#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys,os pn = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) parpar = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(pn)) os.chdir(parpar) sys.path[0] = os.curdir from mmgen.common import * commands = [ 'start', 'get_terminal_size', 'color', 'license', 'line_input', 'urand', 'txview', 'get_char_one', 'get_char_one_raw', ] if gc.platform == 'linux': commands.extend([ 'get_char', 'get_char_immed_chars', 'get_char_raw', ]) elif gc.platform == 'win': commands.extend([ 'get_char_one_char_immed_chars', ]) opts_data = { 'text': { 'desc': 'Interactively test MMGen terminal functionality', 'usage': 'command', 'options': """ -h, --help Print this help message """, 'notes': f""" available commands for platform {gc.platform!r}: {fmt_list(commands,fmt='col',indent=' ')} """ } } cfg = Config(opts_data=opts_data) from mmgen.term import get_char,get_char_raw,get_terminal_size,get_term from mmgen.ui import line_input,keypress_confirm,do_license_msg import mmgen.term as term_mod def cmsg(m): msg('\n'+cyan(m)) def confirm(m): if not keypress_confirm( cfg, m ): if keypress_confirm( cfg, 'Are you sure you want to exit test?' ): die(1,'Exiting test at user request') else: msg('Continuing...') def tt_start(): m = fmt(""" We will now test MMGen’s terminal capabilities. This is a non-automated test and requires user interaction. Continue? """) confirm(m.strip()) def tt_get_terminal_size(): cmsg('Testing get_terminal_size():') msg('X' * get_terminal_size().width) confirm('Do the X’s exactly fill the width of the screen?') def tt_color(): cmsg('Testing color:') confirm(blue('THIS TEXT') + ' should be blue. Is it?') def tt_license(): cmsg('Testing do_license_msg() with pager') ymsg('Press "w" to test the pager, then "c" to continue') do_license_msg(cfg) def tt_line_input(): set_vt100() cmsg('Testing line_input():') msg(fmt(""" At the Ready? prompt type and hold down "y". Then Enter some text, followed by held-down ENTER. The held-down "y" and ENTER keys should be blocked, not affecting the output on screen or entered text. """)) get_char_raw('Ready? ',num_bytes=1) reply = line_input( cfg, '\nEnter text: ' ) confirm(f'Did you enter the text {reply!r}?') def _tt_get_char(raw=False,one_char=False,immed_chars=''): funcname = ('get_char','get_char_raw')[raw] fs = fmt(""" Press some keys in quick succession. {}{} {} When you’re finished, use Ctrl-C to exit. """).strip() m1 = ( 'You should experience a delay with quickly repeated entry.', 'Your entry should be repeated back to you immediately.' )[raw] m2 = ( '', f'\nThe characters {immed_chars!r} will be repeated immediately, the others with delay.' )[bool(immed_chars)] m3 = 'The F1-F12 keys will be ' + ( 'blocked entirely.' if one_char and not raw else "echoed AS A SINGLE character '\\x1b'." if one_char else 'echoed as a FULL CONTROL SEQUENCE.' ) if gc.platform == 'win': if raw: m3 = 'The Escape and F1-F12 keys will be returned as two-character strings.' else: m3 = 'The Escape and F1-F12 keys will be returned as single characters.' kwargs = {} if one_char: kwargs.update({'num_bytes':1}) if immed_chars: kwargs.update({'immed_chars':immed_chars}) cmsg('Testing {}({}):'.format( funcname, ','.join(f'{a}={b!r}' for a,b in kwargs.items()) )) msg(fs.format( m1, yellow(m2), yellow(m3) )) try: while True: ret = getattr( term_mod, funcname )('Enter a letter: ',**kwargs) msg(f'You typed {ret!r}') except KeyboardInterrupt: msg('\nDone') def tt_urand(): cmsg('Testing _get_random_data_from_user():') from mmgen.crypto import Crypto ret = Crypto(cfg)._get_random_data_from_user(uchars=10,desc='data').decode() msg(f'USER ENTROPY (user input + keystroke timings):\n\n{fmt(ret," ")}') times = ret.splitlines()[1:] avg_prec = sum(len(t.split('.')[1]) for t in times) // len(times) if avg_prec < gc.min_time_precision: ymsg(f'WARNING: Avg. time precision of only {avg_prec} decimal points. User entropy quality is degraded!') else: msg(f'Average time precision: {avg_prec} decimal points - OK') line_input( cfg, 'Press ENTER to continue: ' ) def tt_txview(): cmsg('Testing tx.info.view_with_prompt() (try each viewing option)') from mmgen.tx import UnsignedTX fn = 'test/ref/0B8D5A[15.31789,14,tl=1320969600].rawtx' tx = UnsignedTX(filename=fn,quiet_open=True) while True: tx.info.view_with_prompt('View data for transaction?',pause=False) set_vt100() if not keypress_confirm( cfg, 'Continue testing transaction view?', default_yes=True ): break def tt_get_char_one(): _tt_get_char(one_char=True) def tt_get_char_one_raw(): _tt_get_char(one_char=True,raw=True) def tt_get_char(): _tt_get_char(one_char=False) def tt_get_char_immed_chars(): _tt_get_char(one_char=False,immed_chars='asdf') def tt_get_char_raw(): _tt_get_char(one_char=False,raw=True) def tt_get_char_one_char_immed_chars(): _tt_get_char(one_char=True,immed_chars='asdf') get_term().register_cleanup() if cfg._args: locals()['tt_'+cfg._args[0]]() else: for command in commands: locals()['tt_'+command]() gmsg('\nTest completed')