25 KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/env python3
  2. #
  3. # mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution
  4. # Copyright (C)2013-2023 The MMGen Project <>
  5. #
  6. # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  7. # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  8. # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  9. # (at your option) any later version.
  10. #
  11. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  12. # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  14. # GNU General Public License for more details.
  15. #
  16. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  17. # along with this program. If not, see <>.
  18. """
  19. tw.view: base class for tracking wallet view classes
  20. """
  21. import sys,time,asyncio
  22. from collections import namedtuple
  23. from ..cfg import gc,gv
  24. from ..objmethods import MMGenObject
  25. from ..obj import get_obj,MMGenIdx,MMGenList
  26. from ..color import nocolor,yellow,green,red,blue
  27. from ..util import msg,msg_r,fmt,die,capfirst,make_timestr
  28. from ..rpc import rpc_init
  29. from ..base_obj import AsyncInit
  30. # these are replaced by fake versions in overlay:
  31. CUR_HOME = '\033[H'
  32. CUR_UP = lambda n: f'\033[{n}A'
  33. CUR_DOWN = lambda n: f'\033[{n}B'
  34. ERASE_ALL = '\033[0J'
  35. # decorator for
  36. def enable_echo(orig_func):
  37. async def f(self,parent,action_method):
  38. if parent.scroll:
  39. parent.term.set('echo')
  40. ret = await orig_func(self,parent,action_method)
  41. if parent.scroll:
  42. parent.term.set('noecho')
  43. return ret
  44. return f
  45. # base class for TwUnspentOutputs,TwAddresses,TwTxHistory:
  46. class TwView(MMGenObject,metaclass=AsyncInit):
  47. class display_type:
  48. class squeezed:
  49. detail = False
  50. fmt_method = 'gen_squeezed_display'
  51. line_fmt_method = 'squeezed_format_line'
  52. subhdr_fmt_method = 'gen_subheader'
  53. colhdr_fmt_method = 'squeezed_col_hdr'
  54. need_column_widths = True
  55. item_separator = '\n'
  56. print_header = '[screen print truncated to width {}]\n'
  57. class detail:
  58. detail = True
  59. fmt_method = 'gen_detail_display'
  60. line_fmt_method = 'detail_format_line'
  61. subhdr_fmt_method = 'gen_subheader'
  62. colhdr_fmt_method = 'detail_col_hdr' # set to None to disable
  63. need_column_widths = True
  64. item_separator = '\n'
  65. print_header = ''
  66. class line_processing:
  67. class print:
  68. def do(method,data,cw,fs,color,fmt_method):
  69. return [l.rstrip() for l in method(data,cw,fs,color,fmt_method)]
  70. has_wallet = True
  71. has_amt2 = False
  72. dates_set = False
  73. reverse = False
  74. group = False
  75. use_cached = False
  76. txid_w = 64
  77. sort_key = 'age'
  78. display_hdr = ()
  79. display_body = ()
  80. nodata_msg = '[no data for requested parameters]'
  81. cols = 0
  82. term_height = 0
  83. term_width = 0
  84. scrollable_height = 0
  85. min_scrollable_height = 5
  86. pos = 0
  87. filters = ()
  88. fp = namedtuple('fs_params',['fs_key','hdr_fs_repl','fs_repl','hdr_fs','fs'])
  89. fs_params = {
  90. 'num': fp('n', True, True, ' {n:>%s}', ' {n:>%s}'),
  91. 'txid': fp('t', True, False, ' {t:%s}', ' {t}'),
  92. 'vout': fp('v', True, False, '{v:%s}', '{v}'),
  93. 'used': fp('u', True, False, ' {u:%s}', ' {u}'),
