123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- #
- # mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution
- # Copyright (C)2013-2019 The MMGen Project <mmgen@tuta.io>
- #
- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- """
- altcoins.eth.tx: Ethereum transaction classes for the MMGen suite
- """
- import json
- from mmgen.common import *
- from mmgen.obj import *
- from mmgen.tx import MMGenTX,MMGenBumpTX,MMGenSplitTX,DeserializedTX,mmaddr2coinaddr
- class EthereumMMGenTX(MMGenTX):
- desc = 'Ethereum transaction'
- tx_gas = ETHAmt(21000,'wei') # an approximate number, used for fee estimation purposes
- start_gas = ETHAmt(21000,'wei') # the actual startgas amt used in the transaction
- # for simple sends with no data, tx_gas = start_gas = 21000
- fee_fail_fs = 'Network fee estimation failed'
- no_chg_msg = 'Warning: Transaction leaves account with zero balance'
- rel_fee_desc = 'gas price'
- rel_fee_disp = 'gas price in Gwei'
- txview_hdr_fs = 'TRANSACTION DATA\n\nID={i} ({a} {c}) UTC={t} Sig={s} Locktime={l}\n'
- txview_hdr_fs_short = 'TX {i} ({a} {c}) UTC={t} Sig={s} Locktime={l}\n'
- txview_ftr_fs = 'Total in account: {i} {d}\nTotal to spend: {o} {d}\nTX fee: {a} {c}{r}\n'
- txview_ftr_fs_short = 'In {i} {d} - Out {o} {d}\nFee {a} {c}{r}\n'
- usr_fee_prompt = 'Enter transaction fee or gas price: '
- fn_fee_unit = 'Mwei'
- usr_rel_fee = None # not in MMGenTX
- disable_fee_check = False
- txobj = None # ""
- data = HexBytes('')
- def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
- super(EthereumMMGenTX,self).__init__(*args,**kwargs)
- if hasattr(opt,'tx_gas') and opt.tx_gas:
- self.tx_gas = self.start_gas = ETHAmt(int(opt.tx_gas),'wei')
- if hasattr(opt,'contract_data') and opt.contract_data:
- m = "'--contract-data' option may not be used with token transaction"
- assert not 'Token' in type(self).__name__, m
- self.data = HexBytes(open(opt.contract_data).read().strip())
- self.disable_fee_check = True
- @classmethod
- def get_receipt(cls,txid):
- return g.rpch.eth_getTransactionReceipt('0x'+txid.decode())
- @classmethod
- def get_exec_status(cls,txid,silent=False):
- d = g.rpch.eth_getTransactionReceipt('0x'+txid.decode())
- if not silent:
- if 'contractAddress' in d and d['contractAddress']:
- msg('Contract address: {}'.format(d['contractAddress'].replace('0x','')))
- return int(d['status'],16)
- def is_replaceable(self): return True
- def get_fee_from_tx(self):
- return self.fee
- def check_fee(self):
- if self.disable_fee_check: return
- assert self.fee <= g.proto.max_tx_fee
- def get_hex_locktime(self): return None # TODO
- def check_pubkey_scripts(self): pass
- def check_sigs(self,deserial_tx=None):
- if is_hex_bytes(self.hex):
- self.mark_signed()
- return True
- return False
- # hex data if signed, json if unsigned: see create_raw()
- def check_txfile_hex_data(self):
- if type(self.hex) == str: self.hex = self.hex.encode()
- if self.check_sigs():
- from ethereum.transactions import Transaction
- import rlp
- etx = rlp.decode(unhexlify(self.hex),Transaction)
- d = etx.to_dict() # ==> hex values have '0x' prefix, 0 is '0x'
- for k in ('sender','to','data'):
- if k in d: d[k] = d[k].replace('0x','',1)
- o = { 'from': CoinAddr(d['sender']),
- 'to': CoinAddr(d['to']) if d['to'] else Str(''),
