123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
- #
- # mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution
- # Copyright (C)2013-2018 The MMGen Project <mmgen@tuta.io>
- #
- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- """
- test/objtest.py: Test MMGen data objects
- """
- import sys,os
- pn = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
- os.chdir(os.path.join(pn,os.pardir))
- sys.path.__setitem__(0,os.path.abspath(os.curdir))
- from binascii import hexlify
- # Import these _after_ local path's been added to sys.path
- from mmgen.common import *
- from mmgen.obj import *
- from mmgen.seed import *
- opts_data = lambda: {
- 'desc': 'Test MMGen data objects',
- 'sets': ( ('super_silent', True, 'silent', True), ),
- 'usage':'[options] [object]',
- 'options': """
- -h, --help Print this help message
- --, --longhelp Print help message for long options (common options)
- -q, --quiet Produce quieter output
- -s, --silent Silence output of tested objects
- -S, --super-silent Silence all output except for errors
- -v, --verbose Produce more verbose output
- """
- }
- cmd_args = opts.init(opts_data)
- def run_test(test,arg,input_data):
- arg_copy = arg
- kwargs = {'on_fail':'silent'} if opt.silent else {}
- ret_chk = arg
- if input_data == 'good' and type(arg) == tuple: arg,ret_chk = arg
- if type(arg) == dict: # pass one arg + kwargs to constructor
- arg_copy = arg.copy()
- if 'arg' in arg:
- args = [arg['arg']]
- ret_chk = args[0]
- del arg['arg']
- else:
- args = []
- ret_chk = arg.values()[0] # assume only one key present
- if 'ret' in arg:
- ret_chk = arg['ret']
- del arg['ret']
- del arg_copy['ret']
- kwargs.update(arg)
- else:
- args = [arg]
- try:
- if not opt.super_silent:
- msg_r((orange,green)[input_data=='good']('{:<22}'.format(repr(arg_copy)+':')))
- cls = globals()[test]
- ret = cls(*args,**kwargs)
- bad_ret = list() if issubclass(cls,list) else None
- if (opt.silent and input_data=='bad' and ret!=bad_ret) or (not opt.silent and input_data=='bad'):
- raise UserWarning,"Non-'None' return value {} with bad input data".format(repr(ret))
- if opt.silent and input_data=='good' and ret==bad_ret:
- raise UserWarning,"'None' returned with good input data"
- if input_data=='good' and ret != ret_chk and repr(ret) != repr(ret_chk):
- raise UserWarning,"Return value ({!r}) doesn't match expected value ({!r})".format(ret,ret_chk)
- if not opt.super_silent:
- msg(u'==> {}'.format(ret))
- if opt.verbose and issubclass(cls,MMGenObject):
- ret.pmsg() if hasattr(ret,'pmsg') else pmsg(ret)
- except SystemExit as e:
- if input_data == 'good':
- raise ValueError,'Error on good input data'
- if opt.verbose:
- msg('exitval: {}'.format(e[0]))
- except UserWarning as e:
- msg('==> {!r}'.format(ret))
- die(2,red('{}'.format(e[0])))
- r32,r24,r16,r17,r18 = os.urandom(32),os.urandom(24),os.urandom(16),os.urandom(17),os.urandom(18)
- tw_pfx = g.proto.base_coin.lower()+':'
- from collections import OrderedDict
- tests = OrderedDict([
- ('AddrIdx', {
- 'bad': ('s',1.1,12345678,-1),
- 'good': (('7',7),)