  94. 'addr': fp('a', True, False, ' {a:%s}', ' {a}'),
  95. 'mmid': fp('m', True, False, ' {m:%s}', ' {m}'),
  96. 'comment': fp('c', True, False, ' {c:%s}', ' {c}'),
  97. 'amt': fp('A', True, False, ' {A:%s}', ' {A}'),
  98. 'amt2': fp('B', True, False, ' {B:%s}', ' {B}'),
  99. 'date': fp('d', True, True, ' {d:%s}', ' {d:<%s}'),
  100. 'date_time': fp('D', True, True, ' {D:%s}', ' {D:%s}'),
  101. 'block': fp('b', True, True, ' {b:%s}', ' {b:<%s}'),
  102. 'inputs': fp('i', True, False, ' {i:%s}', ' {i}'),
  103. 'outputs': fp('o', True, False, ' {o:%s}', ' {o}'),
  104. }
  105. age_fmts = ('confs','block','days','date','date_time')
  106. age_fmts_date_dependent = ('days','date','date_time')
  107. _age_fmt = 'confs'
  108. age_col_params = {
  109. 'confs': (7, 'Confs'),
  110. 'block': (8, 'Block'),
  111. 'days': (6, 'Age(d)'),
  112. 'date': (8, 'Date'),
  113. 'date_time': (16, 'Date/Time'),
  114. }
  115. date_formatter = {
  116. 'days': lambda rpc,secs: (rpc.cur_date - secs) // 86400 if secs else 0,
  117. 'date': (
  118. lambda rpc,secs: '{}-{:02}-{:02}'.format(*time.gmtime(secs)[:3])[2:]
  119. if secs else '- '),
  120. 'date_time': (
  121. lambda rpc,secs: '{}-{:02}-{:02} {:02}:{:02}'.format(*time.gmtime(secs)[:5])
  122. if secs else '- '),
  123. }
  124. twidth_diemsg = """
  125. --columns or MMGEN_COLUMNS value ({}) is too small to display the {}
  126. Minimum value for this configuration: {}
  127. """
  128. twidth_errmsg = """
  129. Screen is too narrow to display the {} with current configuration
  130. Please resize your screen to at least {} characters and hit any key:
  131. """
  132. theight_errmsg = """
  133. Terminal window is too small to display the {} with current configuration
  134. Please resize it to at least {} lines and hit any key:
  135. """
  136. squeezed_format_line = None
  137. detail_format_line = None
  138. scroll_keys = {
  139. 'vi': {
  140. 'k': 'm_cursor_up',
  141. 'j': 'm_cursor_down',
  142. 'b': 'm_pg_up',
  143. 'f': 'm_pg_down',
  144. 'g': 'm_top',
  145. 'G': 'm_bot',
  146. },
  147. 'linux': {
  148. '\x1b[A': 'm_cursor_up',
  149. '\x1b[B': 'm_cursor_down',
  150. '\x1b[5~': 'm_pg_up',
  151. '\x1b[6~': 'm_pg_down',
  152. '\x1b[7~': 'm_top',
  153. '\x1b[8~': 'm_bot',
  154. },
  155. 'win32': {
  156. '\xe0H': 'm_cursor_up',
  157. '\xe0P': 'm_cursor_down',
  158. '\xe0I': 'm_pg_up',
  159. '\xe0Q': 'm_pg_down',
  160. '\xe0G': 'm_top',
  161. '\xe0O': 'm_bot',
  162. }
  163. }
  164. def __new__(cls,cfg,proto,*args,**kwargs):
  165. return MMGenObject.__new__(proto.base_proto_subclass(cls,cls.mod_subpath))
  166. async def __init__(self,cfg,proto):
  167. self.cfg = cfg
  168. self.proto = proto
  169. self.rpc = await rpc_init(cfg,proto)
  170. if self.has_wallet:
  171. from .ctl import TwCtl
  172. self.twctl = await TwCtl(cfg,proto,mode='w')
  173. self.amt_keys = {'amt':'iwidth','amt2':'iwidth2'} if self.has_amt2 else {'amt':'iwidth'}
  174. @property
  175. def age_w(self):
  176. return self.age_col_params[self.age_fmt][0]
  177. @property
  178. def age_hdr(self):
  179. return self.age_col_params[self.age_fmt][1]
  180. @property
  181. def age_fmt(self):
  182. return self._age_fmt
  183. @age_fmt.setter
  184. def age_fmt(self,val):
  185. if val not in self.age_fmts:
  186. die( 'BadAgeFormat', f'{val!r}: invalid age format (must be one of {self.age_fmts!r})' )
