123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- #
- # MMGen Wallet, a terminal-based cryptocurrency wallet
- # Copyright (C)2013-2024 The MMGen Project <mmgen@tuta.io>
- #
- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- """
- test.include.pexpect: pexpect implementation for MMGen test suites
- """
- import sys, time
- from mmgen.color import red, yellow, green, cyan
- from mmgen.util import msg, msg_r, rmsg, die
- from .common import cfg, vmsg, vmsg_r, getrandstr, strip_ansi_escapes
- try:
- import pexpect
- from pexpect.popen_spawn import PopenSpawn
- except ImportError as e:
- die(2, red(f'Pexpect module is missing. Cannnot run test suite ({e!r})'))
- def debug_pexpect_msg(p):
- msg('\n{}{}{}'.format(red('BEFORE ['), p.before, red(']')))
- msg('{}{}{}'.format(red('MATCH ['), p.after, red(']')))
- NL = '\n'
- class MMGenPexpect:
- def __init__(
- self,
- args,
- no_output = False,
- spawn_env = None,
- pexpect_spawn = False,
- send_delay = None,
- timeout = None,
- direct_exec = False):
- self.pexpect_spawn = pexpect_spawn
- self.send_delay = send_delay
- self.skip_ok = False
- self.sent_value = None
- self.spawn_env = spawn_env
- self.exit_val = None
- if direct_exec or cfg.direct_exec:
- from subprocess import Popen, DEVNULL
- redir = DEVNULL if (no_output or not cfg.exact_output) else None
- self.ep = Popen([args[0]] + args[1:], stderr=redir, env=spawn_env)
- else:
- timeout = int(timeout or cfg.pexpect_timeout or 0) or (60, 5)[bool(cfg.debug_pexpect)]
- if pexpect_spawn:
- self.p = pexpect.spawn(args[0], args[1:], encoding='utf8', timeout=timeout, env=spawn_env)
- else:
- self.p = PopenSpawn(args, encoding='utf8', timeout=timeout, env=spawn_env)
- if cfg.exact_output:
- self.p.logfile = sys.stdout
- def do_decrypt_ka_data(
- self,
- pw,
- desc = 'key-address data',
- check = True,
- have_yes_opt = False):
- self.passphrase(desc, pw)
- if not have_yes_opt:
- self.expect('Check key-to-address validity? (y/N): ', ('n', 'y')[check])
- def view_tx(self, view):
- self.expect(r'View.* transaction.*\? .*: ', view, regex=True)
- if view not in 'vn\n':
- self.expect('to continue: ', '\n')
- def do_comment(self, add_comment, has_label=False):
- p = ('Add a comment to transaction', 'Edit transaction comment')[has_label]
- self.expect(f'{p}? (y/N): ', ('n', 'y')[bool(add_comment)])
- if add_comment:
- self.expect('Comment: ', add_comment+'\n')
- def ok(self, exit_val=None):
- if not self.pexpect_spawn:
- self.p.sendeof()
- self.p.read()
- ret = self.p.wait()
- if ret != (self.exit_val or exit_val or 0) and not cfg.coverage:
- die('TestSuiteSpawnedScriptException', f'Spawned script exited with value {ret}')
- if cfg.profile:
- return
- if not self.skip_ok:
- m = 'OK\n' if ret == 0 else f'OK[{ret}]\n'
- sys.stderr.write(green(m) if cfg.exact_output or cfg.verbose else ' '+m)
- return self
- def license(self):
- if self.spawn_env.get('MMGEN_NO_LICENSE'):
- return
- self.expect("'w' for conditions and warranty info, or 'c' to continue: ", 'c')
- def label(self, label='Test Label (UTF-8) α'):
- self.expect('Enter a wallet label, or hit ENTER for no label: ', label+'\n')
- def usr_rand(self, num_chars):
- if cfg.usr_random:
- self.interactive()
- self.send('\n')
- else:
- rand_chars = list(getrandstr(num_chars, no_space=True))
- vmsg_r('SEND ')
- while rand_chars:
- ch = rand_chars.pop(0)
- msg_r(yellow(ch)+' ' if cfg.verbose else '+')
- self.expect('left: ', ch, delay=0.005)
- self.expect('ENTER to continue: ', '\n')
- def passphrase_new(self, desc, passphrase):
- self.expect(f'Enter passphrase for {desc}: ', passphrase+'\n')
- self.expect('Repeat passphrase: ', passphrase+'\n')
