MMGEN-AUTOSIGN: Auto-sign MMGen transactions, message files and XMR wallet output files
USAGE: mmgen-autosign [opts] [operation]
-h, --help Print this help message
--longhelp Print help message for long (global) options
-c, --coins c Coins to sign for (comma-separated list)
-I, --no-insert-check Don’t check for device insertion
-l, --seed-len N Specify wallet seed length of ‘N’ bits (for setup only)
-L, --led Use status LED to signal standby, busy and error
-m, --mountpoint M Specify an alternate mountpoint 'M'
(default: '/mnt/mmgen_autosign')
-M, --mnemonic-fmt F During setup, prompt for mnemonic seed phrase of format
'F' (choices: 'mmgen','bip39'; default: 'mmgen')
-n, --no-summary Don’t print a transaction summary
-r, --macos-ramdisk-size S Set the size (in MB) of the ramdisk used to store
the offline signing wallet(s) on macOS machines. By
default, a runtime-calculated value will be used. This
option is of interest only for setups with unusually
large Monero wallets
-s, --stealth-led Stealth LED mode - signal busy and error only, and only
after successful authorization.
-S, --full-summary Print a full summary of each signed transaction after
each autosign run. The default list of non-MMGen outputs
will not be printed.
-q, --quiet Produce quieter output
-v, --verbose Produce more verbose output
-w, --wallet-dir D Specify an alternate wallet dir
(default: '/dev/shm/autosign')
-W, --allow-non-wallet-swap Allow signing of swap transactions that send funds
to non-wallet addresses
-x, --xmrwallets L Range or list of wallets to be used for XMR autosigning
clean - clean the removable device of unneeded files, removing only non-
essential data
gen_key - generate the wallet encryption key and copy it to the removable
device mounted at mountpoint ‘/mnt/mmgen_autosign’ (as currently
setup - full setup: run ‘gen_key’ and create temporary signing wallet(s)
for all configured coins
xmr_setup - set up Monero temporary signing wallet(s). Not required during
normal operation: use ‘setup’ with --xmrwallets instead
macos_ramdisk_setup - set up the ramdisk used for storing the temporary signing
wallet(s) (macOS only). Required only when creating the wallet(s)
manually, without ‘setup’
macos_ramdisk_delete - delete the macOS ramdisk
disable_swap - disable disk swap to prevent potentially sensitive data in
volatile memory from being swapped to disk. Applicable only when
creating temporary signing wallet(s) manually, without ‘setup’
enable_swap - reenable disk swap. For testing only, should not be invoked in
a production environment
wait - start in loop mode: wait-mount-sign-unmount-wait
wipe_key - wipe the wallet encryption key on the removable device, making
signing transactions or stealing the user’s seed impossible.
The operation is intended as a ‘kill switch’ and thus performed
without prompting
If no operation is specified, this program mounts a removable device
(typically a USB flash drive) containing unsigned MMGen transactions, message
files, and/or XMR wallet output files, signs them, unmounts the removable
device and exits.
If invoked with ‘wait’, the program waits in a loop, mounting the removable
device, performing signing operations and unmounting the device every time it
is inserted.
On supported platforms (currently Orange Pi, Rock Pi and Raspberry Pi boards),
the status LED indicates whether the program is busy or in standby mode, i.e.
ready for device insertion or removal.
The removable device must have a partition with a filesystem labeled MMGEN_TX
and a user-writable root directory. For interoperability between OS-es, it’s
recommended to use the exFAT file system.
On both the signing and online machines the mountpoint ‘/mnt/mmgen_autosign’
(as currently configured) must exist. Linux (not macOS) machines must have
an ‘/etc/fstab’ with the following entry:
LABEL=MMGEN_TX /mnt/mmgen_autosign auto noauto,user 0 0
Signing is performed with a temporary wallet created in volatile memory in
the directory ‘/dev/shm/autosign’ (as currently configured). The wallet is
encrypted with a 32-byte password saved in the file ‘autosign.key’ in the
root of the removable device’s filesystem.
The password and temporary wallet may be created in one operation by invoking
‘mmgen-autosign setup’ with the removable device inserted. In this case, the
temporary wallet is created from the user’s default wallet, if it exists and
the user so desires. If not, the user is prompted to enter a seed phrase.
Alternatively, the password and temporary wallet may be created separately by
first invoking ‘mmgen-autosign gen_key’ and then creating and encrypting the
wallet using the -P (--passwd-file) option:
$ mmgen-walletconv -iwords -d/dev/shm/autosign -p1 -N -P/mnt/mmgen_autosign/autosign.key -Lfoo
Note that the hash preset must be ‘1’. To use a wallet file as the source
instead of an MMGen seed phrase, omit the ‘-i’ option and add the wallet
file path to the end of the command line. Multiple temporary wallets may
be created in this way and used for signing (note, however, that for XMR
operations only one wallet is supported).
Autosigning is currently supported on Linux and macOS only.
By placing wallet and password on separate devices, this program creates
a two-factor authentication setup whereby an attacker must gain physical
control of both the removable device and signing machine in order to sign
transactions. It’s therefore recommended to always keep the removable device
secure, separated from the signing machine and hidden (in your pocket, for
example) when not transacting. In addition, since login access on the
signing machine is required to steal the user’s seed, it’s good practice
to lock the signing machine’s screen once the setup process is complete.
As a last resort, cutting power to the signing machine will destroy the
volatile memory where the temporary wallet resides and foil any attack,
even if you’ve lost control of the removable device.
Always remember to power off the signing machine when your signing session
is over.
MMGEN v15.1.dev18 March 2025 MMGEN-AUTOSIGN(1)