# Detailed usage information for `mmgen-tool` commands
## Table of Contents
* [General string conversion and hashing utilities](#a_1)
* [Cryptocoin key/address utilities](#a_2)
* [Seed phrase utilities](#a_3)
* [Utilities for viewing/checking MMGen address and transaction files](#a_4)
* [File encryption and decryption](#a_5)
* [File utilities](#a_6)
* [Key, address or subseed generation from an MMGen wallet](#a_7)
* [Tracking-wallet commands using the JSON-RPC interface](#a_8)
## General string conversion and hashing utilities:
### `mmgen-tool b32tohex`
Convert an MMGen-flavor base 32 string to hexadecimal
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] b32tohex ARG [KEYWORD ARG]
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
b32_str [str] (use '-' to read from STDIN)
Optional KEYWORD ARG (type and default value shown in square brackets):
pad [int=0] Pad output to this width
### `mmgen-tool b58chktohex`
Convert a base58-check encoded string to hexadecimal
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] b58chktohex ARG
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
b58chk_str [str] (use '-' to read from STDIN)
### `mmgen-tool b58tobytes`
Convert a base 58 string to bytes (warning: outputs binary data)
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] b58tobytes ARG [KEYWORD ARG]
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
b58_str [str] (use '-' to read from STDIN)
Optional KEYWORD ARG (type and default value shown in square brackets):
pad [int=0] Pad output to this width
### `mmgen-tool b58tohex`
Convert a base 58 string to hexadecimal
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] b58tohex ARG [KEYWORD ARG]
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
b58_str [str] (use '-' to read from STDIN)
Optional KEYWORD ARG (type and default value shown in square brackets):
pad [int=0] Pad output to this width
### `mmgen-tool b6dtohex`
Convert a die roll base6 (base6d) string to hexadecimal
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] b6dtohex ARG [KEYWORD ARG]
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
b6d_str [str] (use '-' to read from STDIN)
Optional KEYWORD ARG (type and default value shown in square brackets):
pad [int=0] Pad output to this width
### `mmgen-tool bytespec`
Convert a byte specifier such as ‘4GB’ into an integer
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] bytespec ARG
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
dd_style_byte_specifier [str]
Valid specifiers:
c = 1
w = 2
b = 512
kB = 1000
K = 1024
MB = 1000000
M = 1048576
GB = 1000000000
G = 1073741824
TB = 1000000000000
T = 1099511627776
PB = 1000000000000000
P = 1125899906842624
EB = 1000000000000000000
E = 1152921504606846976
### `mmgen-tool bytestob58`
Convert bytes to base 58 (supply data via STDIN)
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] bytestob58 ARG [KEYWORD ARG]
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
infile [str]
Optional KEYWORD ARG (type and default value shown in square brackets):
pad [int=0] Pad output to this width
### `mmgen-tool hash160`
Compute ripemd160(sha256(data)) (convert hex pubkey to hex addr)
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] hash160 ARG
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
hexstr [str] (use '-' to read from STDIN)
### `mmgen-tool hash256`
Compute sha256(sha256(data)) (double sha256)
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] hash256 ARG [KEYWORD ARGS]
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
data [str]
Optional KEYWORD ARGS (type and default value shown in square brackets):
file_input [bool=False] First arg is the name of a file containing the data
hex_input [bool=False] First arg is a hexadecimal string
### `mmgen-tool hexdump`
Create hexdump of data from file (use '-' for stdin)
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] hexdump ARG [KEYWORD ARGS]
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
infile [str]
Optional KEYWORD ARGS (type and default value shown in square brackets):
cols [int=8] Number of columns in output
line_nums [str='hex'] Format for line numbers (valid choices: 'hex','dec')
### `mmgen-tool hexlify`
Convert bytes in file to hexadecimal (use '-' for stdin)
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] hexlify ARG
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
infile [str]
### `mmgen-tool hexreverse`
Reverse bytes of a hexadecimal string
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] hexreverse ARG
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
hexstr [str] (use '-' to read from STDIN)
### `mmgen-tool hextob32`
Convert a hexadecimal string to an MMGen-flavor base 32 string
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] hextob32 ARG [KEYWORD ARG]
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
