123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360 |
- #!/bin/bash
- #
- # mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, a command-line cryptocurrency wallet
- # Copyright (C)2013-2022 The MMGen Project <mmgen@tuta.io>
- # Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 3:
- # https://www.gnu.org/licenses
- # Public project repositories:
- # https://github.com/mmgen/mmgen
- # https://gitlab.com/mmgen/mmgen
- list_avail_tests() {
- echo " obj - data objects"
- echo " color - color handling"
- echo " unit - unit tests"
- echo " hash - internal hash function implementations"
- echo " ref - reference file checks"
- echo " altref - altcoin reference file checks"
- echo " alts - operations for all supported gen-only altcoins"
- echo " xmr - Monero xmrwallet operations"
- echo " eth - operations for Ethereum and Ethereum Classic"
- echo " autosign - autosign"
- echo " btc - Bitcoin"
- echo " btc_tn - Bitcoin testnet"
- echo " btc_rt - Bitcoin regtest"
- echo " bch - Bitcoin Cash Node (BCH)"
- echo " bch_tn - Bitcoin Cash Node (BCH) testnet"
- echo " bch_rt - Bitcoin Cash Node (BCH) regtest"
- echo " ltc - Litecoin"
- echo " ltc_tn - Litecoin testnet"
- echo " ltc_rt - Litecoin regtest"
- echo " tool - tooltest (all supported coins)"
- echo " tool2 - tooltest2 (all supported coins)"
- echo " gen - gentest (all supported coins)"
- echo " misc - miscellaneous tests that don't fit in the above categories"
- echo
- echo " default - All tests minus the extra tests"
- echo " extra - All tests minus the default tests"
- echo " noalt - BTC-only tests"
- echo " quick - Default tests minus btc_tn, bch, bch_rt, ltc and ltc_rt"
- echo " qskip - The tests skipped in the 'quick' test group"
- echo
- echo "By default, all tests are run"
- }
- init_groups() {
- dfl_tests='dep misc obj color unit hash ref tool tool2 gen autosign btc btc_tn btc_rt altref alts bch bch_rt ltc ltc_rt eth xmr'
- extra_tests='dep autosign_btc autosign_live ltc_tn bch_tn'
- noalt_tests='dep misc obj color unit hash ref tool tool2 gen autosign_btc btc btc_tn btc_rt'
- quick_tests='dep misc obj color unit hash ref tool tool2 gen autosign btc btc_rt altref alts eth xmr'
- qskip_tests='btc_tn bch bch_rt ltc ltc_rt'
- [ "$MSYS2" ] && SKIP_LIST='autosign autosign_btc autosign_live'
- }
- init_tests() {
- REFDIR='test/ref'
- i_misc='Miscellaneous'
- s_misc='Testing various subsystems'
- t_misc="
- - python3 -m mmgen.altcoin $altcoin_mod_opts
- "
- f_misc='Miscellaneous tests completed'
- i_obj='Data object'
- s_obj='Testing data objects'
- t_obj="
- - $objtest_py --coin=btc
- - $objtest_py --getobj --coin=btc
- - $objtest_py --coin=btc --testnet=1
- - $objtest_py --coin=ltc
- - $objtest_py --coin=ltc --testnet=1
- - $objtest_py --coin=eth
- - $objattrtest_py
- "
- f_obj='Data object tests completed'
- [ "$PYTHONOPTIMIZE" ] && {
- echo -e "${YELLOW}PYTHONOPTIMIZE set, skipping object tests$RESET"
- t_obj_skip='-'
- }
- i_color='Color'
- s_color='Testing terminal colors'
- t_color='- test/colortest.py'
- f_color='Terminal color tests completed'
- i_dep='Dependency'
- s_dep='Testing for installed dependencies'
- t_dep="- $unit_tests_py testdep dep daemon.exec"
- f_dep='Dependency tests completed'
- i_unit='Unit'
- s_unit='The bitcoin and bitcoin-bchn mainnet daemons must be running for the following tests'
- t_unit="- $unit_tests_py --exclude testdep,dep,daemon"
- f_unit='Unit tests completed'
- i_hash='Internal hash function implementations'
- s_hash='Testing internal hash function implementations'
