#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # MMGen Wallet, a terminal-based cryptocurrency wallet # Copyright (C)2013-2025 The MMGen Project # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ test/tooltest.py: Tests for the 'mmgen-tool' utility """ import sys, os, time from subprocess import run, PIPE try: from include.test_init import repo_root except ImportError: from test.include.test_init import repo_root from mmgen.cfg import Config from mmgen.color import red, yellow, green, blue, cyan from mmgen.util import msg, msg_r, Msg, die opts_data = { 'text': { 'desc': "Test suite for the 'mmgen-tool' utility", 'usage':'[options] [command]', 'options': """ -h, --help Print this help message -C, --coverage Produce code coverage info using trace module -d, --debug Produce debugging output (stderr from spawned script) --, --longhelp Print help message for long (global) options -l, --list-cmds List and describe the tests and commands in this test suite -s, --testing-status List the testing status of all 'mmgen-tool' commands -t, --type=t Specify address type (valid choices: 'zcash_z') -v, --verbose Produce more verbose output """, 'notes': """ If no command is given, the whole suite of tests is run. """ } } sys.argv = [sys.argv[0]] + ['--skip-cfg-file'] + sys.argv[1:] cfg = Config(opts_data=opts_data) from test.include.common import ( set_globals, mk_tmpdir, cleandir, write_to_tmpfile, ok, read_from_file, read_from_tmpfile, cmp_or_die, getrand, getrandhex, end_msg, init_coverage, get_tmpfile, ) set_globals(cfg) vmsg = cfg._util.vmsg proto = cfg._proto assert cfg.type in (None, 'zcash_z'), 'Only zcash-z permitted for --type argument' cmd_data = { 'cryptocoin': { 'desc': 'Cryptocoin address/key commands', 'cmd_data': { 'randwif': (), 'randpair': (), # create 4 pairs: uncomp, comp, segwit, bech32 'wif2addr': ('randpair', 'o4'), 'wif2hex': ('randpair', 'o4'), 'privhex2pubhex': ('wif2hex', 'o3'), # segwit only 'pubhex2addr': ('privhex2pubhex', 'o3'), # segwit only 'hex2wif': ('wif2hex', 'io2'), # uncomp, comp 'addr2pubhash': ('randpair', 'o4'), # uncomp, comp, bech32 'pubhash2addr': ('addr2pubhash', 'io4'), # uncomp, comp, bech32 }, }, 'mnemonic': { 'desc': 'mnemonic commands', 'cmd_data': { 'hex2mn': (), 'mn2hex': ('hex2mn', 'io3'), 'mn_rand128': (), 'mn_rand192': (), 'mn_rand256': (), 'mn_stats': (), 'mn_printlist': (), }, }, } if proto.coin in ('BTC', 'LTC'): cmd_data['cryptocoin']['cmd_data'].update({ 'pubhex2redeem_script': ('privhex2pubhex', 'o3'), 'wif2redeem_script': ('randpair', 'o3'), 'wif2segwit_pair': ('randpair', 'o2'), 'privhex2addr': ('wif2hex', 'o4'), # compare with output of randpair 'pipetest': ('randpair', 'o3') }) if proto.coin == 'XMR' or cfg.type == 'zcash_z': del cmd_data['cryptocoin']['cmd_data']['pubhash2addr'] del cmd_data['cryptocoin']['cmd_data']['addr2pubhash'] tcfg = { 'name': 'the tool utility', 'enc_passwd': 'Ten Satoshis', 'tmpdir': 'test/tmp/10', 'tmpdir_num': 10, 'refdir': 'test/ref', 'txfile': { 'btc': ('0B8D5A[15.31789,14,tl=1320969600].rawtx', '0C7115[15.86255,14,tl=1320969600].testnet.rawtx'), 