hexstr [str] (use '-' to read from STDIN)
Optional KEYWORD ARG (type and default value shown in square brackets):
pad [int=0] Pad output to this width
### `mmgen-tool hextob58`
Convert a hexadecimal string to base 58
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] hextob58 ARG [KEYWORD ARG]
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
hexstr [str] (use '-' to read from STDIN)
Optional KEYWORD ARG (type and default value shown in square brackets):
pad [int=0] Pad output to this width
### `mmgen-tool hextob58chk`
Convert a hexadecimal string to base58-check encoding
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] hextob58chk ARG
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
hexstr [str] (use '-' to read from STDIN)
### `mmgen-tool hextob6d`
Convert a hexadecimal string to die roll base6 (base6d)
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] hextob6d ARG [KEYWORD ARGS]
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
hexstr [str] (use '-' to read from STDIN)
Optional KEYWORD ARGS (type and default value shown in square brackets):
pad [int=0] Pad output to this width
add_spaces [bool=True] Add a space after every 5th character
### `mmgen-tool id6`
Generate 6-character MMGen ID for a file (use '-' for stdin)
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] id6 ARG
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
infile [str]
### `mmgen-tool id8`
Generate 8-character MMGen ID for a file (use '-' for stdin)
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] id8 ARG
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
infile [str]
### `mmgen-tool randb58`
Generate random data (default: 32 bytes) and convert it to base 58
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] randb58 [KEYWORD ARGS]
Optional KEYWORD ARGS (type and default value shown in square brackets):
nbytes [int=32] Number of bytes to output
pad [int=0] Pad output to this width
### `mmgen-tool randhex`
Print 'n' bytes (default 32) of random data in hex format
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] randhex [KEYWORD ARG]
Optional KEYWORD ARG (type and default value shown in square brackets):
nbytes [int=32] Number of bytes to output
### `mmgen-tool str2id6`
Generate 6-character MMGen ID for a string, ignoring spaces in string
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] str2id6 ARG
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
string [str] (use '-' to read from STDIN)
### `mmgen-tool to_bytespec`
Convert an integer to a byte specifier such as ‘4GB’
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] to_bytespec ARGS [KEYWORD ARGS]
Required ARGS (type shown in square brackets):
n [int]
dd_style_byte_specifier [str]
Optional KEYWORD ARGS (type and default value shown in square brackets):
fmt [str='0.2'] Width and precision of output
print_sym [bool=True] Print the specifier after the numerical value
strip [bool=False] Strip trailing zeroes
add_space [bool=False] With print_sym, add space between value and specifier
Supported specifiers:
c = 1
w = 2
b = 512
kB = 1000
K = 1024
MB = 1000000
M = 1048576
GB = 1000000000
G = 1073741824
TB = 1000000000000
T = 1099511627776
PB = 1000000000000000
P = 1125899906842624
EB = 1000000000000000000
E = 1152921504606846976
### `mmgen-tool unhexdump`
Decode hexdump from file (use '-' for stdin) (warning: outputs binary data)
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] unhexdump ARG
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
infile [str]
### `mmgen-tool unhexlify`
Convert a hexadecimal string to bytes (warning: outputs binary data)
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] unhexlify ARG
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
hexstr [str] (use '-' to read from STDIN)
## Cryptocoin key/address utilities:
### `mmgen-tool addr2pubhash`
Convert coin address to public key hash
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] addr2pubhash ARG
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
addr [str] (use '-' to read from STDIN)
### `mmgen-tool addr2scriptpubkey`
Convert coin address to scriptPubKey
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] addr2scriptpubkey ARG
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
addr [str] (use '-' to read from STDIN)
### `mmgen-tool eth_checksummed_addr`
Create a checksummed Ethereum address
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] eth_checksummed_addr ARG
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
addr [str] (use '-' to read from STDIN)
### `mmgen-tool hex2wif`
Convert a private key from hexadecimal to WIF format
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] hex2wif ARG
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
privhex [str] (use '-' to read from STDIN)
