[build-system] requires = [ "setuptools>=57", "wheel>=0.36.0", "build>=0.5.1", ] build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta" [tool.ruff.lint] ignore = [ "E401", # multiple imports per line "E701", # multiple statements per line "E721", # use isinstance() "E731", # lambda instead of def "E402", # module import not top of file "E722", # bare except "E713", # membership 'not in' "E741", # ambiguous variable name ] [tool.ruff.lint.per-file-ignores] "mmgen/proto/eth/pyethereum/*" = [ "F401" ] # imported but unused "mmgen/proto/eth/rlp/sedes/*" = [ "F401" ] # imported but unused "mmgen/addrgen.py" = [ "F401" ] # imported but unused "mmgen/tool/*" = [ "F722", # Syntax error in forward annotation "F821" # Undefined name `sstr` ] "test/include/common.py" = [ "F821" ] # undefined name 'cfg' "test/misc/input_func.py" = [ "F401" ] # imported but unused "test/modtest_d/ut_cashaddr.py" = [ "F841" ] # assigned to but never used "test/modtest_d/ut_dep.py" = [ "F401" ] # imported but unused "test/modtest_d/ut_testdep.py" = [ "F401" ] # imported but unused "test/modtest_d/ut_obj.py" = [ "F841" ] # assigned to but never used "test/objtest_d/*" = [ "F401" ] # imported but unused "test/objattrtest_d/*" = [ "F401" ] # imported but unused "test/overlay/fakemods/*" = [ "F403", "F405" ] # `import *` used "test/*.py" = [ "F401" ] # imported but unused "test/colortest.py" = [ "F403", "F405" ] # `import *` used "test/tooltest2.py" = [ "F403", "F405" ] # `import *` used [tool.pylint.format] indent-string = "\t" indent-after-paren = 2 max-line-length = 116 [tool.pylint.main] recursive = true jobs = 0 ignore = [ "data", "wordlist", "pyethereum", "rlp", "main_split.py", "ut_tx.py", ] ignored-modules = [ # ignored for no-member, otherwise checked "mmgen.proto.secp256k1.secp256k1", "mmgen.term", "msvcrt", "gmpy2", ] [tool.pylint."messages control"] disable = [ "raw-checker-failed", "bad-inline-option", "locally-disabled", "file-ignored", "suppressed-message", "useless-suppression", "deprecated-pragma", "use-symbolic-message-instead", "use-implicit-booleaness-not-comparison-to-string", "use-implicit-booleaness-not-comparison-to-zero", "not-async-context-manager", # non-default: "no-method-argument", "function-redefined", "method-hidden", ] [tool.pylint.miscellaneous] notes = ["FIXME", "TODO", "DEBUG", "WIP"] [tool.pylint.typecheck] mixin-class-rgx = """.*[Mm]ixin|\ ^(Hilite|InitErrors|DummyWIF|\ cfg_file|cfg_file_sample|\ MoneroMMGenFile|keygen_base|xmr_signable|\ CmdTestShared)$""" ignored-classes = [ # ignored for no-member, otherwise checked "optparse.Values", "thread._local", "_thread._local", "argparse.Namespace", # mmgen: "baseconv", "mmgen.autosign.Signable.base", "mmgen.autosign.Autosign", # tx_dir, etc. created dynamically "Sha2", "mmgen.xmrwallet.file.MoneroMMGenTX.Base", "mmgen.xmrwallet.file.MoneroWalletOutputsFile.Base", "mmgen.xmrwallet.ops.sweep.OpSweep", "mmgen.xmrwallet.ops.wallet.OpWallet", "mmgen.xmrwallet.ops.label.OpLabel", "mmgen.xmrwallet.ops.new.OpNew", "mmgen.xmrwallet.ops.txview.OpTxview", "mmgen.xmrwallet.file.outputs.MoneroWalletOutputsFile.Base", "mmgen.xmrwallet.file.tx.MoneroMMGenTX.Base", "mmgen.proto.eth.tx.Completed", "TxInfo", "TwRPC", "MnemonicEntry", "MMGenObjectDevTools", "MnEntryMode", "deserialized_tx", # test suite: "TestHashFunc", "GenTool", "VirtBlockDeviceBase", "SwapMgrBase", "Opts", "Help", "FFI_override", ]