- 'amt': ETHAmt(d['value'],'wei'),
- 'gasPrice': ETHAmt(d['gasprice'],'wei'),
- 'startGas': ETHAmt(d['startgas'],'wei'),
- 'nonce': ETHNonce(d['nonce']),
- 'data': HexBytes(d['data']) }
- if o['data'] and not o['to']:
- self.token_addr = TokenAddr(hexlify(etx.creates).decode())
- txid = CoinTxID(hexlify(etx.hash))
- assert txid == self.coin_txid,"txid in tx.hex doesn't match value in MMGen transaction file"
- else:
- d = json.loads(self.hex.decode())
- o = { 'from': CoinAddr(d['from']),
- 'to': CoinAddr(d['to']) if d['to'] else Str(''),
- 'amt': ETHAmt(d['amt']),
- 'gasPrice': ETHAmt(d['gasPrice']),
- 'startGas': ETHAmt(d['startGas']),
- 'nonce': ETHNonce(d['nonce']),
- 'chainId': Int(d['chainId']),
- 'data': HexBytes(d['data']) }
- self.tx_gas = o['startGas'] # approximate, but better than nothing
- self.data = o['data']
- if o['data'] and not o['to']: self.disable_fee_check = True
- self.fee = self.fee_rel2abs(o['gasPrice'].toWei())
- self.txobj = o
- return d # 'token_addr','decimals' required by subclass
- def get_nonce(self):
- return ETHNonce(int(g.rpch.parity_nextNonce('0x'+self.inputs[0].addr),16))
- def make_txobj(self): # create_raw
- chain_id_method = ('parity_chainId','eth_chainId')['eth_chainId' in g.rpch.caps]
- self.txobj = {
- 'from': self.inputs[0].addr,
- 'to': self.outputs[0].addr if self.outputs else Str(''),
- 'amt': self.outputs[0].amt if self.outputs else ETHAmt('0'),
- 'gasPrice': self.usr_rel_fee or self.fee_abs2rel(self.fee,to_unit='eth'),
- 'startGas': self.start_gas,
- 'nonce': self.get_nonce(),
- 'chainId': Int(g.rpch.request(chain_id_method),16),
- 'data': self.data,
- }
- # Instead of serializing tx data as with BTC, just create a JSON dump.
- # This complicates things but means we avoid using the rlp library to deserialize the data,
- # thus removing an attack vector
- def create_raw(self):
- assert len(self.inputs) == 1,'Transaction has more than one input!'
- o_ok = (0,1) if self.data else (1,)
- o_num = len(self.outputs)
- assert o_num in o_ok,'Transaction has invalid number of outputs!'.format(o_num)
- self.make_txobj()
- ol = [(k,v.decode() if issubclass(type(v),bytes) else str(v)) for k,v in self.txobj.items()]
- self.hex = json.dumps(dict(ol)).encode()
- self.update_txid()
- def del_output(self,idx): pass
- def update_txid(self):
- assert not is_hex_str(self.hex),'update_txid() must be called only when self.hex is not hex data'
- self.txid = MMGenTxID(make_chksum_6(self.hex).upper())
- def get_blockcount(self):
- return Int(g.rpch.eth_blockNumber(),16)
- def process_cmd_args(self,cmd_args,ad_f,ad_w):
- lc = len(cmd_args)
- if lc == 0 and self.data and not 'Token' in type(self).__name__: return
- if lc != 1:
- fs = '{} output{} specified, but Ethereum transactions must have exactly one'
- die(1,fs.format(lc,suf(lc)))
- for a in cmd_args: self.process_cmd_arg(a,ad_f,ad_w)
- def select_unspent(self,unspent):
- prompt = 'Enter an account to spend from: '
- while True:
- reply = my_raw_input(prompt).strip()
- if reply:
- if not is_int(reply):
- msg('Account number must be an integer')
- elif int(reply) < 1:
- msg('Account number must be >= 1')
- elif int(reply) > len(unspent):
- msg('Account number must be <= {}'.format(len(unspent)))
- else:
- return [int(reply)]
