```text MMGEN-WALLETCHK: Check validity of the default or specified MMGen wallet USAGE: mmgen-walletchk [opts] [infile] OPTIONS: -h, --help Print this help message --longhelp Print help message for long (global) options -e, --echo-passphrase Echo passphrases and other user input to screen -i, --in-fmt f Input from wallet format 'f' (see FMT CODES below) -H, --hidden-incog-input-params f,o Read hidden incognito data from file 'f' at offset 'o' (comma-separated) -O, --old-incog-fmt Specify old-format incognito input -l, --seed-len l Specify wallet seed length of 'l' bits. This option is required only for brainwallet and incognito inputs with non-standard (< 256-bit) seed lengths. -p, --hash-preset p Use the scrypt hash parameters defined by preset 'p' for password hashing (default: '3') -z, --show-hash-presets Show information on available hash presets -P, --passwd-file f Get wallet passphrase from file 'f' -q, --quiet Produce quieter output; suppress some warnings -r, --usr-randchars n Get 'n' characters of additional randomness from user (min=10, max=80, default=30) -v, --verbose Produce more verbose output PASSPHRASE NOTE: For passphrases all combinations of whitespace are equal, and leading and trailing space are ignored. This permits reading passphrase or brainwallet data from a multi-line file with free spacing and indentation. BRAINWALLET NOTE: To thwart dictionary attacks, it’s recommended to use a strong hash preset with brainwallets. For a brainwallet passphrase to generate the correct seed, the same seed length and hash preset parameters must always be used. FMT CODES: Format FileExt Valid codes ------ ------- ----------- BIP39Mnemonic .bip39 bip39 Brainwallet .mmbrain mmbrain,brainwallet,brain,bw DieRollWallet .b6d b6d,die,dieroll IncogWallet .mmincog mmincog,incog,icg,i IncogWalletHex .mmincox mmincox,incox,incog_hex,ix,xi IncogWalletHidden None incog_hidden,hincog,ih,hi MMGenHexSeedFile .mmhex seedhex,hexseed,mmhex MMGenMnemonic .mmwords mmwords,words,mnemonic,mn,m MMGenSeedFile .mmseed mmseed,seed,s MMGenWallet .mmdat wallet,w PlainHexSeedFile .hex hex,rawhex,plainhex MMGEN v15.1.dev18 March 2025 MMGEN-WALLETCHK(1) ```