123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423 |
- #!/usr/bin/env bash
- #
- # mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, a command-line cryptocurrency wallet
- # Copyright (C)2013-2024 The MMGen Project <mmgen@tuta.io>
- # Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 3:
- # https://www.gnu.org/licenses
- # Public project repositories:
- # https://github.com/mmgen/mmgen-wallet
- # https://gitlab.com/mmgen/mmgen-wallet
- # Tested on Linux, Armbian, Raspbian, MSYS2
- # cfg.sh must implement:
- # list_avail_tests()
- # init_groups()
- # init_tests()
- . 'test/test-release.d/cfg.sh'
- run_test() {
- set +x
- tests="t_$1"
- skips="t_$1_skip"
- while read skip test; do
- [ "$test" ] || continue
- echo "${!skips}" | grep -q $skip && continue
- if [ "$LIST_CMDS" ]; then
- echo $test
- else
- test_disp=$YELLOW${test/\#/$RESET$MAGENTA\#}$RESET
- if [ "${test:0:1}" == '#' ]; then
- echo -e "$test_disp"
- else
- echo -e "${GREEN}Running:$RESET $test_disp"
- eval "$test" || {
- echo -e $RED"test-release.sh: test '$CUR_TEST' failed at command '$test'"$RESET
- exit 1
- }
- fi
- fi
- done <<<${!tests}
- }
- prompt_skip() {
- echo -n "Enter 's' to skip, or ENTER to continue: "; read -n1; echo
- [ "$REPLY" == 's' ] && return 0
- return 1
- }
- list_avail_tests() {
- init_tests
- for i in $all_tests; do
- z="d_$i"
- printf " %-8s - %s\n" $i "${!z}"
- done
- echo
- while read a b c; do
- [ "$a" ] && printf " %-8s - %s\n" $a "$c"
- done <<<$groups_desc
- echo
- echo "By default, all tests are run"
- }
- run_tests() {
- [ "$LIST_CMDS" ] || echo "Running tests: $1"
- for t in $1; do
- desc_id="d_$t" desc=${!desc_id}
- if [ "$SKIP_ALT_DEP" ]; then
- ok=$(for a in $noalt_tests $noalt_ok_tests; do if [ $t == $a ]; then echo 'ok'; fi; done)
- if [ ! "$ok" ]; then
- echo -e "${BLUE}Skipping altcoin test '$t'$RESET"
- continue
- fi
- fi
- if [ "$LIST_CMDS" ]; then
- echo -e "\n### $t: $desc"
- else
- echo -e "\n${BLUE}Testing:$RESET $GREEN$desc$RESET"
- fi
- [ "$PAUSE" ] && prompt_skip && continue
- run_test $t
- [ "$LIST_CMDS" ] || echo -e "${BLUE}Finished testing:$RESET $GREEN$desc$RESET"
- done
- }
- check_tests() {
- for i in $tests; do
- echo "$dfl_tests $extra_tests" | grep -q "\<$i\>" || {
- echo "$i: unrecognized argument"
- exit 1
- }
- done
- }
- remove_skipped_tests() {
- tests=$(for t in $tests; do
- [ "$(for s in $SKIP_LIST; do [ $t == $s ] && echo y; done)" ] && continue
- echo $t
- done)
- tests=$(echo $tests)
- }
- list_group_symbols() {
- echo -e "Default tests:\n $dfl_tests"