- # coin-specific fee routines:
- def get_relay_fee(self): return ETHAmt('0') # TODO
- # given absolute fee in ETH, return gas price in Gwei using tx_gas
- def fee_abs2rel(self,abs_fee,to_unit='Gwei'):
- ret = ETHAmt(int(abs_fee.toWei() // self.tx_gas.toWei()),'wei')
- dmsg('fee_abs2rel() ==> {} ETH'.format(ret))
- return ret if to_unit == 'eth' else ret.to_unit(to_unit,show_decimal=True)
- # get rel_fee (gas price) from network, return in native wei
- def get_rel_fee_from_network(self):
- return Int(g.rpch.eth_gasPrice(),16),'eth_gasPrice' # ==> rel_fee,fe_type
- # given rel fee and units, return absolute fee using tx_gas
- def convert_fee_spec(self,foo,units,amt,unit):
- self.usr_rel_fee = ETHAmt(int(amt),units[unit])
- return ETHAmt(self.usr_rel_fee.toWei() * self.tx_gas.toWei(),'wei')
- # given rel fee in wei, return absolute fee using tx_gas (not in MMGenTX)
- def fee_rel2abs(self,rel_fee):
- assert type(rel_fee) in (int,Int),"'{}': incorrect type for fee estimate (not an integer)".format(rel_fee)
- return ETHAmt(rel_fee * self.tx_gas.toWei(),'wei')
- # given fee estimate (gas price) in wei, return absolute fee, adjusting by opt.tx_fee_adj
- def fee_est2abs(self,rel_fee,fe_type=None):
- ret = self.fee_rel2abs(rel_fee) * opt.tx_fee_adj
- if opt.verbose:
- msg('Estimated fee: {} ETH'.format(ret))
- return ret
- def convert_and_check_fee(self,tx_fee,desc='Missing description'):
- abs_fee = self.process_fee_spec(tx_fee,None,on_fail='return')
- if abs_fee == False:
- return False
- elif self.disable_fee_check:
- return abs_fee
- elif abs_fee > g.proto.max_tx_fee:
- m = '{} {c}: {} fee too large (maximum fee: {} {c})'
- msg(m.format(abs_fee.hl(),desc,g.proto.max_tx_fee.hl(),c=g.coin))
- return False
- else:
- return abs_fee
- def update_change_output(self,change_amt):
- if self.outputs and self.outputs[0].is_chg:
- self.update_output_amt(0,ETHAmt(change_amt))
- def update_send_amt(self,foo):
- if self.outputs:
- self.send_amt = self.outputs[0].amt
- def format_view_body(self,blockcount,nonmm_str,max_mmwid,enl,terse):
- m = {}
- for k in ('in','out'):
- if len(getattr(self,k+'puts')):
- m[k] = getattr(self,k+'puts')[0].mmid if len(getattr(self,k+'puts')) else ''
- m[k] = ' ' + m[k].hl() if m[k] else ' ' + MMGenID.hlc(nonmm_str)
- fs = """From: {}{f_mmid}
- To: {}{t_mmid}
- Amount: {} {c}
- Gas price: {g} Gwei
- Start gas: {G} Kwei
- Nonce: {}
- Data: {d}
- \n""".replace('\t','')
- keys = ('from','to','amt','nonce')
- ld = len(self.txobj['data'])
- return fs.format( *((self.txobj[k] if self.txobj[k] != '' else Str('None')).hl() for k in keys),
- d='{}... ({} bytes)'.format(self.txobj['data'][:40],ld//2) if ld else Str('None'),
- c=g.dcoin if len(self.outputs) else '',
- g=yellow(str(self.txobj['gasPrice'].to_unit('Gwei',show_decimal=True))),
- G=yellow(str(self.txobj['startGas'].toKwei())),
- t_mmid=m['out'] if len(self.outputs) else '',
- f_mmid=m['in'])
- def format_view_abs_fee(self):
- fee = self.fee_rel2abs(self.txobj['gasPrice'].toWei())
- note = ' (max)' if self.data else ''
- return fee.hl() + note
- def format_view_rel_fee(self,terse): return ''
- def format_view_verbose_footer(self): return '' # TODO
- def set_g_token(self):
- die(2,"Transaction object mismatch. Have you forgotten to include the '--token' option?")
