123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- #
- # MMGen Wallet, a terminal-based cryptocurrency wallet
- # Copyright (C)2013-2024 The MMGen Project <mmgen@tuta.io>
- # Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 3:
- # https://www.gnu.org/licenses
- # Public project repositories:
- # https://github.com/mmgen/mmgen-wallet
- # https://gitlab.com/mmgen/mmgen-wallet
- """
- proto.btc.tw.txhistory: Bitcoin base protocol tracking wallet transaction history class
- """
- from collections import namedtuple
- from ....tw.txhistory import TwTxHistory
- from ....tw.shared import get_tw_label,TwMMGenID
- from ....addr import CoinAddr
- from ....util import msg,msg_r
- from ....color import nocolor,red,pink,gray
- from ....obj import TwComment,CoinTxID,Int
- from .rpc import BitcoinTwRPC
- class BitcoinTwTransaction:
- def __init__(self,parent,proto,rpc,
- idx, # unique numeric identifier of this transaction in listing
- unspent_info, # addrs in wallet with balances: { 'mmid': {'addr','comment','amt'} }
- mm_map, # all addrs in wallet: ['addr', ['twmmid','comment']]
- tx, # the decoded transaction data
- wallet_vouts, # list of ints - wallet-related vouts
- prevouts, # list of (txid,vout) pairs
- prevout_txs # decoded transaction data for prevouts
- ):
- self.parent = parent
- self.proto = proto
- self.rpc = rpc
- self.idx = idx
- self.unspent_info = unspent_info
- self.tx = tx
- def gen_prevouts_data():
- _d = namedtuple('prevout_data',['txid','data'])
- for tx in prevout_txs:
- for e in prevouts:
- if e.txid == tx['txid']:
- yield _d( e.txid, tx['vout'][e.vout] )
- def gen_wallet_vouts_data():
- _d = namedtuple('wallet_vout_data',['txid','data'])
- txid = self.tx['txid']
- vouts = self.tx['decoded']['vout']
- for n in wallet_vouts:
- yield _d( txid, vouts[n] )
- def gen_vouts_info(data):
- _d = namedtuple('vout_info',['txid','coin_addr','twlabel','data'])
- def gen():
- for d in data:
- addr = d.data['scriptPubKey'].get('address') or d.data['scriptPubKey']['addresses'][0]
- yield _d(
- txid = d.txid,
- coin_addr = addr,
- twlabel = mm_map[addr] if (addr in mm_map and mm_map[addr].twmmid) else None,
- data = d.data )
- return sorted(
- gen(),
- # if address is not MMGen, ignore address and sort by TxID + vout only
- key = lambda d: (
- (d.twlabel.twmmid.sort_key if d.twlabel and d.twlabel.twmmid.type == 'mmgen' else '')
- + '_'
- + d.txid
- + '{:08d}'.format(d.data['n'])
- ))
- def gen_all_addrs(src):
- for e in self.vouts_info[src]:
- if e.twlabel:
- mmid = e.twlabel.twmmid
- yield (
- (mmid if mmid.type == 'mmgen' else mmid.split(':',1)[1]) +
- ('*' if mmid in self.unspent_info else '')
- )
- else:
- yield e.coin_addr
- def total(data):
- return sum(coin_amt(d.data['value']) for d in data)
- def get_best_comment():
- """
- find the most relevant comment for tabular (squeezed) display
- """
- def vouts_labels(src):
- return [ d.twlabel.comment for d in self.vouts_info[src] if d.twlabel and d.twlabel.comment ]
- ret = vouts_labels('outputs') or vouts_labels('inputs')
- return ret[0] if ret else TwComment('')
- coin_amt = self.proto.coin_amt
- # 'outputs' refers to wallet-related outputs only
- self.vouts_info = {
- 'inputs': gen_vouts_info( gen_prevouts_data() ),
- 'outputs': gen_vouts_info( gen_wallet_vouts_data() )
- }
- self.max_addrlen = {
- 'inputs': max(len(addr) for addr in gen_all_addrs('inputs')),
- 'outputs': max(len(addr) for addr in gen_all_addrs('outputs'))
- }
- self.inputs_total = total(self.vouts_info['inputs'])
- self.outputs_total = sum(coin_amt(i['value']) for i in self.tx['decoded']['vout'])
- self.wallet_outputs_total = total(self.vouts_info['outputs'])
- self.fee = self.inputs_total - self.outputs_total
- self.nOutputs = len(self.tx['decoded']['vout'])
- self.confirmations = self.tx['confirmations']
- self.comment = get_best_comment()
- self.vsize = self.tx['decoded'].get('vsize') or self.tx['decoded']['size']
- self.txid = CoinTxID(self.tx['txid'])
- # Though 'blocktime' is flagged as an “optional” field, it’s always present for transactions
- # that are in the blockchain. However, Bitcoin Core wallet saves a record of broadcast but
- # unconfirmed transactions, e.g. replaced transactions, and the 'blocktime' field is missing
- # for these, so use 'time' as a fallback.