### `mmgen-tool privhex2addr`
Generate a coin address from raw hexadecimal private key data
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] privhex2addr ARG
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
privhex [str] (use '-' to read from STDIN)
### `mmgen-tool privhex2pubhex`
Generate a hexadecimal public key from raw hexadecimal private key data
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] privhex2pubhex ARG
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
privhex [str] (use '-' to read from STDIN)
### `mmgen-tool pubhash2addr`
Convert public key hash to address
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] pubhash2addr ARG
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
pubhashhex [str] (use '-' to read from STDIN)
### `mmgen-tool pubhex2addr`
Convert a hexadecimal pubkey to an address
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] pubhex2addr ARG
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
pubkeyhex [str] (use '-' to read from STDIN)
### `mmgen-tool pubhex2redeem_script`
Convert a hexadecimal pubkey to a Segwit P2SH-P2WPKH redeem script
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] pubhex2redeem_script ARG
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
pubkeyhex [str] (use '-' to read from STDIN)
### `mmgen-tool randpair`
Generate a random private key/address pair
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] randpair
### `mmgen-tool randwif`
Generate a random private key in WIF format
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] randwif
### `mmgen-tool redeem_script2addr`
Convert a Segwit P2SH-P2WPKH redeem script to an address
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] redeem_script2addr ARG
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
redeem_script_hex [str] (use '-' to read from STDIN)
### `mmgen-tool scriptpubkey2addr`
Convert scriptPubKey to coin address
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] scriptpubkey2addr ARG
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
hexstr [str] (use '-' to read from STDIN)
### `mmgen-tool wif2addr`
Generate a coin address from a key in WIF format
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] wif2addr ARG
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
wifkey [str] (use '-' to read from STDIN)
### `mmgen-tool wif2hex`
Convert a private key from WIF to hexadecimal format
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] wif2hex ARG
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
wifkey [str] (use '-' to read from STDIN)
### `mmgen-tool wif2redeem_script`
Convert a WIF private key to a Segwit P2SH-P2WPKH redeem script
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] wif2redeem_script ARG
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
wifkey [str] (use '-' to read from STDIN)
### `mmgen-tool wif2segwit_pair`
Generate a Segwit P2SH-P2WPKH redeem script and address from a WIF private key
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] wif2segwit_pair ARG
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
wifkey [str] (use '-' to read from STDIN)
## Seed phrase utilities:
### `mmgen-tool hex2mn`
Convert a 16, 24 or 32-byte hexadecimal string to a mnemonic seed phrase
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] hex2mn ARG [KEYWORD ARG]
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
hexstr [str] (use '-' to read from STDIN)
Optional KEYWORD ARG (type and default value shown in square brackets):
fmt [str='mmgen'] Seed phrase format (valid choices: 'mmgen','bip39','xmrseed')
### `mmgen-tool mn2hex`
Convert a mnemonic seed phrase to a hexadecimal string
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] mn2hex ARG [KEYWORD ARG]
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
seed_mnemonic [str] (use '-' to read from STDIN)
Optional KEYWORD ARG (type and default value shown in square brackets):
fmt [str='mmgen'] Seed phrase format (valid choices: 'mmgen','bip39','xmrseed')
### `mmgen-tool mn2hex_interactive`
Convert an interactively supplied mnemonic seed phrase to a hexadecimal string
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] mn2hex_interactive [KEYWORD ARGS]
Optional KEYWORD ARGS (type and default value shown in square brackets):
fmt [str='mmgen'] Seed phrase format (valid choices: 'mmgen','bip39','xmrseed')
mn_len [int=24] Length of seed phrase in words
print_mn [bool=False] Print the seed phrase after entry
### `mmgen-tool mn_printlist`
Print a mnemonic wordlist
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] mn_printlist [KEYWORD ARGS]
Optional KEYWORD ARGS (type and default value shown in square brackets):
fmt [str='mmgen'] Seed phrase format (valid choices: 'mmgen','bip39','xmrseed')
enum [bool=False] Enumerate the list
pager [bool=False] Send output to pager
