in the
- previous example:
- $ mmgen-seedsplit -M7 -o bip39 alice:2:2 # Step Z
- $ mmgen-seedjoin -M7 --id-str=alice <output_of_step_X> <output_of_step_Z>
- Create a 2-way default split of your default wallet with an incognito-format
- master share hidden in file 'my.hincog' at offset 1325. Rejoin the split:
- $ mmgen-seedsplit -M4 -o hincog -J my.hincog,1325 1:2 # Step M (share A)
- $ mmgen-seedsplit -M4 -o bip39 2:2 # Step N (share B)
- $ mmgen-seedjoin -M4 -H my.hincog,1325 <output_of_step_N>
- """.strip().format(
- sia=SeedShareIdx.min_val,sib=SeedShareIdx.max_val,
- sca=SeedShareCount.min_val,scb=SeedShareCount.max_val,
- msa=MasterShareIdx.min_val,msb=MasterShareIdx.max_val),
- 'subwallet': """
- Subwallets (subseeds) are specified by a "Subseed Index" consisting of:
- a) an integer in the range 1-{}, plus
- b) an optional single letter, 'L' or 'S'
- The letter designates the length of the subseed. If omitted, 'L' is assumed.
- Long ('L') subseeds are the same length as their parent wallet's seed
- (typically 256 bits), while short ('S') subseeds are always 128-bit.
- The long and short subseeds for a given index are derived independently,
- so both may be used.
- MMGen has no notion of "depth", and to an outside observer subwallets are
- identical to ordinary wallets. This is a feature rather than a bug, as it
- denies an attacker any way of knowing whether a given wallet has a parent.
- Since subwallets are just wallets, they may be used to generate other
- subwallets, leading to hierarchies of arbitrary depth. However, this is
- inadvisable in practice for two reasons: Firstly, it creates accounting
- complexity, requiring the user to independently keep track of a derivation
- tree. More importantly, however, it leads to the danger of Seed ID
- collisions between subseeds at different levels of the hierarchy, as
- MMGen checks and avoids ID collisions only among sibling subseeds.
- An exception to this caveat would be a multi-user setup where sibling
- subwallets are distributed to different users as their default wallets.
- Since the subseeds derived from these subwallets are private to each user,
- Seed ID collisions among them doesn't present a problem.
- A safe rule of thumb, therefore, is for *each user* to derive all of his/her
- subwallets from a single parent. This leaves each user with a total of two
- million subwallets, which should be enough for most practical purposes.
- """.strip().format(SubSeedIdxRange.max_idx),
- 'passwd': """
- For passphrases all combinations of whitespace are equal, and leading and
- trailing space are ignored. This permits reading passphrase or brainwallet
- data from a multi-line file with free spacing and indentation.
- """.strip(),
- 'brainwallet': """
- To thwart dictionary attacks, it's recommended to use a strong hash preset
- with brainwallets. For a brainwallet passphrase to generate the correct
- seed, the same seed length and hash preset parameters must always be used.
- """.strip(),
- 'txcreate': """
- The transaction's outputs are specified on the command line, while its inputs
- are chosen from a list of the user's unspent outputs via an interactive menu.
- If the transaction fee is not specified on the command line (see FEE
- SPECIFICATION below), it will be calculated dynamically using network fee
- estimation for the default (or user-specified) number of confirmations.
- If network fee estimation fails, the user will be prompted for a fee.
- Network-estimated fees will be multiplied by the value of '--tx-fee-adj',
- if specified.
- Ages of transactions are approximate based on an average block discovery
- interval of one per {g.proto.secs_per_block} seconds.
- All addresses on the command line can be either {pnu} addresses or {pnm}
- addresses of the form <seed ID>:<index>.
- To send the value of all inputs (minus TX fee) to a single output, specify
- one address with no amount on the command line.
- """.format(g=g,pnm=g.proj_name,pnu=g.proto.name.capitalize()),
- 'fee': """
- FEE SPECIFICATION: Transaction fees, both on the command line and at the
- interactive prompt, may be specified as either absolute {c} amounts, using
- a plain decimal number, or as {r}, using an integer followed by
- '{l}', for {u}.
- """.format( c=g.coin,
- r=MMGenTX().rel_fee_desc,
- l=fee_spec_letters(use_quotes=True),
- u=fee_spec_names() ),
- 'txsign': """
- Transactions may contain both {pnm} or non-{pnm} input addresses.
- To sign non-{pnm} inputs, a {dn} wallet dump or flat key list is used
- as the key source ('--keys-from-file' option).
- To sign {pnm} inputs, key data is generated from a seed as with the
- {pnl}-addrgen and {pnl}-keygen commands. Alternatively, a key-address file
- may be used (--mmgen-keys-from-file option).
- Multiple wallets or other seed files can be listed on the command line in
- any order. If the seeds required to sign the transaction's inputs are not
- found in these files (or in the default wallet), the user will be prompted
- for seed data interactively.
- To prevent an attacker from crafting transactions with bogus {pnm}-to-{pnu}
- address mappings, all outputs to {pnm} addresses are verified with a seed
- source. Therefore, seed files or a key-address file for all {pnm} outputs
- must also be supplied on the command line if the data can't be found in the
- default wallet.
- """.format( dn=g.proto.daemon_name,
- pnm=g.proj_name,
- pnu=g.proto.name.capitalize(),
- pnl=g.proj_name.lower())
- }[k] + ('-α' if g.debug_utf8 else '')
- def exit_if_mswin(feature):
- if g.platform == 'win':
- m = capfirst(feature) + ' not supported on the MSWin / MSYS2 platform'
- ydie(1,m)
- def mswin_pw_warning():
- if g.platform == 'win' and not opt.echo_passphrase and g.mswin_pw_warning:
- m = 'due to a bug in the MSYS2 Python implementation, if your passphrase\n'
- m += 'contains non-ASCII characters, you must turn on passphrase echoing with the\n'
- m += '--echo-passphrase option or use a password file. Otherwise, the non-ASCII\n'
- m += 'characters in your passphrase will be silently ignored!'
- msg(red('WARNING: ') + yellow(m))