- t_hash="
- 256 $python test/hashfunc.py sha256 $rounds5x
- 512 $python test/hashfunc.py sha512 $rounds5x # native SHA512 - not used by the MMGen wallet
- keccak $python test/hashfunc.py keccak $rounds5x
- ripemd160 $python mmgen/contrib/ripemd160.py $VERBOSE $fast_opt
- "
- f_hash='Hash function tests completed'
- [ "$ARM32" ] && t_hash_skip='512' # gmpy produces invalid init constants
- [ "$MSYS2" ] && t_hash_skip='512 keccak' # 2:py_long_long issues, 3:no pysha3 for keccak reference
- [ "$SKIP_ALT_DEP" ] && t_hash_skip+=' keccak'
- i_ref='Miscellaneous reference data'
- s_ref='The following tests will test some generated values against reference data'
- t_ref="
- - $scrambletest_py
- "
- f_ref='Miscellaneous reference data tests completed'
- i_altref='Altcoin reference file'
- s_altref='The following tests will test some generated altcoin files against reference data'
- t_altref="
- - $test_py ref_altcoin # generated addrfiles verified against checksums
- "
- f_altref='Altcoin reference file tests completed'
- i_alts='Gen-only altcoin'
- s_alts='The following tests will test generation operations for all supported altcoins'
- t_alts="
- - # speed tests, no verification:
- - $gentest_py --coin=etc 1 $rounds10x
- - $gentest_py --coin=etc --use-internal-keccak-module 1 $rounds10x
- - $gentest_py --coin=eth 1 $rounds10x
- - $gentest_py --coin=eth --use-internal-keccak-module 1 $rounds10x
- - $gentest_py --coin=xmr 1 $rounds10x
- - $gentest_py --coin=xmr --use-internal-keccak-module 1 $rounds10x
- - $gentest_py --coin=zec 1 $rounds10x
- - $gentest_py --coin=zec --type=zcash_z 1 $rounds10x
- - # verification against external libraries and tools:
- - # pycoin
- - $gentest_py --all-coins --type=legacy 1:pycoin $rounds
- - $gentest_py --all-coins --type=compressed 1:pycoin $rounds
- - $gentest_py --all-coins --type=segwit 1:pycoin $rounds
- - $gentest_py --all-coins --type=bech32 1:pycoin $rounds
- - $gentest_py --all-coins --type=legacy --testnet=1 1:pycoin $rounds
- - $gentest_py --all-coins --type=compressed --testnet=1 1:pycoin $rounds
- - $gentest_py --all-coins --type=segwit --testnet=1 1:pycoin $rounds
- - $gentest_py --all-coins --type=bech32 --testnet=1 1:pycoin $rounds
- - # keyconv
- - $gentest_py --all-coins --type=legacy 1:keyconv $rounds_min
- - $gentest_py --all-coins --type=compressed 1:keyconv $rounds_min
- e # ethkey
- e $gentest_py --coin=eth 1:ethkey $rounds10x
- e $gentest_py --coin=eth --use-internal-keccak-module 2:ethkey $rounds5x
- m # monero-python
- m $gentest_py --coin=xmr 1:monero-python $rounds100x
- M $gentest_py --coin=xmr all:monero-python $rounds_min # very slow, please be patient!
- z # zcash-mini
- z $gentest_py --coin=zec --type=zcash_z all:zcash-mini $rounds50x
- "
- [ "$MSYS2" ] && t_alts_skip='M m z' # no moneropy (pysha3), zcash-mini (golang)
- [ "$ARM32" ] && t_alts_skip='z e'
- [ "$FAST" ] && t_alts_skip+=' M'
- # ARM ethkey available only on Arch Linux:
- [ \( "$ARM32" -o "$ARM64" \) -a "$DISTRO" != 'archarm' ] && t_alts_skip+=' e'
- f_alts='Gen-only altcoin tests completed'
- i_xmr='Monero'
- s_xmr='Testing Monero operations'
- t_xmr="
- - $test_py --coin=xmr
- "
- f_xmr='Monero tests completed'
- i_eth='Ethereum'
- s_eth='Testing transaction and tracking wallet operations for Ethereum'
- t_eth="
- oe $test_py --coin=eth --daemon-id=openethereum ethdev
- geth $test_py --coin=eth --daemon-id=geth ethdev
- parity $test_py --coin=etc ethdev
- "
- f_eth='Ethereum tests completed'
- [ "$FAST" ] && t_eth_skip='oe'
