123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- #
- # mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution
- # Copyright (C)2013-2024 The MMGen Project <mmgen@tuta.io>
- #
- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- """
- mmgen-tool: Perform various MMGen- and cryptocoin-related operations.
- Part of the MMGen suite
- """
- import sys,os,importlib
- from .cfg import gc,Config
- from .util import msg,Msg,die,capfirst,suf,async_run
- opts_data = {
- 'text': {
- 'desc': f'Perform various {gc.proj_name}- and cryptocoin-related operations',
- 'usage': '[opts] <command> <command args>',
- 'options': """
- -d, --outdir= d Specify an alternate directory 'd' for output
- -h, --help Print this help message
- --, --longhelp Print help message for long (global) options
- -e, --echo-passphrase Echo passphrase or mnemonic to screen upon entry
- -k, --use-internal-keccak-module Force use of the internal keccak module
- -K, --keygen-backend=n Use backend 'n' for public key generation. Options
- for {coin_id}: {kgs}
- -l, --list List available commands
- -p, --hash-preset= p Use the scrypt hash parameters defined by preset 'p'
- for password hashing (default: '{gc.dfl_hash_preset}')
- -P, --passwd-file= f Get passphrase from file 'f'.
- -q, --quiet Produce quieter output
- -r, --usr-randchars=n Get 'n' characters of additional randomness from
- user (min={cfg.min_urandchars}, max={cfg.max_urandchars})
- -t, --type=t Specify address type (valid choices: 'legacy',
- 'compressed', 'segwit', 'bech32', 'zcash_z')
- -v, --verbose Produce more verbose output
- -X, --cached-balances Use cached balances (Ethereum only)
- -y, --yes Answer 'yes' to prompts, suppress non-essential output
- """,
- 'notes': """
- {ch}
- Type ‘{pn} help <command>’ for help on a particular command
- """
- },
- 'code': {
- 'options': lambda cfg,s, help_notes: s.format(
- kgs=help_notes('keygen_backends'),
- coin_id=help_notes('coin_id'),
- cfg=cfg,
- gc=gc,
- ),
- 'notes': lambda cfg,s, help_notes: s.format(
- ch=help_notes('tool_help'),
- pn=gc.prog_name)
- }
- }
- # NB: Command groups and commands are displayed on the help screen in the following order,
- # so keep the command names sorted
- mods = {
- 'help': (
- 'help',
- 'usage',
- ),
- 'util': (
- 'b32tohex',
- 'b58chktohex',
- 'b58tobytes',
- 'b58tohex',
- 'b6dtohex',
- 'bytespec',
- 'bytestob58',
- 'hash160',
- 'hash256',
- 'hexdump',
- 'hexlify',
- 'hexreverse',
- 'hextob32',
- 'hextob58',
- 'hextob58chk',
- 'hextob6d',
- 'id6',
- 'id8',
- 'randb58',
- 'randhex',
- 'str2id6',
- 'to_bytespec',
- 'unhexdump',
- 'unhexlify',
- ),
- 'coin': (
- 'addr2pubhash',
- 'addr2scriptpubkey',
- 'eth_checksummed_addr',
- 'hex2wif',
- 'privhex2addr',
- 'privhex2pubhex',
- 'pubhash2addr',
- 'pubhex2addr',
- 'pubhex2redeem_script',
- 'randpair',
- 'randwif',
- 'redeem_script2addr',
- 'scriptpubkey2addr',
- 'wif2addr',
- 'wif2hex',
- 'wif2redeem_script',
- 'wif2segwit_pair',
- ),
- 'mnemonic': (
- 'hex2mn',
- 'mn2hex',
- 'mn2hex_interactive',
- 'mn_printlist',
- 'mn_rand128',
- 'mn_rand192',
- 'mn_rand256',
- 'mn_stats',
- ),
- 'file': (
- 'addrfile_chksum',
- 'keyaddrfile_chksum',
- 'viewkeyaddrfile_chksum',
- 'passwdfile_chksum',
- 'txview',
- ),
- 'filecrypt': (
- 'decrypt',
- 'encrypt',
- ),
- 'fileutil': (
- 'decrypt_keystore',
- 'decrypt_geth_keystore',
- 'find_incog_data',
- 'rand2file',
- ),
- 'wallet': (
- 'gen_addr',
- 'gen_key',
- 'get_subseed',
- 'get_subseed_by_seed_id',
- 'list_shares',