- self.time = self.tx.get('blocktime') or self.tx['time']
- self.time_received = self.tx.get('timereceived')
- def blockheight_disp(self,color):
- return (
- # old/altcoin daemons return no 'blockheight' field, so use confirmations instead
- Int( self.rpc.blockcount + 1 - self.confirmations ).hl(color=color)
- if self.confirmations > 0 else None )
- def age_disp(self,age_fmt,width,color):
- if age_fmt == 'confs':
- ret_str = str(self.confirmations).ljust(width)
- return gray(ret_str) if self.confirmations < 0 and color else ret_str
- elif age_fmt == 'block':
- ret = (self.rpc.blockcount - (abs(self.confirmations) - 1)) * (-1 if self.confirmations < 0 else 1)
- ret_str = str(ret).ljust(width)
- return gray(ret_str) if ret < 0 and color else ret_str
- else:
- return self.parent.date_formatter[age_fmt](self.rpc,self.tx.get('blocktime',0))
- def txdate_disp(self,age_fmt):
- return self.parent.date_formatter[age_fmt](self.rpc,self.time)
- def txid_disp(self,color,width=None):
- return self.txid.hl(color=color) if width is None else self.txid.truncate(width=width,color=color)
- def vouts_list_disp(self, src, color, indent, addr_view_pref):
- fs1,fs2 = {
- 'inputs': ('{i},{n} {a} {A}', '{i},{n} {a} {A} {l}'),
- 'outputs': ( '{n} {a} {A}', '{n} {a} {A} {l}')
- }[src]
- def gen_output():
- for e in self.vouts_info[src]:
- mmid = e.twlabel.twmmid if e.twlabel else None
- if not mmid:
- yield fs1.format(
- i = CoinTxID(e.txid).hl(color=color),
- n = (nocolor,red)[color](str(e.data['n']).ljust(3)),
- a = CoinAddr(self.proto, e.coin_addr).fmt(
- addr_view_pref, width=self.max_addrlen[src], color=color),
- A = self.proto.coin_amt( e.data['value'] ).fmt(color=color)
- ).rstrip()
- else:
- bal_star,co = ('*','melon') if mmid in self.unspent_info else ('','brown')
- addr_out = mmid if mmid.type == 'mmgen' else mmid.split(':',1)[1]
- yield fs2.format(
- i = CoinTxID(e.txid).hl(color=color),
- n = (nocolor,red)[color](str(e.data['n']).ljust(3)),
- a = TwMMGenID.hl2(
- TwMMGenID,
- s = '{:{w}}'.format( addr_out + bal_star, w=self.max_addrlen[src] ),
- color = color,
- color_override = co ),
- A = self.proto.coin_amt( e.data['value'] ).fmt(color=color),
- l = e.twlabel.comment.hl(color=color)
- ).rstrip()
- return f'\n{indent}'.join( gen_output() ).strip()
- def vouts_disp(self, src, width, color, addr_view_pref):
- def gen_output():
- nonlocal space_left
- for e in self.vouts_info[src]:
- mmid = e.twlabel.twmmid if e.twlabel else None
