123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
- #
- # mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution
- # Copyright (C)2013-2018 The MMGen Project <mmgen@tuta.io>
- #
- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- """
- tool.py: Routines and data for the 'mmgen-tool' utility
- """
- import binascii
- from mmgen.protocol import hash160
- from mmgen.common import *
- from mmgen.crypto import *
- from mmgen.tx import *
- from mmgen.addr import *
- pnm = g.proj_name
- from collections import OrderedDict
- cmd_data = OrderedDict([
- ('Help', ['<tool command> [str]']),
- ('Usage', ['<tool command> [str]']),
- ('Strtob58', ['<string> [str-]','pad [int=0]']),
- ('B58tostr', ['<b58 number> [str-]']),
- ('Hextob58', ['<hex number> [str-]','pad [int=0]']),
- ('B58tohex', ['<b58 number> [str-]','pad [int=0]']),
- ('B58randenc', []),
- ('B32tohex', ['<b32 num> [str-]','pad [int=0]']),
- ('Hextob32', ['<hex num> [str-]','pad [int=0]']),
- ('Randhex', ['nbytes [int=32]']),
- ('Id8', ['<infile> [str]']),
- ('Id6', ['<infile> [str]']),
- ('Hash160', ['<hexadecimal string> [str-]']),
- ('Hash256', ['<str, hexstr or filename> [str]', # TODO handle stdin
- 'hex_input [bool=False]','file_input [bool=False]']),
- ('Str2id6', ['<string (spaces are ignored)> [str-]']),
- ('Hexdump', ['<infile> [str]', 'cols [int=8]', 'line_nums [bool=True]']),
- ('Unhexdump', ['<infile> [str]']),
- ('Hexreverse', ['<hexadecimal string> [str-]']),
- ('Hexlify', ['<string> [str-]']),
- ('Rand2file', ['<outfile> [str]','<nbytes> [str]','threads [int=4]','silent [bool=False]']),
- ('Randwif', []),
- ('Randpair', []),
- ('Hex2wif', ['<private key in hex format> [str-]']),
- ('Wif2hex', ['<wif> [str-]']),
- ('Wif2addr', ['<wif> [str-]']),
- ('Wif2segwit_pair',['<wif> [str-]']),
- ('Pubhash2addr', ['<coin address in hex format> [str-]']),
- ('Addr2hexaddr', ['<coin address> [str-]']),
- ('Privhex2addr', ['<private key in hex format> [str-]']),
- ('Privhex2pubhex',['<private key in hex format> [str-]']),
- ('Pubhex2addr', ['<public key in hex format> [str-]']), # new
- ('Pubhex2redeem_script',['<public key in hex format> [str-]']), # new
- ('Wif2redeem_script', ['<private key in WIF format> [str-]']), # new
- ('Hex2mn', ['<hexadecimal string> [str-]',"wordlist [str='electrum']"]),
- ('Mn2hex', ['<mnemonic> [str-]', "wordlist [str='electrum']"]),
- ('Mn_rand128', ["wordlist [str='electrum']"]),
- ('Mn_rand192', ["wordlist [str='electrum']"]),
- ('Mn_rand256', ["wordlist [str='electrum']"]),
- ('Mn_stats', ["wordlist [str='electrum']"]),
- ('Mn_printlist', ["wordlist [str='electrum']"]),
- ('Listaddress',['<{} address> [str]'.format(pnm),'minconf [int=1]','pager [bool=False]','showempty [bool=True]','showbtcaddr [bool=True]','show_age [bool=False]','show_days [bool=True]']),
- ('Listaddresses',["addrs [str='']",'minconf [int=1]','showempty [bool=False]','pager [bool=False]','showbtcaddrs [bool=True]','all_labels [bool=False]',"sort [str=''] (options: reverse, age)",'show_age [bool=False]','show_days [bool=True]']),
- ('Getbalance', ['minconf [int=1]','quiet [bool=False]']),
- ('Txview', ['<{} TX file(s)> [str]'.format(pnm),'pager [bool=False]','terse [bool=False]',"sort [str='mtime'] (options: ctime, atime)",'MARGS']),
- ('Twview', ["sort [str='age']",'reverse [bool=False]','show_days [bool=True]','show_mmid [bool=True]','minconf [int=1]','wide [bool=False]','pager [bool=False]']),
- ('Add_label', ['<{} or coin address> [str]'.format(pnm),'<label> [str]']),
- ('Remove_label', ['<{} or coin address> [str]'.format(pnm)]),
- ('Addrfile_chksum', ['<{} addr file> [str]'.format(pnm),"mmtype [str='']"]),
- ('Keyaddrfile_chksum', ['<{} addr file> [str]'.format(pnm),"mmtype [str='']"]),
- ('Passwdfile_chksum', ['<{} password file> [str]'.format(pnm)]),
- ('Find_incog_data', ['<file or device name> [str]','<Incog ID> [str]','keep_searching [bool=False]']),
- ('Encrypt', ['<infile> [str]',"outfile [str='']","hash_preset [str='']"]),
- ('Decrypt', ['<infile> [str]',"outfile [str='']","hash_preset [str='']"]),
- ('Bytespec', ['<bytespec> [str]']),
- ('Keyaddrlist2monerowallets',['<{} XMR key-address file> [str]'.format(pnm),'blockheight [int=(current height)]',"addrs [str=''] (addr idx list or range)"]),