  187. self._age_fmt = val
  188. def age_disp(self,o,age_fmt):
  189. if age_fmt == 'confs':
  190. return o.confs or '-'
  191. elif age_fmt == 'block':
  192. return self.rpc.blockcount + 1 - o.confs if o.confs else '-'
  193. else:
  194. return self.date_formatter[age_fmt](self.rpc,
  195. def get_disp_prec(self,wide):
  196. return self.proto.coin_amt.max_prec
  197. sort_disp = {
  198. 'addr': 'Addr',
  199. 'age': 'Age',
  200. 'amt': 'Amt',
  201. 'txid': 'TxID',
  202. 'twmmid': 'MMGenID',
  203. }
  204. sort_funcs = {
  205. 'addr': lambda i: i.addr,
  206. 'age': lambda i: 0 - i.confs,
  207. 'amt': lambda i: i.amt,
  208. 'txid': lambda i: f'{i.txid} {i.vout:04}',
  209. 'twmmid': lambda i: i.twmmid.sort_key
  210. }
  211. def sort_info(self,include_group=True):
  212. ret = ([],['Reverse'])[self.reverse]
  213. ret.append(self.sort_disp[self.sort_key])
  214. if include_group and and (self.sort_key in ('addr','txid','twmmid')):
  215. ret.append('Grouped')
  216. return ret
  217. def do_sort(self,key=None,reverse=False):
  218. key = key or self.sort_key
  219. if key not in self.sort_funcs:
  220. die(1,f'{key!r}: invalid sort key. Valid options: {" ".join(self.sort_funcs)}')
  221. self.sort_key = key
  222. assert isinstance(reverse,bool)
  223. save =
  224.[key],reverse=reverse or self.reverse)
  225. if != save:
  226. self.pos = 0
  227. async def get_data(self,sort_key=None,reverse_sort=False):
  228. rpc_data = await self.get_rpc_data()
  229. if not rpc_data:
  230. die(0,fmt(self.no_rpcdata_errmsg).strip())
  231. lbl_id = ('account','label')['label_api' in self.rpc.caps]
  232. res = self.gen_data(rpc_data,lbl_id)
  233. = MMGenList(await res if type(res).__name__ == 'coroutine' else res)
  234. self.disp_data = list(self.filter_data())
  235. if not
  236. die(1,self.no_data_errmsg)
  237. self.do_sort(key=sort_key,reverse=reverse_sort)
  238. # get_data() is immediately followed by display header, and get_rpc_data() produces output,
  239. # so add NL here (' ' required because CUR_HOME erases preceding blank lines)
  240. msg(' ')
  241. def get_term_dimensions(self,min_cols,min_lines=None):
  242. from ..term import get_terminal_size,get_char_raw,_term_dimensions
  243. user_resized = False
  244. while True:
  245. ts = get_terminal_size()
  246. cols = self.cfg.columns or ts.width
  247. lines = ts.height
  248. if cols >= min_cols and (min_lines is None or lines >= min_lines):
  249. if user_resized:
  250. msg_r(CUR_HOME + ERASE_ALL)
  251. return _term_dimensions(cols,ts.height)
  252. if sys.stdout.isatty():
  253. if self.cfg.columns and cols < min_cols:
  254. die(1,'\n'+fmt(self.twidth_diemsg.format(self.cfg.columns,self.desc,min_cols),indent=' '))
  255. else:
  256. m,dim = (self.twidth_errmsg,min_cols) if cols < min_cols else (self.theight_errmsg,min_lines)
  257. get_char_raw( CUR_HOME + ERASE_ALL + fmt( m.format(self.desc,dim), append='' ))
  258. user_resized = True
  259. else:
  260. return _term_dimensions(min_cols,ts.height)
  261. def compute_column_widths(self,widths,maxws,minws,maxws_nice,wide,interactive):
  262. def do_ret(freews):
  263. widths.update({k:minws[k] + freews.get(k,0) for k in minws})
  264. widths.update({ikey: widths[key] - self.disp_prec - 1 for key,ikey in self.amt_keys.items()})
