13 KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  2. #
  3. # mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution
  4. # Copyright (C)2013-2017 Philemon <>
  5. #
  6. # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  7. # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  8. # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  9. # (at your option) any later version.
  10. #
  11. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  12. # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  14. # GNU General Public License for more details.
  15. #
  16. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  17. # along with this program. If not, see <>.
  18. """
  19. test/ Tests for the 'mmgen-tool' utility
  20. """
  21. import sys,os
  22. pn = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
  23. os.chdir(os.path.join(pn,os.pardir))
  24. sys.path.__setitem__(0,os.path.abspath(os.curdir))
  25. # Import this _after_ local path's been added to sys.path
  26. from mmgen.common import *
  27. from collections import OrderedDict
  28. cmd_data = OrderedDict([
  29. ('util', {
  30. 'desc': 'base conversion, hashing and file utilities',
  31. 'cmd_data': OrderedDict([
  32. ('strtob58', ()),
  33. ('b58tostr', ('strtob58','io')),
  34. ('hextob58', ()),
  35. ('b58tohex', ('hextob58','io')),
  36. ('b58randenc', ()),
  37. ('hextob32', ()),
  38. ('b32tohex', ('hextob32','io')),
  39. ('randhex', ()),
  40. ('id8', ()),
  41. ('id6', ()),
  42. ('str2id6', ()),
  43. ('sha256x2', ()),
  44. ('hexreverse', ()),
  45. ('hexlify', ()),
  46. ('hexdump', ()),
  47. ('unhexdump', ('hexdump','io')),
  48. ('rand2file', ()),
  49. ])
  50. }
  51. ),
  52. ('bitcoin', {
  53. 'desc': 'Bitcoin address/key commands',
  54. 'cmd_data': OrderedDict([
  55. ('randwif', ()),
  56. ('randpair', ()),
  57. ('wif2addr', ('randpair','o2')),
  58. ('wif2hex', ('randpair','o2')),
  59. ('privhex2addr', ('wif2hex','o2')), # wif from randpair o2
  60. ('hex2wif', ('wif2hex','io2')),
  61. ('addr2hexaddr', ('randpair','o2')),
  62. ('hexaddr2addr', ('addr2hexaddr','io2')),
  63. # ('pubkey2addr', ['<public key in hex format> [str]']),
  64. # ('pubkey2hexaddr', ['<public key in hex format> [str]']),
  65. ])
  66. }
  67. ),
  68. ('mnemonic', {
  69. 'desc': 'mnemonic commands',
  70. 'cmd_data': OrderedDict([
  71. ('hex2mn', ()),
  72. ('mn2hex', ('hex2mn','io3')),
  73. ('mn_rand128', ()),
  74. ('mn_rand192', ()),
  75. ('mn_rand256', ()),
  76. ('mn_stats', ()),
  77. ('mn_printlist', ()),
  78. ])
  79. }
  80. ),
  81. ('rpc', {
  82. 'desc': 'Bitcoind RPC commands',
  83. 'cmd_data': OrderedDict([
  84. # ('keyaddrfile_chksum', ()), # interactive
  85. ('addrfile_chksum', ()),
  86. ('getbalance', ()),
  87. ('listaddresses', ()),
  88. ('twview', ()),
  89. ('txview', ()),
  90. ])
  91. }
  92. ),
  93. ])
  94. cfg = {
  95. 'name': 'the tool utility',
  96. 'enc_passwd': 'Ten Satoshis',
  97. 'tmpdir': 'test/tmp10',
  98. 'tmpdir_num': 10,
  99. 'refdir': 'test/ref',
  100. 'txfile': 'FFB367[1.234].rawtx',
  101. 'addrfile': '98831F3A[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].addrs',
  102. 'addrfile_chk': '6FEF 6FB9 7B13 5D91',
  103. }
  104. opts_data = {
  105. 'desc': "Test suite for the 'mmgen-tool' utility",
  106. 'usage':'[options] [command]',
  107. 'options': """
  108. -h, --help Print this help message
  109. --, --longhelp Print help message for long options (common options)
  110. -l, --list-cmds List and describe the tests and commands in the test suite
  111. -s, --system Test scripts and modules installed on system rather than
  112. those in the repo root
  113. -v, --verbose Produce more verbose output
  114. """,
  115. 'notes': """