- echo -e "Extra tests:\n $extra_tests"
- echo -e "'noalt' test group:\n $noalt_tests"
- echo -e "'quick' test group:\n $quick_tests"
- echo -e "'qskip' test group:\n $qskip_tests"
- }
- print_ver_hash() {
- python3 -m pip freeze | grep "^$repo\>" | sed 's/.*sha256=//' | cut -c 1-12
- }
- do_typescript() {
- if [ "$DARWIN" ]; then script "$1" $2; else script -O "$1" -c "$2"; fi
- }
- install_package() {
- echo -e "${BLUE}Installing package$YELLOW $repo$RESET"
- rm -rf build dist *.egg-info
- ver=$(print_ver_hash)
- echo -e "${BLUE}Currently installed version is$MAGENTA $ver$RESET"
- cmd="python3 -m build --no-isolation --wheel --config-setting=quiet $STDOUT_DEVNULL"
- echo -e "${BLUE}Executing:$CYAN $cmd$RESET"
- eval $cmd
- cmd="python3 -m pip $QUIET install --break-system-packages dist/*.whl"
- echo -e "${BLUE}Executing:$CYAN $cmd$RESET"
- eval $cmd
- new_ver=$(print_ver_hash)
- if [ "$ver" == "$new_ver" ]; then
- echo -ne "${YELLOW}Version hash is unchanged. Force install? (y/N):$RESET "
- read -n1
- if [ "$REPLY" == 'y' ]; then
- echo
- cmd="python3 -m pip $QUIET install --break-system-packages --force --no-deps dist/*.whl"
- echo -e "${BLUE}Executing:$CYAN $cmd$RESET"
- eval $cmd
- elif [ "$REPLY" ]; then
- echo; return
- else
- return
- fi
- fi
- new_ver=$(print_ver_hash)
- if [ "$ver" == "$new_ver" ]; then
- echo -e "${RED}ERROR: version hash is unchanged$RESET"
- exit 1
- else
- echo -e "${GREEN}OK$RESET"
- fi
- }
- do_reexec() {
- [ -z "$exec_prog" ] && exec_prog="test/test-release.sh -X $ORIG_ARGS"
- if [ "$sdist_dir" ]; then
- target_dir=$sdist_dir
- elif [ "$clone_dir" ]; then
- target_dir="$orig_cwd/.clone-test"
- clone_dir=$target_dir
- else # TYPESCRIPT=1
- do_typescript "$orig_cwd/$typescript_file" "$exec_prog"
- return
- fi
- rm -rf $target_dir
- mkdir $target_dir
- if [ "$repo" != 'mmgen-wallet' ]; then
- echo -e "${BLUE}Cloning repo $MAGENTA'mmgen-wallet'$RESET ${BLUE}to $YELLOW$target_dir/mmgen-wallet$RESET"
- mkdir -p "$target_dir/mmgen-wallet"
- eval "git clone $orig_cwd/../mmgen-wallet $target_dir/mmgen-wallet $STDOUT_DEVNULL $STDERR_DEVNULL"
- fi
- if [ "$clone_dir" ]; then
- [ "$(git status --porcelain)" ] && VIM_GIT_COMMIT=1 git commit -a
- dest="$clone_dir/$repo"
- rm -rf $dest
- mkdir -p $dest
- echo -e "${BLUE}Cloning repo $MAGENTA'$repo'$BLUE to $YELLOW$dest$RESET"
- eval "git clone . $dest $STDOUT_DEVNULL $STDERR_DEVNULL"
- cd $dest
- echo -e "${BLUE}cd -> $YELLOW$PWD$RESET"
- fi
- if [ "$sdist_dir" ]; then
- rm -rf build dist *.egg-info
- echo -n 'Building sdist...'