  265. return namedtuple('column_widths',widths.keys())(*widths.values())
  266. def do_ret_max():
  267. widths.update({k:max(minws[k],maxws[k]) for k in minws})
  268. widths.update({ikey: widths[key] - self.disp_prec - 1 for key,ikey in self.amt_keys.items()})
  269. return namedtuple('column_widths',widths.keys())(*widths.values())
  270. def get_freews(cols,varws,varw,minw):
  271. freew = cols - minw
  272. if freew and varw:
  273. x = freew / varw
  274. freews = {k:int(varws[k] * x) for k in varws}
  275. remainder = freew - sum(freews.values())
  276. for k in varws:
  277. if not remainder:
  278. break
  279. if freews[k] < varws[k]:
  280. freews[k] += 1
  281. remainder -= 1
  282. return freews
  283. else:
  284. return {k:0 for k in varws}
  285. varws = {k:maxws[k] - minws[k] for k in maxws if maxws[k] > minws[k]}
  286. minw = sum(widths.values()) + sum(minws.values())
  287. varw = sum(varws.values())
  288. self.min_term_width = 40 if wide else max(self.prompt_width,minw) if interactive else minw
  289. td = self.get_term_dimensions(self.min_term_width)
  290. self.term_height = td.height
  291. self.term_width = td.width
  292. self.cols = min(self.term_width,minw + varw)
  293. if wide or self.cols == minw + varw:
  294. return do_ret_max()
  295. if maxws_nice:
  296. # compute high-priority widths:
  297. varws_hp = {k: maxws_nice[k] - minws[k] if k in maxws_nice else varws[k] for k in varws}
  298. varw_hp = sum(varws_hp.values())
  299. widths_hp = get_freews(
  300. min(self.term_width,minw + varw_hp),
  301. varws_hp,
  302. varw_hp,
  303. minw )
  304. # compute low-priority (nice) widths:
  305. varws_lp = {k: varws[k] - varws_hp[k] for k in maxws_nice if k in varws}
  306. widths_lp = get_freews(
  307. self.cols,
  308. varws_lp,
  309. sum(varws_lp.values()),
  310. minw + sum(widths_hp.values()) )
  311. # sum the two for each field:
  312. return do_ret({k:widths_hp[k] + widths_lp.get(k,0) for k in varws})
  313. else:
  314. return do_ret(get_freews(self.cols,varws,varw,minw))
  315. def gen_subheader(self,cw,color):
  316. return ()
  317. def gen_footer(self,color):
  318. if hasattr(self,'total'):
  319. yield 'TOTAL: {} {}'.format(, self.proto.dcoin )
  320. def set_amt_widths(self,data):
  321. # width of amts column: min(7,width of integer part) + len('.') + width of fractional part
  322. self.amt_widths = {
  323. k:min(7,max(len(str(getattr(d,k).to_integral_value())) for d in data)) + 1 + self.disp_prec
  324. for k in self.amt_keys}
  325. async def format(
  326. self,
  327. display_type,
  328. color = True,
  329. interactive = False,
  330. line_processing = None,
  331. scroll = False):
  332. def make_display():
  333. def gen_hdr():
  334. Blue,Green = (blue,green) if color else (nocolor,nocolor)
  335. Yes,No,All = (green('yes'),red('no'),yellow('all')) if color else ('yes','no','all')
  336. sort_info = ' '.join(self.sort_info())
  337. def fmt_filter(k):
  338. return '{}:{}'.format(k,{0:No,1:Yes,2:All}[getattr(self,k)])
  339. yield '{} (sort order: {}){}'.format(
  340. self.hdr_lbl.upper(),
  341. Blue(sort_info),
  342. ' ' * (self.cols - len(f'{self.hdr_lbl} (sort order: {sort_info})')) )
  343. if self.filters:
  344. yield 'Filters: {}{}'.format(
  345. ' '.join(map(fmt_filter,self.filters)),
  346. ' ' * len(self.filters) )
  347. yield 'Network: {}'.format(Green(
