setup.cfg 1.8 KB

  1. [metadata]
  2. name = MMGen
  3. version = file: mmgen/data/version
  4. description = MMGen cryptocurrency wallet suite
  5. long_description = file:
  6. long_description_content_type = text/markdown
  7. author = The MMGen Project
  8. author_email =
  9. url =
  10. license = GNU GPL v3
  11. platforms = Linux, Armbian, Raspbian, MS Windows
  12. keywords = file: mmgen/data/keywords
  13. project_urls =
  14. Bug Tracker =
  15. classifiers =
  16. Programming Language :: Python :: 3
  17. License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3)
  18. Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux
  19. Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows
  20. [options]
  21. python_requires = >=3.7
  22. include_package_data = True
  23. # pysha3 is used by XMR and ETH for the keccak hash function only. If the
  24. # module is not available, the native Python implementation in mmgen.keccak
  25. # will be used instead.
  26. install_requires =
  27. importlib-resources; python_version < "3.9"
  28. gmpy2
  29. cryptography
  30. pynacl
  31. ecdsa
  32. requests
  33. pysocks #
  34. pexpect
  35. scrypt
  36. semantic-version # scripts/
  37. aiohttp; platform_system != "Windows"
  38. pysha3; platform_system != "Windows"
  39. packages =
  40. mmgen
  41. mmgen.share
  42. mmgen.altcoins
  43. mmgen.altcoins.eth
  44. mmgen.altcoins.eth.pyethereum
  45. mmgen.altcoins.eth.rlp
  46. mmgen.altcoins.eth.rlp.sedes
  47. scripts =
  48. cmds/mmgen-addrgen
  49. cmds/mmgen-addrimport
  50. cmds/mmgen-autosign
  51. cmds/mmgen-keygen
  52. cmds/mmgen-passchg
  53. cmds/mmgen-passgen
  54. cmds/mmgen-regtest
  55. cmds/mmgen-seedjoin
  56. cmds/mmgen-seedsplit
  57. cmds/mmgen-split
  58. cmds/mmgen-subwalletgen
  59. cmds/mmgen-tool
  60. cmds/mmgen-txbump
  61. cmds/mmgen-txcreate
  62. cmds/mmgen-txdo
  63. cmds/mmgen-txsend
  64. cmds/mmgen-txsign
  65. cmds/mmgen-walletchk
  66. cmds/mmgen-walletconv
  67. cmds/mmgen-walletgen
  68. cmds/mmgen-xmrwallet