- eval "python3 -m build --no-isolation --sdist --config-setting=quiet $STDOUT_DEVNULL"
- echo -e "done\n${BLUE}Unpacking sdist archive to $YELLOW$target_dir$RESET"
- tar -C $target_dir -zxf dist/*.tar.gz
- cd $target_dir/${repo//-/[-_]}-*
- echo -e "${BLUE}cd -> $YELLOW$PWD$RESET"
- if [ "$clone_dir" ]; then rm -rf $clone_dir; fi
- fi
- [ -e 'test/init.sh' ] && test/init.sh $VERBOSE_SHORTOPT
- [ "$repo" == 'mmgen-wallet' ] && eval "python3 setup.py build_ext --inplace $STDOUT_DEVNULL"
- echo -e "\n${BLUE}Executing test runner: ${CYAN}test/test-release $ORIG_ARGS$RESET\n"
- if [ "$TYPESCRIPT" ]; then
- do_typescript "$orig_cwd/$typescript_file" "$exec_prog"
- else
- eval $exec_prog
- fi
- }
- # start execution
- set -e
- set -o functrace
- set -o errtrace
- trap 'echo -e "${GREEN}Exiting at user request$RESET"; exit' INT
- umask 0022
- orig_cwd=$(pwd)
- repo=$(basename $orig_cwd)
- if [ "$(uname -m)" == 'armv7l' ]; then
- ARM32=1
- elif [ "$(uname -m)" == 'aarch64' ]; then
- ARM64=1
- elif [ "$(uname -s)" == 'Darwin' ]; then
- elif [ "$MSYSTEM" ] && uname -a | grep -qi 'msys'; then
- MSYS2=1
- fi
- [ "$ARM32" -o "$ARM64" ] && {
- PEXPECT_LONG_TIMEOUT=' --pexpect-timeout=300'
- }
- if [ -e '/etc/os-release' ]; then
- DISTRO=$(grep '^ID=' '/etc/os-release' | cut -c 4-)
- [ "$DISTRO" ] || {
- echo 'Unable to determine distro from /etc/os-release. Aborting'
- exit 1
- }
- fi
- cmdtest_py='test/cmdtest.py -n'
- objtest_py='test/objtest.py'
- objattrtest_py='test/objattrtest.py'
- unit_tests_py='test/unit_tests.py --names --quiet'
- tooltest_py='test/tooltest.py'
- tooltest2_py='test/tooltest2.py --names --quiet'
- gentest_py='test/gentest.py --quiet'
- scrambletest_py='test/scrambletest.py'
- altcoin_mod_opts='--quiet'
- mmgen_tool='cmds/mmgen-tool'
- pylint='PYTHONPATH=. pylint' # PYTHONPATH required by older Pythons (e.g. v3.9)
- python='python3'
- rounds=10
- typescript_file='test-release.out'
- STDOUT_DEVNULL='>/dev/null'
- STDERR_DEVNULL='2>/dev/null'
- QUIET='--quiet'
- PROGNAME=$(basename $0)
- init_groups
- while getopts hAbcCdDe:fFILlNOps:StTvVX OPT
- do
- case "$OPT" in
- h) printf " %-16s Test MMGen release\n" "${PROGNAME}:"
- echo " USAGE: $PROGNAME [options] [tests or test group]"
- echo " OPTIONS: -h Print this help message"
- echo " -A Skip tests requiring altcoin modules or daemons"
- echo " -b Buffer keypresses for all invocations of 'test/cmdtest.py'"
- echo " -c Run tests in coverage mode"
- echo " -C Test from cloned repo (can be combined with -S)"
- echo " -d Enable Python Development Mode"
- echo " -D Run tests in deterministic mode"
- echo " -e PROG With -C, -S or -T, execute PROG instead of this script"
- echo " -f Speed up the tests by using fewer rounds"
- echo " -F Reduce rounds even further"
- echo " -I Install the package"
- echo " -L List available tests and test groups with description"
- echo " -l List the test name symbols"
- echo " -N Pass the --no-timings switch to test/cmdtest.py"
- echo " -O Use pexpect.spawn rather than popen_spawn where applicable"
- echo " -p Pause between tests"
- echo " -s LIST Skip tests in LIST (space-separated)"
- echo " -S Build sdist distribution, unpack, and run test"
- echo " -t Print the tests without running them"
- echo " -T Record a typescript of the screen output in '$typescript_file'"
