123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- #
- # mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, a command-line cryptocurrency wallet
- # Copyright (C)2013-2022 The MMGen Project <mmgen@tuta.io>
- # Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 3:
- # https://www.gnu.org/licenses
- # Public project repositories:
- # https://github.com/mmgen/mmgen
- # https://gitlab.com/mmgen/mmgen
- """
- tw.addresses: Tracking wallet listaddresses class for the MMGen suite
- """
- from ..util import suf
- from ..base_obj import AsyncInit
- from ..objmethods import MMGenObject
- from ..obj import MMGenListItem,ImmutableAttr,ListItemAttr,TwComment,NonNegativeInt
- from ..rpc import rpc_init
- from ..addr import CoinAddr,MMGenID
- from ..color import red,green
- from .view import TwView,TwMMGenID
- class TwAddresses(MMGenObject,TwView,metaclass=AsyncInit):
- hdr_lbl = 'tracking wallet addresses'
- desc = 'address list'
- item_desc = 'address'
- txid_w = 64
- sort_key = 'twmmid'
- update_widths_on_age_toggle = True
- print_output_types = ('detail',)
- filters = ('showempty','showused','all_labels')
- showcoinaddrs = True
- showempty = True
- showused = 1 # tristate: 0:no, 1:yes, 2:all
- all_labels = False
- no_data_errmsg = 'No addresses in tracking wallet!'
- class display_type(TwView.display_type):
- class squeezed(TwView.display_type.squeezed):
- cols = ('num','mmid','used','addr','comment','amt','date')
- class detail(TwView.display_type.detail):
- cols = ('num','mmid','used','addr','comment','amt','block','date_time')
- class TwAddress(MMGenListItem):
- valid_attrs = {'twmmid','addr','al_id','confs','comment','amt','recvd','date','skip'}
- invalid_attrs = {'proto'}
- twmmid = ImmutableAttr(TwMMGenID,include_proto=True) # contains confs,txid(unused),date(unused),al_id
- addr = ImmutableAttr(CoinAddr,include_proto=True)
- al_id = ImmutableAttr(str) # set to '_' for non-MMGen addresses
- confs = ImmutableAttr(int,typeconv=False)
- comment = ListItemAttr(TwComment,reassign_ok=True)
- amt = ImmutableAttr(None)
- recvd = ImmutableAttr(None)
- date = ListItemAttr(int,typeconv=False,reassign_ok=True)
- skip = ListItemAttr(str,typeconv=False,reassign_ok=True)
- def __init__(self,proto,**kwargs):
- self.__dict__['proto'] = proto
- MMGenListItem.__init__(self,**kwargs)
- class conv_funcs:
- def amt(self,value):
- return self.proto.coin_amt(value)
- def recvd(self,value):
- return self.proto.coin_amt(value)
- @property
- def coinaddr_list(self):
- return [d.addr for d in self.data]
- def __new__(cls,proto,*args,**kwargs):
- return MMGenObject.__new__(proto.base_proto_subclass(cls,'tw','addresses'))
- async def __init__(self,proto,minconf=1,mmgen_addrs='',wallet=None,get_data=False):
- self.proto = proto
- self.minconf = NonNegativeInt(minconf)
- self.usr_addr_list = []
- self.rpc = await rpc_init(proto)
- from .ctl import TrackingWallet
- self.wallet = wallet or await TrackingWallet(proto,mode='w')
- if mmgen_addrs:
- a = mmgen_addrs.rsplit(':',1)
- if len(a) != 2:
- from ..util import die
- die(1,
- f'{mmgen_addrs}: invalid address list argument ' +
- '(must be in form <seed ID>:[<type>:]<idx list>)' )
- from ..addrlist import AddrIdxList
- self.usr_addr_list = [MMGenID(self.proto,f'{a[0]}:{i}') for i in AddrIdxList(a[1])]
- if get_data:
- await self.get_data()
- @property
- def no_rpcdata_errmsg(self):
- return 'No addresses {}found!'.format(
- f'with {self.minconf} confirmations ' if self.minconf else '')
- async def gen_data(self,rpc_data,lbl_id):
- return (
- self.TwAddress(
- self.proto,
- twmmid = twmmid,
- addr = data['addr'],
- al_id = getattr(twmmid.obj,'al_id','_'),
- confs = data['confs'],
- comment = data['lbl'].comment,
- amt = data['amt'],
- recvd = data['recvd'],
- date = 0,
- skip = '' )
- for twmmid,data in rpc_data.items()
- )
- def filter_data(self):
- if self.usr_addr_list:
