7.0 KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/env python3
  2. #
  3. # mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution
  4. # Copyright (C)2013-2019 The MMGen Project <>
  5. #
  6. # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  7. # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  8. # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  9. # (at your option) any later version.
  10. #
  11. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  12. # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  14. # GNU General Public License for more details.
  15. #
  16. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  17. # along with this program. If not, see <>.
  18. """
  19. Constants and configuration options for the MMGen suite
  20. """
  21. import sys,os
  22. # Global vars are set to dfl values in class g.
  23. # They're overridden in this order:
  24. # 1 - config file
  25. # 2 - environmental vars
  26. # 3 - command line
  27. class g(object):
  28. def die(ev=0,s=''):
  29. if s: sys.stderr.write(s+'\n')
  30. sys.exit(ev)
  31. # Constants:
  32. version = '0.10.099'
  33. release_date = 'February 2019'
  34. proj_name = 'MMGen'
  35. proj_url = ''
  36. prog_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
  37. author = 'The MMGen Project'
  38. email = '<>'
  39. Cdates = '2013-2019'
  40. keywords = 'Bitcoin, BTC, Ethereum, ETH, Monero, XMR, ERC20, cryptocurrency, wallet, BIP32, cold storage, offline, online, spending, open-source, command-line, Python, Linux, Bitcoin Core, bitcoind, hd, deterministic, hierarchical, secure, anonymous, Electrum, seed, mnemonic, brainwallet, Scrypt, utility, script, scriptable, blockchain, raw, transaction, permissionless, console, terminal, curses, ansi, color, tmux, remote, client, daemon, RPC, json, entropy, xterm, rxvt, PowerShell, MSYS, MSYS2, MinGW, MinGW64, MSWin, Armbian, Raspbian, Raspberry Pi, Orange Pi, BCash, BCH, Litecoin, LTC, altcoin, ZEC, Zcash, DASH, Dashpay, SHA256Compress, monerod, EMC, Emercoin, token, deploy, contract, gas, fee, smart contract, solidity, Parity, testnet, devmode, Kovan'
  41. max_int = 0xffffffff
  42. stdin_tty = bool(sys.stdin.isatty() or os.getenv('MMGEN_TEST_SUITE_POPEN_SPAWN'))
  43. stdout = sys.stdout
  44. stderr = sys.stderr
  45. http_timeout = 60
  46. # Variables - these might be altered at runtime:
  47. user_entropy = ''
  48. hash_preset = '3'
  49. usr_randchars = 30
  50. tx_fee_adj = 1.0
  51. tx_confs = 3
  52. seed_len = 256
  53. # Constant vars - some of these might be overriden in, but they don't change thereafter
  54. coin = 'BTC'
  55. dcoin = None # the display coin unit
  56. token = ''
  57. debug = False
  58. debug_opts = False
  59. debug_rpc = False
  60. debug_addrlist = False
  61. quiet = False
  62. no_license = False
  63. force_256_color = False
  64. testnet = False
  65. regtest = False
  66. accept_defaults = False
  67. use_internal_keccak_module = False
  68. chain = None # set by first call to rpc_init()
  69. chains = 'mainnet','testnet','regtest'
  70. # rpc:
  71. rpc_host = ''
  72. rpc_port = 0
  73. rpc_user = ''
  74. rpc_password = ''
  75. rpc_fail_on_command = ''
  76. rpch = None # global RPC handle
  77. # regtest:
  78. bob = False
  79. alice = False
  80. # test suite:
  81. bogus_wallet_data = ''
  82. bogus_send = False
  83. debug_utf8 = False
  84. traceback = False
  85. test_suite = False
  86. test_suite_popen_spawn = False
  87. for k in ('linux','win','msys'):
