6.4 KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/env python3
  2. #
  3. # mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution
  4. # Copyright (C)2013-2022 The MMGen Project <>
  5. #
  6. # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  7. # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  8. # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  9. # (at your option) any later version.
  10. #
  11. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  12. # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  14. # GNU General Public License for more details.
  15. #
  16. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  17. # along with this program. If not, see <>.
  18. """
  19. mmgen-txdo: Create, sign and broadcast an online MMGen transaction
  20. """
  21. from .common import *
  22. from .wallet import Wallet
  23. from .subseed import SubSeedIdxRange
  24. opts_data = {
  25. 'sets': [('yes', True, 'quiet', True)],
  26. 'text': {
  27. 'desc': f'Create, sign and send an {g.proj_name} transaction',
  28. 'usage': '[opts] [<addr,amt> ...] <change addr or addrlist ID> [addr file ...] [seed source ...]',
  29. 'options': """
  30. -h, --help Print this help message
  31. --, --longhelp Print help message for long options (common options)
  32. -a, --fee-adjust= f Adjust transaction fee by factor 'f' (see below)
  33. -b, --brain-params=l,p Use seed length 'l' and hash preset 'p' for
  34. brainwallet input
  35. -B, --no-blank Don't blank screen before displaying unspent outputs
  36. -c, --comment-file= f Source the transaction's comment from file 'f'
  37. -C, --fee-estimate-confs=c Desired number of confirmations for fee estimation
  38. (default: {g.fee_estimate_confs})
  39. -d, --outdir= d Specify an alternate directory 'd' for output
  40. -D, --contract-data= D Path to hex-encoded contract data (ETH only)
  41. -e, --echo-passphrase Print passphrase to screen when typing it
  42. -E, --fee-estimate-mode=M Specify the network fee estimate mode. Choices:
  43. {fe_all}. Default: {fe_dfl!r}
  44. -f, --fee= f Transaction fee, as a decimal {cu} amount or as
  45. {fu} (an integer followed by {fl!r}).
  46. See FEE SPECIFICATION below. If omitted, fee will be
  47. calculated using network fee estimation.
  48. -g, --gas= g Specify start gas amount in Wei (ETH only)
  49. -H, --hidden-incog-input-params=f,o Read hidden incognito data from file
  50. 'f' at offset 'o' (comma-separated)
  51. -i, --in-fmt= f Input is from wallet format 'f' (see FMT CODES below)
  52. -I, --inputs= i Specify transaction inputs (comma-separated list of
  53. MMGen IDs or coin addresses). Note that ALL unspent
  54. outputs associated with each address will be included.
  55. -l, --seed-len= l Specify wallet seed length of 'l' bits. This option
  56. is required only for brainwallet and incognito inputs
  57. with non-standard (< {dsl}-bit) seed lengths.
  58. -k, --keys-from-file=f Provide additional keys for non-{pnm} addresses
  59. -K, --keygen-backend=n Use backend 'n' for public key generation. Options
  60. for {coin_id}: {kgs}
  61. -L, --locktime= t Lock time (block height or unix seconds) (default: 0)
  62. -m, --minconf=n Minimum number of confirmations required to spend
  63. outputs (default: 1)
  64. -M, --mmgen-keys-from-file=f Provide keys for {pnm} addresses in a key-
  65. address file (output of '{pnl}-keygen'). Permits
  66. online signing without an {pnm} seed source. The
  67. key-address file is also used to verify {pnm}-to-{cu}
  68. mappings, so the user should record its checksum.
  69. -O, --old-incog-fmt Specify old-format incognito input
  70. -p, --hash-preset= p Use the scrypt hash parameters defined by preset 'p'
  71. for password hashing (default: '{g.dfl_hash_preset}')
  72. -P, --passwd-file= f Get {pnm} wallet passphrase from file 'f'
  73. -r, --rbf Make transaction BIP 125 (replace-by-fee) replaceable
  74. -q, --quiet Suppress warnings; overwrite files without prompting
  75. -u, --subseeds= n The number of subseed pairs to scan for (default: {ss},
  76. maximum: {ss_max}). Only the default or first supplied
  77. wallet is scanned for subseeds.
  78. -v, --verbose Produce more verbose output
  79. -V, --vsize-adj= f Adjust transaction's estimated vsize by factor 'f'
  80. -X, --cached-balances Use cached balances (Ethereum only)
  81. -y, --yes Answer 'yes' to prompts, suppress non-essential output
  82. -z, --show-hash-presets Show information on available hash presets
  83. """,
  84. 'notes': """
  85. {c}\n{F}
  87. {s}
  88. Seed source files must have the canonical extensions listed in the 'FileExt'
  89. column below:
  90. FMT CODES:
  91. {f}
  92. {x}"""
  93. },
  94. 'code': {
  95. 'options': lambda proto,help_notes,s: s.format(
  96. g=g,pnm=g.proj_name,pnl=g.proj_name.lower(),
  97. kgs=help_notes('keygen_backends'),
  98. coin_id=help_notes('coin_id'),
  99. fu=help_notes('rel_fee_desc'),
  100. fl=help_notes('fee_spec_letters'),
  101. ss=help_notes('dfl_subseeds'),
  102. ss_max=SubSeedIdxRange.max_idx,
  103. fe_all=fmt_list(g.autoset_opts['fee_estimate_mode'].choices,fmt='no_spc'),
  104. fe_dfl=g.autoset_opts['fee_estimate_mode'].choices[0],
  105. dsl=help_notes('dfl_seed_len'),
  106. cu=proto.coin),
  107. 'notes': lambda help_notes,s: s.format(
  108. c = help_notes('txcreate'),
  109. F = help_notes('fee'),
  110. s = help_notes('txsign'),
  111. f = help_notes('fmt_codes'),
  112. x = help_notes('txcreate_examples') ),
  113. }
  114. }
  115. cmd_args = opts.init(opts_data)
  116. from .tx import NewTX,OnlineSignedTX
  117. from .tx.sign import *
  118. seed_files = get_seed_files(opt,cmd_args)
  119. async def main():
  120. from .protocol import init_proto_from_opts
  121. proto = init_proto_from_opts(need_amt=True)
  122. tx1 = await NewTX(proto=proto)
  123. from .rpc import rpc_init
  124. tx1.rpc = await rpc_init(proto)
  125. tx2 = await tx1.create(
  126. cmd_args = cmd_args,
  127. locktime = int(opt.locktime or 0),
  128. caller = 'txdo' )
  129. kal = get_keyaddrlist(proto,opt)
  130. kl = get_keylist(proto,opt)
  131. tx3 = await txsign(tx2,seed_files,kl,kal)
  132. if tx3:
  133. tx4 = await OnlineSignedTX(data=tx3.__dict__)
  134. tx4.file.write(ask_write=False)
  135. await tx4.send(exit_on_fail=True)
  136. tx4.file.write(ask_overwrite=False,ask_write=False)
  137. tx4.print_contract_addr()
  138. else:
  139. die(2,'Transaction could not be signed')
  140. async_run(main())