  348. self.proto.coin + ' ' + self.proto.chain_name.upper() ))
  349. yield 'Block {} [{}]'.format(
  350. self.rpc.blockcount.hl(color=color),
  351. make_timestr(self.rpc.cur_date) )
  352. if hasattr(self,'total'):
  353. yield 'Total {}: {}'.format( self.proto.dcoin, )
  354. yield from getattr(self,dt.subhdr_fmt_method)(cw,color)
  355. yield ''
  356. if data and dt.colhdr_fmt_method:
  357. col_hdr = getattr(self,dt.colhdr_fmt_method)(cw,hdr_fs,color)
  358. yield col_hdr.rstrip() if line_processing == 'print' else col_hdr
  359. def get_body(method):
  360. if line_processing:
  361. return getattr(self.line_processing,line_processing).do(
  362. method,data,cw,fs,color,getattr(self,dt.line_fmt_method))
  363. else:
  364. return method(data,cw,fs,color,getattr(self,dt.line_fmt_method))
  365. if data and dt.need_column_widths:
  366. self.set_amt_widths(data)
  367. cw = self.get_column_widths(data,wide=dt.detail,interactive=interactive)
  368. cwh = cw._asdict()
  369. fp = self.fs_params
  370. rfill = ' ' * (self.term_width - self.cols) if scroll else ''
  371. hdr_fs = ''.join(fp[name].hdr_fs % ((),cwh[name])[fp[name].hdr_fs_repl]
  372. for name in dt.cols if cwh[name]) + rfill
  373. fs = ''.join(fp[name].fs % ((),cwh[name])[fp[name].fs_repl]
  374. for name in dt.cols if cwh[name]) + rfill
  375. else:
  376. cw = hdr_fs = fs = None
  377. return (
  378. tuple(gen_hdr()),
  379. tuple(
  380. get_body(getattr(self,dt.fmt_method)) if data else
  381. [(nocolor,yellow)[color](self.nodata_msg.ljust(self.term_width))] )
  382. )
  383. if not gv.stdout.isatty():
  384. line_processing = 'print'
  385. dt = getattr(self.display_type,display_type)
  386. if self.use_cached:
  387. self.use_cached = False
  388. display_hdr = self.display_hdr
  389. display_body = self.display_body
  390. else:
  391. self.disp_prec = self.get_disp_prec(wide=dt.detail)
  392. if self.has_age and (self.age_fmt in self.age_fmts_date_dependent or dt.detail):
  393. await self.set_dates(
  394. dsave = self.disp_data
  395. data = self.disp_data = list(self.filter_data()) # method could be a generator
  396. if data != dsave:
  397. self.pos = 0
  398. display_hdr,display_body = make_display()
  399. if scroll:
  400. fixed_height = len(display_hdr) + self.prompt_height + 1
  401. if self.term_height - fixed_height < self.min_scrollable_height:
  402. td = self.get_term_dimensions(
  403. self.min_term_width,
  404. min_lines = self.min_scrollable_height + fixed_height )
  405. self.term_height = td.height
  406. self.term_width = td.width
  407. display_hdr,display_body = make_display()
  408. self.scrollable_height = self.term_height - fixed_height
  409. self.max_pos = max(0, len(display_body) - self.scrollable_height)
  410. self.pos = min(self.pos,self.max_pos)
  411. if not dt.detail:
  412. self.display_hdr = display_hdr
  413. self.display_body = display_body
  414. if scroll:
  415. top = self.pos
  416. bot = self.pos + self.scrollable_height
  417. fill = ('\n' + ''.ljust(self.term_width)) * (self.scrollable_height - len(display_body))
  418. else:
  419. top,bot,fill = (None,None,'')
  420. if interactive:
  421. footer = ''
  422. else:
  423. footer = '\n'.join(self.gen_footer(color))
  424. footer = ('\n\n' + footer if footer else '') + '\n'
  425. return (
  426. '\n'.join(display_hdr) + '\n'
  427. + dt.item_separator.join(display_body[top:bot])
