```text GENERAL USAGE INFORMATION FOR MMGEN-TOOL COMMANDS Arguments with only type specified in square brackets are required Arguments with both type and default value specified in square brackets are optional and must be specified in the form ‘name=value’ For more detailed usage information for a particular tool command, type ‘mmgen-tool help ’ Help/usage commands: help command_name [str=''] usage command_name [str=''] General string conversion and hashing utilities: b32tohex b32_str [str or STDIN] pad [int=0] b58chktohex b58chk_str [str or STDIN] b58tobytes b58_str [str or STDIN] pad [int=0] b58tohex b58_str [str or STDIN] pad [int=0] b6dtohex b6d_str [str or STDIN] pad [int=0] bytespec dd_style_byte_specifier [str] bytestob58 infile [str] pad [int=0] hash160 hexstr [str or STDIN] hash256 data [str] file_input [bool=False] hex_input [bool=False] hexdump infile [str] cols [int=8] line_nums [str='hex'] hexlify infile [str] hexreverse hexstr [str or STDIN] hextob32 hexstr [str or STDIN] pad [int=0] hextob58 hexstr [str or STDIN] pad [int=0] hextob58chk hexstr [str or STDIN] hextob6d hexstr [str or STDIN] pad [int=0] add_spaces [bool=True] id6 infile [str] id8 infile [str] randb58 nbytes [int=32] pad [int=0] randhex nbytes [int=32] str2id6 string [str or STDIN] to_bytespec n [int] dd_style_byte_specifier [str] fmt [str='0.2'] print_sym [bool=True] strip [bool=False] add_space [bool=False] unhexdump infile [str] unhexlify hexstr [str or STDIN] Cryptocoin key/address utilities: May require use of the '--coin', '--type' and/or '--testnet' options Examples: mmgen-tool --coin=ltc --type=bech32 wif2addr mmgen-tool --coin=zec --type=zcash_z randpair addr2pubhash addr [str or STDIN] addr2scriptpubkey addr [str or STDIN] eth_checksummed_addr addr [str or STDIN] hex2wif privhex [str or STDIN] privhex2addr privhex [str or STDIN] privhex2pubhex privhex [str or STDIN] pubhash2addr pubhashhex [str or STDIN] pubhex2addr pubkeyhex [str or STDIN] pubhex2redeem_script pubkeyhex [str or STDIN] randpair randwif redeem_script2addr redeem_script_hex [str or STDIN] scriptpubkey2addr hexstr [str or STDIN] wif2addr wifkey [str or STDIN] wif2hex wifkey [str or STDIN] wif2redeem_script wifkey [str or STDIN] wif2segwit_pair wifkey [str or STDIN] Seed phrase utilities: Supported seed phrase formats: 'mmgen' (default), 'bip39', 'xmrseed' IMPORTANT NOTE: MMGen Wallet’s default seed phrase format uses the Electrum wordlist, however seed phrases are computed using a different algorithm and are NOT Electrum-compatible! BIP39 support is fully compatible with the standard, allowing users to import and export seed entropy from BIP39-compatible wallets. However, users should be aware that BIP39 support does not imply BIP32 support! MMGen uses its own key derivation scheme differing from the one described by the BIP32 protocol. For Monero (‘xmrseed’) seed phrases, input data is reduced to a spendkey before conversion so that a canonical seed phrase is produced. This is required because Monero seeds, unlike ordinary wallet seeds, are tied to a concrete key/address pair. To manually generate a Monero spendkey, use the ‘hex2wif’ command. hex2mn hexstr [str or STDIN] fmt [str='mmgen'] mn2hex seed_mnemonic [str or STDIN] fmt [str='mmgen'] mn2hex_interactive fmt [str='mmgen'] mn_len [int=24] print_mn [bool=False] mn_printlist fmt [str='mmgen'] enum [bool=False] pager [bool=False] mn_rand128 fmt [str='mmgen'] mn_rand192 fmt [str='mmgen'] mn_rand256 fmt [str='mmgen'] mn_stats fmt [str='mmgen'] Utilities for viewing/checking MMGen address and transaction files: addrfile_chksum