- return (d for d in self.data if d.twmmid.obj in self.usr_addr_list)
- else:
- return (d for d in self.data if
- (self.all_labels and d.comment) or
- (self.showused == 2 and d.recvd) or
- (not (d.recvd and not self.showused) and (d.amt or self.showempty))
- )
- def get_column_widths(self,data,wide=False):
- return self.compute_column_widths(
- widths = { # fixed cols
- 'num': max(2,len(str(len(data)))+1),
- 'mmid': max(len(d.twmmid.disp) for d in data),
- 'used': 4,
- 'amt': self.disp_prec + 5,
- 'date': self.age_w if self.has_age else 0,
- 'block': self.age_col_params['block'][0] if wide and self.has_age else 0,
- 'date_time': self.age_col_params['date_time'][0] if wide and self.has_age else 0,
- 'spc': 7, # 6 spaces between cols + 1 leading space in fs
- },
- maxws = { # expandable cols
- 'addr': max(len(d.addr) for d in data) if self.showcoinaddrs else 0,
- 'comment': max(d.comment.screen_width for d in data),
- },
- minws = {
- 'addr': 12 if self.showcoinaddrs else 0,
- 'comment': len('Comment'),
- },
- maxws_nice = {'addr': 18},
- wide = wide,
- )
- def subheader(self,color):
- if self.minconf:
- return f'Displaying balances with at least {self.minconf} confirmation{suf(self.minconf)}\n'
- else:
- return ''
- def gen_squeezed_display(self,data,cw,hdr_fs,fs,color):
- yield hdr_fs.format(
- n = '',
- m = 'MMGenID',
- u = 'Used',
- a = 'Address',
- c = 'Comment',
- A = 'Balance',
- d = self.age_hdr )
- yes,no = (red('Yes '),green('No ')) if color else ('Yes ','No ')
- id_save = data[0].al_id
- for n,d in enumerate(data,1):
- if id_save != d.al_id:
- id_save = d.al_id
- yield ''
- yield fs.format(
- n = str(n) + ')',
- m = d.twmmid.fmt(width=cw.mmid,color=color),
- u = yes if d.recvd else no,
- a = d.addr.fmt(color=color,width=cw.addr),
- c = d.comment.fmt(width=cw.comment,color=color,nullrepl='-'),
- A = d.amt.fmt(color=color,prec=self.disp_prec),
- d = self.age_disp( d, self.age_fmt )
- )
- def gen_detail_display(self,data,cw,hdr_fs,fs,color):
- yield hdr_fs.format(
- n = '',
- m = 'MMGenID',
- u = 'Used',
- a = 'Address',
- c = 'Comment',
- A = 'Balance',
- b = 'Block',
- D = 'Date/Time' ).rstrip()
- yes,no = (red('Yes '),green('No ')) if color else ('Yes ','No ')
- id_save = data[0].al_id
- for n,d in enumerate(data,1):
- if id_save != d.al_id:
- id_save = d.al_id
- yield ''
- yield fs.format(
- n = str(n) + ')',
- m = d.twmmid.fmt(width=cw.mmid,color=color),
- u = yes if d.recvd else no,
- a = d.addr.fmt(color=color,width=cw.addr),
- c = d.comment.fmt(width=cw.comment,color=color,nullrepl='-'),
- A = d.amt.fmt(color=color,prec=self.disp_prec),
- b = self.age_disp( d, 'block' ),
- D = self.age_disp( d, 'date_time' ),
- ).rstrip()
- async def set_dates(self,addrs):
- if not self.dates_set:
- bc = self.rpc.blockcount + 1
- caddrs = [addr for addr in addrs if addr.confs]
- hashes = await self.rpc.gathered_call('getblockhash',[(n,) for n in [bc - a.confs for a in caddrs]])
- dates = [d['time'] for d in await self.rpc.gathered_call('getblockheader',[(h,) for h in hashes])]
- for idx,addr in enumerate(caddrs):
- addr.date = dates[idx]
- self.dates_set = True
- sort_disp = {
- 'age': 'AddrListID+Age',
- 'amt': 'AddrListID+Amt',
- 'twmmid': 'MMGenID',
- }
- sort_funcs = {
- 'age': lambda d: '{}_{}_{}'.format(
- d.al_id,
- # Hack, but OK for the foreseeable future:
- ('{:>012}'.format(1_000_000_000 - d.confs) if d.confs else '_'),
- d.twmmid.sort_key),
- 'amt': lambda d: '{}_{}'.format(d.al_id,d.amt),
- 'twmmid': lambda d: d.twmmid.sort_key,
- }
- @property
- def dump_fn_pfx(self):
- return 'listaddresses' + (f'-minconf-{self.minconf}' if self.minconf else '')
- class action(TwView.action):
- def s_amt(self,parent):
- parent.do_sort('amt')
- def d_showempty(self,parent):
- parent.showempty = not parent.showempty
- def d_showused(self,parent):
- parent.showused = (parent.showused + 1) % 3
- def d_all_labels(self,parent):
- parent.all_labels = not parent.all_labels