- 'list_subseeds',
- ),
- 'rpc': (
- 'add_label',
- 'daemon_version',
- 'getbalance',
- 'listaddress',
- 'listaddresses',
- 'remove_address',
- 'remove_label',
- 'rescan_address',
- 'rescan_blockchain',
- 'resolve_address',
- 'twexport',
- 'twimport',
- 'twview',
- 'txhist',
- ),
- }
- def get_cmds():
- return [cmd for mod,cmds in mods.items() if mod != 'help' for cmd in cmds]
- def create_call_sig(cmd,cls,as_string=False):
- m = getattr(cls,cmd)
- if 'varargs_call_sig' in m.__code__.co_varnames: # hack
- flag = 'VAR_ARGS'
- va = m.__defaults__[0]
- args,dfls,ann = va['args'],va['dfls'],va['annots']
- else:
- flag = None
- args = m.__code__.co_varnames[1:m.__code__.co_argcount]
- dfls = m.__defaults__ or ()
- ann = m.__annotations__
- nargs = len(args) - len(dfls)
- dfl_types = tuple(
- ann[a] if a in ann and isinstance(ann[a],type) else type(dfls[i])
- for i,a in enumerate(args[nargs:]) )
- if as_string:
- get_type_from_ann = lambda x: 'str or STDIN' if ann[x] == 'sstr' else ann[x].__name__
- return ' '.join(
- [f'{a} [{get_type_from_ann(a)}]' for a in args[:nargs]] +
- [f'{a} [{dfl_types[n].__name__}={dfls[n]!r}]' for n,a in enumerate(args[nargs:])] )
- else:
- get_type_from_ann = lambda x: 'str' if ann[x] == 'sstr' else ann[x].__name__
- return (
- [(a,get_type_from_ann(a)) for a in args[:nargs]], # c_args
- {a:dfls[n] for n,a in enumerate(args[nargs:])}, # c_kwargs
- {a:dfl_types[n] for n,a in enumerate(args[nargs:])}, # c_kwargs_types
- ('STDIN_OK' if nargs and ann[args[0]] == 'sstr' else flag), # flag
- ann ) # ann
- def process_args(cmd,cmd_args,cls):
- c_args,c_kwargs,c_kwargs_types,flag,_ = create_call_sig(cmd,cls)
- have_stdin_input = False
- def usage_die(s):
- msg(s)
- from .tool.help import usage
- usage(cmd)
- if flag != 'VAR_ARGS':
- if len(cmd_args) < len(c_args):
- usage_die(f'Command requires exactly {len(c_args)} non-keyword argument{suf(c_args)}')
- u_args = cmd_args[:len(c_args)]
- # If we're reading from a pipe, replace '-' with output of previous command
- if flag == 'STDIN_OK' and u_args and u_args[0] == '-':
- if sys.stdin.isatty():
- die( 'BadFilename', "Standard input is a TTY. Can't use '-' as a filename" )
- else:
- from .util2 import parse_bytespec
- max_dlen_spec = '10kB' # limit input to 10KB for now
- max_dlen = parse_bytespec(max_dlen_spec)
- u_args[0] = os.read(0,max_dlen)
- have_stdin_input = True
- if len(u_args[0]) >= max_dlen:
- die(2,f'Maximum data input for this command is {max_dlen_spec}')
- if not u_args[0]:
- die(2,f'{cmd}: ERROR: no output from previous command in pipe')
- u_nkwargs = len(cmd_args) - len(c_args)
- u_kwargs = {}
- if flag == 'VAR_ARGS':
- cmd_args = ['dummy_arg'] + cmd_args
- t = [a.split('=',1) for a in cmd_args if '=' in a]
- tk = [a[0] for a in t]
- tk_bad = [a for a in tk if a not in c_kwargs]
- if set(tk_bad) != set(tk[:len(tk_bad)]): # permit non-kw args to contain '='
- die(1,f'{tk_bad[-1]!r}: illegal keyword argument')
- u_kwargs = dict(t[len(tk_bad):])
- u_args = cmd_args[:-len(u_kwargs) or None]
- elif u_nkwargs > 0:
- u_kwargs = dict([a.split('=',1) for a in cmd_args[len(c_args):] if '=' in a])
- if len(u_kwargs) != u_nkwargs:
- usage_die(f'Command requires exactly {len(c_args)} non-keyword argument{suf(c_args)}')
- if len(u_kwargs) > len(c_kwargs):
- usage_die(f'Command accepts no more than {len(c_kwargs)} keyword argument{suf(c_kwargs)}')
- for k in u_kwargs:
- if k not in c_kwargs:
- usage_die(f'{k!r}: invalid keyword argument')