- def passphrase(self, desc, passphrase, pwtype=''):
- if pwtype:
- pwtype += ' '
- self.expect(f'Enter {pwtype}passphrase for {desc}.*?: ', passphrase+'\n', regex=True)
- def hash_preset(self, desc, preset=''):
- self.expect(f'Enter hash preset for {desc}')
- self.expect('or hit ENTER .*?:', str(preset)+'\n', regex=True)
- def written_to_file(self, desc, overwrite_unlikely=False, query='Overwrite? '):
- s1 = f'{desc} written to file '
- s2 = query + "Type uppercase 'YES' to confirm: "
- ret = self.expect(([s1, s2], s1)[overwrite_unlikely])
- if ret == 1:
- self.send('YES\n')
- return self.expect_getend("Overwriting file '").rstrip("'")
- self.expect(NL, nonl=True)
- outfile = self.p.before.strip().strip("'")
- if cfg.debug_pexpect:
- rmsg(f'Outfile [{outfile}]')
- vmsg('{} file: {}'.format(desc, cyan(outfile.replace('"', ""))))
- return outfile
- def hincog_create(self, hincog_bytes):
- ret = self.expect(['Create? (Y/n): ', "'YES' to confirm: "])
- if ret == 0:
- self.send('\n')
- self.expect('Enter file size: ', str(hincog_bytes)+'\n')
- else:
- self.send('YES\n')
- return ret
- def no_overwrite(self):
- self.expect("Overwrite? Type uppercase 'YES' to confirm: ", '\n')
- self.expect('Exiting at user request')
- def expect_getend(self, s, regex=False):
- self.expect(s, regex=regex, nonl=True)
- if cfg.debug_pexpect:
- debug_pexpect_msg(self.p)
- # readline() of partial lines doesn't work with PopenSpawn, so do this instead:
- self.expect(NL, nonl=True, silent=True)
- if cfg.debug_pexpect:
- debug_pexpect_msg(self.p)
- end = self.p.before.rstrip()
- if not cfg.debug:
- vmsg(f' ==> {cyan(end)}')
- return end
- def interactive(self):
- return self.p.interact() # interact() not available with popen_spawn
- def kill(self, signal):
- return self.p.kill(signal)
- def match_expect_list(self, expect_list, greedy=False):
- allrep = '.*' if greedy else '.*?'
- expect = (
- r'(\b|\s)' +
- fr'\s{allrep}\s'.join(s.replace(r'.', r'\.').replace(' ', r'\s+') for s in expect_list) +
- r'(\b|\s)')
- import re
- m = re.search(expect, self.read(strip_color=True), re.DOTALL)
- assert m, f'No match found for regular expression {expect!r}'
- return m
- def expect(self, s, t='', delay=None, regex=False, nonl=False, silent=False):
- if not silent:
- if cfg.verbose:
- msg_r('EXPECT ' + yellow(str(s)))
- elif not cfg.exact_output:
- msg_r('+')
- try:
- ret = (self.p.expect_exact, self.p.expect)[bool(regex)](s) if s else 0
- except pexpect.TIMEOUT as e:
- if cfg.debug_pexpect:
- raise
- m1 = f'\nERROR. Expect {s!r} timed out. Exiting\n'
- m2 = f'before: [{self.p.before}]\n'
- m3 = f'sent value: [{self.sent_value}]' if self.sent_value is not None else ''
- raise pexpect.TIMEOUT(m1+m2+m3) from e
- if cfg.debug_pexpect:
- debug_pexpect_msg(self.p)
- if cfg.verbose and not isinstance(s, str):
- msg_r(f' ==> {ret} ')
- if ret == -1:
- die(4, f'Error. Expect returned {ret}')
- else:
- if t:
- self.send(t, delay, s)
- else:
- if not nonl and not silent:
- vmsg('')
- return ret
- def send(self, t, delay=None, s=False):
- delay = delay or self.send_delay
- if delay:
- time.sleep(delay)
- ret = self.p.send(t) # returns num bytes written
- self.sent_value = t if ret else None
- if cfg.demo and delay:
- time.sleep(delay)
- if cfg.verbose:
- ls = '' if cfg.debug or not s else ' '
- es = '' if s else ' '
- yt = yellow('{!r}'.format(t.replace('\n', r'\n')))
- msg(f'{ls}SEND {es}{yt}')
- return ret
- def read(self, n=-1, strip_color=False):
- return strip_ansi_escapes(self.p.read(n)).replace('\r', '') if strip_color else self.p.read(n)
- def close(self):
- if self.pexpect_spawn:
- self.p.close()