- def final_inputs_ok_msg(self,change_amt):
- m = "Transaction leaves {} {} in the sender's account"
- chg = '0' if (self.outputs and self.outputs[0].is_chg) else change_amt
- return m.format(ETHAmt(chg).hl(),g.coin)
- def do_sign(self,d,wif,tx_num_str):
- d_in = {'to': unhexlify(d['to']),
- 'startgas': d['startGas'].toWei(),
- 'gasprice': d['gasPrice'].toWei(),
- 'value': d['amt'].toWei() if d['amt'] else 0,
- 'nonce': d['nonce'],
- 'data': unhexlify(d['data'])}
- from ethereum.transactions import Transaction
- etx = Transaction(**d_in).sign(wif,d['chainId'])
- assert hexlify(etx.sender).decode() == d['from'],(
- 'Sender address recovered from signature does not match true sender')
- import rlp
- self.hex = hexlify(rlp.encode(etx))
- self.coin_txid = CoinTxID(hexlify(etx.hash))
- if d['data']:
- self.token_addr = TokenAddr(hexlify(etx.creates).decode())
- assert self.check_sigs(),'Signature check failed'
- def sign(self,tx_num_str,keys): # return True or False; don't exit or raise exception
- if self.marked_signed():
- msg('Transaction is already signed!')
- return False
- if not self.check_correct_chain(on_fail='return'):
- return False
- msg_r('Signing transaction{}...'.format(tx_num_str))
- try:
- self.do_sign(self.txobj,keys[0].sec.wif,tx_num_str)
- msg('OK')
- return True
- except Exception as e:
- if os.getenv('MMGEN_TRACEBACK'):
- import traceback
- ymsg('\n'+''.join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())))
- m = "{!r}: transaction signing failed!"
- msg(m.format(e.args[0]))
- return False
- def is_in_mempool(self):
- return '0x'+self.coin_txid.decode() in [x['hash'] for x in g.rpch.parity_pendingTransactions()]
- def is_in_wallet(self):
- d = g.rpch.eth_getTransactionReceipt('0x'+self.coin_txid.decode())
- if d and 'blockNumber' in d and d['blockNumber'] is not None:
- return 1 + int(g.rpch.eth_blockNumber(),16) - int(d['blockNumber'],16)
- return False
- def get_status(self,status=False):
- if self.is_in_mempool():
- msg('Transaction is in mempool' if status else 'Warning: transaction is in mempool!')
- return
- confs = self.is_in_wallet()
- if confs is not False:
- if self.data:
- exec_status = type(self).get_exec_status(self.coin_txid)
- if exec_status == 0:
- msg('Contract failed to execute!')
- else:
- msg('Contract successfully executed with status {}'.format(exec_status))
- die(0,'Transaction has {} confirmation{}'.format(confs,suf(confs,'s')))
- if status:
- die(1,'Transaction is neither in mempool nor blockchain!')
- def send(self,prompt_user=True,exit_on_fail=False):
- if not self.marked_signed():
- die(1,'Transaction is not signed!')
- self.check_correct_chain(on_fail='die')
- bogus_send = os.getenv('MMGEN_BOGUS_SEND')
- fee = self.fee_rel2abs(self.txobj['gasPrice'].toWei())
- if not self.disable_fee_check and fee > g.proto.max_tx_fee:
- die(2,'Transaction fee ({}) greater than {} max_tx_fee ({} {})!'.format(
- fee,g.proto.name.capitalize(),g.proto.max_tx_fee,g.coin))
- self.get_status()
- if prompt_user: self.confirm_send()
- ret = None if bogus_send else g.rpch.eth_sendRawTransaction('0x'+self.hex.decode(),on_fail='return')
- from mmgen.rpc import rpc_error,rpc_errmsg
- if rpc_error(ret):
- msg(yellow(rpc_errmsg(ret)))
- msg(red('Send of MMGen transaction {} failed'.format(self.txid)))
- if exit_on_fail: sys.exit(1)
- return False
- else:
- m = 'BOGUS transaction NOT sent: {}' if bogus_send else 'Transaction sent: {}'
- if not bogus_send:
- assert ret == '0x'+self.coin_txid.decode(),'txid mismatch (after sending)'
- self.desc = 'sent transaction'
- msg(m.format(self.coin_txid.hl()))
- self.add_timestamp()
- self.add_blockcount()
- return True
- class EthereumTokenMMGenTX(EthereumMMGenTX):
- desc = 'Ethereum token transaction'
- tx_gas = ETHAmt(52000,'wei')
- start_gas = ETHAmt(60000,'wei')
- fee_is_approximate = True
- def update_change_output(self,change_amt):
- if self.outputs[0].is_chg:
- self.update_output_amt(0,self.inputs[0].amt)
- def check_sufficient_funds(self,inputs_sum,sel_unspent):
- eth_bal = ETHAmt(int(g.rpch.eth_getBalance('0x'+sel_unspent[0].addr),16),'wei')
- if eth_bal == 0: # we don't know the fee yet
- msg('This account has no ether to pay for the transaction fee!')
