#!/usr/bin/env python3

test.unit_tests_d.ut_tx: TX unit tests for the MMGen suite

import os,re

from mmgen.devtools import get_diff,get_ndiff
from mmgen.tx import NewTX,CompletedTX,UnsignedTX
from mmgen.tx.file import MMGenTxFile
from mmgen.daemon import CoinDaemon
from mmgen.protocol import init_proto

from ..include.common import cfg,qmsg,vmsg

async def do_txfile_test(desc,fns):
	qmsg(f'  Testing CompletedTX initializer ({desc})')
	for fn in fns:
		qmsg(f'     parsing: {os.path.basename(fn)}')
		fpath = os.path.join('test','ref',fn)
		tx = await CompletedTX( cfg=cfg, filename=fpath, quiet_open=True )


		f = MMGenTxFile(tx)
		fn_gen = f.make_filename()

		if cfg.debug_utf8:
			fn_gen = fn_gen.replace('-α','')

		assert fn_gen == os.path.basename(fn), f'{fn_gen} != {fn}'

		text = f.format()

		continue # TODO: check disabled after label -> comment patch

		with open(fpath) as fp:
			chk = fp.read()

		# remove Python2 'u' string prefixes from ref files:
		#   New in version 3.3: Support for the unicode legacy literal (u'value') was
		#   reintroduced to simplify the maintenance of dual Python 2.x and 3.x codebases.
		#   See PEP 414 for more information.
		chk = chk.replace("'label':","'comment':") # TODO
		chk = re.subn( r"\bu(['\"])", r'\1', chk )[0]

		diff = get_ndiff(chk,text)
		nLines = len([i for i in diff if i.startswith('-')])
		assert nLines in (0,1), f'{nLines} lines differ: only checksum line may differ'

	qmsg('  OK')
	return True

class unit_tests:

	altcoin_deps = ('txfile_alt',)

	async def tx(self,name,ut):
		qmsg('  Testing NewTX initializer')
		d = CoinDaemon( cfg, 'btc', test_suite=True )

		proto = init_proto( cfg, 'btc', need_amt=True )
		await NewTX( cfg=cfg, proto=proto )

		qmsg('  OK')
		return True

	async def txfile(self,name,ut):
		return await do_txfile_test(

	async def txfile_alt(self,name,ut):
		return await do_txfile_test(

	def errors(self,name,ut):
		async def bad1():
			await CompletedTX(cfg, filename='foo')
		def bad2():
			UnsignedTX(cfg, filename='foo')
		bad_data = (
			('forbidden positional args', 'TypeError', 'positional arguments', bad1),
			('forbidden positional args', 'TypeError', 'positional arguments', bad2),
		return True