  428. + fill
  429. + footer
  430. )
  431. async def view_filter_and_sort(self):
  432. action_map = {
  433. 'a_': 'action',
  434. 's_': 'sort_action',
  435. 'd_': 'display_action',
  436. 'm_': 'scroll_action',
  437. 'i_': 'item_action',
  438. }
  439. def make_key_mappings(scroll):
  440. if scroll:
  441. for k in self.scroll_keys['vi']:
  442. assert k not in self.key_mappings, f'{k!r} is in key_mappings'
  443. self.key_mappings.update(self.scroll_keys['vi'])
  444. self.key_mappings.update(self.scroll_keys[sys.platform])
  445. return self.key_mappings
  446. scroll = self.scroll = self.cfg.scroll
  447. key_mappings = make_key_mappings(scroll)
  448. action_classes = { k: getattr(self,action_map[v[:2]])() for k,v in key_mappings.items() }
  449. action_methods = { k: getattr(v,key_mappings[k]) for k,v in action_classes.items() }
  450. prompt = self.prompt_fs.strip().format(
  451. s='\nScrolling: k=up, j=down, b=pgup, f=pgdown, g=top, G=bottom' if scroll else '' )
  452. self.prompt_width = max(len(l) for l in prompt.split('\n'))
  453. self.prompt_height = len(prompt.split('\n'))
  454. self.oneshot_msg = ''
  455. prompt += '\b'
  456. clear_screen = '\n\n' if self.cfg.no_blank else CUR_HOME + ('' if scroll else ERASE_ALL)
  457. from ..term import get_term,get_char,get_char_raw
  458. if scroll:
  459. self.term = get_term()
  460. self.term.register_cleanup()
  461. self.term.set('noecho')
  462. get_char = get_char_raw
  463. msg_r(CUR_HOME + ERASE_ALL)
  464. while True:
  465. if self.oneshot_msg and scroll:
  466. msg_r(self.blank_prompt + self.oneshot_msg + ' ') # oneshot_msg must be a one-liner
  467. await asyncio.sleep(2)
  468. msg_r('\r' + ''.ljust(self.term_width))
  469. reply = get_char(
  470. clear_screen
  471. + await self.format('squeezed',interactive=True,scroll=scroll)
  472. + '\n\n'
  473. + (self.oneshot_msg + '\n\n' if self.oneshot_msg and not scroll else '')
  474. + prompt,
  475. immed_chars = key_mappings )
  476. self.oneshot_msg = ''
  477. if reply in key_mappings:
  478. ret = action_classes[reply].run(self,action_methods[reply])
  479. if type(ret).__name__ == 'coroutine':
  480. await ret
  481. elif reply == 'q':
  482. msg('')
  483. if self.scroll:
  484. self.term.set('echo')
  485. return self.disp_data
  486. else:
  487. if not scroll:
  488. msg_r('\ninvalid keypress ')
  489. await asyncio.sleep(0.3)
  490. @property
  491. def blank_prompt(self):
  492. return CUR_HOME + CUR_DOWN(self.term_height - self.prompt_height) + ERASE_ALL
  493. def keypress_confirm(self,*args,**kwargs):
  494. from ..ui import keypress_confirm
  495. if keypress_confirm( self.cfg, *args, no_nl=self.scroll, **kwargs ):
  496. return True
  497. else:
  498. if self.scroll:
  499. msg_r('\r'+''.ljust(self.term_width)+'\r'+yellow('Canceling! '))
  500. return False
  501. class action:
  502. @enable_echo
  503. async def run(self,parent,action_method):
  504. return await action_method(parent)
  505. async def a_print_detail(self,parent):
  506. return await self._print(parent,output_type='detail')
  507. async def a_print_squeezed(self,parent):
  508. return await self._print(parent,output_type='squeezed')
  509. async def _print(self,parent,output_type):
  510. if not parent.disp_data:
  511. return None
  512. outfile = '{a}{b}-{c}{d}[{e}].out'.format(
  513. a = parent.dump_fn_pfx,
