#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, a command-line cryptocurrency wallet # Copyright (C)2013-2023 The MMGen Project # Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 3: # https://www.gnu.org/licenses # Public project repositories: # https://github.com/mmgen/mmgen # https://gitlab.com/mmgen/mmgen """ examples/coin-daemon-info.py: Get info about multiple running coin daemons. Demonstrates use of the MMGen Config API. """ # Instructions # # Testing mode: # # 1) From the MMGen repository root, start the mainnet test suite daemons as follows # (note that openethereum is the default testing daemon for ETH): # # test/start-coin-daemons.py btc ltc eth # # 2) Then run the script as follows: # # PYTHONPATH=. MMGEN_TEST_SUITE=1 examples/coin-daemon-info.py btc ltc eth # # Live mode: # # 1) Start up one or more of bitcoind, litecoind or geth with the standard mainnet ports # and datadirs. For geth, the options ‘--http --http.api=eth,web3’ are required. # # 2) Then run the script as follows: # # PYTHONPATH=. examples/coin-daemon-info.py btc ltc eth import sys,os,asyncio from mmgen.exception import SocketError from mmgen.cfg import Config from mmgen.rpc import rpc_init from mmgen.util import make_timestr async def get_rpc(cfg): try: return await rpc_init( cfg, ignore_wallet=True ) except SocketError: return False async def main(coins): rpcs = {} cfgs = {} test_suite = os.getenv('MMGEN_TEST_SUITE') base_cfg = Config({'pager':True}) for coin in coins: cfg_in = { 'coin': coin, 'test_suite': test_suite, } if coin == 'eth' and not test_suite: cfg_in.update({'daemon_id': 'geth'}) cfgs[coin] = Config(cfg_in) rpcs[coin] = await get_rpc(cfgs[coin]) def gen_output(): fs = '{:4} {:7} {:6} {:<5} {:<8} {:30} {:13} {:23} {}' yield fs.format('Coin','Network','Status','Port','Chain','Latest Block','Daemon','Version','Datadir') for coin,rpc in rpcs.items(): info = ('Down','-','-','-','-','-','-') if rpc is False else ( 'Up', rpc.port, rpc.chain, f'{rpc.blockcount:<8} [{make_timestr(rpc.cur_date)}]', rpc.daemon.coind_name, rpc.daemon_version_str, rpc.daemon.datadir ) yield fs.format( coin.upper(), cfgs[coin].network, *info ) base_cfg._util.stdout_or_pager('\n'.join(gen_output())) all_coins = ('btc', 'ltc', 'eth') coins = sys.argv[1:] if coins and all(coin in all_coins for coin in coins): asyncio.run(main(coins)) else: print(f'You must supply one or more of the following coins on the command line:\n {all_coins}') sys.exit(1)