- ('Syncmonerowallets', ['<{} XMR key-address file> [str]'.format(pnm),"addrs [str=''] (addr idx list or range)"]),
- ])
- def usage(command):
- for v in cmd_data.values():
- if v and v[0][-2:] == '-]':
- v[0] = v[0][:-2] + ' or STDIN]'
- if 'MARGS' in v: v.remove('MARGS')
- if not command:
- Msg('Usage information for mmgen-tool commands:')
- for k,v in cmd_data.items():
- Msg(' {:18} {}'.format(k.lower(),' '.join(v)))
- from mmgen.main_tool import stdin_msg
- Msg('\n '+'\n '.join(stdin_msg.split('\n')))
- sys.exit(0)
- Command = command.capitalize()
- if Command in cmd_data:
- import re
- from mmgen.main_tool import cmd_help
- for line in cmd_help.split('\n'):
- if re.match(r'\s+{}\s+'.format(command),line):
- c,h = line.split('-',1)
- Msg('MMGEN-TOOL {}: {}'.format(c.strip().upper(),h.strip()))
- cd = cmd_data[Command]
- msg('USAGE: {} {} {}'.format(g.prog_name,command,' '.join(cd)))
- else:
- msg("'{}': no such tool command".format(command))
- sys.exit(1)
- Help = usage
- def process_args(command,cmd_args):
- if 'MARGS' in cmd_data[command]:
- cmd_data[command].remove('MARGS')
- margs = True
- else:
- margs = False
- c_args = [[i.split(' [')[0],i.split(' [')[1][:-1]]
- for i in cmd_data[command] if '=' not in i]
- c_kwargs = dict([[
- i.split(' [')[0],
- [i.split(' [')[1].split('=')[0],i.split(' [')[1].split('=')[1][:-1]]
- ] for i in cmd_data[command] if '=' in i])
- if not margs:
- u_args = [a for a in cmd_args[:len(c_args)]]
- if c_args and c_args[0][1][-1] == '-':
- c_args[0][1] = c_args[0][1][:-1] # [str-] -> [str]
- # If we're reading from a pipe, replace '-' with output of previous command
- if u_args and u_args[0] == '-':
- if not sys.stdin.isatty():
- u_args[0] = sys.stdin.read().strip()
- if not u_args[0]:
- die(2,'{}: ERROR: no output from previous command in pipe'.format(command.lower()))
- if not margs and len(u_args) < len(c_args):
- m1 = 'Command requires exactly {} non-keyword argument{}'
- msg(m1.format(len(c_args),suf(c_args,'s')))
- usage(command)
- extra_args = len(cmd_args) - len(c_args)
- u_kwargs = {}
- if margs:
- t = [a.split('=') for a in cmd_args if '=' in a]
- tk = [a[0] for a in t]
- tk_bad = [a for a in tk if a not in c_kwargs]
- if set(tk_bad) != set(tk[:len(tk_bad)]):
- die(1,"'{}': illegal keyword argument".format(tk_bad[-1]))
- u_kwargs = dict(t[len(tk_bad):])
- u_args = cmd_args[:-len(u_kwargs) or None]
- elif extra_args > 0:
- u_kwargs = dict([a.split('=') for a in cmd_args[len(c_args):] if '=' in a])
- if len(u_kwargs) != extra_args:
- msg('Command requires exactly {} non-keyword argument{}'.format(len(c_args),suf(c_args,'s')))
- usage(command)
- if len(u_kwargs) > len(c_kwargs):
- msg('Command requires exactly {} keyword argument{}'.format(len(c_kwargs),suf(c_kwargs,'s')))
- usage(command)
- # mdie(c_args,c_kwargs,u_args,u_kwargs)
- for k in u_kwargs:
- if k not in c_kwargs:
- msg("'{}': invalid keyword argument".format(k))
- usage(command)
- def conv_type(arg,arg_name,arg_type):
- if arg_type == 'str': arg_type = 'unicode'
- if arg_type == 'bool':
- if arg.lower() in ('true','yes','1','on'): arg = True
- elif arg.lower() in ('false','no','0','off'): arg = False
- else:
- msg("'{}': invalid boolean value for keyword argument".format(arg))
- usage(command)
- try:
- return __builtins__[arg_type](arg)
- except:
- die(1,"'{}': Invalid argument for argument {} ('{}' required)".format(arg,arg_name,arg_type))
- if margs:
- args = [conv_type(u_args[i],c_args[0][0],c_args[0][1]) for i in range(len(u_args))]
- else:
- args = [conv_type(u_args[i],c_args[i][0],c_args[i][1]) for i in range(len(c_args))]
- kwargs = dict([(k,conv_type(u_kwargs[k],k,c_kwargs[k][0])) for k in u_kwargs])
- return args,kwargs
- # Individual cmd_data
- def are_equal(a,b,dtype=''):
- if dtype == 'str': return a.lstrip('\0') == b.lstrip('\0')
- if dtype == 'hex': return a.lstrip('0') == b.lstrip('0')
- if dtype == 'b58': return a.lstrip('1') == b.lstrip('1')
- else: return a == b
- def print_convert_results(indata,enc,dec,dtype):
- error = (True,False)[are_equal(indata,dec,dtype)]
- if error or opt.verbose:
- Msg('Input: {}'.format(repr(indata)))
- Msg('Encoded data: {}'.format(repr(enc)))
- Msg('Recoded data: {}'.format(repr(dec)))
- else: Msg(enc)
- if error:
- die(3,"Error! Recoded data doesn't match input!")