'bch': ('460D4D-BCH[10.19764,tl=1320969600].rawtx', '359FD5-BCH[6.68868,tl=1320969600].testnet.rawtx'), 'ltc': ('AF3CDF-LTC[620.76194,1453,tl=1320969600].rawtx', 'A5A1E0-LTC[1454.64322,1453,tl=1320969600].testnet.rawtx'), }, 'addrfile': '98831F3A{}[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011]{}.addrs', 'addrfile_chk': { 'btc': ('6FEF 6FB9 7B13 5D91','424E 4326 CFFE 5F51'), 'bch': ('6FEF 6FB9 7B13 5D91','424E 4326 CFFE 5F51'), 'ltc': ('AD52 C3FE 8924 AAF0','4EBE 2E85 E969 1B30'), } } ref_subdir = '' if proto.base_coin == 'BTC' else proto.name.lower() altcoin_pfx = '' if proto.base_coin == 'BTC' else '-'+proto.base_coin tn_ext = ('', '.testnet')[proto.testnet] spawn_cmd = [ 'scripts/exec_wrapper.py', os.path.relpath(os.path.join(repo_root, 'cmds', 'mmgen-tool'))] if cfg.coverage: d, f = init_coverage() spawn_cmd = ['python3', '-m', 'trace', '--count', '--coverdir='+d, '--file='+f] + spawn_cmd elif sys.platform == 'win32': spawn_cmd = ['python3'] + spawn_cmd add_spawn_args = ['--data-dir='+tcfg['tmpdir']] + ['--{}{}'.format( k.replace('_', '-'), '='+getattr(cfg, k) if getattr(cfg, k) is not True else '') for k in ('testnet', 'rpc_host', 'regtest', 'coin', 'type') if getattr(cfg, k)] if cfg.list_cmds: fs = ' {:<{w}} - {}' Msg('Available commands:') w = max(map(len, cmd_data)) for cmd in cmd_data: Msg(fs.format(cmd, cmd_data[cmd]['desc'], w=w)) Msg('\nAvailable utilities:') Msg(fs.format('clean', 'Clean the tmp directory', w=w)) sys.exit(0) if cfg.testing_status: tested_in = { 'tooltest.py': [], 'cmdtest.py': ( 'encrypt', 'decrypt', 'find_incog_data', 'addrfile_chksum', 'keyaddrfile_chksum', 'passwdfile_chksum', 'add_label', 'remove_label', 'remove_address', 'twview', 'getbalance', 'listaddresses', 'listaddress', 'daemon_version', 'decrypt_keystore', 'decrypt_geth_keystore', 'mn2hex_interactive', 'rand2file', 'rescan_address', 'rescan_blockchain', 'resolve_address', 'twexport', 'twimport', 'txhist' ), 'tooltest2.py': run( ['python3', 'test/tooltest2.py', '--list-tested-cmds'], stdout = PIPE, check = True ).stdout.decode().split() } for v in cmd_data.values(): tested_in['tooltest.py'] += list(v['cmd_data'].keys()) Msg(green("Testing status of 'mmgen-tool' commands:")) for l in ('tooltest.py', 'tooltest2.py', 'cmdtest.py'): Msg('\n ' + blue(l+':')) Msg(' '+'\n '.join(sorted(tested_in[l]))) ignore = () from mmgen.main_tool import get_cmds uc = sorted( set(get_cmds()) - set(ignore) - set(tested_in['tooltest.py']) - set(tested_in['tooltest2.py']) - set(tested_in['cmdtest.py']) ) if uc: Msg(yellow('\n {}\n {}'.format('Untested commands:', '\n '.join(uc)))) sys.exit(0) from mmgen.key import is_wif from mmgen.addr import is_coin_addr def is_wif_loc(s): return is_wif(proto, s) def is_coin_addr_loc(s): return is_coin_addr(proto, s) msg_w = 35 def test_msg(m): msg_r(green(f'Testing {m}\n') if cfg.verbose else '{:{w}}'.format(f'Testing {m}', w=msg_w+8)) compressed = cfg.type or ('', 'compressed')['C' in proto.mmtypes] segwit = ('', 'segwit')['S' in proto.mmtypes] bech32 = ('', 'bech32')['B' in proto.mmtypes] type_compressed_arg = ([], ['--type=' + (cfg.type or 'compressed')])[bool(cfg.type) or 'C' in proto.mmtypes] type_segwit_arg = ([], ['--type=segwit'])['S' in proto.mmtypes] type_bech32_arg = ([], ['--type=bech32'])['B' in proto.mmtypes] class MMGenToolTestUtils: def run_cmd( self, name, tool_args, kwargs = '', extra_msg = '', silent = False, strip = True, add_opts = [], binary = False): sys_cmd = ( spawn_cmd + add_spawn_args + ['-r0', '-d', tcfg['tmpdir']] + add_opts + [name.lower()] + tool_args + kwargs.split() ) if extra_msg: extra_msg = f'({extra_msg})' full_name = ' '.join([name.lower()]+add_opts+kwargs.split()+extra_msg.split()) if not silent: if cfg.verbose: sys.stderr.write(green(f'Testing {full_name}\nExecuting ')) sys.stderr.write(cyan(' '.join(sys_cmd)+'\n')) else: msg_r('Testing {:{w}}'.format(full_name+':', w=msg_w)) cp = run(sys_cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) out = cp.stdout err = cp.stderr if cfg.debug: from test.include.common import dmsg try: dmsg(err.decode()) except: dmsg(repr(err)) if not binary: out = out.decode() if cp.returncode != 0: msg('{}\n{}\n{}'.format( red('FAILED'), yellow('Command stderr output:'), err.decode())) die(2, f'Called process returned with an error (retcode {cp.returncode})') return (out, out.rstrip())[bool(strip)] def run_cmd_chk(self, name, f1, f2, kwargs='', extra_msg='', strip_hex=False, add_opts=[]): idata = read_from_file(f1).rstrip() odata = read_from_file(f2).rstrip() ret = self.run_cmd(name, [odata], kwargs=kwargs, extra_msg=extra_msg, add_opts=add_opts) vmsg('In: ' + repr(odata)) vmsg('Out: ' + repr(ret)) def cmp_equal(a, b): return (a.lstrip('0') == b.lstrip('0')) if strip_hex else (a == b) if cmp_equal(ret, idata): ok() else: die(4, f"Error: values don't match:\nIn: {idata!r}\nOut: {ret!r}") return ret def run_cmd_nochk(self, name, f1, kwargs='', add_opts=[]): odata = read_from_file(f1).rstrip() ret = self.run_cmd(name, [odata], kwargs=kwargs, add_opts=add_opts) vmsg('In: ' + repr(odata)) vmsg('Out: ' + repr(ret)) return ret def run_cmd_out( self, name, carg = None, Return = False, kwargs = '', fn_idx = '', extra_msg = '', literal = False, chkdata = '', hush = False, add_opts = []): if carg: write_to_tmpfile(tcfg, f'{name}{fn_idx}.in', carg+'\n') ret = self.run_cmd( name, ([], [carg])[bool(carg)], kwargs = kwargs, extra_msg = extra_msg, add_opts = add_opts) if carg: vmsg('In: ' + repr(carg)) vmsg('Out: ' + (repr(ret), ret)[literal]) if ret or ret == '': write_to_tmpfile(tcfg, f'{name}{fn_idx}.out', ret+'\n') if chkdata: cmp_or_die(ret, chkdata) return if Return: return ret elif not hush: ok() else: die(4, f'Error for command {name!r}') def run_cmd_randinput(self, name, strip=True, add_opts=[]): s = getrand(128) fn = name+'.in' write_to_tmpfile(tcfg, fn, s, binary=True) ret = self.run_cmd(name, [get_tmpfile(tcfg, fn)], strip=strip, add_opts=add_opts) fn = name+'.out' write_to_tmpfile(tcfg, fn, ret+'\n') ok() vmsg(f'Returned: {ret}') tu = MMGenToolTestUtils() def