```text MMGEN-TXCREATE: Create a transaction with outputs to specified coin or MMGen addresses USAGE: mmgen-txcreate [opts] [ADDR,AMT ... | DATA_SPEC] ADDR [addr file ...] OPTIONS: -h, --help Print this help message --longhelp Print help message for long (global) options -a, --autosign Create a transaction for offline autosigning (see ‘mmgen-autosign’). The removable device is mounted and unmounted automatically -A, --fee-adjust f Adjust transaction fee by factor 'f' (see below) -B, --no-blank Don't blank screen before displaying unspent outputs -c, --comment-file f Source the transaction's comment from file 'f' -C, --fee-estimate-confs c Desired number of confirmations for fee estimation (default: 3) -d, --outdir d Specify an alternate directory 'd' for output -E, --fee-estimate-mode M Specify the network fee estimate mode. Choices: 'conservative','economical'. Default: 'conservative' -f, --fee f Transaction fee, as a decimal BTC amount or as satoshis per byte (an integer followed by 's'). See FEE SPECIFICATION below. If omitted, fee will be calculated using network fee estimation. -i, --info Display unspent outputs and exit -I, --inputs i Specify transaction inputs (comma-separated list of MMGen IDs or coin addresses). Note that ALL unspent outputs associated with each address will be included. -l, --locktime t Lock time (block height or unix seconds) (default: 0) -L, --autochg-ignore-labels Ignore labels when autoselecting change addresses -m, --minconf n Minimum number of confirmations required to spend outputs (default: 1) -q, --quiet Suppress warnings; overwrite files without prompting -R, --no-rbf Make transaction non-replaceable (non-replace-by-fee according to BIP 125) -v, --verbose Produce more verbose output -V, --vsize-adj f Adjust transaction's estimated vsize by factor 'f' -y, --yes Answer 'yes' to prompts, suppress non-essential output The transaction’s outputs are listed on the command line, while its inputs are chosen from a list of the wallet’s unspent outputs via an interactive menu. Alternatively, inputs may be specified using the --inputs option. Addresses on the command line can be either native coin addresses or MMGen IDs in the form SEED_ID:ADDRTYPE_CODE:INDEX. Outputs are specified in the form ADDRESS,AMOUNT or ADDRESS. The first form creates an output sending the given amount to the given address. The bare address form designates the given address as either the change output or the sole output of the transaction (excluding any data output). Exactly one bare address argument is required. For convenience, the bare address argument may be given as ADDRTYPE_CODE or SEED_ID:ADDRTYPE_CODE (see ADDRESS TYPES below). In the first form, the first unused address of type ADDRTYPE_CODE for each Seed ID in the tracking wallet will be displayed in a menu, with the user prompted to select one. In the second form, the user specifies the Seed ID as well, allowing the script to select the transaction’s change output or single output without prompting. See EXAMPLES below. A single DATA_SPEC argument may also be given on the command line to create an OP_RETURN data output with a zero spend amount. This is the preferred way to embed data in the blockchain. DATA_SPEC may be of the form "data":DATA or "hexdata":DATA. In the first form, DATA is a string in your system’s native encoding, typically UTF-8. In the second, DATA is a hexadecimal string (with the leading ‘0x’ omitted) encoding the binary data to be embedded. In both cases, the resulting byte string must not exceed 80 bytes in length. If the transaction fee is not specified on the command line (see FEE SPECIFICATION below), it will be calculated dynamically using network fee estimation for the default (or user-specified) number of confirmations. If network fee estimation fails, the user will be prompted for a fee. Network-estimated fees will be multiplied by the value of --fee-adjust, if specified. ADDRESS TYPES: Code Type Description ---- ---- ----------- ‘L’ legacy - Legacy uncompressed address ‘C’ compressed - Compressed P2PKH address ‘S’ segwit - Segwit P2SH-P2WPKH address ‘B’ bech32 - Native Segwit (Bech32) address ‘E’ ethereum - Ethereum address ‘Z’ zcash_z - Zcash z-address ‘M’ monero - Monero address FEE SPECIFICATION Transaction fees, both on the command line and at the interactive prompt, may be specified as either absolute BTC amounts, using a plain decimal number, or as satoshis per byte, using an integer followed by 's', for satoshi. EXAMPLES: Send 0.123 BTC to an external Bitcoin address, returning the change to a specific MMGen address in the tracking wallet: $ mmgen-txcreate bc1qj87nveegsvwmz8yj759xgua2vx2tzsywlny44t,0.123 01ABCDEF:B:7 Same as above, but select the change address automatically: $ mmgen-txcreate bc1qj87nveegsvwmz8yj759xgua2vx2tzsywlny44t,0.123 01ABCDEF:B Same as above, but select the change address automatically by address type: $ mmgen-txcreate bc1qj87nveegsvwmz8yj759xgua2vx2tzsywlny44t,0.123 B Same as above, but reduce verbosity and specify fee of 20 satoshis per byte: $ mmgen-txcreate -q -f 20s bc1qj87nveegsvwmz8yj759xgua2vx2tzsywlny44t,0.123 B Send entire balance of selected inputs minus fee to an external Bitcoin address: $ mmgen-txcreate bc1qj87nveegsvwmz8yj759xgua2vx2tzsywlny44t Send entire balance of selected inputs minus fee to first unused wallet address of specified type: $ mmgen-txcreate B MMGEN v15.1.dev18 March 2025 MMGEN-TXCREATE(1) ```