- from mmgen.obj import MMGenAddrType
- at = MMGenAddrType((hasattr(opt,'type') and opt.type) or g.proto.dfl_mmtype)
- kg = KeyGenerator(at)
- ag = AddrGenerator(at)
- def Hexdump(infile,cols=8,line_nums=True):
- Msg(pretty_hexdump(
- get_data_from_file(infile,dash=True,silent=True,binary=True),
- cols=cols,line_nums=line_nums))
- def Unhexdump(infile):
- if g.platform == 'win':
- import msvcrt
- msvcrt.setmode(sys.stdout.fileno(),os.O_BINARY)
- sys.stdout.write(decode_pretty_hexdump(
- get_data_from_file(infile,dash=True,silent=True)))
- def B58randenc():
- r = get_random(32)
- enc = baseconv.b58encode(r,pad=True)
- dec = baseconv.b58decode(enc,pad=True)
- print_convert_results(r,enc,dec,'str')
- def Randhex(nbytes='32'):
- Msg(binascii.hexlify(get_random(int(nbytes))))
- def Randwif():
- Msg(PrivKey(get_random(32),pubkey_type=at.pubkey_type,compressed=at.compressed).wif)
- def Randpair():
- privhex = PrivKey(get_random(32),pubkey_type=at.pubkey_type,compressed=at.compressed)
- addr = ag.to_addr(kg.to_pubhex(privhex))
- Vmsg('Key (hex): {}'.format(privhex))
- Vmsg_r('Key (WIF): '); Msg(privhex.wif)
- Vmsg_r('Addr: '); Msg(addr)
- def Wif2addr(wif):
- privhex = PrivKey(wif=wif)
- addr = ag.to_addr(kg.to_pubhex(privhex))
- Vmsg_r('Addr: '); Msg(addr)
- def Wif2segwit_pair(wif):
- pubhex = kg.to_pubhex(PrivKey(wif=wif))
- addr = ag.to_addr(pubhex)
- rs = ag.to_segwit_redeem_script(pubhex)
- Msg('{}\n{}'.format(rs,addr))
- def Pubhash2addr(pubhash):
- if opt.type == 'bech32':
- ret = g.proto.pubhash2bech32addr(pubhash)
- else:
- ret = g.proto.pubhash2addr(pubhash,at.addr_fmt=='p2sh')
- Msg(ret)
- def Addr2hexaddr(addr): Msg(g.proto.verify_addr(addr,CoinAddr.hex_width,return_dict=True)['hex'])
- def Hash160(pubkeyhex): Msg(hash160(pubkeyhex))
- def Pubhex2addr(pubkeyhex): Pubhash2addr(hash160(pubkeyhex))
- def Wif2hex(wif): Msg(PrivKey(wif=wif))
- def Hex2wif(hexpriv):
- Msg(g.proto.hex2wif(hexpriv,pubkey_type=at.pubkey_type,compressed=at.compressed))
- def Privhex2addr(privhex,output_pubhex=False):
- pk = PrivKey(binascii.unhexlify(privhex),compressed=at.compressed,pubkey_type=at.pubkey_type)
- ph = kg.to_pubhex(pk)
- Msg(ph if output_pubhex else ag.to_addr(ph))
- def Privhex2pubhex(privhex): # new
- Privhex2addr(privhex,output_pubhex=True)
- def Pubhex2redeem_script(pubhex): # new
- Msg(g.proto.pubhex2redeem_script(pubhex))
- def Wif2redeem_script(wif): # new
- privhex = PrivKey(wif=wif)
- Msg(ag.to_segwit_redeem_script(kg.to_pubhex(privhex)))
- wordlists = 'electrum','tirosh'
- dfl_wl_id = 'electrum'
- def do_random_mn(nbytes,wordlist):
- hexrand = binascii.hexlify(get_random(nbytes))
- Vmsg('Seed: {}'.format(hexrand))
- for wl_id in ([wordlist],wordlists)[wordlist=='all']:
- if wordlist == 'all':
- Msg('{} mnemonic:'.format(capfirst(wl_id)))
- mn = baseconv.fromhex(hexrand,wl_id)
- Msg(' '.join(mn))