- [ "$ARM32" -o "$ARM64" ] && t_eth_skip+=' parity'
- # ARM openethereum available only on ArchLinuxArm:
- [ \( "$ARM32" -o "$ARM64" \) -a "$DISTRO" != 'archarm' ] && t_eth_skip+=' oe'
- i_autosign='Autosign'
- s_autosign='The bitcoin, bitcoin-bchn and litecoin mainnet and testnet daemons must be running for the following test'
- t_autosign="- $test_py autosign"
- f_autosign='Autosign test completed'
- i_autosign_btc='Autosign BTC'
- s_autosign_btc='The bitcoin mainnet and testnet daemons must be running for the following test'
- t_autosign_btc="- $test_py autosign_btc"
- f_autosign_btc='Autosign BTC test completed'
- i_autosign_live='Autosign Live'
- s_autosign_live="The bitcoin mainnet and testnet daemons must be running for the following test\n"
- s_autosign_live+="${YELLOW}Mountpoint, '/etc/fstab' and removable device must be configured "
- s_autosign_live+="as described in 'mmgen-autosign --help'${RESET}"
- t_autosign_live="- $test_py autosign_live"
- f_autosign_live='Autosign Live test completed'
- i_btc='Bitcoin mainnet'
- s_btc='The bitcoin (mainnet) daemon must both be running for the following tests'
- t_btc="
- - $test_py --exclude regtest,autosign,ref_altcoin
- - $test_py --segwit
- - $test_py --segwit-random
- - $test_py --bech32
- - $python scripts/compute-file-chksum.py $REFDIR/*testnet.rawtx >/dev/null 2>&1
- "
- f_btc='Bitcoin mainnet tests completed'
- i_btc_tn='Bitcoin testnet'
- s_btc_tn='The bitcoin testnet daemon must both be running for the following tests'
- t_btc_tn="
- - $test_py --testnet=1
- - $test_py --testnet=1 --segwit
- - $test_py --testnet=1 --segwit-random
- - $test_py --testnet=1 --bech32
- "
- f_btc_tn='Bitcoin testnet tests completed'
- i_btc_rt='Bitcoin regtest'
- s_btc_rt="The following tests will test MMGen's regtest (Bob and Alice) mode"
- t_btc_rt="- $test_py regtest"
- f_btc_rt='Regtest (Bob and Alice) mode tests for BTC completed'
- i_bch='BitcoinCashNode (BCH) mainnet'
- s_bch='The bitcoin-bchn mainnet daemon must both be running for the following tests'
- t_bch="- $test_py --coin=bch --exclude regtest"
- f_bch='BitcoinCashNode (BCH) mainnet tests completed'
- i_bch_tn='BitcoinCashNode (BCH) testnet'
- s_bch_tn='The bitcoin-bchn testnet daemon must both be running for the following tests'
- t_bch_tn="- $test_py --coin=bch --testnet=1 --exclude regtest"
- f_bch_tn='BitcoinCashNode (BCH) testnet tests completed'
- i_bch_rt='BitcoinCashNode (BCH) regtest'
- s_bch_rt="The following tests will test MMGen's regtest (Bob and Alice) mode"
- t_bch_rt="- $test_py --coin=bch regtest"
- f_bch_rt='Regtest (Bob and Alice) mode tests for BCH completed'
- i_ltc='Litecoin'
- s_ltc='The litecoin mainnet daemon must both be running for the following tests'
- t_ltc="
- - $test_py --coin=ltc --exclude regtest
- - $test_py --coin=ltc --segwit
- - $test_py --coin=ltc --segwit-random
- - $test_py --coin=ltc --bech32
- "
- f_ltc='Litecoin mainnet tests completed'
- i_ltc_tn='Litecoin testnet'
- s_ltc_tn='The litecoin testnet daemon must both be running for the following tests'
- t_ltc_tn="
- - $test_py --coin=ltc --testnet=1 --exclude regtest
- - $test_py --coin=ltc --testnet=1 --segwit
- - $test_py --coin=ltc --testnet=1 --segwit-random
- - $test_py --coin=ltc --testnet=1 --bech32
- "
- f_ltc_tn='Litecoin testnet tests completed'
- i_ltc_rt='Litecoin regtest'
- s_ltc_rt="The following tests will test MMGen's regtest (Bob and Alice) mode"
- t_ltc_rt="- $test_py --coin=ltc regtest"
- f_ltc_rt='Regtest (Bob and Alice) mode tests for LTC completed'