- bal_star,addr_w,co = ('*',16,'melon') if mmid in self.unspent_info else ('',15,'brown')
- if not mmid:
- if width and space_left < addr_w:
- break
- yield CoinAddr(self.proto, e.coin_addr).fmt(addr_view_pref, width=addr_w, color=color)
- space_left -= addr_w
- elif mmid.type == 'mmgen':
- mmid_disp = mmid + bal_star
- if width and space_left < len(mmid_disp):
- break
- yield TwMMGenID.hl2( TwMMGenID, s=mmid_disp, color=color, color_override=co )
- space_left -= len(mmid_disp)
- else:
- if width and space_left < addr_w:
- break
- yield TwMMGenID.hl2(
- TwMMGenID,
- s = CoinAddr.fmtc( mmid.split(':',1)[1] + bal_star, width=addr_w ),
- color = color,
- color_override = co )
- space_left -= addr_w
- space_left -= 1
- space_left = width or 0
- return ' '.join(gen_output()) + ' ' * (space_left + 1 if width else 0)
- def amt_disp(self,show_total_amt):
- return (
- self.outputs_total if show_total_amt else
- self.wallet_outputs_total )
- def fee_disp(self,color):
- atomic_unit = self.proto.coin_amt.units[0]
- return '{} {}'.format(
- self.fee.hl(color=color),
- (nocolor,pink)[color]('({:,} {}s/byte)'.format(
- self.fee.to_unit(atomic_unit) // self.vsize,
- atomic_unit )) )
- class BitcoinTwTxHistory(TwTxHistory,BitcoinTwRPC):
- has_age = True
- hdr_lbl = 'transaction history'
- desc = 'transaction history'
- item_desc = 'transaction'
- no_data_errmsg = 'No transactions in tracking wallet!'
- prompt_fs_in = [
- 'Sort options: [t]xid, [a]mt, total a[m]t, [A]ge, block[n]um, [r]everse',
- 'Column options: toggle [D]ays/date/confs/block, tx[i]d, [T]otal amt',
- 'View/Print: pager [v]iew, full pager [V]iew, [p]rint, full [P]rint{s}',
- 'Filters/Actions: show [u]nconfirmed, [q]uit menu, r[e]draw:']
- prompt_fs_repl = {
- 'BCH': (1, 'Column options: toggle [D]ate/confs, cas[h]addr, tx[i]d, [T]otal amt')
- }
- key_mappings = {
- 'A':'s_age',
- 'n':'s_blockheight',
- 'a':'s_amt',
- 'm':'s_total_amt',
- 't':'s_txid',
- 'r':'s_reverse',
- 'D':'d_days',
- 'e':'d_redraw',
- 'u':'d_show_unconfirmed',
- 'i':'d_show_txid',
- 'T':'d_show_total_amt',
- 'v':'a_view',
- 'V':'a_view_detail',
- 'p':'a_print_squeezed',
- 'P':'a_print_detail' }
- async def get_rpc_data(self):
- blockhash = (
- await self.rpc.call( 'getblockhash', self.sinceblock )
- if self.sinceblock else '' )
- # bitcoin-cli help listsinceblock:
- # Arguments:
- # 1. blockhash (string, optional) If set, the block hash to list transactions since,
- # otherwise list all transactions.