- def Mn_rand128(wordlist=dfl_wl_id): do_random_mn(16,wordlist)
- def Mn_rand192(wordlist=dfl_wl_id): do_random_mn(24,wordlist)
- def Mn_rand256(wordlist=dfl_wl_id): do_random_mn(32,wordlist)
- def Hex2mn(s,wordlist=dfl_wl_id): Msg(' '.join(baseconv.fromhex(s,wordlist)))
- def Mn2hex(s,wordlist=dfl_wl_id): Msg(baseconv.tohex(s.split(),wordlist))
- def Strtob58(s,pad=None): Msg(baseconv.fromhex(binascii.hexlify(s),'b58',pad,tostr=True))
- def Hextob58(s,pad=None): Msg(baseconv.fromhex(s,'b58',pad,tostr=True))
- def Hextob32(s,pad=None): Msg(baseconv.fromhex(s,'b32',pad,tostr=True))
- def B58tostr(s): Msg(binascii.unhexlify(baseconv.tohex(s,'b58')))
- def B58tohex(s,pad=None): Msg(baseconv.tohex(s,'b58',pad))
- def B32tohex(s,pad=None): Msg(baseconv.tohex(s.upper(),'b32',pad))
- from mmgen.seed import Mnemonic
- def Mn_stats(wordlist=dfl_wl_id):
- wordlist in baseconv.digits or die(1,"'{}': not a valid wordlist".format(wordlist))
- baseconv.check_wordlist(wordlist)
- def Mn_printlist(wordlist=dfl_wl_id):
- wordlist in baseconv.digits or die(1,"'{}': not a valid wordlist".format(wordlist))
- Msg('\n'.join(baseconv.digits[wordlist]))
- def Id8(infile):
- Msg(make_chksum_8(
- get_data_from_file(infile,dash=True,silent=True,binary=True)
- ))
- def Id6(infile):
- Msg(make_chksum_6(
- get_data_from_file(infile,dash=True,silent=True,binary=True)
- ))
- def Str2id6(s): # retain ignoring of space for backwards compat
- Msg(make_chksum_6(''.join(s.split())))
- def Addrfile_chksum(infile,mmtype=''):
- from mmgen.addr import AddrList
- mmtype = None if not mmtype else MMGenAddrType(mmtype)
- AddrList(infile,chksum_only=True,mmtype=mmtype)
- def Keyaddrfile_chksum(infile,mmtype=''):
- from mmgen.addr import KeyAddrList
- mmtype = None if not mmtype else MMGenAddrType(mmtype)
- KeyAddrList(infile,chksum_only=True,mmtype=mmtype)
- def Passwdfile_chksum(infile):
- from mmgen.addr import PasswordList
- PasswordList(infile=infile,chksum_only=True)
- def Hexreverse(s):
- Msg(binascii.hexlify(binascii.unhexlify(s.strip())[::-1]))
- def Hexlify(s):
- Msg(binascii.hexlify(s))
- def Hash256(s,file_input=False,hex_input=False):
- from hashlib import sha256
- if file_input: b = get_data_from_file(s,binary=True)
- elif hex_input: b = decode_pretty_hexdump(s)
- else: b = s
- Msg(sha256(sha256(b).digest()).hexdigest())
- def Encrypt(infile,outfile='',hash_preset=''):
- data = get_data_from_file(infile,'data for encryption',binary=True)
- enc_d = mmgen_encrypt(data,'user data',hash_preset)
- if not outfile:
- outfile = '{}.{}'.format(os.path.basename(infile),g.mmenc_ext)
- write_data_to_file(outfile,enc_d,'encrypted data',binary=True)
- def Decrypt(infile,outfile='',hash_preset=''):
- enc_d = get_data_from_file(infile,'encrypted data',binary=True)
- while True:
- dec_d = mmgen_decrypt(enc_d,'user data',hash_preset)
- if dec_d: break
- msg('Trying again...')