ok_or_die(val, chk_func, s, skip_ok=False): try: ret = chk_func(val) except: ret = False if ret: if not skip_ok: ok() else: die(4, f'Returned value {val!r} is not a {s}') class MMGenToolTestCmds: # Cryptocoin def randwif(self, name): for n, k in enumerate(['', compressed]): ao = ['--type='+k] if k else [] ret = tu.run_cmd_out(name, add_opts=ao, Return=True, fn_idx=n+1) ok_or_die(ret, is_wif_loc, 'WIF key') def randpair(self, name): for n, k in enumerate(['', compressed, segwit, bech32]): ao = ['--type='+k] if k else [] wif, addr = tu.run_cmd_out(name, add_opts=ao, Return=True, fn_idx=n+1, literal=True).split() ok_or_die(wif, is_wif_loc, 'WIF key', skip_ok=True) ok_or_die(addr, is_coin_addr_loc, 'Coin address') def wif2addr(self, name, f1, f2, f3, f4): for n, f, k in ( (1, f1, ''), (2, f2, compressed), (3, f3, segwit), (4, f4, bech32)): ao = ['--type='+k] if k else [] wif = read_from_file(f).split()[0] tu.run_cmd_out(name, wif, add_opts=ao, fn_idx=n) def wif2hex(self, name, f1, f2, f3, f4): for n, f, m in ( (1, f1, ''), (2, f2, compressed), (3, f3, '{} for {}'.format(compressed or 'uncompressed', segwit or 'p2pkh')), (4, f4, '{} for {}'.format(compressed or 'uncompressed', bech32 or 'p2pkh'))): wif = read_from_file(f).split()[0] tu.run_cmd_out(name, wif, fn_idx=n, extra_msg=m) def privhex2addr(self, name, f1, f2, f3, f4): keys = [read_from_file(f).rstrip() for f in (f1, f2, f3, f4)] for n, k in enumerate(('', compressed, segwit, bech32)): ao = ['--type='+k] if k else [] ret = tu.run_cmd(name, [keys[n]], add_opts=ao).rstrip() iaddr = read_from_tmpfile(tcfg, f'randpair{n+1}.out').split()[-1] vmsg(f'Out: {ret}') cmp_or_die(iaddr, ret) ok() def hex2wif(self, name, f1, f2, f3, f4): for fi, fo, k in ( (f1, f2, ''), (f3, f4, compressed)): ao = ['--type='+k] if k else [] tu.run_cmd_chk(name, fi, fo, add_opts=ao) def addr2pubhash(self, name, f1, f2, f3, f4): for n, f, m, ao in ( (1, f1, '', []), (2, f2, 'from {}'.format(compressed or 'uncompressed'), []), (4, f4, '', type_bech32_arg)): addr = read_from_file(f).split()[-1] tu.run_cmd_out(name, addr, fn_idx=n, add_opts=ao, extra_msg=m) def pubhash2addr(self, name, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8): for _, fi, fo, m, ao in ( (1, f1, f2, '', []), (2, f3, f4, 'from {}'.format(compressed or 'uncompressed'), []), (4, f7, f8, '', type_bech32_arg)): tu.run_cmd_chk(name, fi, fo, add_opts=ao, extra_msg=m) def privhex2pubhex(self, name, f1, f2, f3): # from Hex2wif addr = read_from_file(f3).strip() tu.run_cmd_out(name, addr, add_opts=type_compressed_arg, fn_idx=3) # what about uncompressed? def pubhex2redeem_script(self, name, f1, f2, f3): # from above addr = read_from_file(f3).strip() tu.run_cmd_out(name, addr, add_opts=type_segwit_arg, fn_idx=3) rs = read_from_tmpfile(tcfg, 'privhex2pubhex3.out').strip() tu.run_cmd_out('pubhex2addr', rs, add_opts=type_segwit_arg, fn_idx=3, hush=True) addr1 = read_from_tmpfile(tcfg, 'pubhex2addr3.out').strip() addr2 = read_from_tmpfile(tcfg, 'randpair3.out').split()[1] cmp_or_die(addr1, addr2) ok() def