  116. If no command is given, the whole suite of tests is run.
  117. """
  118. }
  119. sys.argv = [sys.argv[0]] + ['--skip-cfg-file'] + sys.argv[1:]
  120. cmd_args = opts.init(opts_data,add_opts=['exact_output','profile'])
  121. add_spawn_args = ' '.join(['{} {}'.format(
  122. '--'+k.replace('_','-'),
  123. getattr(opt,k) if getattr(opt,k) != True else ''
  124. ) for k in 'testnet','rpc_host' if getattr(opt,k)]).split()
  125. add_spawn_args += [ '--data-dir', cfg['tmpdir']] # ignore ~/.mmgen
  126. if opt.system: sys.path.pop(0)
  127. if opt.list_cmds:
  128. fs = ' {:<{w}} - {}'
  129. Msg('Available commands:')
  130. w = max([len(i) for i in cmd_data])
  131. for cmd in cmd_data:
  132. Msg(fs.format(cmd,cmd_data[cmd]['desc'],w=w))
  133. Msg('\nAvailable utilities:')
  134. Msg(fs.format('clean','Clean the tmp directory',w=w))
  135. sys.exit()
  136. import binascii
  137. from mmgen.test import *
  138. from mmgen.tx import is_wif,is_btc_addr
  139. class MMGenToolTestSuite(object):
  140. def __init__(self):
  141. pass
  142. def gen_deps_for_cmd(self,cmd,cdata):
  143. fns = []
  144. if cdata:
  145. name,code = cdata
  146. io,count = (code[:-1],int(code[-1])) if code[-1] in '0123456789' else (code,1)
  147. for c in range(count):
  148. fns += ['%s%s%s' % (
  149. name,
  150. ('',c+1)[count > 1],
  151. ('.out','.in')[ch=='i']
  152. ) for ch in io]
  153. return fns
  154. def get_num_exts_for_cmd(self,cmd,dpy): # dpy required here
  155. num = str(tool_cfgs['tmpdir_num'])
  156. # return only first file - a hack
  157. exts = gen_deps_for_cmd(dpy)
  158. return num,exts
  159. def do_cmds(self,cmd_group):
  160. cdata = cmd_data[cmd_group]['cmd_data']
  161. for cmd in cdata: self.do_cmd(cmd,cdata[cmd])
  162. def do_cmd(self,cmd,cdata):
  163. fns = self.gen_deps_for_cmd(cmd,cdata)
  164. file_list = [os.path.join(cfg['tmpdir'],fn) for fn in fns]
  165. self.__class__.__dict__[cmd](*([self,cmd] + file_list))
  166. def run_cmd(self,name,tool_args,kwargs='',extra_msg='',silent=False,strip=True):
  167. mmgen_tool = 'mmgen-tool'
  168. if not opt.system:
  169. mmgen_tool = os.path.join(os.curdir,mmgen_tool)
  170. sys_cmd = ['python',mmgen_tool] + add_spawn_args + ['-r0','-d',cfg['tmpdir'],name] + tool_args + kwargs.split()
  171. if extra_msg: extra_msg = '(%s)' % extra_msg
  172. full_name = ' '.join([name]+kwargs.split()+extra_msg.split())
  173. if not silent:
  174. if opt.verbose:
  175. sys.stderr.write(green('Testing %s\nExecuting ' % full_name))
  176. sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % cyan(repr(sys_cmd)))
  177. else:
  178. msg_r('Testing %-31s%s' % (full_name+':',''))
  179. import subprocess
  180. p = subprocess.Popen(
  181. sys_cmd,
  182. stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
  183. stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
  184. )
  185. a,b = p.communicate()
  186. retcode = p.wait()
  187. if retcode != 0:
  188. msg('%s\n%s\n%s'%(red('FAILED'),yellow('Command stderr output:'),b))
  189. die(1,red('Called process returned with an error (retcode %s)' % retcode))
  190. return (a,a.rstrip())[bool(strip)]
  191. def run_cmd_chk(self,name,f1,f2,kwargs='',extra_msg=''):
  192. idata = read_from_file(f1).rstrip()
  193. odata = read_from_file(f2).rstrip()
  194. ret = self.run_cmd(name,[odata],kwargs=kwargs,extra_msg=extra_msg)
  195. vmsg('In: ' + repr(odata))
  196. vmsg('Out: ' + repr(ret))
  197. if ret == idata: ok()