- }),
- ('AddrIdxList', {
- 'bad': ('x','5,9,1-2-3','8,-11','66,3-2'),
- 'good': (
- ('3,2,2',[2,3]),
- ('101,1,3,5,2-7,99',[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,99,101]),
- ({'idx_list':AddrIdxList('1-5')},[1,2,3,4,5])
- )}),
- ('BTCAmt', {
- 'bad': ('-3.2','0.123456789',123L,'123L','22000000',20999999.12345678),
- 'good': (('20999999.12345678',Decimal('20999999.12345678')),)
- }),
- ('LTCAmt', {
- 'bad': ('-3.2','0.123456789',123L,'123L','88000000',80999999.12345678),
- 'good': (('80999999.12345678',Decimal('80999999.12345678')),)
- }),
- ('CoinAddr', {
- 'bad': (1,'x','я'),
- 'good': {
- 'btc': (('1MjjELEy6EJwk8fSNfpS8b5teFRo4X5fZr','32GiSWo9zJQgkCmjAaLRrbPwXhKry2jHhj'),
- ('n2FgXPKwuFkCXF946EnoxWJDWF2VwQ6q8J','2MspvWFjBbkv2wzQGqhxJUYPCk3Y2jMaxLN')),
- 'ltc': (('LXYx4j8PDGE8GEwDFnEQhcLyHFGsRxSJwt','MEnuCzUGHaQx9fK5WYvLwR1NK4SAo8HmSr'),
- ('n2D3joAy3yE5fqxUeCp38X6uPUcVn7EFw9','QN59YbnHsPQcbKWSq9PmTpjrhBnHGQqRmf'))
- }[g.coin.lower()][bool(g.testnet)]
- }),
- ('SeedID', {
- 'bad': (
- {'sid':'я'},
- {'sid':'F00F00'},
- {'sid':'xF00F00x'},
- {'sid':1},
- {'sid':'F00BAA123'},
- {'sid':'f00baa12'},
- 'я',r32,'abc'),
- 'good': (({'sid':'F00BAA12'},'F00BAA12'),(Seed(r16),Seed(r16).sid))
- }),
- ('MMGenID', {
- 'bad': ('x',1,'f00f00f','a:b','x:L:3','F00BAA12:0','F00BAA12:Z:99'),
- 'good': (('F00BAA12:99','F00BAA12:L:99'),'F00BAA12:L:99','F00BAA12:S:99')
- }),
- ('TwMMGenID', {
- 'bad': ('x','я','я:я',1,'f00f00f','a:b','x:L:3','F00BAA12:0','F00BAA12:Z:99',tw_pfx,tw_pfx+'я'),
- 'good': (('F00BAA12:99','F00BAA12:L:99'),'F00BAA12:L:99','F00BAA12:S:9999999',tw_pfx+'x')
- }),
- ('TwComment', {
- 'bad': ('я',"comment too long for tracking wallet",),
- 'good': ('OK comment',)
- }),
- ('TwLabel', {
- 'bad': ('x x','x я','я:я',1,'f00f00f','a:b','x:L:3','F00BAA12:0 x',
- 'F00BAA12:Z:99','F00BAA12:L:99 я',tw_pfx+' x',tw_pfx+'я x'),
- 'good': (
- ('F00BAA12:99 a comment','F00BAA12:L:99 a comment'),
- 'F00BAA12:L:99 comment',
- 'F00BAA12:S:9999999 comment',
- tw_pfx+'x comment')
- }),
- ('HexStr', {
- 'bad': (1,[],'\0','\1','я','g','gg','FF','f00'),
- 'good': ('deadbeef','f00baa12')
- }),
- ('MMGenTxID', {
- 'bad': (1,[],'\0','\1','я','g','gg','FF','f00','F00F0012'),
- 'good': ('DEADBE','F00BAA')
- }),
- ('CoinTxID',{
- 'bad': (1,[],'\0','\1','я','g','gg','FF','f00','F00F0012',hexlify(r16),hexlify(r32)+'ee'),
- 'good': (hexlify(r32),)
- }),
- ('WifKey', {
- 'bad': (1,[],'\0','\1','я','g','gg','FF','f00',hexlify(r16),'2MspvWFjBbkv2wzQGqhxJUYPCk3Y2jMaxLN'),
- 'good': {
- 'btc': (('5KXEpVzjWreTcQoG5hX357s1969MUKNLuSfcszF6yu84kpsNZKb',
- 'KwWr9rDh8KK5TtDa3HLChEvQXNYcUXpwhRFUPc5uSNnMtqNKLFhk'),
- ('93HsQEpH75ibaUJYi3QwwiQxnkW4dUuYFPXZxcbcKds7XrqHkY6',
- 'cMsqcmDYZP1LdKgqRh9L4ZRU9br28yvdmTPwW2YQwVSN9aQiMAoR')),
- 'ltc': (('6udBAGS6B9RfGyvEQDkVDsWy3Kqv9eTULqtEfVkJtTJyHdLvojw',
- 'T7kCSp5E71jzV2zEJW4q5qU1SMB5CSz8D9VByxMBkamv1uM3Jjca'),
- ('936Fd4qs3Zy2ZiYHH7vZ3UpT23KtCAiGiG2xBTkjHo7jE9aWA2f',
- 'cQY3EumdaSNuttvDSUuPdiMYLyw8aVmYfFqxo9kdPuWbJBN4Ny66'))
- }[g.coin.lower()][bool(g.testnet)]
- }),
- ('PubKey', {