- def conv_type(arg,arg_name,arg_type):
- if arg_type == 'bytes' and not isinstance(arg,bytes):
- die(1,"'Binary input data must be supplied via STDIN")
- if have_stdin_input and arg_type == 'str' and isinstance(arg,bytes):
- NL = '\r\n' if sys.platform == 'win32' else '\n'
- arg = arg.decode()
- if arg[-len(NL):] == NL: # rstrip one newline
- arg = arg[:-len(NL)]
- if arg_type == 'bool':
- if arg.lower() in ('true','yes','1','on'):
- arg = True
- elif arg.lower() in ('false','no','0','off'):
- arg = False
- else:
- usage_die(f'{arg!r}: invalid boolean value for keyword argument')
- try:
- return __builtins__[arg_type](arg)
- except:
- die(1,f'{arg!r}: Invalid argument for argument {arg_name} ({arg_type!r} required)')
- if flag == 'VAR_ARGS':
- args = [conv_type(u_args[i],c_args[0][0],c_args[0][1]) for i in range(len(u_args))]
- else:
- args = [conv_type(u_args[i],c_args[i][0],c_args[i][1]) for i in range(len(c_args))]
- kwargs = {k:conv_type(v,k,c_kwargs_types[k].__name__) for k,v in u_kwargs.items()}
- return ( args, kwargs )
- def process_result(ret,pager=False,print_result=False):
- """
- Convert result to something suitable for output to screen and return it.
- If result is bytes and not convertible to utf8, output as binary using os.write().
- If 'print_result' is True, send the converted result directly to screen or
- pager instead of returning it.
- """
- def triage_result(o):
- if print_result:
- if pager:
- from .ui import do_pager
- do_pager(o)
- else:
- Msg(o)
- else:
- return o
- if ret is True:
- return True
- elif ret in (False,None):
- die(2,f'tool command returned {ret!r}')
- elif isinstance(ret,str):
- return triage_result(ret)
- elif isinstance(ret,int):
- return triage_result(str(ret))
- elif isinstance(ret,tuple):
- return triage_result('\n'.join([r.decode() if isinstance(r,bytes) else r for r in ret]))
- elif isinstance(ret,bytes):
- try:
- return triage_result(ret.decode())
- except:
- # don't add NL to binary data if it can't be converted to utf8
- return os.write(1,ret) if print_result else ret
- else:
- die(2,f'tool.py: can’t handle return value of type {type(ret).__name__!r}')
- def get_cmd_cls(cmd):
- for modname,cmdlist in mods.items():
- if cmd in cmdlist:
- return getattr(importlib.import_module(f'mmgen.tool.{modname}'),'tool_cmd')
- return False
- def get_mod_cls(modname):
- return getattr(importlib.import_module(f'mmgen.tool.{modname}'),'tool_cmd')
- if gc.prog_name.endswith('-tool'):
- cfg = Config( opts_data=opts_data, parse_only=True )
- po = cfg._parsed_opts
- if po.user_opts.get('list'):
- def gen():
- for mod,cmdlist in mods.items():
- if mod == 'help':
- continue
- yield capfirst( get_mod_cls(mod).__doc__.lstrip().split('\n')[0] ) + ':'
- for cmd in cmdlist:
- yield ' ' + cmd
- yield ''
- Msg('\n'.join(gen()).rstrip())
- sys.exit(0)
- if len(po.cmd_args) < 1:
- cfg._opts.usage()
- cmd = po.cmd_args[0]
- cls = get_cmd_cls(cmd)
- if not cls:
- die(1,f'{cmd!r}: no such command')
- cfg = Config(
- opts_data = opts_data,
- parsed_opts = po,
- need_proto = cls.need_proto,
- init_opts = {'rpc_backend':'aiohttp'} if cmd == 'twimport' else None,
- process_opts = True )
- cmd,*args = cfg._args
- if cmd in ('help','usage') and args:
- args[0] = 'command_name=' + args[0]
- args,kwargs = process_args(cmd,args,cls)
- ret = getattr(cls(cfg,cmdname=cmd),cmd)(*args,**kwargs)
- if type(ret).__name__ == 'coroutine':
- ret = async_run(ret)
- process_result(
- ret,
- pager = kwargs.get('pager'),
- print_result = True )