- echo " -v Run test/cmdtest.py with '--exact-output' and other commands"
- echo " with '--verbose' switch"
- echo " -V Run test/cmdtest.py and other commands with '--verbose' switch"
- echo
- echo " For traceback output and error file support, set the EXEC_WRAPPER_TRACEBACK"
- echo " environment variable"
- exit ;;
- cmdtest_py+=" --no-altcoin"
- unit_tests_py+=" --no-altcoin-deps"
- scrambletest_py+=" --no-altcoin"
- tooltest2_py+=" --no-altcoin" ;;
- b) cmdtest_py+=" --buf-keypress" ;;
- c) mkdir -p 'test/trace'
- touch 'test/trace.acc'
- cmdtest_py+=" --coverage"
- tooltest_py+=" --coverage"
- tooltest2_py+=" --fork --coverage"
- scrambletest_py+=" --coverage"
- python="python3 -m trace --count --file=test/trace.acc --coverdir=test/trace"
- unit_tests_py="$python $unit_tests_py"
- objtest_py="$python $objtest_py"
- objattrtest_py="$python $objattrtest_py"
- gentest_py="$python $gentest_py"
- mmgen_tool="$python $mmgen_tool" ;&
- C) REEXEC=1 clone_dir="$orig_cwd/.cloned-repo" ;;
- d) export PYTHONDEVMODE=1
- export PYTHONWARNINGS='error' ;;
- e) exec_prog=$(realpath $OPTARG) ;;
- f) rounds=6 FAST=1 fast_opt='--fast' unit_tests_py+=" --fast" ;;
- F) rounds=3 FAST=1 fast_opt='--fast' unit_tests_py+=" --fast" ;;
- L) list_avail_tests; exit ;;
- l) list_group_symbols; exit ;;
- N) cmdtest_py+=" --no-timings" ;;
- O) cmdtest_py+=" --pexpect-spawn" ;;
- p) PAUSE=1 ;;
- s) SKIP_LIST+=" $OPTARG" ;;
- S) REEXEC=1 sdist_dir="$orig_cwd/.sdist-test" ;;
- t) LIST_CMDS=1 ;;
- v) EXACT_OUTPUT=1 cmdtest_py+=" --exact-output" ;&
- [ "$EXACT_OUTPUT" ] || cmdtest_py+=" --verbose"
- unit_tests_py="${unit_tests_py/--quiet/--verbose}"
- altcoin_mod_opts="${altcoin_mod_opts/--quiet/--verbose}"
- tooltest2_py="${tooltest2_py/--quiet/--verbose}"
- gentest_py="${gentest_py/--quiet/--verbose}"
- tooltest_py+=" --verbose"
- mmgen_tool+=" --verbose"
- objattrtest_py+=" --verbose"
- scrambletest_py+=" --verbose"
- pylint+=" --verbose" ;;
- X) IN_REEXEC=1 ;;
- *) exit ;;
- esac
- done
- RED="\e[31;1m" GREEN="\e[32;1m" YELLOW="\e[33;1m" BLUE="\e[34;1m" MAGENTA="\e[35;1m" CYAN="\e[36;1m"
- RESET="\e[0m"
- }
- [ "$REEXEC" -a -z "$IN_REEXEC" ] && { do_reexec; exit; }
- [ "$exec_prog" ] && { echo "option -e makes no sense without -C, -S, or -T" ; exit; }
- [ "$INSTALL_PACKAGE" ] && { install_package; exit; }
- [ "$MSYS2" -a ! "$FAST" ] && tooltest2_py+=' --fork'
- [ "$EXACT_OUTPUT" -o "$VERBOSE" ] || objtest_py+=" -S"
- shift $((OPTIND-1))
- case $1 in
- '') tests=$dfl_tests ;;
- 'default') tests=$dfl_tests ;;
- 'extra') tests=$extra_tests ;;
- 'noalt') tests=$noalt_tests
- cmdtest_py+=" --no-altcoin"
- unit_tests_py+=" --no-altcoin-deps"
- scrambletest_py+=" --no-altcoin" ;;
- 'quick') tests=$quick_tests ;;
- 'qskip') tests=$qskip_tests ;;
- *) tests="$*" ;;
- esac
- rounds_min=$((rounds / 2))
- for n in 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000; do
- eval "rounds${n}x=$((rounds*n))"
- done
- init_tests
- remove_skipped_tests
- check_tests
- test/clean.py
- start_time=$(date +%s)
- run_tests "$tests"
- elapsed=$(($(date +%s)-start_time))
- elapsed_fmt=$(printf %02d:%02d $((elapsed/60)) $((elapsed%60)))
- [ "$LIST_CMDS" ] || {
- echo -e "\n${GREEN}All OK"
- else
- echo -e "\n${GREEN}All OK. Total elapsed time: $elapsed_fmt$RESET"
- fi
- }