### `mmgen-tool mn_rand128`
Generate a random 128-bit mnemonic seed phrase
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] mn_rand128 [KEYWORD ARG]
Optional KEYWORD ARG (type and default value shown in square brackets):
fmt [str='mmgen'] Seed phrase format (valid choices: 'mmgen','bip39','xmrseed')
### `mmgen-tool mn_rand192`
Generate a random 192-bit mnemonic seed phrase
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] mn_rand192 [KEYWORD ARG]
Optional KEYWORD ARG (type and default value shown in square brackets):
fmt [str='mmgen'] Seed phrase format (valid choices: 'mmgen','bip39','xmrseed')
### `mmgen-tool mn_rand256`
Generate a random 256-bit mnemonic seed phrase
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] mn_rand256 [KEYWORD ARG]
Optional KEYWORD ARG (type and default value shown in square brackets):
fmt [str='mmgen'] Seed phrase format (valid choices: 'mmgen','bip39','xmrseed')
### `mmgen-tool mn_stats`
Show stats for a mnemonic wordlist
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] mn_stats [KEYWORD ARG]
Optional KEYWORD ARG (type and default value shown in square brackets):
fmt [str='mmgen'] Seed phrase format (valid choices: 'mmgen','bip39','xmrseed')
## Utilities for viewing/checking MMGen address and transaction files:
### `mmgen-tool addrfile_chksum`
Compute checksum for MMGen address file
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] addrfile_chksum ARG
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
mmgen_addrfile [str]
### `mmgen-tool keyaddrfile_chksum`
Compute checksum for MMGen key-address file
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] keyaddrfile_chksum ARG
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
mmgen_keyaddrfile [str]
### `mmgen-tool viewkeyaddrfile_chksum`
Compute checksum for MMGen key-address file
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] viewkeyaddrfile_chksum ARG
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
mmgen_viewkeyaddrfile [str]
### `mmgen-tool passwdfile_chksum`
Compute checksum for MMGen password file
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] passwdfile_chksum ARG
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
mmgen_passwdfile [str]
### `mmgen-tool txview`
Display specified raw or signed MMGen transaction files in human-readable form
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] txview ARG [KEYWORD ARGS]
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
mmgen_tx_file(s) [str]
Optional KEYWORD ARGS (type and default value shown in square brackets):
pager [bool=False] Send output to pager
terse [bool=False] Produce compact tabular output
sort [str='addr'] Sort order for transaction inputs and outputs (valid choices: 'addr','raw')
filesort [str='mtime'] File sort order (valid choices: 'mtime','ctime','atime')
## File encryption and decryption:
### `mmgen-tool decrypt`
Decrypt a file
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] decrypt ARG [KEYWORD ARGS]
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
infile [str]
Optional KEYWORD ARGS (type and default value shown in square brackets):
outfile [str='']
hash_preset [str='']
### `mmgen-tool encrypt`
Encrypt a file
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] encrypt ARG [KEYWORD ARGS]
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
infile [str]
Optional KEYWORD ARGS (type and default value shown in square brackets):
outfile [str='']
hash_preset [str='']
## File utilities:
### `mmgen-tool decrypt_keystore`
Decrypt the data in a keystore wallet, returning the decrypted data in binary format
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] decrypt_keystore ARG [KEYWORD ARG]
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
wallet_file [str]
Optional KEYWORD ARG (type and default value shown in square brackets):
output_hex [bool=False]
### `mmgen-tool decrypt_geth_keystore`
Decrypt the private key in a Geth keystore wallet, returning the decrypted key in hex format
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] decrypt_geth_keystore ARG [KEYWORD ARG]
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
wallet_file [str]
Optional KEYWORD ARG (type and default value shown in square brackets):
check_addr [bool=True]
### `mmgen-tool find_incog_data`
Use an Incog ID to find hidden incognito wallet data
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] find_incog_data ARGS [KEYWORD ARG]
Required ARGS (type shown in square brackets):
filename [str]
incog_id [str]
Optional KEYWORD ARG (type and default value shown in square brackets):
keep_searching [bool=False] Continue search after finding data (ID collisions can yield false positives)
### `mmgen-tool rand2file`
Write ‘nbytes’ bytes of random data to specified file (dd-style byte specifiers supported)