- if not outfile:
- o = os.path.basename(infile)
- outfile = remove_extension(o,g.mmenc_ext)
- if outfile == o: outfile += '.dec'
- write_data_to_file(outfile,dec_d,'decrypted data',binary=True)
- def Find_incog_data(filename,iv_id,keep_searching=False):
- ivsize,bsize,mod = g.aesctr_iv_len,4096,4096*8
- n,carry = 0,' '*ivsize
- flgs = os.O_RDONLY|os.O_BINARY if g.platform == 'win' else os.O_RDONLY
- f = os.open(filename,flgs)
- for ch in iv_id:
- if ch not in '0123456789ABCDEF':
- die(2,"'{}': invalid Incog ID".format(iv_id))
- while True:
- d = os.read(f,bsize)
- if not d: break
- d = carry + d
- for i in range(bsize):
- if sha256(d[i:i+ivsize]).hexdigest()[:8].upper() == iv_id:
- if n+i < ivsize: continue
- msg('\rIncog data for ID {} found at offset {}'.format(iv_id,n+i-ivsize))
- if not keep_searching: sys.exit(0)
- carry = d[len(d)-ivsize:]
- n += bsize
- if not n % mod:
- msg_r('\rSearched: {} bytes'.format(n))
- msg('')
- os.close(f)
- def Rand2file(outfile,nbytes,threads=4,silent=False):
- nbytes = parse_nbytes(nbytes)
- from Crypto import Random
- rh = Random.new()
- from Queue import Queue
- from threading import Thread
- bsize = 2**20
- roll = bsize * 4
- if opt.outdir: outfile = make_full_path(opt.outdir,outfile)
- f = open(outfile,'wb')
- from Crypto.Cipher import AES
- from Crypto.Util import Counter
- key = get_random(32)
- def encrypt_worker(wid):
- while True:
- i,d = q1.get()
- c = AES.new(key,AES.MODE_CTR,counter=Counter.new(g.aesctr_iv_len*8,initial_value=i))
- enc_data = c.encrypt(d)
- q2.put(enc_data)
- q1.task_done()
- def output_worker():
- while True:
- data = q2.get()
- f.write(data)
- q2.task_done()
- q1 = Queue()
- for i in range(max(1,threads-2)):
- t = Thread(target=encrypt_worker,args=(i,))
- t.daemon = True
- t.start()
- q2 = Queue()
- t = Thread(target=output_worker)
- t.daemon = True
- t.start()
- i = 1; rbytes = nbytes
- while rbytes > 0:
- d = rh.read(min(bsize,rbytes))
- q1.put((i,d))
- rbytes -= bsize
- i += 1
- if not (bsize*i) % roll:
- msg_r('\rRead: {} bytes'.format(bsize*i))
- if not silent:
- msg('\rRead: {} bytes'.format(nbytes))
- qmsg("\r{} bytes of random data written to file '{}'".format(nbytes,outfile))
- q1.join()
- q2.join()
- f.close()
- def Bytespec(s): Msg(str(parse_nbytes(s)))
- def Keyaddrlist2monerowallets(infile,blockheight=None,addrs=None):
- monero_wallet_ops(infile=infile,op='create',blockheight=blockheight,addrs=addrs)
- def Syncmonerowallets(infile,addrs=None):
- monero_wallet_ops(infile=infile,op='sync',addrs=addrs)
- def monero_wallet_ops(infile,op,blockheight=None,addrs=None):
- def run_cmd(cmd):
- import subprocess as sp
- p = sp.Popen(cmd,stdin=sp.PIPE,stdout=sp.PIPE,stderr=sp.PIPE)
- return p
- def test_rpc():
- p = run_cmd(['monero-wallet-cli','--version'])
- if p.stdout.read()[:6] != 'Monero':
- die(1,"Unable to run 'monero-wallet-cli'!")
- p = run_cmd(['monerod','status'])
- ret = p.stdout.read()
- if ret[:7] != 'Height:':
- die(1,'Unable to connect to monerod!')
- return int(ret[8:].split('/')[0])
- def my_expect(p,m,s,regex=False):
- if m: msg_r(' {}...'.format(m))
- ret = (p.expect_exact,p.expect)[regex](s)
- if not (ret == 0 or (type(s) == list and ret in (0,1))):
- die(2,"Expect failed: '{}' (return value: {})".format(s,ret))
- if m: msg('OK')
- return ret
- def my_sendline(p,m,s,usr_ret):
- if m: msg_r(' {}...'.format(m))
- ret = p.sendline(s)
- if ret != usr_ret:
- die(2,"Unable to send line '{}' (return value {})".format(s,ret))
- if m: msg('OK')
- vmsg("sendline: '{}' => {}".format(s,ret))
- def create(n,d,fn):
- try: os.stat(fn)
- except: pass
- else: die(1,"Wallet '{}' already exists!".format(fn))
- p = pexpect.spawn('monero-wallet-cli --generate-from-spend-key {}'.format(fn))
- my_expect(p,'Awaiting initial prompt','Secret spend key: ')
- my_sendline(p,'',d.sec,65)
- my_expect(p,'','Enter new wallet password: ')
- my_sendline(p,'Sending password',d.wallet_passwd,33)
- my_expect(p,'','Confirm password: ')
- my_sendline(p,'Sending password again',d.wallet_passwd,33)
- my_expect(p,'','of your choice: ')
- my_sendline(p,'','1',2)
- my_expect(p,'monerod generating wallet','Generated new wallet: ')
- my_expect(p,'','\n')
- if d.addr not in p.before:
- die(3,'Addresses do not match!\n MMGen: {}\n Monero: {}'.format(d.addr,p.before))
