MMGEN-ADDRIMPORT: Import addresses into an MMGen tracking wallet
USAGE: mmgen-addrimport [opts] [MMGen address file]
-h, --help Print this help message
--longhelp Print help message for long (global) options
-a, --address a Import the single coin address 'a'
-b, --batch Import all addresses in one RPC call
-l, --addrlist Address source is a flat list of non-MMGen coin addresses
-k, --keyaddr-file Address source is a key-address file
-q, --quiet Suppress warnings
-r, --rescan Update address balances by selectively rescanning the
blockchain for unspent outputs that include the imported
address(es). Required if any of the imported addresses
are already in the blockchain and have a balance.
-t, --token-addr A Import addresses for ERC20 token with address 'A'
This command can also be used to update the comment fields or balances of
addresses already in the tracking wallet.
Rescanning now uses the ‘scantxoutset’ RPC call and a selective scan of
blocks containing the relevant UTXOs for much faster performance than the
previous implementation. The rescan operation typically takes around two
minutes total, independent of the number of addresses imported.
Bear in mind that the UTXO scan will not find historical transactions: to add
them to the tracking wallet, you must perform a full or partial rescan of the
blockchain with the ‘mmgen-tool rescan_blockchain’ utility. A full rescan of
the blockchain may take up to several hours.
It’s recommended to use ‘--rpc-backend=aio’ with ‘--rescan’.
MMGEN v15.1.dev18 March 2025 MMGEN-ADDRIMPORT(1)