wif2redeem_script(self, name, f1, f2, f3): # compare output with above wif = read_from_file(f3).split()[0] ret1 = tu.run_cmd_out(name, wif, add_opts=type_segwit_arg, fn_idx=3, Return=True) ret2 = read_from_tmpfile(tcfg, 'pubhex2redeem_script3.out').strip() cmp_or_die(ret1, ret2) ok() def wif2segwit_pair(self, name, f1, f2): # does its own checking, so just run wif = read_from_file(f2).split()[0] tu.run_cmd_out(name, wif, add_opts=type_segwit_arg, fn_idx=2) def pubhex2addr(self, name, f1, f2, f3): addr = read_from_file(f3).strip() tu.run_cmd_out(name, addr, add_opts=type_segwit_arg, fn_idx=3) def pipetest(self, name, f1, f2, f3): wif = read_from_file(f3).split()[0] cmd = ( '{c} {a} wif2hex {wif}' + ' | {c} {a} --type=compressed privhex2pubhex -' + ' | {c} {a} --type=segwit pubhex2redeem_script -' + ' | {c} {a} --type=segwit redeem_script2addr -').format( c = ' '.join(spawn_cmd), a = ' '.join(add_spawn_args), wif = wif) test_msg('command piping') if cfg.verbose: sys.stderr.write(green('Executing ') + cyan(cmd) + '\n') res = run(cmd, stdout=PIPE, shell=True).stdout.decode().strip() addr = read_from_tmpfile(tcfg, 'wif2addr3.out').strip() cmp_or_die(addr, res) ok() # Mnemonic def hex2mn(self, name): for n, size, m in ( (1, 16, '128-bit'), (2, 24, '192-bit'), (3, 32, '256-bit')): hexnum = getrandhex(size) tu.run_cmd_out(name, hexnum, fn_idx=n, extra_msg=m) def mn2hex(self, name, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6): for f_i, f_o, m in ((f1, f2, '128-bit'), (f3, f4, '192-bit'), (f5, f6, '256-bit')): tu.run_cmd_chk(name, f_i, f_o, extra_msg=m, strip_hex=True) def mn_rand128(self, name): tu.run_cmd_out(name) def mn_rand192(self, name): tu.run_cmd_out(name) def mn_rand256(self, name): tu.run_cmd_out(name) def mn_stats(self, name): tu.run_cmd_out(name) def mn_printlist(self, name): tu.run_cmd(name, []) ok() # main() start_time = int(time.time()) mk_tmpdir(tcfg['tmpdir']) def gen_deps_for_cmd(cdata): fns = [] if cdata: name, code = cdata io, count = (code[:-1], int(code[-1])) if code[-1] in '0123456789' else (code, 1) for c in range(count): fns += ['{}{}{}'.format( name, (c+1 if count > 1 else ''), ('.in' if ch == 'i' else '.out'), ) for ch in io] return fns def do_cmds(cmd_group): tc = MMGenToolTestCmds() gdata = cmd_data[cmd_group]['cmd_data'] for cmd in gdata: fns = gen_deps_for_cmd(gdata[cmd]) cmdline = [cmd] + [os.path.join(tcfg['tmpdir'], fn) for fn in fns] getattr(tc, cmd)(*cmdline) def main(): if cfg._args: if len(cfg._args) != 1: die(1, 'Only one command may be specified') cmd = cfg._args[0] if cmd in cmd_data: cleandir(tcfg['tmpdir'], do_msg=True) msg('Running tests for {}:'.format(cmd_data[cmd]['desc'])) do_cmds(cmd) elif cmd == 'clean': cleandir(tcfg['tmpdir'], do_msg=True) sys.exit(0) else: die(1, f'{cmd!r}: unrecognized command') else: cleandir(tcfg['tmpdir'], do_msg=True) for cmd in cmd_data: msg('Running tests for {}:'.format(cmd_data[cmd]['desc'])) do_cmds(cmd) if cmd is not list(cmd_data.keys())[-1]: msg('') end_msg(int(time.time()) - start_time) from mmgen.main import launch launch(func=main)