- return False
- if self.send_amt > inputs_sum:
- msg(self.msg_low_coin.format(self.send_amt-inputs_sum,g.dcoin))
- return False
- return True
- def final_inputs_ok_msg(self,change_amt):
- m = "Transaction leaves ≈{} {} and {} {} in the sender's account"
- if self.outputs[0].is_chg:
- send_acct_tbal = '0'
- else:
- from mmgen.altcoins.eth.contract import Token
- send_acct_tbal = Token(g.token).balance(self.inputs[0].addr) - self.outputs[0].amt
- return m.format(ETHAmt(change_amt).hl(),g.coin,ETHAmt(send_acct_tbal).hl(),g.dcoin)
- def get_change_amt(self): # here we know the fee
- eth_bal = ETHAmt(int(g.rpch.eth_getBalance('0x'+self.inputs[0].addr),16),'wei')
- return eth_bal - self.fee
- def set_g_token(self):
- g.dcoin = self.dcoin
- if is_hex_bytes(self.hex): return # for txsend we can leave g.token uninitialized
- d = json.loads(self.hex.decode())
- if g.token.upper() == self.dcoin:
- g.token = d['token_addr']
- elif g.token != d['token_addr']:
- m1 = "'{p}': invalid --token parameter for {t} Ethereum token transaction file\n"
- m2 = "Please use '--token={t}'"
- die(1,(m1+m2).format(p=g.token,t=self.dcoin))
- def make_txobj(self):
- super(EthereumTokenMMGenTX,self).make_txobj()
- from mmgen.altcoins.eth.contract import Token
- t = Token(g.token)
- o = t.txcreate( self.inputs[0].addr,
- self.outputs[0].addr,
- (self.inputs[0].amt if self.outputs[0].is_chg else self.outputs[0].amt),
- self.start_gas,
- self.usr_rel_fee or self.fee_abs2rel(self.fee,to_unit='eth'))
- self.txobj['token_addr'] = self.token_addr = t.addr
- self.txobj['decimals'] = t.decimals()
- def check_txfile_hex_data(self):
- d = super(EthereumTokenMMGenTX,self).check_txfile_hex_data()
- o = self.txobj
- from mmgen.altcoins.eth.contract import Token
- if self.check_sigs(): # online, from rlp
- rpc_init()
- o['token_addr'] = TokenAddr(o['to'])
- o['amt'] = Token(o['token_addr']).transferdata2amt(o['data'])
- else: # offline, from json
- o['token_addr'] = TokenAddr(d['token_addr'])
- o['decimals'] = Int(d['decimals'])
- t = Token(o['token_addr'],o['decimals'])
- self.data = o['data'] = t.create_data(o['to'],o['amt'])
- def format_view_body(self,*args,**kwargs):
- return 'Token: {d} {c}\n{r}'.format(
- d=self.txobj['token_addr'].hl(),
- c=blue('(' + g.dcoin + ')'),
- r=super(EthereumTokenMMGenTX,self).format_view_body(*args,**kwargs))
- def do_sign(self,d,wif,tx_num_str):
- from mmgen.altcoins.eth.contract import Token
- d = self.txobj
- t = Token(d['token_addr'],decimals=d['decimals'])
- tx_in = t.txcreate(d['from'],d['to'],d['amt'],self.start_gas,d['gasPrice'],nonce=d['nonce'])
- (self.hex,self.coin_txid) = t.txsign(tx_in,wif,d['from'],chain_id=d['chainId'])
- assert self.check_sigs(),'Signature check failed'
- class EthereumMMGenBumpTX(EthereumMMGenTX,MMGenBumpTX):
- def choose_output(self): pass
- def set_min_fee(self):
- self.min_fee = ETHAmt(self.fee * Decimal('1.101'))
- def update_fee(self,foo,fee):
- self.fee = fee
- def get_nonce(self):
- return self.txobj['nonce']
- class EthereumTokenMMGenBumpTX(EthereumTokenMMGenTX,EthereumMMGenBumpTX): pass
- class EthereumMMGenSplitTX(MMGenSplitTX): pass
- class EthereumDeserializedTX(DeserializedTX): pass