  88. if sys.platform[:len(k)] == k:
  89. platform = { 'linux':'linux', 'win':'win', 'msys':'win' }[k]
  90. break
  91. else:
  92. die(1,"'{}': platform not supported by {}\n".format(sys.platform,proj_name))
  93. color = sys.stdout.isatty()
  94. if os.getenv('HOME'): # Linux or MSYS
  95. home_dir = os.getenv('HOME')
  96. elif platform == 'win': # Windows native:
  97. die(1,'$HOME not set! {} for Windows must be run in MSYS environment'.format(proj_name))
  98. else:
  99. die(2,'$HOME is not set! Unable to determine home directory')
  100. data_dir_root,data_dir,cfg_file = None,None,None
  101. daemon_data_dir = '' # set by user or protocol
  102. # global var sets user opt:
  103. global_sets_opt = ( 'minconf','seed_len','hash_preset','usr_randchars','debug',
  104. 'quiet','tx_confs','tx_fee_adj','key_generator' )
  105. # user opt sets global var:
  106. opt_sets_global = ( 'use_internal_keccak_module', )
  107. # 'long' opts - opt sets global var
  108. common_opts = (
  109. 'color','no_license','rpc_host','rpc_port','testnet','rpc_user','rpc_password',
  110. 'daemon_data_dir','force_256_color','regtest','coin','bob','alice',
  111. 'accept_defaults','token'
  112. )
  113. # opts initialized to None by opts.init() if not set by user
  114. required_opts = (
  115. 'quiet','verbose','debug','outdir','echo_passphrase','passwd_file','stdout',
  116. 'show_hash_presets','label','keep_passphrase','keep_hash_preset','yes',
  117. 'brain_params','b16','usr_randchars','coin','bob','alice','key_generator',
  118. 'hidden_incog_input_params','in_fmt'
  119. )
  120. incompatible_opts = (
  121. ('base32','hex'), # mmgen-passgen
  122. ('bob','alice'),
  123. ('quiet','verbose'),
  124. ('label','keep_label'),
  125. ('tx_id','info'),
  126. ('tx_id','terse_info'),
  127. ('batch','rescan') # still incompatible as of Core 0.15.0
  128. )
  129. cfg_file_opts = (
  130. 'color','debug','hash_preset','http_timeout','no_license','rpc_host','rpc_port',
  131. 'quiet','tx_fee_adj','usr_randchars','testnet','rpc_user','rpc_password',
  132. 'daemon_data_dir','force_256_color','regtest',
  133. 'btc_max_tx_fee','ltc_max_tx_fee','bch_max_tx_fee','eth_max_tx_fee',
  134. 'eth_mainnet_chain_name','eth_testnet_chain_name',
  135. 'max_tx_file_size','max_input_size'
  136. )
  137. # Supported environmental vars
  138. # The corresponding vars (lowercase, minus 'mmgen_') must be initialized in g
  139. # 'DISABLE_' env vars disable the corresponding var in g
  140. env_opts = (
  141. 'MMGEN_DEBUG_ALL', # special: there is no g.debug_all var
  146. 'MMGEN_DEBUG',
  150. 'MMGEN_DEBUG_UTF8',
  151. 'MMGEN_QUIET',
  152. 'MMGEN_FORCE_256_COLOR',
  155. 'MMGEN_RPC_HOST',
  162. )
  163. min_screen_width = 80
  164. minconf = 1
  165. max_tx_file_size = 100000
  166. max_input_size = 1024 * 1024
  167. passwd_max_tries = 5
  168. max_urandchars = 80
  169. min_urandchars = 10
  170. seed_lens = 128,192,256
  171. mmenc_ext = 'mmenc'
  172. salt_len = 16
  173. aesctr_iv_len = 16
  174. aesctr_dfl_iv = b'\x00' * (aesctr_iv_len-1) + b'\x01'
  175. hincog_chk_len = 8
  176. key_generators = 'python-ecdsa','secp256k1' # '1','2'
  177. key_generator = 2 # secp256k1 is default
  178. use_standalone_scrypt_module = False
  179. hash_presets = {
  180. # Scrypt params:
  181. # ID N p r (N is an exponent of two)
  182. '1': [12, 8, 1],
  183. '2': [13, 8, 4],
  184. '3': [14, 8, 8],
  185. '4': [15, 8, 12],
  186. '5': [16, 8, 16],
  187. '6': [17, 8, 20],
  188. '7': [18, 8, 24],
  189. }