- my_expect(p,'','View key: ')
- my_expect(p,'','\n')
- if d.viewkey not in p.before:
- die(3,'View keys do not match!\n MMGen: {}\n Monero: {}'.format(d.viewkey,p.before))
- my_expect(p,'','(YYYY-MM-DD): ')
- h = str(blockheight or cur_height-1)
- my_sendline(p,'',h,len(h)+1)
- ret = my_expect(p,'',['Starting refresh','Still apply restore height? (Y/Yes/N/No): '])
- if ret == 1:
- my_sendline(p,'','Y',2)
- m = ' Warning: {}: blockheight argument is higher than current blockheight'
- ymsg(m.format(blockheight))
- elif blockheight != None:
- p.logfile = sys.stderr
- my_expect(p,'Syncing wallet','\[wallet.*$',regex=True)
- p.logfile = None
- my_sendline(p,'Exiting','exit',5)
- p.read()
- def sync(n,d,fn):
- try: os.stat(fn)
- except: die(1,"Wallet '{}' does not exist!".format(fn))
- p = pexpect.spawn('monero-wallet-cli --wallet-file={}'.format(fn))
- my_expect(p,'Awaiting password prompt','Wallet password: ')
- my_sendline(p,'Sending password',d.wallet_passwd,33)
- msg(' Starting refresh...')
- height = None
- while True:
- ret = p.expect([r' / .*',r'\[wallet.*:.*'])
- if ret == 0: # TODO: coverage
- height = p.after
- msg_r('\r Block {}{}'.format(p.before.split()[-1],height))
- elif ret == 1:
- if height:
- height = height.split()[-1]
- msg('\r Block {h} / {h}'.format(h=height))
- else:
- msg(' Wallet in sync')
- b = [l for l in p.before.splitlines() if l[:8] == 'Balance:'][0].split()
- msg(' Balance: {} Unlocked balance: {}'.format(b[1],b[4]))
- bals[0] += float(b[1][0:-1])
- bals[1] += float(b[4])
- my_sendline(p,'Exiting','exit',5)
- p.read()
- break
- else:
- die(2,"\nExpect failed: (return value: {})".format(ret))
- def process_wallets():
- m = { 'create': ('Creat','Generat',create,False),
- 'sync': ('Sync', 'Sync', sync, True) }
- opt.accept_defaults = opt.accept_defaults or m[op][3]
- from mmgen.protocol import init_coin
- init_coin('xmr')
- from mmgen.addr import AddrList
- al = KeyAddrList(infile)
- data = [d for d in al.data if addrs == None or d.idx in AddrIdxList(addrs)]
- dl = len(data)
- assert dl,"No addresses in addrfile within range '{}'".format(addrs)
- gmsg('\n{}ing {} wallet{}'.format(m[op][0],dl,suf(dl)))
- for n,d in enumerate(data): # [d.sec,d.wallet_passwd,d.viewkey,d.addr]
- fn = '{}{}-{}-MoneroWallet'.format(
- (opt.outdir+'/' if opt.outdir else ''),
- al.al_id.sid,
- d.idx)
- gmsg('\n{}ing wallet {}/{} ({})'.format(m[op][1],n+1,dl,fn))
- m[op][2](n,d,fn)
- gmsg('\n{} wallet{} {}ed'.format(dl,suf(dl),m[op][0].lower()))
- if op == 'sync':
- msg('Balance: {:.12f}, Unlocked balance: {:.12f}'.format(*bals))
- os.environ['LANG'] = 'C'
- import pexpect
- if blockheight != None and int(blockheight) < 0:
- blockheight = 0 # TODO: non-zero coverage
- cur_height = test_rpc()
- bals = [0.0,0.0] # locked,unlocked
- try:
- process_wallets()
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- rdie(1,'\nUser interrupt\n')
- except EOFError:
- rdie(2,'\nEnd of file\n')
- except Exception as e:
- try:
- die(1,'Error: {}'.format(e[0]))
- except:
- rdie(1,'Error: {!r}'.format(e))
- # ================ RPC commands ================== #
- def Listaddress(addr,minconf=1,pager=False,showempty=True,showbtcaddr=True,show_age=False,show_days=None):
- return Listaddresses(addrs=addr,minconf=minconf,pager=pager,
- showempty=showempty,showbtcaddrs=showbtcaddr,show_age=show_age,show_days=show_days)
- # List MMGen addresses and their balances. TODO: move this code to AddrList
- def Listaddresses(addrs='',minconf=1,
- showempty=False,pager=False,showbtcaddrs=True,all_labels=False,sort=None,show_age=False,show_days=None):
- if show_days == None: show_days = False # user-set show_days triggers show_age
- else: show_age = True
- if sort:
- sort = set(sort.split(','))
- sort_params = set(['reverse','age'])
- if not sort.issubset(sort_params):
- die(1,"The sort option takes the following parameters: '{}'".format("','".join(sort_params)))
- rpc_init()
- def check_dup_mmid(acct_labels):
- mmid_prev,err = None,False
- for mmid in sorted(a.mmid for a in acct_labels if a):
- if mmid == mmid_prev:
- err = True
- msg('Duplicate MMGen ID ({}) discovered in tracking wallet!\n'.format(mmid))
- mmid_prev = mmid
- if err: rdie(3,'Tracking wallet is corrupted!')