- # 2. target_confirmations (numeric, optional, default=1) Return the nth block hash from the main
- # chain. e.g. 1 would mean the best block hash. Note: this is not used
- # as a filter, but only affects [lastblock] in the return value
- # 3. include_watchonly (boolean, optional, default=true for watch-only wallets, otherwise
- # false) Include transactions to watch-only addresses
- # 4. include_removed (boolean, optional, default=true) Show transactions that were removed
- # due to a reorg in the "removed" array (not guaranteed to work on
- # pruned nodes)
- return (await self.rpc.call('listsinceblock',blockhash,1,True,False))['transactions']
- async def gen_data(self,rpc_data,lbl_id):
- def gen_parsed_data():
- for o in rpc_data:
- if lbl_id in o:
- l = get_tw_label(self.proto,o[lbl_id])
- else:
- assert o['category'] == 'send', f"{o['address']}: {o['category']} != 'send'"
- l = None
- o.update({
- 'twmmid': l.mmid if l else None,
- 'comment': (l.comment or '') if l else None,
- })
- yield o
- data = list(gen_parsed_data())
- if self.cfg.debug_tw:
- import json
- from ....rpc import json_encoder
- def do_json_dump(*data):
- nw = f'{self.proto.coin.lower()}-{self.proto.network}'
- for d,fn_stem in data:
- with open(f'/tmp/{fn_stem}-{nw}.json','w') as fh:
- fh.write(json.dumps(d,cls=json_encoder))
- _mmp = namedtuple('mmap_datum',['twmmid','comment'])
- mm_map = {
- i['address']: (
- _mmp( TwMMGenID(self.proto,i['twmmid']), TwComment(i['comment']) )
- if i['twmmid'] else _mmp(None,None)
- )
- for i in data }
- if self.sinceblock: # mapping data may be incomplete for inputs, so update from 'listlabels'
- mm_map.update(
- {e.coinaddr: _mmp(e.label.mmid, e.label.comment) if e.label else _mmp(None, None)
- for e in await self.get_label_addr_pairs()}
- )
- msg_r('Getting wallet transactions...')
- _wallet_txs = await self.rpc.gathered_icall(
- 'gettransaction',
- [ (i,True,True) for i in {d['txid'] for d in data} ] )
- msg('done')
- if not 'decoded' in _wallet_txs[0]:
- _decoded_txs = iter(
- await self.rpc.gathered_call(
- 'decoderawtransaction',
- [ (d['hex'],) for d in _wallet_txs ] ))
- for tx in _wallet_txs:
- tx['decoded'] = next(_decoded_txs)
- if self.cfg.debug_tw:
- do_json_dump((_wallet_txs, 'wallet-txs'),)
- _wip = namedtuple('prevout',['txid','vout'])
- txdata = [
- {
- 'tx': tx,
- 'wallet_vouts': sorted({i.vout for i in
- [_wip( CoinTxID(d['txid']), d['vout'] ) for d in data]
- if i.txid == tx['txid']}),
- 'prevouts': [_wip( CoinTxID(vin['txid']), vin['vout'] ) for vin in tx['decoded']['vin']]
- }
- for tx in _wallet_txs]
- _prevout_txids = {i.txid for d in txdata for i in d['prevouts']}
- msg_r('Getting input transactions...')
- _prevout_txs = await self.rpc.gathered_call('getrawtransaction', [ (i,True) for i in _prevout_txids ])
- msg('done')
- _prevout_txs_dict = dict(zip(_prevout_txids,_prevout_txs))
- for d in txdata:
- d['prevout_txs'] = [_prevout_txs_dict[txid] for txid in {i.txid for i in d['prevouts']} ]
- if self.cfg.debug_tw:
- do_json_dump(
- (rpc_data, 'txhist-rpc'),
- (data, 'txhist'),
- (mm_map, 'mmap'),
- (_prevout_txs, 'prevout-txs'),
- (txdata, 'txdata'),
- )
- unspent_info = await self.get_unspent_by_mmid()
- return (
- BitcoinTwTransaction(
- parent = self,
- proto = self.proto,
- rpc = self.rpc,
- idx = idx,
- unspent_info = unspent_info,
- mm_map = mm_map,
- **d ) for idx,d in enumerate(txdata) )