- 'bad': ({'arg':1,'compressed':False},{'arg':'F00BAA12','compressed':False},),
- 'good': ({'arg':'deadbeef','compressed':True},) # TODO: add real pubkeys
- }),
- ('PrivKey', {
- 'bad': ({'wif':1},),
- 'good': ({
- 'btc': (({'wif':'5KXEpVzjWreTcQoG5hX357s1969MUKNLuSfcszF6yu84kpsNZKb',
- 'ret':'e0aef965b905a2fedf907151df8e0a6bac832aa697801c51f58bd2ecb4fd381c'},
- {'wif':'KwWr9rDh8KK5TtDa3HLChEvQXNYcUXpwhRFUPc5uSNnMtqNKLFhk',
- 'ret':'08d0ed83b64b68d56fa064be48e2385060ed205be2b1e63cd56d218038c3a05f'}),
- ({'wif':'93HsQEpH75ibaUJYi3QwwiQxnkW4dUuYFPXZxcbcKds7XrqHkY6',
- 'ret':'e0aef965b905a2fedf907151df8e0a6bac832aa697801c51f58bd2ecb4fd381c'},
- {'wif':'cMsqcmDYZP1LdKgqRh9L4ZRU9br28yvdmTPwW2YQwVSN9aQiMAoR',
- 'ret':'08d0ed83b64b68d56fa064be48e2385060ed205be2b1e63cd56d218038c3a05f'})),
- 'ltc': (({'wif':'6ufJhtQQiRYA3w2QvDuXNXuLgPFp15i3HR1Wp8An2mx1JnhhJAh',
- 'ret':'470a974ffca9fca1299b706b09142077bea3acbab6d6480b87dbba79d5fd279b'},
- {'wif':'T41Fm7J3mtZLKYPMCLVSFARz4QF8nvSDhLAfW97Ds56Zm9hRJgn8',
- 'ret':'1c6feab55a4c3b4ad1823d4ecacd1565c64228c01828cf44fb4db1e2d82c3d56'}),
- ({'wif':'92iqzh6NqiKawyB1ronw66YtEHrU4rxRJ5T4aHniZqvuSVZS21f',
- 'ret':'95b2aa7912550eacdd3844dcc14bee08ce7bc2434ad4858beb136021e945afeb'},
- {'wif':'cSaJAXBAm9ooHpVJgoxqjDG3AcareFy29Cz8mhnNTRijjv2HLgta',
- 'ret':'94fa8b90c11fea8fb907c9376b919534b0a75b9a9621edf71a78753544b4101c'})),
- }[g.coin.lower()][bool(g.testnet)],
- {'s':r32,'compressed':False,'pubkey_type':'std','ret':hexlify(r32)},
- {'s':r32,'compressed':True,'pubkey_type':'std','ret':hexlify(r32)}
- )
- }),
- ('AddrListID', { # a rather pointless test, but do it anyway
- 'bad': (
- {'sid':SeedID(sid='F00BAA12'),'mmtype':'Z','ret':'F00BAA12:Z'},
- ),
- 'good': (
- {'sid':SeedID(sid='F00BAA12'),'mmtype':MMGenAddrType('S'),'ret':'F00BAA12:S'},
- {'sid':SeedID(sid='F00BAA12'),'mmtype':MMGenAddrType('L'),'ret':'F00BAA12:L'},
- )
- }),
- ('MMGenWalletLabel', {
- 'bad': ('яqwerty','This text is too long to fit in an MMGen wallet label'),
- 'good': ('a good label',)
- }),
- ('TwComment', {
- 'bad': (u'яqwerty','This text is too long for a TW comment'),
- 'good': ('a good comment',)
- }),
- ('MMGenTXLabel',{
- 'bad': ('This text is too long for a transaction comment. '*2,),
- 'good': (u'UTF-8 is OK: я','a good comment',)
- }),
- ('MMGenPWIDString', { # forbidden = list(u' :/\\')
- 'bad': ('foo/','foo:','foo:\\'),
- 'good': (u'qwerty@яяя',)
- }),
- ('MMGenAddrType', {
- 'bad': ('U','z','xx',1,'dogecoin'),
- 'good': (
- {'s':'segwit','ret':'S'},
- {'s':'S','ret':'S'},
- {'s':'legacy','ret':'L'},
- {'s':'L','ret':'L'},
- {'s':'compressed','ret':'C'},
- {'s':'C','ret':'C'}
- )}),
- ('MMGenPasswordType', {
- 'bad': ('U','z','я',1,'passw0rd'),
- 'good': (
- {'s':'password','ret':'P'},
- {'s':'P','ret':'P'},
- )}),
- ])
- def do_loop():
- utests = cmd_args
- for test in tests:
- if utests and test not in utests: continue
- msg((blue,nocolor)[bool(opt.super_silent)]('Testing {}'.format(test)))
- for k in ('bad','good'):
- for arg in tests[test][k]:
- run_test(test,arg,input_data=k)
- do_loop()