  514. b = f'-{output_type}' if len(parent.print_output_types) > 1 else '',
  515. c = parent.proto.dcoin,
  516. d = ('' if == 'mainnet' else '-',
  517. e = ','.join(parent.sort_info(include_group=False)).replace(' ','') )
  518. print_hdr = getattr(parent.display_type,output_type).print_header.format(parent.cols)
  519. msg_r(parent.blank_prompt if parent.scroll else '\n')
  520. from ..fileutil import write_data_to_file
  521. from ..exception import UserNonConfirmation
  522. try:
  523. write_data_to_file(
  524. cfg = parent.cfg,
  525. outfile = outfile,
  526. data = print_hdr + await parent.format(
  527. display_type = output_type,
  528. line_processing = 'print',
  529. color = False ),
  530. desc = f'{parent.desc} listing' )
  531. except UserNonConfirmation:
  532. parent.oneshot_msg = yellow(f'File {outfile!r} not overwritten by user request')
  533. else:
  534. parent.oneshot_msg = green(f'Data written to {outfile!r}')
  535. async def a_view(self,parent):
  536. from ..ui import do_pager
  537. parent.use_cached = True
  538. msg_r(CUR_HOME)
  539. do_pager( await parent.format('squeezed',color=True) )
  540. async def a_view_detail(self,parent):
  541. from ..ui import do_pager
  542. msg_r(CUR_HOME)
  543. do_pager( await parent.format('detail',color=True) )
  544. class item_action:
  545. @enable_echo
  546. async def run(self,parent,action_method):
  547. if not parent.disp_data:
  548. return
  549. from ..ui import line_input
  550. while True:
  551. msg_r(parent.blank_prompt if parent.scroll else '\n')
  552. ret = line_input(
  553. parent.cfg,
  554. f'Enter {parent.item_desc} number (or ENTER to return to main menu): ' )
  555. if ret == '':
  556. if parent.scroll:
  557. msg_r( CUR_UP(1) + '\r' + ''.ljust(parent.term_width) )
  558. return
  559. idx = get_obj(MMGenIdx,n=ret,silent=True)
  560. if not idx or idx < 1 or idx > len(parent.disp_data):
  561. msg_r(
  562. 'Choice must be a single number between 1 and {n}{s}'.format(
  563. n = len(parent.disp_data),
  564. s = ' ' if parent.scroll else '' ))
  565. if parent.scroll:
  566. await asyncio.sleep(1.5)
  567. msg_r(CUR_UP(1) + '\r' + ERASE_ALL)
  568. else:
  569. # action return values:
  570. # True: action successfully performed
  571. # None: action aborted by user or no action performed
  572. # False: an error occurred
  573. # 'redo': user will be re-prompted for item number
  574. ret = await action_method(parent,idx)
  575. if ret != 'redo':
  576. break
  577. await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
  578. if parent.scroll and ret is False:
  579. # error messages could leave screen in messy state, so do complete redraw:
  580. msg_r(
  582. await parent.format(display_type='squeezed',interactive=True,scroll=True) )
  583. async def i_balance_refresh(self,parent,idx):
  584. if not parent.keypress_confirm(
  585. f'Refreshing tracking wallet {parent.item_desc} #{idx}. Is this what you want?' ):
  586. return 'redo'
  587. await parent.twctl.get_balance( parent.disp_data[idx-1].addr, force_rpc=True )
  588. await parent.get_data()
  589. parent.oneshot_msg = yellow(f'{parent.proto.dcoin} balance for account #{idx} refreshed')
  590. async def i_addr_delete(self,parent,idx):
  591. if not parent.keypress_confirm(
  592. 'Removing {} {} from tracking wallet. Is this what you want?'.format(