- def check_addr_array_lens(acct_pairs):
- err = False
- for label,addrs in acct_pairs:
- if not label: continue
- if len(addrs) != 1:
- err = True
- if len(addrs) == 0:
- msg("Label '{}': has no associated address!".format(label))
- else:
- msg("'{}': more than one {} address in account!".format(addrs,g.coin))
- if err: rdie(3,'Tracking wallet is corrupted!')
- usr_addr_list = []
- if addrs:
- a = addrs.rsplit(':',1)
- if len(a) != 2:
- m = "'{}': invalid address list argument (must be in form <seed ID>:[<type>:]<idx list>)"
- die(1,m.format(addrs))
- usr_addr_list = [MMGenID('{}:{}'.format(a[0],i)) for i in AddrIdxList(a[1])]
- class TwAddrList(dict,MMGenObject): pass
- addrs = TwAddrList() # reusing name!
- total = g.proto.coin_amt('0')
- for d in g.rpch.listunspent(0):
- if not 'account' in d: continue # skip coinbase outputs with missing account
- if d['confirmations'] < minconf: continue
- label = TwLabel(d['account'],on_fail='silent')
- if label:
- if usr_addr_list and (label.mmid not in usr_addr_list): continue
- if label.mmid in addrs:
- if addrs[label.mmid]['addr'] != d['address']:
- die(2,'duplicate {} address ({}) for this MMGen address! ({})'.format(
- g.coin,d['address'],addrs[label.mmid]['addr']))
- else:
- addrs[label.mmid] = {'amt': g.proto.coin_amt('0'),
- 'lbl': label,
- 'addr': CoinAddr(d['address'])}
- addrs[label.mmid]['lbl'].mmid.confs = d['confirmations']
- addrs[label.mmid]['amt'] += d['amount']
- total += d['amount']
- # We use listaccounts only for empty addresses, as it shows false positive balances
- if showempty or all_labels:
- # for compatibility with old mmids, must use raw RPC rather than native data for matching
- # args: minconf,watchonly, MUST use keys() so we get list, not dict
- acct_list = g.rpch.listaccounts(0,True).keys() # raw list, no 'L'
- acct_labels = MMGenList([TwLabel(a,on_fail='silent') for a in acct_list])
- check_dup_mmid(acct_labels)
- acct_addrs = g.rpch.getaddressesbyaccount([[a] for a in acct_list],batch=True) # use raw list here
- assert len(acct_list) == len(acct_addrs),'listaccounts() and getaddressesbyaccount() not equal in length'
- addr_pairs = zip(acct_labels,acct_addrs)
- check_addr_array_lens(addr_pairs)
- for label,addr_arr in addr_pairs:
- if not label: continue
- if all_labels and not showempty and not label.comment: continue
- if usr_addr_list and (label.mmid not in usr_addr_list): continue
- if label.mmid not in addrs:
- addrs[label.mmid] = { 'amt':g.proto.coin_amt('0'), 'lbl':label, 'addr':'' }
- if showbtcaddrs:
- addrs[label.mmid]['addr'] = CoinAddr(addr_arr[0])
- if not addrs:
- die(0,('No tracked addresses with balances!','No tracked addresses!')[showempty])
- out = ([],[green('Chain: {}'.format(g.chain.upper()))])[g.chain in ('testnet','regtest')]
- fs = '{{mid}}{} {{cmt}} {{amt}}{}'.format(('',' {addr}')[showbtcaddrs],('',' {age}')[show_age])
- mmaddrs = [k for k in addrs.keys() if k.type == 'mmgen']
- max_mmid_len = max(len(k) for k in mmaddrs) + 2 if mmaddrs else 10
- max_cmt_len = max(max(len(v['lbl'].comment) for v in addrs.values()),7)
- addr_width = max(len(addrs[mmid]['addr']) for mmid in addrs)
- # pmsg([a.split('.')[1] for a in [str(v['amt']) for v in addrs.values()] if '.' in a])
- # fp: fractional part
- max_fp_len = max([len(a.split('.')[1]) for a in [str(v['amt']) for v in addrs.values()] if '.' in a] or [1])
- out += [fs.format(
- mid=MMGenID.fmtc('MMGenID',width=max_mmid_len),
- addr=CoinAddr.fmtc('ADDRESS',width=addr_width),
- cmt=TwComment.fmtc('COMMENT',width=max_cmt_len+1),
