#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ test.modtest_d.ut_testdep: test dependency unit tests for the MMGen suite """ import sys, os from subprocess import run, DEVNULL from mmgen.util import ymsg, bmsg from ..include.common import cfg sec = 'deadbeef' * 8 class unit_tests: altcoin_deps = ('pycoin', 'monero_python', 'keyconv', 'zcash_mini', 'ethkey', 'ssh_socks_proxy') win_skip = ('losetup', 'zcash_mini', 'sudo') mac_skip = ('losetup',) def pylint(self, name, ut): try: return run(['pylint', '--version'], stdout=None if cfg.verbose else DEVNULL).returncode == 0 except OSError as e: ymsg(' ' + str(e)) bmsg(" Install pylint with 'python3 -m pip install pylint'") return False def core_repo(self, name, ut): crr = os.getenv('CORE_REPO_ROOT') if not crr or not os.path.exists(os.path.join(crr, 'src/test/data/tx_valid.json')): ymsg('CORE_REPO_ROOT not set, or does not point to Bitcoin Core repository') return False return True def losetup(self, name, ut): os.stat('/dev/loop0') run(['/sbin/losetup', '-f'], check=True, stdout=DEVNULL) return True def pycoin(self, name, ut): from pycoin.networks.registry import network_for_netcode as nfnc network = nfnc('btc') key = network.keys.private(secret_exponent=int(sec, 16), is_compressed=True) hash160_c = key.hash160(is_compressed=True) network.address.for_p2pkh_wit(hash160_c) return True def monero_python(self, name, ut): from mmgen.util2 import load_cryptodome load_cryptodome() from monero.seed import Seed Seed('deadbeef' * 8).public_address() return True def keyconv(self, name, ut): run(['keyconv', '-G', 'ltc'], stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL, check=True) return True def zcash_mini(self, name, ut): run(['zcash-mini'], stdout=DEVNULL, check=True) return True def ethkey(self, name, ut): if sys.platform == 'linux' and os.uname().machine != 'x86_64': distro = [l for l in open('/etc/os-release').read().split('\n') if l.startswith('ID=')][0][3:] if distro != 'archarm': ut.skip_msg(f'distro {distro!r} on architecture {os.uname().machine!r}') return True from test.include.common import get_ethkey get_ethkey() return True def ssh_socks_proxy(self, name, ut): from test.cmdtest_d.ct_xmrwallet import CmdTestXMRWallet return CmdTestXMRWallet.init_proxy(external_call=True) def sudo(self, name, ut): from mmgen.util import have_sudo if have_sudo(): return True else: ymsg(f'To run the test suite, please enable sudo without password for user ‘{os.getenv("USER")}’') return False