- i_tool2='Tooltest2'
- s_tool2="The following tests will run '$tooltest2_py' for all supported coins"
- t_tool2="
- - $tooltest2_py --tool-api # test the tool_api subsystem
- - $tooltest2_py --tool-api --testnet=1
- e $tooltest2_py --tool-api --coin=eth
- a $tooltest2_py --tool-api --coin=xmr
- a $tooltest2_py --tool-api --coin=zec
- - $tooltest2_py
- - $tooltest2_py --testnet=1
- a $tooltest2_py --coin=ltc
- a $tooltest2_py --coin=ltc --testnet=1
- a $tooltest2_py --coin=bch
- a $tooltest2_py --coin=bch --testnet=1
- a $tooltest2_py --coin=zec
- a $tooltest2_py --coin=xmr
- a $tooltest2_py --coin=dash
- e $tooltest2_py --coin=eth
- e $tooltest2_py --coin=eth --testnet=1
- e $tooltest2_py --coin=eth --token=mm1
- e $tooltest2_py --coin=eth --token=mm1 --testnet=1
- e $tooltest2_py --coin=etc
- - $tooltest2_py --fork # run once with --fork so commands are actually executed
- "
- f_tool2='tooltest2 tests completed'
- [ "$SKIP_ALT_DEP" ] && t_tool2_skip='a e' # skip ETH,ETC: txview requires py_ecc
- i_tool='Tooltest'
- s_tool="The following tests will run '$tooltest_py' for all supported coins"
- t_tool="
- - $tooltest_py --coin=btc cryptocoin
- - $tooltest_py --coin=btc mnemonic
- a $tooltest_py --coin=ltc cryptocoin
- a $tooltest_py --coin=eth cryptocoin
- a $tooltest_py --coin=etc cryptocoin
- a $tooltest_py --coin=dash cryptocoin
- a $tooltest_py --coin=doge cryptocoin
- a $tooltest_py --coin=emc cryptocoin
- a $tooltest_py --coin=xmr cryptocoin
- a $tooltest_py --coin=zec cryptocoin
- z $tooltest_py --coin=zec --type=zcash_z cryptocoin
- "
- [ "$MSYS2" -o "$ARM32" ] && t_tool_skip='z'
- [ "$SKIP_ALT_DEP" ] && t_tool_skip='a z'
- f_tool='tooltest tests completed'
- i_gen='Gentest'
- s_gen="The following tests will run '$gentest_py' for configured coins and address types"
- t_gen="
- - # speed tests, no verification:
- - $gentest_py --coin=btc 1 $rounds10x
- - $gentest_py --coin=btc --type=compressed 1 $rounds10x
- - $gentest_py --coin=btc --type=segwit 1 $rounds10x
- - $gentest_py --coin=btc --type=bech32 1 $rounds10x
- a $gentest_py --coin=ltc 1 $rounds10x
- a $gentest_py --coin=ltc --type=compressed 1 $rounds10x
- a $gentest_py --coin=ltc --type=segwit 1 $rounds10x
- a $gentest_py --coin=ltc --type=bech32 1 $rounds10x
- - # wallet dumps:
- - $gentest_py --type=compressed 1 $REFDIR/btcwallet.dump
- - $gentest_py --type=segwit 1 $REFDIR/btcwallet-segwit.dump
- - $gentest_py --type=bech32 1 $REFDIR/btcwallet-bech32.dump
- - $gentest_py --type=compressed --testnet=1 1 $REFDIR/btcwallet-testnet.dump
- a $gentest_py --coin=ltc --type=compressed 1 $REFDIR/litecoin/ltcwallet.dump
- a $gentest_py --coin=ltc --type=segwit 1 $REFDIR/litecoin/ltcwallet-segwit.dump
- a $gentest_py --coin=ltc --type=bech32 1 $REFDIR/litecoin/ltcwallet-bech32.dump
- a $gentest_py --coin=ltc --type=compressed --testnet=1 1 $REFDIR/litecoin/ltcwallet-testnet.dump
- - # libsecp256k1 vs python-ecdsa:
- - $gentest_py 1:2 $rounds100x
- - $gentest_py --type=segwit 1:2 $rounds100x
- - $gentest_py --type=bech32 1:2 $rounds100x
- - $gentest_py --testnet=1 1:2 $rounds100x
- - $gentest_py --testnet=1 --type=segwit 1:2 $rounds100x
- a $gentest_py --coin=ltc 1:2 $rounds100x
- a $gentest_py --coin=ltc --type=segwit 1:2 $rounds100x
- a $gentest_py --coin=ltc --testnet=1 1:2 $rounds100x
- a $gentest_py --coin=ltc --testnet=1 --type=segwit 1:2 $rounds100x
- - # all backends vs pycoin:
- - $gentest_py all:pycoin $rounds100x
- "
- [ "$SKIP_ALT_DEP" ] && t_gen_skip='a'
- f_gen='gentest tests completed'
- }