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] rand2file ARGS [KEYWORD ARGS]
Required ARGS (type shown in square brackets):
outfile [str]
nbytes [str]
Optional KEYWORD ARGS (type and default value shown in square brackets):
threads [int=4]
silent [bool=False]
Valid specifiers:
c = 1
w = 2
b = 512
kB = 1000
K = 1024
MB = 1000000
M = 1048576
GB = 1000000000
G = 1073741824
TB = 1000000000000
T = 1099511627776
PB = 1000000000000000
P = 1125899906842624
EB = 1000000000000000000
E = 1152921504606846976
## Key, address or subseed generation from an MMGen wallet:
### `mmgen-tool gen_addr`
Generate a single MMGen address from default or specified wallet
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] gen_addr ARG [KEYWORD ARG]
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
mmgen_addr [str]
Optional KEYWORD ARG (type and default value shown in square brackets):
wallet [str='']
### `mmgen-tool gen_key`
Generate a single WIF key for specified MMGen address from default or specified wallet
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] gen_key ARG [KEYWORD ARG]
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
mmgen_addr [str]
Optional KEYWORD ARG (type and default value shown in square brackets):
wallet [str='']
### `mmgen-tool get_subseed`
Get the Seed ID of a single subseed by Subseed Index for default or specified wallet
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] get_subseed ARG [KEYWORD ARG]
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
subseed_idx [str]
Optional KEYWORD ARG (type and default value shown in square brackets):
wallet [str='']
### `mmgen-tool get_subseed_by_seed_id`
Get the Subseed Index of a single subseed by Seed ID for default or specified wallet
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] get_subseed_by_seed_id ARG [KEYWORD ARGS]
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
seed_id [str]
Optional KEYWORD ARGS (type and default value shown in square brackets):
wallet [str='']
last_idx [int=100]
### `mmgen-tool list_shares`
List the Seed IDs of the shares resulting from a split of default or specified wallet
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] list_shares ARG [KEYWORD ARGS]
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
share_count [int]
Optional KEYWORD ARGS (type and default value shown in square brackets):
id_str [str='default']
master_share [int=0] (min:1, max:1024, 0=no master share)
wallet [str='']
### `mmgen-tool list_subseeds`
List a range of subseed Seed IDs for default or specified wallet
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] list_subseeds ARG [KEYWORD ARG]
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
subseed_idx_range [str]
Optional KEYWORD ARG (type and default value shown in square brackets):
wallet [str='']
## Tracking-wallet commands using the JSON-RPC interface:
### `mmgen-tool add_label`
Add descriptive label for address in tracking wallet
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] add_label ARGS
Required ARGS (type shown in square brackets):
mmgen_or_coin_addr [str]
label [str]
### `mmgen-tool daemon_version`
Print coin daemon version
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] daemon_version
### `mmgen-tool getbalance`
List confirmed/unconfirmed, spendable/unspendable balances in tracking wallet
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] getbalance [KEYWORD ARGS]
Optional KEYWORD ARGS (type and default value shown in square brackets):
minconf [int=1] Minimum number of confirmations
quiet [bool=False] Produce quieter output
pager [bool=False] Send output to pager
### `mmgen-tool listaddress`
List the specified MMGen address in the tracking wallet and its balance
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] listaddress ARG [KEYWORD ARGS]
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
mmgen_addr [str]
Optional KEYWORD ARGS (type and default value shown in square brackets):
wide [bool=False] Display data in wide tabular format
minconf [int=1] Minimum number of confirmations
showcoinaddr [bool=True] Display coin address in addition to MMGen ID
age_fmt [str='confs'] Format for the Age/Date column (valid choices: 'confs','block','days','date','date_time')
### `mmgen-tool listaddresses`
List MMGen addresses in the tracking wallet and their balances
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] listaddresses [KEYWORD ARGS]
Optional KEYWORD ARGS (type and default value shown in square brackets):
pager [bool=False] Send output to pager
reverse [bool=False] Reverse order of unspent outputs
wide [bool=False] Display data in wide tabular format
minconf [int=1] Minimum number of confirmations
sort [str=''] Address sort order (valid choices: 'reverse','mmid','addr','amt')
age_fmt [str='confs'] Format for the Age/Date column (valid choices: 'confs','block','days','date','date_time')