  198. else:
  199. die(3,red(
  200. "Error: values don't match:\nIn: %s\nOut: %s" % (repr(idata),repr(ret))))
  201. return ret
  202. def run_cmd_nochk(self,name,f1,kwargs=''):
  203. odata = read_from_file(f1).rstrip()
  204. ret = self.run_cmd(name,[odata],kwargs=kwargs)
  205. vmsg('In: ' + repr(odata))
  206. vmsg('Out: ' + repr(ret))
  207. return ret
  208. def run_cmd_out(self,name,carg=None,Return=False,kwargs='',fn_idx='',extra_msg='',literal=False,chkdata=''):
  209. if carg: write_to_tmpfile(cfg,'' % (name,fn_idx),carg+'\n')
  210. ret = self.run_cmd(name,([],[carg])[bool(carg)],kwargs=kwargs,extra_msg=extra_msg)
  211. if carg: vmsg('In: ' + repr(carg))
  212. vmsg('Out: ' + (repr(ret),ret)[literal])
  213. if ret or ret == '':
  214. write_to_tmpfile(cfg,'%s%s.out' % (name,fn_idx),ret+'\n')
  215. if chkdata:
  216. cmp_or_die(ret,chkdata)
  217. return
  218. if Return: return ret
  219. else: ok()
  220. else:
  221. die(3,red("Error for command '%s'" % name))
  222. def run_cmd_randinput(self,name,strip=True):
  223. s = os.urandom(128)
  224. fn = name+'.in'
  225. write_to_tmpfile(cfg,fn,s,binary=True)
  226. ret = self.run_cmd(name,[get_tmpfile_fn(cfg,fn)],strip=strip)
  227. fn = name+'.out'
  228. write_to_tmpfile(cfg,fn,ret+'\n')
  229. ok()
  230. vmsg('Returned: %s' % ret)
  231. def str2id6(self,name):
  232. s = getrandstr(120,no_space=True)
  233. s2 = ' %s %s %s %s %s ' % (s[:3],s[3:9],s[9:29],s[29:50],s[50:120])
  234. ret1 = self.run_cmd(name,[s],extra_msg='unspaced input'); ok()
  235. ret2 = self.run_cmd(name,[s2],extra_msg='spaced input')
  236. cmp_or_die(ret1,ret2)
  237. vmsg('Returned: %s' % ret1)
  238. def mn_rand128(self,name):
  239. self.run_cmd_out(name)
  240. def mn_rand192(self,name):
  241. self.run_cmd_out(name)
  242. def mn_rand256(self,name):
  243. self.run_cmd_out(name)
  244. def mn_stats(self,name):
  245. self.run_cmd_out(name)
  246. def mn_printlist(self,name):
  247. self.run_cmd(name,[])
  248. ok()
  249. def id6(self,name): self.run_cmd_randinput(name)
  250. def id8(self,name): self.run_cmd_randinput(name)
  251. def hexdump(self,name): self.run_cmd_randinput(name,strip=False)
  252. def unhexdump(self,name,fn1,fn2):
  253. ret = self.run_cmd(name,[fn2],strip=False)
  254. orig = read_from_file(fn1,binary=True)
  255. cmp_or_die(orig,ret)
  256. def rand2file(self,name):
  257. of = name + '.out'
  258. dlen = 1024
  259. self.run_cmd(name,[of,str(1024),'threads=4','silent=1'],strip=False)
  260. d = read_from_tmpfile(cfg,of,binary=True)
  261. cmp_or_die(dlen,len(d))
  262. def strtob58(self,name): self.run_cmd_out(name,getrandstr(16))
  263. def sha256x2(self,name): self.run_cmd_out(name,getrandstr(16))
  264. def hexreverse(self,name): self.run_cmd_out(name,getrandhex(24))
  265. def hexlify(self,name): self.run_cmd_out(name,getrandstr(24))
  266. def b58tostr(self,name,f1,f2): self.run_cmd_chk(name,f1,f2)
  267. def hextob58(self,name): self.run_cmd_out(name,getrandhex(32))
  268. def b58tohex(self,name,f1,f2): self.run_cmd_chk(name,f1,f2)
  269. def hextob32(self,name): self.run_cmd_out(name,getrandhex(24))
  270. def b32tohex(self,name,f1,f2): self.run_cmd_chk(name,f1,f2)
  271. def b58randenc(self,name):
  272. ret = self.run_cmd_out(name,Return=True)
  273. ok_or_die(ret,is_b58_str,'base 58 string')
  274. def randhex(self,name):
  275. ret = self.run_cmd_out(name,Return=True)
  276. ok_or_die(ret,binascii.unhexlify,'hex string')