mmgen_addrfile [str] keyaddrfile_chksum mmgen_keyaddrfile [str] viewkeyaddrfile_chksum mmgen_viewkeyaddrfile [str] passwdfile_chksum mmgen_passwdfile [str] txview mmgen_tx_file(s) [str] pager [bool=False] terse [bool=False] sort [str='addr'] filesort [str='mtime'] File encryption and decryption: MMGen encryption suite: * Key: Scrypt (user-configurable hash parameters, 32-byte salt) * Enc: AES256_CTR, 16-byte rand IV, sha256 hash + 32-byte nonce + data * The encrypted file is indistinguishable from random data decrypt infile [str] outfile [str=''] hash_preset [str=''] encrypt infile [str] outfile [str=''] hash_preset [str=''] File utilities: decrypt_keystore wallet_file [str] output_hex [bool=False] decrypt_geth_keystore wallet_file [str] check_addr [bool=True] find_incog_data filename [str] incog_id [str] keep_searching [bool=False] rand2file outfile [str] nbytes [str] threads [int=4] silent [bool=False] Key, address or subseed generation from an MMGen wallet: gen_addr mmgen_addr [str] wallet [str=''] gen_key mmgen_addr [str] wallet [str=''] get_subseed subseed_idx [str] wallet [str=''] get_subseed_by_seed_id seed_id [str] wallet [str=''] last_idx [int=100] list_shares share_count [int] id_str [str='default'] master_share [int=0] wallet [str=''] list_subseeds subseed_idx_range [str] wallet [str=''] Tracking-wallet commands using the JSON-RPC interface: add_label mmgen_or_coin_addr [str] label [str] daemon_version getbalance minconf [int=1] quiet [bool=False] pager [bool=False] listaddress mmgen_addr [str] wide [bool=False] minconf [int=1] showcoinaddr [bool=True] age_fmt [str='confs'] listaddresses pager [bool=False] reverse [bool=False] wide [bool=False] minconf [int=1] sort [str=''] age_fmt [str='confs'] interactive [bool=False] mmgen_addrs [str=''] showcoinaddrs [bool=True] showempty [bool=True] showused [int=1] all_labels [bool=False] remove_address mmgen_or_coin_addr [str] remove_label mmgen_or_coin_addr [str] rescan_address mmgen_or_coin_addr [str] rescan_blockchain start_block [int=None] stop_block [int=None] resolve_address mmgen_or_coin_addr [str] twexport include_amts [bool=True] pretty [bool=False] prune [bool=False] warn_used [bool=False] force [bool=False] twimport filename [str] ignore_checksum [bool=False] batch [bool=False] twview pager [bool=False] reverse [bool=False] wide [bool=False] minconf [int=1] sort [str='age'] age_fmt [str='confs'] interactive [bool=False] show_mmid [bool=True] txhist pager [bool=False] reverse [bool=False] detail [bool=False] sinceblock [int=0] sort [str='age'] age_fmt [str='confs'] interactive [bool=False] To force a command to read from STDIN instead of file (for commands taking a filename as their first argument), substitute "-" for the filename. EXAMPLES: Generate a random LTC Bech32 public/private keypair: $ mmgen-tool -r0 --coin=ltc --type=bech32 randpair Generate a DASH address with compressed public key from the supplied WIF key: $ mmgen-tool --coin=dash --type=compressed wif2addr XJkVRC3eGKurc9Uzx1wfQoio3yqkmaXVqLMTa6y7s3M3jTBnmxfw Generate a well-known burn address: $ mmgen-tool hextob58chk 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Generate a random 12-word seed phrase: $ mmgen-tool -r0 mn_rand128 fmt=bip39 Same as above, but get additional entropy from user: $ mmgen-tool mn_rand128 fmt=bip39 Encode bytes from a file to base 58: $ mmgen-tool bytestob58 /etc/timezone pad=20 Reverse a hex string: $ mmgen-tool hexreverse "deadbeefcafe" Same as above, but supply input via STDIN: $ echo "deadbeefcafe" | mmgen-tool hexreverse - MMGEN v15.1.dev18 March 2025 MMGEN-TOOL(USAGE)(1) ```