interactive [bool=False] Enable interactive operation
mmgen_addrs [str=''] Hyphenated range or comma-separated list of addresses
showcoinaddrs [bool=True] Display coin addresses in addition to MMGen IDs
showempty [bool=True] Show addresses with no balances
showused [int=1] Show used addresses (tristate: 0=no, 1=yes, 2=all)
all_labels [bool=False] Show all addresses with labels
### `mmgen-tool remove_address`
Remove an address from tracking wallet
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] remove_address ARG
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
mmgen_or_coin_addr [str]
### `mmgen-tool remove_label`
Remove descriptive label for address in tracking wallet
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] remove_label ARG
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
mmgen_or_coin_addr [str]
### `mmgen-tool rescan_address`
Rescan an address in the tracking wallet to update its balance
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] rescan_address ARG
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
mmgen_or_coin_addr [str]
### `mmgen-tool rescan_blockchain`
Rescan the blockchain to update historical transactions in the tracking wallet
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] rescan_blockchain [KEYWORD ARGS]
Optional KEYWORD ARGS (type and default value shown in square brackets):
start_block [int=None]
stop_block [int=None]
The rescanning process typically takes several hours and may be interrupted
using Ctrl-C. An interrupted rescan may be resumed using the ‘start_block’
### `mmgen-tool resolve_address`
Resolve an MMGen address in the tracking wallet to a coin address or vice-versa
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] resolve_address ARG
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
mmgen_or_coin_addr [str]
### `mmgen-tool twexport`
Export a tracking wallet to JSON format
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] twexport [KEYWORD ARGS]
Optional KEYWORD ARGS (type and default value shown in square brackets):
include_amts [bool=True]
pretty [bool=False]
prune [bool=False]
warn_used [bool=False]
force [bool=False]
If ‘include_amts’ is true (the default), Ethereum balances will be restored
from the dump upon import. For Bitcoin and forks, amount fields in the dump
are ignored.
If ‘pretty’ is true, JSON will be dumped in human-readable format to allow
for editing of comment fields.
If ‘prune’ is true, an interactive menu will be launched allowing the user
to prune unwanted addresses before creating the JSON dump. Pruning has no
effect on the existing tracking wallet.
If ‘warn_used’ is true, the user will be prompted before pruning used
If ‘force’ is true, any existing dump will be overwritten without prompting.
### `mmgen-tool twimport`
Restore a tracking wallet from a JSON dump created by ‘twexport’
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] twimport ARG [KEYWORD ARGS]
Required ARG (type shown in square brackets):
filename [str]
Optional KEYWORD ARGS (type and default value shown in square brackets):
ignore_checksum [bool=False]
batch [bool=False]
If comment fields in the JSON dump have been edited, ‘ignore_checksum’ must
be set to true.
The restored tracking wallet will have correct balances but no record of
historical transactions. These may be restored by running ‘mmgen-tool
### `mmgen-tool twview`
View tracking wallet unspent outputs
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] twview [KEYWORD ARGS]
Optional KEYWORD ARGS (type and default value shown in square brackets):
pager [bool=False] Send output to pager
reverse [bool=False] Reverse order of unspent outputs
wide [bool=False] Display data in wide tabular format
minconf [int=1] Minimum number of confirmations
sort [str='age'] Unspent output sort order (valid choices: 'addr','age','amt','txid','twmmid')
age_fmt [str='confs'] Format for the Age/Date column (valid choices: 'confs','block','days','date','date_time')
interactive [bool=False] Enable interactive operation
show_mmid [bool=True] Show MMGen IDs along with coin addresses
### `mmgen-tool txhist`
View transaction history of tracking wallet
USAGE: mmgen-tool [OPTS] txhist [KEYWORD ARGS]
Optional KEYWORD ARGS (type and default value shown in square brackets):
pager [bool=False] Send output to pager
reverse [bool=False] Reverse order of transactions
detail [bool=False] Produce detailed, non-tabular output
sinceblock [int=0] Display transactions starting from this block
sort [str='age'] Transaction sort order (valid choices: 'age','blockheight','amt','total_amt','txid')
age_fmt [str='confs'] Format for the Age/Date column (valid choices: 'confs','block','days','date','date_time')
interactive [bool=False] Enable interactive operation
MMGEN v15.1.dev18 March 2025 MMGEN-TOOL(DETAIL)(1)