  277. def randwif(self,name):
  278. for n,k in enumerate(['','compressed=1']):
  279. ret = self.run_cmd_out(name,kwargs=k,Return=True,fn_idx=n+1)
  280. ok_or_die(ret,is_wif,'WIF key')
  281. def randpair(self,name):
  282. for n,k in enumerate(['','compressed=1']):
  283. wif,addr = self.run_cmd_out(name,kwargs=k,Return=True,fn_idx=n+1).split()
  284. ok_or_die(wif,is_wif,'WIF key',skip_ok=True)
  285. ok_or_die(addr,is_btc_addr,'Bitcoin address')
  286. def hex2wif(self,name,f1,f2,f3,f4):
  287. for n,fi,fo,k in (1,f1,f2,''),(2,f3,f4,'compressed=1'):
  288. ret = self.run_cmd_chk(name,fi,fo,kwargs=k)
  289. def wif2hex(self,name,f1,f2):
  290. for n,f,k in (1,f1,''),(2,f2,'compressed=1'):
  291. wif = read_from_file(f).split()[0]
  292. self.run_cmd_out(name,wif,kwargs=k,fn_idx=n)
  293. def wif2addr(self,name,f1,f2):
  294. for n,f,k in (1,f1,''),(2,f2,'compressed=1'):
  295. wif = read_from_file(f).split()[0]
  296. self.run_cmd_out(name,wif,kwargs=k,fn_idx=n)
  297. def addr2hexaddr(self,name,f1,f2):
  298. for n,f,m in (1,f1,''),(2,f2,'from compressed'):
  299. addr = read_from_file(f).split()[-1]
  300. self.run_cmd_out(name,addr,fn_idx=n,extra_msg=m)
  301. def hexaddr2addr(self,name,f1,f2,f3,f4):
  302. for n,fi,fo,m in (1,f1,f2,''),(2,f3,f4,'from compressed'):
  303. self.run_cmd_chk(name,fi,fo,extra_msg=m)
  304. def privhex2addr(self,name,f1,f2):
  305. key1 = read_from_file(f1).rstrip()
  306. key2 = read_from_file(f2).rstrip()
  307. for n,args in enumerate([[key1],[key2,'compressed=1']]):
  308. ret = self.run_cmd(name,args).rstrip()
  309. iaddr = read_from_tmpfile(cfg,'randpair%s.out' % (n+1)).split()[-1]
  310. cmp_or_die(iaddr,ret)
  311. def hex2mn(self,name):
  312. for n,size,m in(1,16,'128-bit'),(2,24,'192-bit'),(3,32,'256-bit'):
  313. hexnum = getrandhex(size)
  314. self.run_cmd_out(name,hexnum,fn_idx=n,extra_msg=m)
  315. def mn2hex(self,name,f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6):
  316. for f_i,f_o,m in (f1,f2,'128-bit'),(f3,f4,'192-bit'),(f5,f6,'256-bit'):
  317. self.run_cmd_chk(name,f_i,f_o,extra_msg=m)
  318. def getbalance(self,name):
  319. self.run_cmd_out(name,literal=True)
  320. def listaddresses(self,name):
  321. self.run_cmd_out(name,literal=True)
  322. def twview(self,name):
  323. self.run_cmd_out(name,literal=True)
  324. def txview(self,name):
  325. fn = os.path.join(cfg['refdir'],cfg['txfile'])
  326. self.run_cmd_out(name,fn,literal=True)
  327. def addrfile_chksum(self,name):
  328. fn = os.path.join(cfg['refdir'],cfg['addrfile'])
  329. self.run_cmd_out(name,fn,literal=True,chkdata=cfg['addrfile_chk'])
  330. # main()
  331. import time
  332. start_time = int(time.time())
  333. ts = MMGenToolTestSuite()
  334. mk_tmpdir(cfg['tmpdir'])
  335. if cmd_args:
  336. if len(cmd_args) != 1:
  337. die(1,'Only one command may be specified')
  338. cmd = cmd_args[0]
  339. if cmd in cmd_data:
  340. msg('Running tests for %s:' % cmd_data[cmd]['desc'])
  341. ts.do_cmds(cmd)
  342. elif cmd == 'clean':
  343. cleandir(cfg['tmpdir'])
  344. sys.exit()
  345. else:
  346. die(1,"'%s': unrecognized command" % cmd)
  347. else:
  348. cleandir(cfg['tmpdir'])
  349. for cmd in cmd_data:
  350. msg('Running tests for %s:' % cmd_data[cmd]['desc'])
  351. ts.do_cmds(cmd)
  352. if cmd is not cmd_data.keys()[-1]: msg('')
  353. t = int(time.time()) - start_time
  354. msg(green(
  355. 'All requested tests finished OK, elapsed time: %02i:%02i' % (t/60,t%60)))