  593. parent.item_desc, red(f'#{idx}') )):
  594. return 'redo'
  595. if await parent.twctl.remove_address( parent.disp_data[idx-1].addr ):
  596. await parent.get_data()
  597. parent.oneshot_msg = yellow(f'{capfirst(parent.item_desc)} #{idx} removed')
  598. return True
  599. else:
  600. await asyncio.sleep(3)
  601. parent.oneshot_msg = red('Address could not be removed')
  602. return False
  603. async def i_comment_add(self,parent,idx):
  604. async def do_comment_add(comment):
  605. if await parent.twctl.set_comment( entry.twmmid, comment, entry.addr, silent=parent.scroll ):
  606. entry.comment = comment
  607. edited = cur_comment and comment
  608. parent.oneshot_msg = (green if comment else yellow)('Label {a} {b}{c}'.format(
  609. a = 'for' if edited else 'added to' if comment else 'removed from',
  610. b = desc,
  611. c = ' edited' if edited else '' ))
  612. return True
  613. else:
  614. await asyncio.sleep(3)
  615. parent.oneshot_msg = red('Label for {desc} could not be {action}'.format(
  616. desc = desc,
  617. action = 'edited' if cur_comment and comment else 'added' if comment else 'removed'
  618. ))
  619. return False
  620. entry = parent.disp_data[idx-1]
  621. desc = f'{parent.item_desc} #{idx}'
  622. cur_comment = parent.disp_data[idx-1].comment
  623. msg('Current label: {}'.format(cur_comment.hl() if cur_comment else '(none)'))
  624. from ..ui import line_input
  625. res = line_input(
  626. parent.cfg,
  627. 'Enter label text for {} {}: '.format(parent.item_desc,red(f'#{idx}')),
  628. insert_txt = cur_comment )
  629. if res == cur_comment:
  630. parent.oneshot_msg = yellow(f'Label for {desc} unchanged')
  631. return None
  632. elif res == '':
  633. if not parent.keypress_confirm(
  634. f'Removing label for {desc}. Is this what you want?' ):
  635. return 'redo'
  636. return await do_comment_add(res)
  637. class scroll_action:
  638. def run(self,parent,action_method):
  639. self.use_cached = True
  640. return action_method(parent)
  641. def m_cursor_up(self,parent):
  642. parent.pos -= min( parent.pos - 0, 1 )
  643. def m_cursor_down(self,parent):
  644. parent.pos += min( parent.max_pos - parent.pos, 1 )
  645. def m_pg_up(self,parent):
  646. parent.pos -= min( parent.scrollable_height, parent.pos - 0 )
  647. def m_pg_down(self,parent):
  648. parent.pos += min( parent.scrollable_height, parent.max_pos - parent.pos )
  649. def m_top(self,parent):
  650. parent.pos = 0
  651. def m_bot(self,parent):
  652. parent.pos = parent.max_pos
  653. class sort_action:
  654. def run(self,parent,action_method):
  655. return action_method(parent)
  656. def s_addr(self,parent):
  657. parent.do_sort('addr')
  658. def s_age(self,parent):
  659. parent.do_sort('age')
  660. def s_amt(self,parent):
  661. parent.do_sort('amt')
  662. def s_txid(self,parent):
  663. parent.do_sort('txid')
  664. def s_twmmid(self,parent):
  665. parent.do_sort('twmmid')
  666. def s_reverse(self,parent):
  668. parent.reverse = not parent.reverse
  669. class display_action:
  670. def run(self,parent,action_method):
  671. return action_method(parent)
  672. def d_days(self,parent):
  673. af = parent.age_fmts
  674. parent.age_fmt = af[(af.index(parent.age_fmt) + 1) % len(af)]
  675. if parent.update_widths_on_age_toggle: # TODO
  676. pass
  677. def d_redraw(self,parent):
  678. msg_r(CUR_HOME + ERASE_ALL)