- amt='BALANCE'.ljust(max_fp_len+4),
- age=('CONFS','DAYS')[show_days],
- )]
- def sort_algo(j):
- if sort and 'age' in sort:
- return '{}_{:>012}_{}'.format(
- j.obj.rsplit(':',1)[0],
- (1000000000-j.confs if hasattr(j,'confs') else 0), # Hack, but OK for the foreseeable future
- j.sort_key)
- else:
- return j.sort_key
- al_id_save = None
- confs_per_day = 60*60*24 / g.proto.secs_per_block
- for mmid in sorted(addrs,key=sort_algo,reverse=bool(sort and 'reverse' in sort)):
- if mmid.type == 'mmgen':
- if al_id_save and al_id_save != mmid.obj.al_id:
- out.append('')
- al_id_save = mmid.obj.al_id
- mmid_disp = mmid
- else:
- if al_id_save:
- out.append('')
- al_id_save = None
- mmid_disp = 'Non-MMGen'
- e = addrs[mmid]
- out.append(fs.format(
- mid=MMGenID.fmtc(mmid_disp,width=max_mmid_len,color=True),
- addr=(e['addr'].fmt(color=True,width=addr_width) if showbtcaddrs else None),
- cmt=e['lbl'].comment.fmt(width=max_cmt_len,color=True,nullrepl='-'),
- amt=e['amt'].fmt('4.{}'.format(max(max_fp_len,3)),color=True),
- age=mmid.confs / (1,confs_per_day)[show_days] if hasattr(mmid,'confs') else '-'
- ))
- out.append('\nTOTAL: {} {}'.format(total.hl(color=True),g.coin))
- o = '\n'.join(out)
- return do_pager(o) if pager else Msg(o)
- def Getbalance(minconf=1,quiet=False,return_val=False):
- rpc_init()
- accts = {}
- for d in g.rpch.listunspent(0):
- ma = split2(d['account'] if 'account' in d else '')[0] # include coinbase outputs if spendable
- keys = ['TOTAL']
- if d['spendable']: keys += ['SPENDABLE']
- if is_mmgen_id(ma): keys += [ma.split(':')[0]]
- confs = d['confirmations']
- i = (1,2)[confs >= minconf]
- for key in keys:
- if key not in accts: accts[key] = [g.proto.coin_amt('0')] * 3
- for j in ([],[0])[confs==0] + [i]:
- accts[key][j] += d['amount']
- if quiet:
- o = ['{}'.format(accts['TOTAL'][2] if accts else g.proto.coin_amt('0'))]
- else:
- fs = '{:13} {} {} {}'
- mc,lbl = str(minconf),'confirms'
- o = [fs.format(
- 'Wallet',
- *[s.ljust(16) for s in ' Unconfirmed',' <{} {}'.format(mc,lbl),' >={} {}'.format(mc,lbl)])]
- for key in sorted(accts.keys()):
- o += [fs.format(key+':', *[a.fmt(color=True,suf=' '+g.coin) for a in accts[key]])]
- if 'SPENDABLE' in accts:
- Msg(red('Warning: this wallet contains PRIVATE KEYS for the SPENDABLE balance!'))
- o = '\n'.join(o)
- if return_val: return o
- else: Msg(o)
- def Txview(*infiles,**kwargs):
- from mmgen.filename import MMGenFileList
- pager = 'pager' in kwargs and kwargs['pager']
- terse = 'terse' in kwargs and kwargs['terse']
- sort_key = kwargs['sort'] if 'sort' in kwargs else 'mtime'
- flist = MMGenFileList(infiles,ftype=MMGenTX)
- flist.sort_by_age(key=sort_key) # in-place sort
- from mmgen.term import get_terminal_size
- sep = u'—'*77+'\n'
- out = sep.join([MMGenTX(fn).format_view(terse=terse) for fn in flist.names()])
- (Msg,do_pager)[pager](out.rstrip())
- def Twview(pager=False,reverse=False,wide=False,minconf=1,sort='age',show_days=True,show_mmid=True):
- rpc_init()
- from mmgen.tw import MMGenTrackingWallet
- tw = MMGenTrackingWallet(minconf=minconf)
- tw.do_sort(sort,reverse=reverse)
- tw.show_days = show_days
- tw.show_mmid = show_mmid
- out = tw.format_for_printing(color=True) if wide else tw.format_for_display()
- (Msg_r,do_pager)[pager](out)
- def Add_label(mmaddr_or_coin_addr,label):
- rpc_init()
- from mmgen.tw import MMGenTrackingWallet
- MMGenTrackingWallet.add_label(mmaddr_or_coin_addr,label) # dies on failure
- def Remove_label(mmaddr_or_coin_addr): Add_label(mmaddr_or_coin_addr,'')